abalognasworld · 4 months
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And my desires
like the ocean
swell and recede.
Like the moon
wax and wane.
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abalognasworld · 4 months
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Inspiration consumes me sometimes to the point of paralysis.
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abalognasworld · 7 months
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I am letting go of something. Something I have held onto for a long time - too long - and now it is time to move on. Move forward.
Growing as a human can be so bittersweet. Watching old versions stay in the past to create new space. Letting go is freedom.
I could mourn and linger and focus on the lack of existence this empty space now holds, or I can notice the feeling of empty space as an opportunity to breathe. Let go. Breath. And grow.
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abalognasworld · 7 months
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I have been searching for relief for what feels like my whole life. Thankfully, this journey has led me to the answers I needed in the last year. While it’s easy to get angry for these answers coming later than desired, I find deeply cathartic and lasting bliss when I thought stop and shift to thankfulness. Thankful for my knowledge. Thankful for the gifts of this transformation. Thankful for the peace I have been searching for in what seems like a journey stretching from my ancestors.
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abalognasworld · 10 months
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For the pouring rain, the muddy foot prints, warm coats and cozy boots, hats and gloves, cold noses and foggy breath, short days, a warm place to sleep, hearty food, opportunity to reflect,
& for the time to be thankful.
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abalognasworld · 10 months
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The beauty of letting go.
D e t a c h
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abalognasworld · 10 months
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• How do you truly find peace? •
Chasing pleasure and selfish desires might bring temporary illusions of it. Seek the inbetween moments - moments to inhale love and remember peace is already here, waiting for you.
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abalognasworld · 10 months
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Your eyes glisten like the autumn waves and I want to breathe it all in.
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