a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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I’ve decided to make October Poetry Prompts. Use #apoets31fallprompts
and tag me @a-poets-life-2-live
Also check out my Instagram account @a_poets_life if you can’t see this picture clearly. I’m also doing this October Poetry Prompt on Instagram as well.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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My second post for my poetry prompt for September. Prompt- Time’s Up.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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Here are the last 15 prompts of the September Poetry Prompts.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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Here’s the first 15 prompts of my September Poetry Prompts. (A closer view of them.) I will post the last 15 in the next post.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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My first poem for my daily poetry prompt- Last Night. Check out my last post for all of my September Prompts.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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Come check out my poetry prompts for September. You can use the prompts anyway you’d like to, just as long as it’s in a poem form. And make sure you hashtag #poetslifeprompts and tag me in your posts- @a-poets-life-2-live
Can’t wait to see what y’all post. And this is my very first prompt challenge so I hope you enjoy and the hashtag works.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
We Just Met
We just met not too long ago,
And you have yet to see me for who I am
All of my flaws and mistakes
When we are talking
Little do you know
All the scars that cover me
Both emotionally and physically
As we continue our conversation
Will you stick around long enough to hear my story
And hear how life tried to beat me down,
But throughout our conversations shall you see me for who I am
Though I ask of you—
After this first encounter ends
Please remember not to leave me without saying goodbye ,
We just met not too long ago
And I feel as though this conversation will last for a bit longer.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
The faint sounds of muffled celebration could be heard through the walls, the sounds echoing through the lonely halls of the mansion even with the great distance between you. Despite the noise and just how many of them were gathered here, you knew you had little to worry about. They were a cocky bunch, assured of their own victory, and all very very drunk, you had checked. 
As you finally arrived in the hall you had been searching for, you took a moment to rest against the wall, the weak irregular pounding of your heart sounding in your head as you dragged in shaky rasping breaths. Far too long had you been forced to sit aside and watch your family do unspeakable things in the name of “God”, too weak to take an active roll in stopping them. You had done little things to sabotage them, not that they knew, but there was so little you could do when you weren’t even strong enough to leave the house.
After what they had done this week however, you could no longer stand aside. They had always been vicious and cruel, using God as an excuse to do unspeakable evils. Their most recent hunt, had led them to capturing a family of peace loving vampires, two parents with three half vampire children. They intended to bind the parents and children, and force them to watch each other burn for their “sins”, the sin of existing.
It was the final straw for you, hearing how gleeful they were over something so deranged. So here you were, pushing your fragile body to a point you knew you wouldn’t be able to return from. 
Shakily, you pushed yourself upright again, feeling some of the pain in your chest fade slightly. With trembling hands, you carefully opened up the secret door to the cells bellow, and made your way down the dark stairs. There were others that your family had caught, two werewolves, a witch, and one other vampire, who had been here even longer, your family having captured them a few weeks back. 
They had been too powerful to be executed in the way they wanted to immediately, and so they had remained down here, being fed only enough to keep them alive, or in the vampires cases, not at all. You had always done what you could for those locked away down here, but this time you had gotten help. Two of the kitchen maids had ended up being witches, having gotten jobs here simply to help the other witch escape. 
You had discovered what they were instantly, having always had a strange ability to feel a beings true nature, and approached them carefully. They had been wary at first, but soon began helping you. With their help, you had managed to bring food down to the prisoners once a day while your family were otherwise indisposed. Though you had no human blood to offer, your body far too weak to be of use, you had managed to keep the vampires fed and strong with pigs blood, in preparation for their escape.
The witch had warmed up to you first, having trusted you the moment you passed along the message from the other two. After her, the werewolves had slowly come around, able to scent your lack of deceit when you answered their questions. Even the family of vampires had warmed up to you quickly when you had gently calmed and soothed their children, your family having separated the little kids from the parents, just to fulfil their own amusement at their suffering. 
The only one who you were unsure of, was the lone vampire. He had been there the longest, and you still remembered the loud celebration they’d had after they had finally captured him, as well as the casualties. He was their biggest catch, and his power was why they were so wary with him, wanting him as weak as possible before they tried to officially kill the creature.
He was definitely an intimidating image, one glance from him enough to have anyone fearing for their life. You could tell that he was on an entirely different level to anything your family had ever dealt with before, and something told you that it would take very little for him to break out. For some reason though, he remained.
Unlike the others, the vampire had never spoken a word to you, watching you silently and intently with his hellfire gaze. Despite his silence, he had never made a move to harm you, remaining perfectly still whenever you arrived, his gaze following you like a physical touch until you had once more left, often with a light flutter in your chest that had nothing to do with your weakened state. 
Shaking away your thoughts, you stepped into the room, smiling weakly at the children as they perked up at the sight of you. Seeing the keys in your hand, the rest of them perked up as well. Carefully, you went to the children first, unlocking the cell door and then carefully unbinding each of them, frowning at the sight of the burns around their tiny ankles. Next came the parents, who instantly gathered their children close once they were free. 
Silently, you let them have their moment, knowing they needed to calm their children and themselves if they were going to escape properly. Soon enough you had the witch released, who thanked you before heading to the far wall that you had pointed out. The two werewolves practically tackled each other once they were free, nuzzling each others necks as they cried, soothing their inner wolf with the knowledge that they were no longer separated from their mate. 
Suddenly, pain flared in your chest, and you subtly leaned against one of the cells, trying to ride out the wave of agony that overtook you. Once it had calmed enough, you opened your eyes and looked up, freezing as you found yourself meeting the knowing gaze of the one vampire you had yet to free. In that moment, you could tell that he knew.
You were dying.
Pressing your lips in a firm line, you shakily straightened yourself, determinedly making your way over to the final cell. You had known what would happen if you continued to push yourself when you first started this, had known just how close you were to pushing too far. It was unlikely you would live to see the morning, but you couldn’t find it in you to be upset about it, not when your death would undo at least one of your families many many wrongs.
As the lock on the cell door finally clicked open, you looked up, not entirely surprised to see the vampire standing directly before it, free of his bindings as if they had been nothing but a mild inconvenience. Eyes locked with his, you pushed the door open for him and stepped shakily to the side. Behind you, you could hear the quiet sounds of the wall crumbling away at the hands of the three witches, the three of them quickly hugging as they were finally reunited, before beginning to guide the others to freedom using the path you had taught them about. 
“Go… “ You whispered, unsure why he lingered.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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Smoke in her eyes, And a fire raging in her heart, She’s been dealing with life It’s demons and it’s angels, Yet throughout it all She’s remained strong-willed With a fiery passion for Me Through the thick smoke That snuffs out the light She’d find a way back to Me Her one true Friend With smoke in her eyes And a fire raging in her heart She’ll stand beside you And guide you With the compass that points to Me With smoke in her eyes And a fire raging in her heart She’ll conquer and defeat All foes who dare defy her Because within her heart Is an abundant amount of trust for Me For throughout it all I’ve never left her alone Nor will I ever let her walk alone ©2019 @alexiswhitt257 (What do you guys think?) #poetry #beingyoubeingtrue #spilledinkpoetry #writerscreedinstagram #poetsofinstagram #dailypoetry #hopeful #poetrycommunity #lovepoems #poetsandwriters https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz-vCjDlm45/?igshid=1c6uepnu3seon
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
Your breathing is laboured as you press yourself into the tight nook between two branches, your pounding heart seemingly matching the flow of your panicked thoughts. You’ve been running for ages now, but still the rōnin pursue you, though for what, you’re not sure, nor do you want to find out. Their calls and threats certainly hadn’t been pleasant, even before you took one of them down to escape.
How you got to be here, trapped in what seems to be the past, you have no idea, remembering only the violent storm that had taken you the day before. Either way you were now stranded here, with no one to lean on, and six very pissed off rōnin chasing you.
Though you had run past a group on horses, nobles or samurai of some kind, you hadn’t lingered any longer than it took to apologise for running out in front of them, continuing your mad sprint through the trees. You doubted they would have helped you even if you had asked, and so instead you had kept running, the rōnin following not far behind.
Just as you were starting to wonder if you had lost them, all six came crashing into the area, looking around madly for any sign of you and angrily muttering about what they would do once they found you. Shuddering at their words, you pressed more firmly against the tree, doing your best to stay silent and out of sight, praying that none of them would look up.
With your ankle aching the way it was, you had no other choice but to hide and hope they would move on, unable to run any further, even if they did find you. 
Taking one of them down had been a stroke of good luck, your pocket knife having been just enough to put one out of commission permanently, so that you could escape, but now that they were angry and knew that you were “armed”, you had no chance. If they found you, you were royally fucked.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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Check out my profile on Books & Writing
This is a app where you can chat with others about all sorts of stuff. Like books, novel ideas, poetry, and so much more.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
Writerscreed Challenge of the Week, June 30 - July 6, 2019
For week 133 of our Writerscreed Challenges, we have the following prompt:
Casting shadows
You may use the phrase or let it inspire you. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
For our challenges, we accept and encourage all types of writing, you are not restricted in terms of style. We just ask you to please stay on topic and please read our post on topics we do not want glorified and condoned, as they will not be reblogged by us.  All photos and art must be credited.
Tag your post #writerscreedchallenge and we will reblog your work throughout the week. Thanks, and we look forward to reading all your work. If you are concerned that your work was overlooked (Tumblr can be glitchy with tags), please contact @aubriestar   She’s running the prompt this week.
*note: for writing that is not related to the challenge please use the tag #writerscreed*
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to message any one of the administrators or send us an ask in our inbox.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
I write the title, you write the poem, reblog I’ll respond :)
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
It hurts…, I hate
It hurts. It hurts me. When you call me names. Name’s like disgusting, and other synonyms for the tiniest little thing. For every mistake, that I can’t seem to stop myself making
It hurts. It hurts me. When you instigate games. Then you get angry . When I step over an invisible boundary. That didn’t know was there So I wasn’t aware
It hurts. It hurts me. When you list out every fault that you can see that you’ve seen as I’ve grown up over the years. Sometimes it breaks down apart of the dam that I’ve built to hold back my emotions. It seems like you believed that emotions make you weak so most of the time I have learnt to not cry to hold back my tears. Until I’m no longer in the open. Until I’m out of your face, In my bedroom, my near safe place
It hurts. It hurts me. As I think back to the dark times, to the dark days of our relationship.
It hurts. It hurts me. When you make excuses. Like he’s temperamental for the harsh things he does the way he’s like a common animal with a hot temper and constantly gets angry at the apparent attitude in my voice whenever I talk eventhough his tone of voice is usually harsh and often aggressive
It hurts. It hurts me. I feel like you’re still angry, angry with me. For things I’ve done in the past. Like you haven’t forgiven me as you constantly forgive him.
I hate I hate that you are able to make me smile, to make me laugh, after you’ve been horrible to me.
I hate that.
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
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I’ve created two different book covers for my novel ‘Mask of Lies’ and I’m having a hard time deciding which one to choose as the official cover. Can you guys help me decide? And I’m sorry for the first picture being cut off. So either chose Cover 1 (first picture) or Cover 2 (second picture). I can’t wait to see what you guys decide! I also hope you’ll check this novel which is currently on Wattpad and my is: @Alexsaw2 #bookstagram #bookcoverdesign #helpmedecide #authorsofinstagram #authorlife #authorscommunity #writersofinstagram #wattpadstories https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLejeqlTKi/?igshid=1e0w30zt6tppr
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a-poets-life-2-live · 5 years
The Uncertainty of Fate
Using the prompt ‘Tempting Fate’ by @alexprompts
I’m uncertain whether or not I’m just a girl
or if I’m just a ghost lost in limbo
all I know is that I can no longer trust you,
because you’ve strangled what was left of my sanity,
you came into my life like a thief
lurking in the dark
waiting to strike out at my heart
preying on my naïve soul
knowing that sooner than later you’ll strike my life line
the one thing that holds me together
once you find that single strand of humanity left inside of me
you manipulate your way towards it
trying to destroy my way of life
I’ve been tempting fate for far too long
knowing that someday it’ll take away my life
so now I’m uncertain whether or not I’m just a girl
or if I’m just a ghost lost in limbo,
but whatever the case maybe
I’ll never understand why fate gotta be so cruel
cruel enough to crumple my wall
wall of sanity.
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