acreativebitch · 4 years
need refs/inspo for period clothing?
here you go:
Medieval (9th-15th century):
10th century and earlier
Romance (1000-1250)
11th century
12th century
13th century
more 13th century
14th century
more 14th
15th century
and more 15th century
Gothic (1150-1550)
Renaissance (1520-1650)
16th & 17th century
16th century
more 16th
Tudors (1500-1550)
more Tudors
Elizabethan Period (1558-1603)
Jacobean Era (1603-1625)
17th century
more 17th century
and again
and even more
this won’t stop
Baroque (1600-1750)
Georgian Period (1714-1830):
18th century
more 18th century
18th century women’s fashion
18th century men’s fashion
Rococo (1720-1770)
Classicism (1770-1790)
children 18th-19th century
Regency Preiod (1811-1820)/ Empire (1800-1820s):
more stuff on regency and georgian era
even more
that’s not enough regency
and more
how is there so much
early 19th century men’s wear
early 19th century women’s wear
Victorian Period (1837-1901):
Romantic Era (1820-1840s)
Civil War Era/1850-1860s
more victorian
Edwardian Period (1901-1910):
Belle Epoque (1880-1910s)
more edwardian/belle époque
1910s-1920s [Fashion between the World Wars]
more roaring 20s
so much 20s
1920s hairstyles
more 50s
lots of periods in one spot/fashion through centuries:
here, here, and here is almost everything (and properly ordered)
also here with lots of historic fashion magazines
100 years of beauty (includes lots of other cultures too!)
historic fashion
costumes of antiquity
more historical clothing
history of fashion
more history of fashion
“vintage” clothing
historic costumes
children’s historical fashion/toys
historic wedding dresses
historic assecoires (hats, shoes…)
lots of embroidery/jewlery
Short disclaimer: Most pictures show clothes of royalty, aristocracy, and burgoisie as their clothes weren’t worn as much and especially not for labour, which is the issue with farmers/workers’ clothes, which also were reused quite often, whether to sew new clothes or have rags. So please keep this in mind!!
It really is very European-centric as I am European as well, and I apologise for it if you expected more from it. I definitely lack the knowledge to determine what are accurate portrayals of other cultures, and to find content for them is really difficult as well. This is why I would encourage you to submit any resources you have to my blog! If you have any book recs or know good pages, please let me know!
Another edit/note: Pinterest has changed a lot since I made the post, so you need to be signed in now to see more than the first row of the boards, I’m really sorry about that! (Also I tested all the links and on my original post they still work, if you’re having isues with that.)
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acreativebitch · 4 years
i only came back to complain that i miss my girlfriend and i just wanna kiss her and hug her but i cant because she lives so far away </3
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acreativebitch · 6 years
do you like dogs or cats more?
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@dog-canada (Because you sent an ask where your cute boy tried to lick Luci but my stupid ass deleted the ask by mistake.)
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“Cats- Dogs are too hype for my taste-”
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acreativebitch · 6 years
SHIT this is iso true
#GrowingUpCanadian hiding inside the bathrooms during recess so you didn’t have to go outside in the freezing cold
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acreativebitch · 6 years
The scene in Shrek 2 when the Fairy Godmother sings I need a Hero when the giant gingerbread man attacks the castle is still the greatest scene in cinema of all times
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Is it true that Liet is muscular?
Yes, he’s tall too! [x]
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acreativebitch · 6 years
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furiouscharizard submitted:
Fetus romano
best friends with fetus hinata. we love this animation
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Oh my god
This fucking site: hey net neutrality is about to die :((( please help us :(((( boost and rb everything you see even if you’re not American :((((((((( we’ll have no wifi :(((((( we need you!!!! :((((
Non-Americans: okay
Non-Americans: hey greece is basically on fire, 150 people are wounded, 53 are killed and our nature is being destroyed. we’re suspecting arson. can you please reblog some posts and help spread awareness?
This fucking site:
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acreativebitch · 6 years
‪Alright so i’ve been here in Iceland for a little while and this entire place revolves around fish. also SO many buildings are run down/under construction ‬
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Fuck this is cute
Child America: … England, what’s a birthday?
England: hm? Where did this question come from?
Child Canada: we heard some kids saying that to one of the kids.
England: well, love, a Birthday is a celebration of the day people were born. It’s usually a grand celebration filled with family and friends. But you’re not full fledge countries yet so-
Child America: whoah!! Will there be food??
Child Canada: when’s your birthday, England?
England: um… well… I don’t really know. I don’t celebrate my birthday…
Child America: that’s great!
England: what-
Child Canada: we can celebrate it together! It’ll be one BIG celebration!
Child America: yeah! With food, and presents, and parties! Wouldn’t that be cool, England- England?? Are you okay?
England: *tearing up* I-I’m fine… yeah… let’s do that! Together~ the three of us~ then… then that means- *picks America and Canada up* happy birthday, poppets~~~
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Fun Fact Of The Day
If you call yourself a map instead of pedophile you are a heckin coward
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Thank you and goodnight
Reminder that Satan himself is against pedophiles. He hates child abusers. You are the lowest of the low. Even the most evil being in existence is disgusted by you. You can all rot.
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acreativebitch · 6 years
me: [in lecture, happily listening and taking notes]
my brain, getting an idea and deciding it can’t wait a single minute to plan out every single detail: Your Attention Span Is Spent For Today Please Try Again In 3-7 Business Days
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acreativebitch · 6 years
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acreativebitch · 6 years
(9 unbrokenparagraphs of text with no variation in typing styles What So Fucking Ever)”
everyone with ADHD: pretty bold of you to assume i can read
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acreativebitch · 6 years
It’s ME
adhd brain: school bad
also adhd brain, craving structure: summer…boring
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acreativebitch · 6 years
Me: *Puts syrup on bacon, doesn't put them on pancakes*
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