a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
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This is part of the sources I have found so far, my intention is to keep adding information as I keep learning... should I add the YouTube, TikTok and Tumblr creator that i have found so far?.. I´m gonna think about it.
A lot of research later...
A grimoire is a witch's handbook filled with all the magickal information, rituals, and practices that a witch uses during their lifetime--a key tool of their craft. It does not contain personal information or records of magical workings.
self note: I should think about making a post about the basic but important difference between a Grimoire and an B.O.S.
Books that I want to get my hands on.
The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn and Devin Hunter
Magic of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses by Carl McColman and Kathryn Hinds
The Greek Myths By Robert Graves
The Gods of the Egyptians by E. A. Wallis Budge
Sources to remind you that your witchcraft is political.
Cultural Appropriation in Modern Day Witchcraft and Paganism, a study https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1303&context=honors
Podcast talking about cultural appropriation:                                                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RPaQObRWZ4
Witches of Hoodoo discuss the appropriation of their culture:                    https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qkg93m/black-magic-talking-with-hoodoo-witches
Cultural appropriation of white sage: https://www.willystreet.coop/august-2019/smudge-and-the-cultural-appropriation-issue
Witch by Lisa Lister - Trans-exclusionary
Witchcraft by Anastasia Graywolf - uses slurs for Roma witches and takes from closed Indigenous practices
Silver Ravenwolf: not well researched, lots of misinformation
Grimoire for the Green Witch by Anna moura - heavily religious language, no index, passes Wiccan off as “ancient tradition”
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Hi! So, I asked someone to take care of my plants while I was away for 3 weeks, and she forgot to water two of them. They are still just about alive, but barely and could really use some help. Do you have any spells/charms/whatever to help me out?
[What’s Wrong With Your Plants?] - a list of plant symptoms and tips for solutions.
Write some sigils on their pots, or on paper that you tear up and dissolve in water, then water them with charged (room temperature) moon water.
Place some charged crystals in the top of their soil - clear quartz or most green crystals would be beneficial.
You could try speaking to the spirit of the plant itself to give it encouragement.
Focus some healing energy into it while reciting a chant to encourage recovery and growth.
[Garden Blessing]
[“Grow Well” Herbal Pouch for the Garden]
[Growing Powder]
[House Plant Blessing]
[Plant Growth Spell]
[A Spell for Plant Growth]
[Spell to Encourage Plant Growth]
[Spell to Help a Plant Grow/Resurrect a Plant]
[“Healthy plant growth”]
[“May my plants grow to be healthy and strong”]
[“My plants are healthy”]
[“My plants are healthy”]
[“My plants flourish”]
[“My plants will grow healthily”]
[“My plants will grow in abundance”]
[“My plants will grow swiftly and healthily”]
[“This plant is resilient and grows well”]
[“This plant is strong and healthy”]
[“This plant is thriving and healthy”]
[“This plant will grow strong and healthy”]
I’d suggest doing some further research for actual gardening tips that could help as well. Depending on the plant and what is wrong with it, you may need to do a variety of different mundane things to encourage it back to the healthy side of life. 
Perhaps @spiritvexer would have some advice for you too, depending on the type of plant?
Good luck!
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Herb series: The beginning.
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Hi!, I'm back and with my baby herbs 🌱.
The first info I came across in Tumblr, YouTube and TikTok about magick was about spells and potions, and in all of them the common factor was the used of herbs, plants and flowers with the purpose of manifest.
Because of this it is well known that witches have a strong bond with nature, the nature is sacred, is worship and it should be protected. In nature the Witch not only is able to find ingredients, but it is where we draw energy from. 
Since I live in the city I quietly became aware that having access to nature would be a little difficult, my goal was to find a way to bring the nature as close as possible, and do with it an earth-friendly way.
And so the research process begins: The Elements in Witchcraft, Nature Worship, Artemis, Green Magic, Earth Magic, Ethic Magic, Herbalism, Basic Herbs for Witchcraft, Kitchen Magic... How to not kill plants. 
And finally I went to a local plant market in my neighborhood to purchase my now roommates.  Here is a list of the Herbs that I get with a mini resume:
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l a v e n d e r.
Calms nerves and combats insomnia.
Artemis, Boreas, Eos, Iris.
r o s e m a r y.
Used for cleansing, blessing and purification. Especially in rituals baths.
Venus, Mary, Faeries.
b a s i l.
Used to draw money, good fortune, divination and purification rituals.
Krishna, Vishnu.
b a y.
Used to bring fortune, fulfill wishes and speed healing processes.
Apollo, Ceres, Faunus, Eros, Aesculapius.
t h y m e.
It can dispel negative energies and vibrations. It says that Faeries love it.
Mars, Ares, Faeries.
c h a m o m i l e.
Realeated to de Sun, this herb promotes calm and soothes inflammatory pain.
Lugh, Ra, Cernunnos.
c i n n a m o n.
Technically a spice, cinnamon has many magical uses, ideal for prosperity and success, proteccion, love and all spells related to the spiritual self.
Aphrodite, Dionysus, Mercury.
p e p p e r m i n t.
Digestive issues, this herb is ideal for cleansing and protecting. Is also great addition to any luck spell.
Zeus, Pluto, Hecate, Minthá .
m i n t.
Happiness, healing, love, luck, money, travel, vitality, prosperity, mental ability.
Hades, Nyx, Persephone, Tyche.
g r e e n - t e a.
Energy, inmmunity & cleanse.
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
November 8th, 2020.
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Hi, it's been a while. 🍂
This time I want to wright about a few things that have been happening since I decided to start this journey; with the hope that someone would explain if this things are part of the path I must follow, are there some meanings behind them?...
• 2:40, 3:00, 3:30 and 4:00 a.m.
In the second and third week "something" keeps woking me up during night, either a nightmare that I was just able to remembered in pieces but that would always leaves me feeling really anxious or just "something" that would make me open my eyes.
Every single day I would see the time on my phone and it would be: 2:40, 3:00, 3:30 or 4:00 a.m.
That have stopped, but is something that keeps coming back to my mind.
• Spiders.
Yes, back with the Spiders... they just start appearing everywhere!, I don't know what's going on but it doesn't matter if I'm just watching some Netflix, reading or just about to take a shower a little spider friend is there.
I would love to know if someone has experience something similar during their journey. Does anyone know what's going on with the time and specially with the little ones?.
Please help this confused baby witch.🌙
I hope you have an amazing day or night.
- Mary.
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Use witchcraft WITH modern medicine, not INSTEAD of it.
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
“If you have grieved you have loved. (…)”
— Joanna Klink, from Night Sky in “The Nightfields”
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Types of Witches & Witchcraft
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What is a Witch? A witch can never be truly defined. It is a broad term used to describe a variety of people each of which follow their own paths with no two truly alike. 
Types of Witches
Kitchen Witch: (Cottage witch, Hearth witch) Works mainly within the home. Cares for the house and the family inside it. Prepares the meals and adds there own special magick to it. Provides the home with protection and keeps the house clean. 
Green Witch: Works with nature. Includes working with plants, nature deities, herbal remedies, earth, crystals, and faeries. Incorporates nature deities in their craft such as Pan, Demeter, Epona, Gaia etc.  
Eclectic Witch: Creates their own practice based on information and traditions borrowed from different practices and religions in. In order to create a path that works best for them. (Make sure you are not stealing from closed religions!)
Elemental Witch: A witch that works with the elements (water, earth, fire, air) in their day to day practices.   
Hereditary Witch: A witch that is born into a family of practitioners. They create and continue their families rituals and ceremonies. They commonly have a family grimoire or book of shadows that they pass down through generations. 
Sea Witch: A witch that uses the sea and its materials in their practice. Gets their power from the seas energy. Incorporates shells, salt, saltwater, driftwood, etc into their practices. Works with deities such as Poseidon, Njörðr, Neptune, etc. 
Solitary Witch: A witch who prefers to practice on their own.     
Faerie Witch: Someone who works in peace and harmony with the Fae. They take great care of their garden, place offerings out for the Faerie, and make them feel welcome and at peace.
Cosmic Witch: One who works with the stars, moon, sun, etc.  
Urban Witch: A witch that lives in the city and uses the objects they find for their practice. They come up with creative ways to garden on there small patio and store things in the little space they have. 
Pop Culture Witch: A witch who incorporates characters and ideas from movies, TV shows, and books into their practice. 
Science Witch:  Science witches are basically witches who incorporate the scientific method and ideology into their craft. In my experience no science witch is alike since each individual has their specific idea of how the relationship between science and magic works. A large part of being a science witch seems to be the belief in the placebo effect in relationship between the spellcaster and the spell. Science witchcraft is kind of a blurred line between the laws of science and the known universe and the realm of magic and the laws we can’t see. We believe in the possibility of a crossover between the two and embrace it and use it to our advantage in our craft. Taking into consideration the effect science has on the magic we are using and sometimes crediting the spell result partially to magic and partially to science - sometimes even considering the same thing. -This definition is from @drinkthemoonlight, Very appreciated, Thank you so much! - 
Druidism: A Celtic, nature based religion that works with Mother Earth. 
Wiccan: A  religion that follows it’s own set of rules and guidelines.  Such as the three fold law and “hurt none and do what ye will.”
Pagan: A religion that works closely with nature and it’s deities.
This list barely covers the different types of witches but it is all I can think of for the moment. I will be updating soon. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
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Witchy Self Care & Mindfulness🌻🌿
Artwork by @CraftingWitch on Instagram
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
The makings of a li'l self love witch bottle that I forgot to post some time ago... my bad 😔
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This bottle was created a few months back. It sets on my bedside table. I see it every night before I fall asleep and every morning when I wake. In addition to crafting this bottle, I've been working hard to learn self acceptance and self love - remembering to eat good food, take naps, and stretch. Finally, I think it may be starting to pay off.
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
💎Some Crystals and their meaning in Witchcraft💎
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Recently I am a huge - like really huge - fan of crystals. That’s why I thought that I will try to write a detailed list about crystals and what they are good for. I hope this little list  may be useful for others too.
Anxiety: amazonite, amber, agate, emerald, herkimer quartz, jasper, lepidolite, lodestone, obsidian, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Balancing/Stability: amethyst, desert rose, jasper, pearl, quartz, red jasper, sodalite, turquoise
Banish fear: banded agate, bloodstone, sodalite
Banish negative energy: amethyst, black onyx, black tourmaline, danburite, lepidolite, malachite, onyx, quartz, smokey quartz, tourmaline
Calming: amatonite, herkimer quartz, howlite
Clarity: azurite, citrine, fluorite, hematite, magnetite, obsidian, pietersite, quartz sapphire, smoky quartz
Cleansing: amber, obsidian
Courage: carnelian, hermatite, turquoise
Creativity: amazonite, ametrine, apatite, aventurine, carnelian, celestite, chalcedony, citrine, flourite (blue), lolite, jasper, kunzite, opal, sunstone, tiger’s eye, lapiz lazuli
Divination: bloodstone, obsidian, turquoise
Empathy: aquamarine, blue aventurine, chrome diopside, rose quartz, malachite
Faith: emerald, imperial golden topaz, labradorite, onyx, sodalite, variscite
Friendship: ruby fuchsite, rhodonite, turquoise
Forgivness: rhodonite, rose quartz
Happiness: amazonite, amber, citrine, red goldstone
Harmony: moonstone, rose quartz, sodalite
Healing: amber, angelite, jasper, kyanite, malachite, quartz, rose quartz, turquoise
Help in focuse: banded agate, citrine, lodestone
Hope: blue aventurine
Indivituality: malachite
Inspiration: amazonite,amethyst, ametrine, blue chalgebony, blue goldstone, carnelian, citrine, garnet, orange calcite, quartz
Joy: amazonite, citrine, labradorite
Love: angelite, citrine, desert rose, dragon blood jasper, garnet, jade, opal, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise
Loyalty: dalmatian stone, turquoise
Luck: amazonite, amber, apache tears, aventurine, sapphire, turquoise
Meditation: emerald, herkimer quartz, quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Mind: pyrite, sodalite
Passion: carnelian, garnet, ruby
Peace: amazonite, amethyst, emerald, larimar, lepidolite, rose quartz, selenite, sodalite
Positive energy: amber, apache tears, calicite, citrine
Protection: amethyst, black tourmaline, hag stone, kunzite, obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger’s eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Prosperity: amazonite, aventurine, citrine, jade, moss gate, pyrite, ruby , tiger’s eye
Psyche: black tourmaline, calcite, emerald, labradorite, tuquoise
Psychic: chalcedony, unakite
Relieve stress: blue calcite, herkimer quartz, lepidolite, quartz, sodalite
Self-confidence/Self-esteem: amazonite, amber, ametrine, black tourmaline, chrysocolla, garnet, larimar, pearl, prehnite, rhodonie, rose quartz
Serenity: emerald, lepidolite
Sleep: amethyst, emerald, howlite, ledestone, sodalite
Strenght: amber, hermatite, red jasper
Success: amazonite, pyrite
Tranquility: emerald, lepidolite
Trust: onyx, ruby fuchsite, sodalite, turquoise, variscite
Vitality: carnelian, garnet, orange calcite, red agate, ruby, ruby zoisite, sunstone,
Wisdom: tiger’s eye, sodalite
Wealth: aventurine, citrine, green calcite, jade,malachite, pyrite, tiger’s eye, tree agate
In the future I’ll expand the list when I find enough new and useful information. I hope this little post will help someone. 😊
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
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Cr: @/craftingwitch
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
All About Astrology
The Basics
The Truth About Your Sun Sign
The Real Deal with Your Rising Sign
When Your Sun and Rising Signs are One
When Your Sun and Rising Signs are Opposite
5 Reasons You Cannot Relate to Your Sun Sign
Your Moon Sign is Overrated
When Your Moon and Rising Signs are One
How to Really Understand the Zodiac Signs
How to Understand Astrological Placements
How to Understand Astrological Aspects
Understanding Aspect Patterns
Stelliums and Superpowers
What Empty Houses Mean in Astrology
Finding Your Dominant Element and Modality
Having Two Dominant Elements or Modalities
The Quadrants of Your Natal Chart
The Four Angles in Astrology
The Five Dignities of the Planets
The Compatibility of Opposite Signs
How to Understand Mutual Reception
When the Planets are at Their Best
Having Planets in the First House
Mercury’s Gifts in the Signs and Houses
Venus and Mars in the Same House
When Planets are at the End of Houses
What It Means to Be on the Cusp
What Your North and South Nodes Really Are
What the Moon Phase Means in Your Chart
Why the Asteroids Do Not Matter
Why There Is No 13th Zodiac Sign
What Really Happens During Mercury Retrograde
How to Take Advantage of Mars Retrograde
How Mars Retrograde Affects Our Psyche
How the Reigning Zodiac Sign Affects Us All
The Promise of Saturn Return
The Age of Aquarius
Life When Neptune is in Retrograde
Tarot and Mercury Retrograde
Saturn, Pluto and COVID-19
Jupiter and the Tragedies of 2020
Lunar Eclipse vs. Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse Coinciding with the Summer Solstice
A Full Planet Parade
The Great Conjunction
What It Means to Have Retrograde Planets
The Truth About Generational Planets
The Myth of Intercepted Planets
The Craft
Natural-Born Witch Placements
Astrological Placements for Mystical Healers
Astrology, Animals and Spells
Witches and Dominant Elements
Cartomancy and Zodiac Signs
Astrology in Traditional Witchcraft
The Divine
The Gods and Their Planets
How a God Becomes Your Parent
The God Who Attended Your Birth
When No God was Present
When Your Ruler is Retrograde
Why Calculate Manually
Sample Calculation
The Old Gods
The Old Gods and Their Domains
Jupiter and Saturn
The Gods’ Rivalries and Alliances
Apollo and Mars
Apollo and Pluto
Diana and Pluto
Mercury and Pluto
Venus and Uranus
Mars and Pluto
Jupiter and Uranus
Saturn and Neptune
Mercury and Everyone Else
Mars and Everyone Else
The Rest of the Old Gods
The Gods’ Relationships and Ours
The Greco-Roman Gods as Parents
The Depth and Breadth of Their Presents
How the Gods Avenge Their Children
What It Means to Carry Your Parent’s Name
What the Gods Look Like
What the Gods’ Children Look Like
Traditional Worship of the Old Gods
How to Speak to the Old Gods
What You Can Offer the Old Gods
Ways to Worship Discreetly
What to Do with Offerings
How to Dress for the Old Gods
The Gods’ Inner and Outer Circles
How to Know When Your God Has Claimed You
Reasons Your Divine Parent Would Reject You
Mercury vs. Jupiter vs. Saturn
Tarot and Astrology
Tarot vs. Astrology
How to Use Tarot to Find Your Rising Sign
How to See Your Past Life with Astrology
How to Know If You Are at Your Best
How to Strengthen Your Powers
How to Survive an Element-Dominated Environment
Your Natal Chart’s Role in Your Life
Having a Good or Bad Natal Chart
Recommended Natal Chart Generators
Celebrities Who Look Like Their Sun Sign
Recommended Astrology Deck
Signs that Someone is Your Soulmate
Soulmate Pick a Card Reading
The Circumstances of Your Birth
One’s Birthday Dictating One’s Name
Sample Zodiac Sign Comparison
What I Like About Your Sign
The Signs as I Know Them
How to Make the Signs Like You
How a Scorpio Really Sees You
The Zodiac Signs at Winning
The Zodiac Signs’ Cruelty
Scorpio’s Three Faces
Venus, Pluto and Self Esteem
On Traditional and Modern Rulers
On Astrological Systems
On Vedic Astrology
On Horary Astrology
The Problem with How We See Astrology
All About Divination | All About Spells
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Here’s what the planets do:
The Planets affect your sense of…
The Planets & everyday life
Posts that relate to each planet
Important Astrological Definitions
Which Planet rules each sign
Which Planet rules each sign + descriptions
Here’s what the signs in each planets mean:
Moon in…
Mercury in…
Venus in…
Mars in…
Jupiter in…
Saturn in…
Uranus in…
Neptune in…
Pluto in…
Have no idea what I’m talking about? For the love of God please do your birth chart.
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
the magick of tea
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tea is an excellent way to incorporate green witchcraft and herbal magick into your daily life. here is a list of the magickal properties of different teas.
☾ black teas: the teas of winter. known to bring excitement, courage, and financial fortune.
    ♱ english breakfast: warmth, happiness, and courage
    ♱ irish breakfast tea: energy, strength, and willpower
    ♱ earl grey: the best tea for attracting money and fortune
    ♱ chai: love, prosperity, happiness, and healing
☾ white teas: the teas of spring, and the sun. known to heal and cleanse the drinker, as well as enhance spiritual communication and psychic energy.
    ♱ silver needle: purification, cleansing and healing
    ♱ white peony: protection against mischief and ill will
☾ green teas: the teas of summer. known for its powers of health, longevity, love and passion.
    ♱ sencha: prosperity, physical healing, mental strength
    ♱ matcha: love, passion and lust
    ♱ hojicha: banishing negativity, self-love, and health
    ♱ jasmine: spiritual love, energy charging
☾ oolong teas: the teas of autumn. known to inspire love, serenity, reflection, and balance.
    ♱ iron goddess: clarity of mind and heart
    ♱ osmanthus: transformation, harmony and serenity
☾ herbal teas: mixtures of herbs across all the seasons, with varying magickal properties.
    ♱ chamomile tea: love, healing, reducing stress
    ♱ peppermint: sleep, prophetic dreams, clearing negative energy
    ♱ lemon ginger tea: openness, cleansing, adventure
    ♱ dandelion root: divination, wishes, calling spirits
    ♱ fennel: vitality, banishing, energy
    ♱ ginseng: love, beauty, protection
    ♱ hibiscus: love lust, dreams
    ♱ echinacea: spirit offering, money drawing
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Another Sigil Tutorial
Hello everyone! So I had a lot of questions about my other sigil posts and decided to post another method to making sigils. This is another one of my favorites to use! I just really like the way these turn out. I call this the constellation method!
Step 1: Get your Phrase
For this tutorial I'm using the phrase "Protect this place"
Step 2: Take Out Repeating Letters
So any repeating letters you have take them out! *Side note: this step doesn't matter too much because of the method which you will see in a minute but it helps confusion*
"Protect this place" becomes "protechisla"
Step 3: Making Dots
Remember this chart?
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So grab this chart and just ignore your numbers. Take what is left of your phrase for us "protechisla" and make dots on all of the letters you see. It should come out looking something like this:
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So now we've got our "stars" for our "constelation". Take out the chart and you should be left with an assortment of dots like this:
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Step 4: Connecting the Dots
So we have this random assortment of dots and now you get to be creative and connect them however you see fit. Play around until you have something you like. This is what mine looked like after some playing around with different arrangements:
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Step 5: Make it a "Constellation"
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This is what mine looked like when I was finished.
This is a wonderful method for those who are still in the "broom closet" because they just look like super cute little doodles or constellations. It's a super easy method. Just remember DON'T OVERTHINK ANYTHING!!!!! Make this your own sigil. Follow the method but also do whatever feels right! And most important! Stay safe and have fun with it!!!!!
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
Everyday Magic for Air Witches
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There are many paths you can take to being an air witch, but here are some tips that might help you along if you are new. Do what feels right to you as you bond with the element of air. 
Burn incense whenever you want to feel more magical 
Buy a cinnamon broom and wave it around your space. You can get a big one or a mini one. They sell them at most grocery stores. This will fill your home with a cinnamon smell and keep bad energy away. 
When you are outside, pay attention to the breeze. A sudden, strong breeze can be used for cleansing if you’re paying attention. 
Open your windows and let the outside air flow through your space. It will bring you more in touch with nature.
If you are not in temperatures where you can open your windows, wait for a windy day and bring an empty jar outside. Wait for a strong gust of wind and put the lid over the jar. Put this jar in your room or on your altar to preserve some of the natural energy of the wind. 
Collect bird feathers in a small box or jar. Be sure to wash your hands after touching them to stay healthy. 
Carry a turquoise in your pocket. This stone is connected to the sea and air and will bring purity to your life. 
Remember your connection to the other elements. Fire creates smoke. The air touches the land and sea. Remember that everything is interconnected. Work you do with air magic will also affect other elements. 
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a-rosemary-journal · 4 years
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