My friend (let’s say her name is Anna) has a boyfriend, whom she never says “I love you” to, just sends a heart emoji. I spend so much time with her and her boyfriend, and they are one of those trophy couples, which i’m okay with. But I watch her, night after night, sending heart emoji after heart emoji, with a straight face. My boyfriend tells me “I Love You” every time we stop talking or go to bed and I smile uncontrollably. The heart emoji, even though it means nothing in comparison to the real words, is supposed to mean something close to “I love you”. There are so many pictures and words being thrown around without any heart, they have no meaning. There’s no heart behind the heart emoji. 
It’s supposed to mean something, and it’s the same as telling someone that you love them when you don’t mean it. 
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The scalding fire fed, The Blacksmith starts on her next necklace. As she pounds the metal into place, a name so perfect winds through her mind to her mouth. "Emma." Through the day and night, The Blacksmith wriggles and winds the alloy to match the word, her tight chestnut curls unraveling in the strong roaring heat of the fire. After many years of working, the once beautiful face writhed in agony as the fire slowly applied a consistent burning sensation. After days at work, the necklace read "Emma", but no ordinary necklace was made here. It glowed a bright blue as it contained the purest ice, yet it is unknown what is withheld. Little did The Blacksmith know, the necklace would be defective.
Nadia, A book I’ll never write
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Ba Sing Se is literally what will happen if trump wins
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