alexxcorpsexx · 1 year
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Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 7
Tecchou is once again stuck in the hospital bed. Teruko beat the shit out of him, Y/n and Tachihara had to pull the 2 apart. Tecchou was swollen and bruised as hell. Right now everyone was doing their shit while Jouno had a shitty grin on his face. "Jouno that was completely unnecessary. You need anger management." "Oh shup up Y/n. I don't need a peasant like you to lecture me."
An irk mark appears on Y/n's forehead after hearing the word 'peasant'.
'Did he just call me a peasant?...' they thought, with a murderous look on their face. Y/n was about to jump his ass until the sound of a door opening startled them. The door opened, revealing the leader of the hunting dogs. "Y/n." "Yes sir?" "I need you to go with the others to the casino- hic...they are going to need assistant. That is an order."
"Yes sir." Y/n saluted and then walked off. Fukuchi took one look at Jouno before his face went pale. "What's up with you jouno?" He asked with sweat dripping down his forehead. "Oh nothing~" Jouno responded. Fukuchi shrugged before taking an oreo out and separated the cookie from the cream. Jouno's smile suddenly dropped at the sound and smell. "Say...is that an oreo? And did you just separate the cookie from the cream?..." "yeah why? And how do you know?" Fukuchi asked before taking a bite of the cookie.
"The sound of separating it is quite obvious. Your also being loud, I can hear the loud crunch." Fukichi sweatdropped at his words, for some reason he felt uneasy as the whole room was filled with silence.
"Your next bitch-"
"Terrorists?" A man asked, the man that Is known as the Casino manager. He's wearing all white, his hair is half white and half pink. His eyes are pink, you could get lost in those beautiful eyes. The man known as the casino manger is Sigma. "Yes, we believe there are terrorists in this casino." Teruko said.
One of the bodyguards pulled out a tablet and showed the manager something. "So, what do we do then?" Sigma asked. "We shut it down ofc-" "I refuse!"
"Come again?..." Sigma rambled on about nit closing the casino and that it's not under any laws. Therefore, Sigma himself is the law.
"Now get lost!" He shouted. Tachihara sweatdropped at that moment as Teruko had a dark look on her face. Y/n's soul left their body right when the little girl stood up. "This place is secured since you told us to get lost!" She said with a cheery voice. "Wtf..."
-5 mind later
"Sir, someone just blew up the landing zone!" "Whaaaaat!?"
"Istg, I'm gonna kill myself." "Don't be like that y/n." "Shut up Tachihara!"
"Kakaka! Nobody's gonna get out of this casino now!" The hunting dogs blew up the landing zone. That way nobody can leave the casino. Ofc they would do that for the sake of their country. The suspects are in the casino after all. "We'll split up and search the casino! You two will find out what the agencies next move it." Teruko ordered.
"Yes ma'am..." They said. The hunting dogs split up and began their search. "I swear that women is scary." Y/n sighed. "She sounds more like a villian than a hero." "Ikr? But once this is over, we can finally relax for once and do God who knows what. So be strong, ok Y/n?" Tachihara was kind of a close friend to Y/n. He wasn't the only one who infiltrated the port mafia. Y/n did the same 3 years ago before they faked their death. "Tachihara, look..."
They both stopped at their tracks to see an agency member enter a room. They both followed right after, only to see that the suspect is gone. "They've must've gone to the pocket dimension." Tachihara said, but then something caught his eye. A shiny coin, the two hunting dogs got on both of their knees as they took a look. Tachihara picked it up and examined it. "A coin?.." "maybe a customer dropped it. Lets keep it-" "wait a second Y/n... this doesn't seem like a normal coin...it's hollow."
"Tachihara!!!" The coin exploded right in front of his face, knocking him out. Y/n quickly rushed to his side, "Tachihara!! Are you alright!?" Tachihara groaned as he sat up. "I was able to stop it from doing further damage with my special ability, but the blast was able to knock me down."
"Was the coin from the agency?" Y/n asked, helping him up. "There's more coins in that safe, they could all be bombs..." "we have to do something. C'mon!"
"Uh- are you serious rn!?" "Oh shit!" A plane was coming there way, Tachihara activated his ability but is struggling quite terribly. "Stand back, I always knew you were weak." Teruko said out of the blue before she transformed. She grew up to be an adult and managed to stop the plane from crashing into anything. "Kakaka! He tried challenging me to a match! Silly airplane..." teruko said in a tired, proud voice. "Oh damn..." Suddenly, more coins started to spill out of the plain. "Are you serious rn?... haven't you done enough!?" "Oh fu-" "Tachihara!"
Tachihara activated his ability once more to help Teruko get the plane out of the casino before it exploded. "So I'm guessing this casino is also a terrorist." Y/n said. "We'll expose the casino's plan to the entire world." Teruko said as the hunting dogs got inside the halls. Guards came out of nowhere and pointed guns at us. And in the blink of an eye they were all knocked out. All the guests came out of the room to see what was going on. The hunting dogs introduced themselves and reassured everyonqe's safety... until one of them got stabbed.
"Attack....I repeat, attack these three terrorists on sight! I repeat, attack! You won't be accused of any crimes, and your gambling losses will be erased. Plus ten grand for an injury, one million if you kill them." A familiar voice from the TV said, the casino manager himself.
A lot of stuff has happened in the casino, they hunting dogs were chased by the police, Teruko used her ability on a security guard to gain information, Tachihara was looking around for the terrorists, Y/n ate chips as they watched Teruko and Sigma fight. The fight was a nasty one if you asked Y/n themselves. Teruko was going to drop Sigma in the air and out of the casino, but then he got a sight grip on her and jumped out of the caisno, taking the little girl with him. "Oh shit- Teruko!" Y/n quickly dropped their chips and jumped out of the casino to save their teammate. Teruko was quick enough and kicked Sigma off and grabbed onto something, leaving Sigma to die alone. But a white figure appeared out of nowhere and caught him. "The weartiger..." Y/n mumbled in shock but then realized they were still falling. The 2 boys crashed violently but safely onto the casino's foundation. The weartiger pulled out his phone only to show that ongo was on call, both Sigma and Ongo were having a small conversation but was interrupted by the sound of screaming.
"What's that?" Both the weartiger and Sigma both looked up to see a figure falling towards them from above. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit! Fu-"
Y/n landed on top of Sigma violently, and I'm not saying they landed on top of him in a kinky way, they full of broke one of his bones. Y/n groaned as they slowly sat up on top of Sigma, Sigma's ass was knocked tf out. "I think you broke one of his bones..." the weartiger said.
".....Oh fu-"
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 6
"God damn Jouno, when will you stop whining like a bitch!?" "Me!? A bitch! Oh your fucking next-" "that's enough Jouno!"
Tecchou was now using crutches so he could walk. The poor dude can never get a break from getting beat. The blind man scoffed at him and turned away from him. "You guys are so annoying. Especially you, Tecchou. Always making weird food combinations, working out to the point where the room smells. Stabbing my foot and lecturing me when I'm interrogating. I hate you so much." Y/n snickered at Jouno's childish words and actions. He's like an angry kid who got their candy stolen. "Oh calm down, Jouno. Why don't you go outside and get some fresh air aye? Calm down and stop acting like a baby." "But he-" "Now..."
Y/n gave him an icy glare, and Jouno could feel it, a chill going down his spine as he took a step back. "Fine... whatever." And with that, he walks away. "Thanks Y/n, I can finally relax in peace without getting beat." He gave Y/n a genuine smile, showing his teeth. Y/n felt kinda weird, a giddy feeling, actually. "Your welcome. Happy to help!" Y/n smiled back at him, showing their pearly whites as well. "How's your leg feeling?" "Oh its getting a little better. Needs more healing though. I'll need to take a break from going on missions for a while for about a week or two I guess."
"That's good. I'll go check on the caption and see if he's doing ok. He's probably hung over from all that drinking, yknow." Tecchou nodded and let Y/n walk away. Tecchou watched as they left the room. He was somewhat feeling strange. Butterflies were in his stomach all of a sudden. "Their smile is cute..." he mumbled, smiling to himself.
Meanwhile, Y/n went to check on Fukichi. "Sir, are you alright?" They asked, entering his office. "Yes Y/n I'm quite alright. Though I do have a headache." Y/n sighed as they handed him a glass of water, Fukichi gladly took it from them and chugged it down. "You should really stop with the drinking contest. It's not good to drink alcohol almost every days" Fukichi has an addiction to drinking challenges. Hell, he's even a god damn alcoholic. The old man doesn't take a break from drinking. He hardly drinks any water. "Nonsense! There is no harm in drinking. you're just being dramatic." Fukichi said, putting the empty cup down on his desk.
"Teruko must've got into another fight. Either her hair was cut horribly, or it got burnt. Who knows." Suddenly, the door was slammed open. "I NEED SOMEONE TO FIX MY HAIR! YOU THERE! COME HELP ME FIX MY HAIR!" Teruko demanded. The bitch was a fucking savage. Almost half of her hair was burned off. "Ok, ok! Sheesh!" Y/n grabbed her by the hand and dragged her out of the room, taking her to the bathroom. Whenever Teruko had trouble with something, she always gets help from Y/n.
A while later, they walked out of the bathroom. The little girls hair was fixed. Was a little shorter than it was, but it was hardly noticeable. "Thank you Y/n chan!" "Your welcome. Let's go see what Tachihara is up to. He should be back from his mission." "Alright!!"
Tachihara came back from his mission, he parked his motorcycle and took off his helmet. "Welcome back kiddo." "Tachiharaaaa!!" The poor man was tackled to the ground rather aggressively by the little girl. He was also squeezed into a death hug. "I missed you so much!! You've been gone forever!!" "T-Teruko....can't....breathe!"
Y/n giggled at the scene. They felt like a parent. Despite Teruko being 32, she acts childish. "I'm telling you! The cream is better!" "No, I think the cookie is better." "Your disgusting Tecchou!!" The other two boys make their way to the others as they argue about food. "What's all the fuss about??" Y/n asked. Jouno huffed and asked, "Which part of the oreo do you think is better? Cream or cookie?" "Uhhhh"
"Jouno, don't include them..." "Shut up!! The cookie is not better than the cream! It doesn't even taste that good." "But it does though, it's what makes the oreo good."
"That's it. Teruko, Tecchou said that your an ugly fat little princess. And that your the worst hunting dog." Teruko immediately stopped breathing and squeezing the life out of Tachihara. She slowly turned around to face the 3 people. "He what?..." "yeah, he said all that. He even said that you should go play with your dolls and stuff."
Teruko was pissed. She didn't take it too kindly. "That does it. Jouno!!" Jouno picked up the little girl like she didn't weigh a pound.
"Jouno dont you dare." "Oh shit-" Jouno raised her up high and screamed out loud. "Teruko go get him!" "Jouno wait! She's not a God damn Pokémon!" Tecchou turned heals and started running for his life, though he was struggling because of his broken foot and crutches. "Kill that bitch!"
He threw her at Tecchou. "TERUKO NO-"
To be continued ->
(Hey guys! Please feel free to make requests of what you want me to write!!)
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
in your reader x hunting dogs series... IS IT JUST IN MY HEAD OR DOES THE READER HAVE A THING FOR TECCHOU (i mean who doesn't) BUT LIKE WOULD YOJ EVER WRITE FOR THAT?
Hmmmm idk, do they? should I write a fanfic of Tecchou x reader?🤔🤔🤔 (His smile is just so ...MMMMMMM😤🥺❤️)
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 5
"Jesus christ, Jouno!!! Your freaking psychotic!!" "He was making the room smell! Did you really expect me to deal with the smell Y/n!?" "Yes!!" The 2 hunting dog members were arguing. They were waiting for Tecchou to heal up. A nurse with a healing ability managed to heal Tecchou's broken back. "You guys are disgusting. I swear to god!" "Jouno stop it!! You sound like a bitch, actually, you are a bitch!!"
"Oh you mother f-" "Jouno...." both hunting dogs immediately shut up once they hear Fukuchi's voice. "Hello captain. what brings you here?" Jouno asked. Y/n rolled their eyes at Jouno'a sudden change of attitude. "I need you to gather information about the detective agency." Said Fukuchi. "Alright? But what about Tecchou?" Y/n asked. "He'll join you guys once he wakes up." "Ok..."
Jouno and Y/n just walked out, but a sudden noise was made when they exited the room. "PLUM BLOSSOMS IN THE SNOW!"
"Fukichi!?" They ran back in the room to see their leader on the floor. His life flashed before his eyes as he almost got stabbed from an unconscious person. They also see a sword that was stuck in the wall. "Oh... sorry captain." Tecchou said, retracting his sword from the wall. "Well good morning sleeping beauty!" Y/n elbowed Jouno in the stomach once he said that. Tecchou was so obvious that he would respond back without being insulted or anything. "Good morning..." "How's your back?" Y/n asked. "It's alright I guess. And Jouno, I forgive you. You were only trying to help with my workout." Said Tecchou. An irk was on Jouno's head, his smile was twitching as well. Jouno was so fed up with his weird oblivious shit.
"Well, glad to hear that. We have a misson to do, so get your ass up." "Yes ma'am/sir."
After Tecchou got in his uniform they left the building and headed towards the coffee shop. "Sooo what are we doing?" "We are going to interrogate the old man at the Cafe."
"I swear I don't know where they are!" "Tsk tsk tsk, more lies I see." Jouno was interrogating the fuck out of the old man. Wasn't even giving the old man a break. Tecchou just sipped on his coffee and watched in silence, Y/n was doing the same. Y/n felt bad because they know damn well how far Jouno would go to break your mental state. "Jouno, don't you think that's enough?" "Quiet Tecchou." "Tecchou is right, we've been here for almost a while and the old man's gonna have a heart attack if you keep going at it." Jouno scoffed at the two. Jouno just kept going and going until he finally shuts up. Tecchou stabbed him in the foot. "Ow!!" Jouno yelped in pain, almost spilling his drink. "I am sorry for my partners behavior. I promise you that Lucy will be safe. I always keep my promises." Tecchou said.
Y/n felt they were gonna cry for how cute and caring Tecchou is. The old man finally calms down and tells them the location. "Your kidding right?" Y/n asked, the old man shook his head. He wasn't kidding at all, Jouno was so close to losing his shit. "Well, thank you for your time. We will be off now." Tecchou said, walking out of the Cafe with the other two following behind. "The Casino? Why would they be there?" "Probably to hide, Y/n. Now, before we continue our hunting I need to let out some steam..." Jouno said with a dark expression. It then got completely silent at the moment.
"Come here you mother fu-" "Jouno no!!" Jouno tackled Tecchou to the ground and started beating the shit out of him. "JOUNO WHAT THE FU-"
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 4
"God he smells." Y/n and the other boys were fanning the room, the smell was revolting. Despite Fukuchi being in his office it still lingers. "Maybe we should get him a diaper." Y/n scoffed. "Good idea, his smell is messing with my nose and it's revolting." Jouno said. "Tell me about it."
"Where's Tecchou?" They noticed that Tecchou wasn't with them anymore, "He must've ran off somewhere." Jouno said. "We should look for him now. The smell is finally gone."
Y/n and Jouno looked everywhere, but not the training room. At least not yet. "I'm guessing he's working out again." Jouno spoke. He slouched in exhaustion because of how tired he is. "So let's go to the training room, c'mon." Y/n dragged him by the wrist, and they make their way to the training room. All of a sudden, a little girl jumps right in front of them.
"Ah Jesus!!" "Sorry y/n, there are people in the room with Fukuchi and I don't trust them. Do you mind being with him?" Teruko asked. "Ummm sure, but is he done shitting himself?" Jouno asked, Teruko nodded in response and ran off. "Welp, let's go."
Fukuchi was having a conversation with these 2 men, he was feeling strange during the time. Y/n and Jouno were standing right by his desk, watching everything closely. "So, Mr. Fukuchi...what should we do?..." the 1st man asked and waited for a response. Fukuchi lifted his head up as it was slightly tilted down, and stared at the 2 men. He opened his mouth, like he was going to say something. "He is about to say something!" The 2nd man said. 5 seconds passed, nothing came out of the leaders mouth yet.
".... BLEEGH!" Fukuchi threw up all over the desk and onto the floor. Everyone stared at him in disgust and Jouno felt like he was gonna vomit. "Dear God, this is disgusting." He choked out.
"Sir, you need to stop drinking so much!"
"Yeesh Y/n, you get more and more annoying every day." Fukuchi scoffed as he cleaned up his mess. "Screw this, let's just keep looking for Tecchou." Y/n grabbed Jouno by the arm and dragged him out of the room. Once they got to the training room, they opened the door, only to see Tecchou working out. The stench of sweat made it way to Jouno's nose, making it scrunch. "This is revolting, that's it-" "Jouno no!-"
Tecchou was too busy to pay attention to what was going on as he was doing push ups, he doesn't even notice Jouno running towards him. Jouno jumped into the air and landed on Tecchou's back, causing a loud cracking sound.
Jouno: "...."
Tecchou: "...."
To be continued ->
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
I really like your series about BSD x reader 😳✨
I will wait for the next update
(Omg I'll gladly do another update!!!)
Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 3
"Ow ow ow ow ow ow oww!!" "Jouno be careful! Your going to injure yourself more!"
"Y/n shut the hell up..." Jouno was finally free from the hospital, but was still in the process of healing. He can't do that much work because of a certain incident.
"This wouldn't have happened if you'd just listen to us." "Nonsense! You started bragging about how strong Tecchou is."
Jouno lets out a huff and crosses his arms. "Still wasn't necessary to-" "Yes it was now shut up!!" Suddenly the door slammed open.
"Mr Fukuchi..." jouno tried standing up in his usual posture until he winced in pain, he kinda slouches now. Fukuchi inhaled deeply before exhaling, and opened his mouth as he began to speak. "Would you guys all be quiet!? Can an old man scratch his ass in peace!?" He shouted.
The 2 people were staring at him in silence. "Sir....that's disgusting, nobody needs to know that." Said Y/n. "Well now you know, so what. Just keep it down please." And with that, Fukuchi left the room to take care of some "business". Jouno just shoot his head and sat down to ease the pain, he can't stand having to be straight up out of his seat. Tecchou walks in with a slice of cake with hot sauce on it, and the smell of those food combinations made it to Jouno's nose. Immediately he covered his nose and was fanning the air with his hand. "Is that strawberry cake with hot sauce?"
"Yeah" Tecchou stuffed his mouth with a piece of cake as Jouno looked at him in disbelief. "Omg- I wish you could just drop dead right now." He said, which earned him a smack in the head by Y/n. "Let him be him dude, grow the hell up." They said. Jouno stood up immediately, not giving a damn about the pain as he got more furious.
"That's it! Give it here, I'm taking it!" Jouno walked towards Tecchou and immediately grabs the plate. As he began to slightly tug on the plate, it wouldn't budge. Jouno faces up to meet with an angry bull. Tecchou was giving him the death stare. Despite Jouno being blind, he can hear your heart beat, pulse, breathing, sweat, everything. "Let go please..." said Tecchou, who was trying so hard not to take this man's life. Jouno didn't budge and just simply responded with the word "no".
They both just stare at each other while y/n Sweats their ass off. The room was completely full of silence, nothing was coming out of anyone's mouths. The 2 men stare eachother dead in the eyes. It was just nothing but peace and quiet...
"Die satan!" "Jouno no!" Before y/n could do anything the 2 boys were already going at it, throwing the cake around and catching it.
This was making Y/n think about their life choices. "Give it here Tecchou!!" "No back off!!" "I don't want this foul combination bothering my nose!!" "Then I'll eat it somewhere else!!" "No!!!" "Jouno just back off and let me eat my cake damn it!" "Oh you mother-"
"Ohhhhh yeaaaaahh!!!~"
Everyone's head immediately turned towards the direction of the sound, it was coming from Fukuchi's office. "Now that was some good ass scratching!!!" Everyone was traumatized. "....FUKUCHI WHAT THE FU-"
To be continued ->
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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Bsd x reader
Hunting dogs in a nutshell part 2
"Wow Tecchou! You couldn't do a simple task!!" Jouno was yelling at his partner, Tecchou. Tecchou wasn't paying attention though, he was watching the ants walk in a straight line. Y/n was sitting in the chair staring at them. "It's not his fault Jouno, he got blown up." They said. "I still think he's a weak asshole, and Tecchou!! No muscle training!!"
"When did he take his shirt off?-" Tecchou already had half of his uniform off as he began to do push ups. "You act like we're at a meeting." Y/n said. Jouno looked at Y/n's direction and spoke. "Even tho the meeting hasn't started yet, he should at least have himself not look like a sweaty beast when our other teammates arrive!" He said.
"But we only *huff* have *huff* 15 *huff* minutes *huff* left- Ack!" Jouno immediately interrupted Tecchou by stepping on his back, standing on top of him. Despite Jouno standing on him, that doesn't stop him from doing push-ups.
"This weight is just right." Tecchou said as he continued his muscle training, Jouno was just standing there in silence. "Pffft, wow! Who knew that he was that strong. He's stronger than you!"
Having those words escaping Y/n's mouth was a big no no for Jouno, he immediately whipped his head around to face Y/n's direction. Jouno wasn't having it, "excuse me, I am stronger than him for your information." "Yeah yeah whatever, no need to brag or shit. Nobody's interested."
That only made Jouno more upset. "Oh yeah? Watch me!" Jouno storms off to the training room and laid down on the bench. "Jouno... are you sure you can do this?" Tecchou asked. Y/n and Tecchou stood close by Jouno just in case if anything happens.
"I don't need help! Just watch!!" Jouno took off his gloves and rubbed his hands together. He then grabbed onto the bar that had heavy weights on them and lifted it up. He was now struggling to move. "Jouno- Your gonna hurt yourself-" "nonsense Y/n! I am doing just f-" before he could even finish his sentence, the bar slipped from his grip and landed on him.
Nothing was coming out of Jouno's mouth, the room was full of nothing but silence.
To be continued ->
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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alexxcorpsexx · 2 years
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Bsd x reader
The hunting dogs in a nutshell
"Tecchou, was it really necessary to cut down the tree's?"
"The quickest way to our destination is going a straight line, jouno."
Tecchou and Jouno are members of the hunting dogs who are apart of the government organization. Y/n is one of them, she joined the team 2 years ago. Y/n's ability Is teleportation, they can teleport at least 5 people, no more than that.
The hunting dogs never failed their missions, not even once. That's how good they are at doing their jobs. They are unstoppable.
"Now, let's eat while we wait." Tecchou pulls out a boiled egg, but just not any boiled egg. "You know. Out of all the hunting dog members, your the one I hate most." Jouno is very judgmental when it comes to Tecchou, but y/n wouldn't blame him. Tecchou does have weird taste in food. "Hate me? Why's that?" Tecchou asked, y/n couldn't help but just stare at the two idiots. They make y/n wish they were never born, that's how fed up y/n is with their bs.
"Here we go again." Y/n mumbles. "It's because your soul is entirely lacking in artistry!! You'll put shichimi spice on strawberries just because you think similar colors pair well. You put sugar on rice, and then soup base on youkans." Tecchou just looks like he's fed up with Jouno's shit that he doesn't care anymore. He sent him a glare before stuffing the boiled egg in his mouth, a sudden gasp came out of Jouno's mouth.
"Now your eating a boiled egg with the shell on!! I wish you'd just die!!!"
"Oh my God, Jouno shut up!!!" Jouno let out a dramatic gasp as he turned to Y/n. "But y/n! This man is not normal!! He is a devil that eats weird food combinations!!" He shouted, shakily pointing a finger at Tecchou who just continued muching on his meal.
"Your heat rate and breathing is annoying Tecchou, please try to stop it." Jouno said as he used his ability to locate the detective agency. Tecchou and y/n held their breaths while Jouno was detecting the enemies location. "They are in a car, about 4 to 5 people in it. They aren't far away." He said with a smirk. "Well what are we wating for? Let's go!!" Before Jouno could even stand up, y/n stepped on his head and bounced off, Tecchou following behind. "Owww!! Guys wait for me damn it!!!"
Y/n stood on a rock and looked around, until they spotted the car. "Found them! Alr Jouno, do your magic or whatever." "Not only do I hate Tecchou, but you as well" Jouno stormed towards the two with a bump on his head. "Uh huh, I love you too. Now go get them tiger!" "You guys are gonna be the death of me." Tecchou mumbles.
"What's taking him so long?" Y/n asked. "I don't know, but he better hurry up." All of a sudden we hear a scream coming from the car. The 2 hunting dogs immediately looked at the cars direction and saw a blond blow getting kicked out of it. "That must've been Jouno, let's go." Y/n jumped off the road, along with Tecchou. An unknown red head made the car invisible and jumped out of the car, taking Jouno with him. "Run for it!!" The red head shouted. Jouno kicked him off and did a back flip before landing back on the ground by his other team members.
"Impressive! You erased the car and messed up my sense of location. Pulling out of the car along with you. But I let you catch me on purpose, illusions don't work on me." He said, smiling at the 2 boys. "I was hoping he would eat shit." Y/n whispered l. Tecchou nodded in agreement as we both watched what was happening.
"Do I kill them?" He asked. "Yes, we'll start with them before we continue to hunt. Please make yourself useful, therefore you are the best swordsman in our team." Jouno said. Tecchou held up his sword and got in a fighting stance, "Here I go."
"What's that noise?" Y/n asked, the boys didn't listen as they were too busy getting ready to kill the enemies. Suddenly a car appeared and bumped into Tecchou hard, everyone looked at him in shock as he went flying. "What the fu-"
To be continued ->
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