amyburns16 · 6 years
(NCT) Haechan x Reader (Ghost AU)
Its quite short cause honestly my friend wanted me to write this for her at midnight but ah well, hope you enjoy and sorry for any grammar mistakes!
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Growing up, you were not a big fan of making friends left, right and centre unlike a lot of girls in your school, you’d prefer to keep to herself and even in school, you very rarely socialised with anyone around you, preferable keeping your head inside books or talking with your biggest secret. From your10th birthday onwards, you had a secret that lived in your house that your family was unaware of, they had a ghost living with them. The ghost’s name was Haechan who lived in the 19th century before dying inside the house from a terrible disease but you never went as far as to ask why he was still among the living and what was keeping him from going up to his final resting place. “Haechan can you go away, I’m trying to finish this last chapter,” You demanded, keeping your focus on the words from the page, making yourself comfortable on your seat in the school’s library. 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me." 
"Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
209 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
“Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?“ 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
“I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
“Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?“ 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
209 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
Reblog if you want anons to tell you which celebrity they ship you with
Actor, Actress, musician… 
2K notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
“Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
"Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
209 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me." 
"Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
209 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
When is the next chapter of the dragon au coming? I really like it :( (take your time tho is really cool thank you for sharing it here :))
Thank you so much 😍 and soon but I'm currently working on another fanfic for Mark from NCT but Part 3 will be out in no time!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
3 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
"Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me." 
"Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?" 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
Part 2 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
(NCT) Haechan x Reader (Ghost AU)
Its quite short cause honestly my friend wanted me to write this for her at midnight but ah well, hope you enjoy and sorry for any grammar mistakes!
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Growing up, you were not a big fan of making friends left, right and centre unlike a lot of girls in your school, you’d prefer to keep to herself and even in school, you very rarely socialised with anyone around you, preferable keeping your head inside books or talking with your biggest secret. From your10th birthday onwards, you had a secret that lived in your house that your family was unaware of, they had a ghost living with them. The ghost’s name was Haechan who lived in the 19th century before dying inside the house from a terrible disease but you never went as far as to ask why he was still among the living and what was keeping him from going up to his final resting place. “Haechan can you go away, I’m trying to finish this last chapter,” You demanded, keeping your focus on the words from the page, making yourself comfortable on your seat in the school’s library. 
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55 notes · View notes
amyburns16 · 6 years
Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid Au Part 2
Part 1
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Whining in your sleep as you began to feel the source of warmth leaving from the bed, providing comfort and heat that your subconscious instinct generated enough energy to feel around the bed with your hand for the warmness again. You may have been half asleep but it was hard for you not to feel two warm hands cupping your hand. “Sleep.” Was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep again.
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amyburns16 · 6 years
NCT Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid AU
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Y/N = Your Name
M/N = Mother Name
E/C = Eye Colour 
H/C = Hair Colour
Genre - Fluff
- A little bit of blood
Word Count - 5K
“So Y/N, you excited to be off school now early?” The mother of the H/C started, perking up a conversation with the moody teenager. Inside the car driving past a deserted roadway surrounded by green grass and vast large trees in the distance, top of mountains could be seen over the trees. Y/N and her mother were driving themselves to a small cottage house in the middle of nowhere but forest and mother nature. Y/N, however, didn’t seem that very interested in having a country, she seemed to focus on blankly gazing out the car window staring at nothing. 
“Not like I really had a choice mum.” Y/N plainly replied resting her chin on her arm that laid alongside the window, her gaze casually staring at the car’s shadow from the sun, watching the shadow randomly shifting on the pathway, barely even noticing the small frown that approached her mother’s face; “And we’re the only ones out here now, where am I supposed to make any friends?” M/N didn’t know how to answer that question, only tightening her grip on the steering wheel knowing Y/N had a fair point there. This wasn’t a vacation or a holiday to get away from the noisy city they used to live in, not even close it was a declaration of war happening back in their hometown. 
About a year ago, the government had decided that hybrids could join with the society of humans, at first it didn’t go very well as humanity needed time to adjust to the new fact they were sharing their food, houses, money and treasures to only half human breeds, a lot of time. Everything was going perfectly until one day out of nowhere numerous grey clouds approached the city and it began to snow, everyone was confused at this point at it was the start of summer June so why would it be snowing?
The species thought things couldn’t be worse, they were starting to run out of supplies of food, unable to grow anything from the ground because of the unexpected weather and ships struggled to even make it to the decks because of the ice starting to form on top of the water.
Until one peculiar hybrid showed up out of nowhere, no one had recognised the stranger nor his snowy abilities, a male dragon hybrid who was known as the ruler of the dragon hybrids, he brought destruction and the power of ice, freezing everything in his path until it seemed everything become unrecognisable and turned into his icy kingdom with his army of more dragon hybrids by his side. Sooner then later, everyone had to evacuate the city, all of Y/N’s friends had to go to other cities while Y/N was forced to go into the countryside much to her dislike, she wanted to go with her friends but her mother thought it would be safer to live further away from civilization and other cities and go be with nature, her own mother even spoke it ‘might be a good change being one with nature’ her dearest mother quoted.
“Oh stop being a party pooper and live a little bit, this might actually be good for us, beats being in the cold.” Her mother joked, attempting to lighten the tension between the two. Y/N just shrugged her shoulders and kept her stare out the window whereas her M/N gave out a sigh of exhaustion and shook her head in defeat, this was gonna be a long trip.
Not long after though, Y/N and her mother finally arrived at their destination, a shabby looking house was in sight, thrilling M/N nearly flew herself out of her seat as they pulled into the normal sized house like she has just seen a tiny puppy. “It’s so much prettier in person than in magazines!” Her mother squealed like a 9-year-old like she hadn’t seen the house before while Y/N rolled her eyes at her mother’s childish behaviour but couldn’t help but smiling at it as well; stepping herself out of the car and shut the door behind her, stuffing her hands into her pockets from her head, studying the house she’ll be living in for a while she couldn’t deny, it wasn’t actually half bad.
Y/N and her mother didn’t waste a moment before scurrying inside, Y/N explored her newfound home and noted every room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, kitchen and a tiny attic room attached to a ladder in Y/N’s new room. “I claim this room!” She exclaimed with joy, hopping onto the bedroom and laying flat on her back like a starfish, sighing with ecstasy from the softness of the bed, snuggling her face into the cushioned pillow beginning to feel herself drift off into sleep until-
The loud noise caused Y/N to shot up from her bed with shock, a silent gasp left her lips as she turned her head towards her bedroom window, a large breeze gazed along her bare arm creating chills down her limbs. Rubbing her hands down her arms building heat up from the friction to warm her up. “Y/N what was that loud noise?” Her mother yelled up to her room from the bottom of the stairs. 
“Nothing, nothing! I just had a little fall!” Y/N shouted back not taking her gaze away from the window and now the large hole in it and the bow ripped curtains seemed to blow stronger at the strength of the wind from outside. Biting down on her bottom lip Y/N slid her legs to the edge of the bed and planted her feet on the ground until her one of her feet felt a slight prick, the nerves brought her foot back up with a small ow in reaction to the weird prick. “What the hell was that?”
She wondered, her eyes brought themselves down to the cause of her pain. A small sky blue crystal was now at the bottom of her bed but the real question was that where did it come from?
Y/N cautiously picked the transparent diamond and examined it, the light of the full moon beaming from her window and into the hole of her curtain seemed to make the crystals light glow through her whole room, it was a beautiful sight but Y/N was more focused on the object in her hand. Letting her utter curiosity get the best of her, jumping up from her bed and grabbing onto her woolly jumper to protect herself from the cold, Y/N was gonna find out where this crystal came from. Rushing down the stairs as quietly as she could while swiftly pulling on her jumper and tucking the crystal into her front pocket. Grabbing a torch from the hallway and arriving herself at the front door, sneaking her way out of the house and into the dead of night.
Turning on her torch and guiding herself to the side of the house, a tall well-formed oak tree now looked broken and damaged, all the healthy grown green leaves on it were now all scattered across the tree. Most of the branches that grew forth from the top of the tree, demolished and shattered, shining the light of the torch towards the tree even though the ray of the full moon made already easy enough to see the damage of Mother nature's gift. “Something must have hit the tree.” Y/N assumed, or maybe even someone.
Pressing herself on in the pitch black, Y/N mindlessly walked through the forest. 20 minutes later and still nothing. “This is pointless.” She groaned with frustration, throwing her head back in irritation, about to give up her searches until she came upon a trail of dry blood on the ground. The metal sensitivity of the liquid blood hit Y/N’s nose that almost made her gag from the smell if she didn’t end up holding her nose to keep her senses together. 
Fear began to hit into her head, the realization of how much potential danger she could be in seemed to have sparked inside of her, however her stubbornness refused to turn back but the lingering feeling of imminent death haunted from the back of her head, perusing the trail of blood watching the wet imprinted pathway substance seemed to be getting thicker and leaving a larger trail.
Y/N stopped in her tracks when she noticed the blood spots soon become into trails of blood, the liquid looked skidded across the grass liked someone had dragged a body along the grass. It didn’t take long before Y/N arrived at the end of the trail and what she didn’t expect was to see a bloodied and dead deer, large scratch claws were visible on its body showing its struggle to whatever was trying to eat it, and succeed.
Gasping in shock and covering her mouth in fear, nervously pacing herself backwards at the horrific sight in front of her now, her body shook with terror. Feeling sympathy towards the poor animal that laid in its own pool of blood, its lifeless eyes were still open and gazing at her like it was staring into her soul with its pitch black eyes. It was almost impossible to look away from the stomach curling scene, Y/N’s insides felt like they wanted to bring up her snack from earlier inside her stomach and the eyes of the deer pulled Y/N into a hypnotic chance, making it nearly impossible to take her eyes away, even when her head began screaming for her to turn around and run back home to the safety of her bed.
That’s all it took for Y/N to snap out of her petrifaction, a snap of a branch could be heard close by, shooting her head towards the direction she was sure she heard the noise from, her lip quivered with fear, struggling to point the laze of light from her torch from how shaky her hands were, instant regret slammed into her well-being. “H-Hello?” The terrified girl stuttered, not expecting a response but what she heard sounded like an animalistic snarl. It became frantic, pointing her torch up to a branch from a tree she could see bright glowing blue eyes peering into her through the leaves, leaving the rest of the figure unknown; 
they were slitten like a cats peering at her through the darkness, gulping down her nerves to the pit of her stomach, she barely had any time to blink before the creature lunged at her furiously and a scream of panic left Y/N’s lips and dropping the torch on the ground and light had already turned off but Y/N already covered her eyes in reflex to the attack, she was harshly pinned against the ground, the hard floor aligned with the back of her head, groaning in pain. 
“Who the hell are you?” A soothing voice roamed through the forest and into her ears it sounded like a male and someone around her age, but her fear kept her from speaking and opening her eyes, pressing her hands only tighter to her face. “I asked you a question and you answer human, now. Who the hell are you?” The voice of the person seemed to be getting more impatient and Y/N didn’t want to anger them more, at least it wasn’t an animal either.  Moving her hands hesitantly away from her face and peering up at the figure and what she saw shocked her and her heart almost sunk into her stomach. 
A boy who looked about 17-18 hovered above her, she was so scared she didn’t even catch on that his hands were bound to her shoulders, keeping her in place to stop her from struggling. The boy’s facial features were beautiful, the dark blue coloured eyes were now a warm welcoming brown colour that glared down towards her, a slick jawline that Y/N thought if she ran a finger across it, she would end up cutting it. Even through the soft snarl passing through his throat and out of his mouth, his pearly white teeth were clearly visible through his kissable lips even from how dark it was, the redness of his cherry lips was as clear as day. 
However what frightened Y/N was the fact around the area of his lips, was drenched in blood and almost dripping off the corner of his mouth. “I-I’m Y/N, are…you the one who…” She replied to his question and wanting to ask her own, but her head became blank and empty, words refused to leave her lips but it seemed the boy to have caught on to her;
“Ate the deer?” He finished off for her, glancing his eyes away from the girl, guilt passed through his eyes for a split-second before his gaze became cold again and wiped the blood away from his mouth with the back of his head. “Yes, I am.” He responded simply trying to act cocky and proud, but Y/N could hear the regret through his voice, feeling his vice grip loosen on her shoulders and standing up from being on top of her. “Now get up.” He demanded, barely even given the feeble girl any time to even move a nerve before she was roughly pulled up from the ground by her arm and forcefully pulled onto her feet with a harsh tug. 
“Ow!” She whimpered from the discordant feeling in her arm like it was going to break off when he pulled her up from the ground, for a boy who looked like he would struggle to lift an axe nevertheless a person, he had quite the strong grip. Y/N scurried to reach for her torch making sure it still works then rubbing her aching muscles to soothe the pain down. “You don’t seem that afraid of me.“ 
“Should I really be?” She asked curiously, examining her torch and batting on the bottom of the torch, securing the batteries were in place again. The boy chuckled in amusement almost like it was a mockery, taking a step towards the girl, towering over her easily, if she didn’t look up her eyes would only reach to the middle of his neck, watching his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he spoke. Without warning, the boy gripped her torch, his thumb lingering over the on the button; “You should be.” Turning on the light and revelling him to the light.
A gasp of shock left the human girl’s lips, covering her mouth as she couldn’t believe who she was talking with, a dragon hybrid. Sky blue scales rained down along the sides of his face and cheeks, sparkling from the reflection of the light, some covered parts of his forehead and it was clear they’re more down his body from small scales poking out at his shirt above his collarbone. 
Y/N could see a long scaly icy blue tail, swishing lazily in a hypnotic trance behind him and claws on his fingers sharp like cats but much longer, covered in blood from the long forgetting deer. However what stood out the most was his blizzard snowy wings, white as snow but patterns splattered with icy blue colours, she was almost memorised by the strange pattern and colours, she barely even noticed the large torn on his wing, he must be the cause of the damage of the tree.   
“What happened to your wing?” She asked cautiously, tightening her grip on her flashlight, acknowledging the situation she was in still, having an actual conversation with a dragon hybrid, the ones who drove her away from her home and all of her friends. Y/N wanted to pinch herself to convince that this was all just a dream but she knew this was far from a dream so Y/N pressed herself on; “Was that you, the one who broken the tree beside my window?“ 
The boy seemed amused by her sense of bravery even chuckling with Blizz, everyone even globally had heard the news of an entire city covered in ice by a dragon hybrid, this sent everyone into a panic and even people started calling themselves dragon hunters that chased off any dragon hybrid a human or any other hybrid laid their eyes on. So even just looking at him should have made the girl scream and run away. 
"I was being chased by some dragon hunters that wanted my head, but when flying they managed to shoot my wing, I barely even made it here before I passed out of exhaustion and woke up with the pain on my wing being much worse. Then I woke beside the deer and well…” He explained his story, lifting his long bloody nails to his face, licking the blood fluid off his fingernails until there was nothing left, watching the nails beginning to get shorter until they weren’t in sight; “You know the rest.”
Y/N nodding her head and swallowed down her anxiousness cleared her throat and shook off her nerves. “Well, you won’t be getting far if your wing like that will you?” She sarcastically responded, moving her foot along the pathway to help calm her nerves. The boy didn’t seem too pleased about her snarky response, but a smile that seemed larger then Y/N lifespan presented itself on his face; 
“Which is exactly why I’m gonna use you.” That one sentence caused Y/N’s stomach turn inside out and the boy’s devilish smile made her instantly regret her attempted confidence, she was definitely screwed. “W-What for?”
“Well obviously I can’t fly right now cause of my injury and I’m homeless right now, so now I am commanding you as a higher race, to take me to your home and let me hide there until tomorrow.”
 The boy enlightened the girl with his plan, eagerly as if she was definitely for it. Y/N had her doubts though, true she had a resentment towards him and the rest of his kind, but in reality, he could easily kill her if he wanted to rip her head off if he had to, she didn’t have a choice.
Sighing in defeat, her head nodded in approval from his demand, watching the smile on his face turning into a fill grin that could make a joke out of the Cheshire cat’s smile. “Good, now let’s go human!” He beamed, taking himself off to the direction where Y/N had appeared from, she noticed the slight limp on his arm along the line of his torn up wing. 
“Also..” the boy started, turning his body towards her, swiftly grabbing her arm and tugging Y/N a little bit in front of him. “I’m gonna be watching you so stay in front of me, so no tricks.” He warned her, hearing the soft snarl through his teeth but Y/N just puffed out her cheeks when he decided to give her a rough nug forward, basically telling her to start walking, direction her and the dragon hybrid.
It didn’t take long before the two arrived at the house but Y/N then remembered about her mother. “You might have to sneak in through the window, you can climb up the tree and I’ll unlock the window for you.” She instructed her plan and the boy nodded his head. “But I don’t know what to say about getting the medic kit.” She honestly spoke, nervously biting down her bottom lip from his reaction but he just chuckled at her nervous expression; “Give me your hand.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow with suspicious of his plan. “Why?” She cautiously wondered, her hands slowly travelling into her pockets but the boy wasn’t taking it, he snatches her hand while rolling his eyes from the girl’s foolish act. She watched his free hand lifting into the air and his index fingernail seemed to have grown long ago and not before long, he slashed his nail along the palm her hand, causing her to squeak from the sharp pain on her hand, watching blood pouring out of the cut and down her hand; “What the hell!?”
Y/N exclaimed with shock and anger from his sudden action but he didn’t seem fazed by her sudden change of emotions. “What? I just gave you an excuse, now go I’m tired and want to sleep once you patch me up.” He shooed her away, his nail returning to normal, disappearing to the side of the house; “By the way, say anything about me to your parents and I’ll kill them.” He threatened her, his face lowered and darkened before disappearing out of sight. 
His threat sent a shiver down her spine, hurrying herself to the front door and entering herself into his home. A second later Y/N’s mother rushed to her side with a worried look on her face. “Where have you been, why didn’t you have your phone on you and what happened to your hand!?” Her mother blabbered Y/N with questions, but she reassured her mother by pulling her into a hug, rubbing her back with her good hand. “Calm down mother, I’m fine. I just went out climbing for a bit and I got my hand caught in a branch, I’m okay.” She comforted her mother, who let out a small sigh of relief hugging her daughter back into a tight hug. 
“Alright dear, I’ll heat up your dinner for you and you go get that cleaned up okay?” Her mother informed her daughter, Y/N nodded her head obediently and let go of her mother and walked herself over to where they kept their medic kit while her mother went into the kitchen. After Y/N grabbed the medic kit, she didn’t hesitate to run up to the room, setting the box down on her bed and walked to her now fixed window covered, thank Jesus for giving her a kind mother and the extra window shield they kept.
Y/N opened her window and peered her head out to see the dragon hybrid was nowhere in sight. “Uhh..where are you?” She questioned, staring her head around, until a figure’s head popped up above her, squeaking in surprise and jumping backwards with fright, it was the boy again and Y/N wasn’t even gonna ask how the hell he got on top of the roof. “That was cute” He commented, jumping himself into her room like he owned, casually staring around her room then giving a nod, almost like it was an approval. “Not bad" 
He whispered, stretching his muscles when a large hiss of pain left his lips. Y/N couldn’t believe this was happening to her but she couldn’t turn away from it now watching as he made himself comfortable on her bed. Not long after a large knock bounced after her door, causing the two teens eyes to widen with fright. "Y/N I’ve brought you your dinner now!” Her mother beamed, respecting her daughter’s privacy to ask first before entering her room.
Y/N ran quickly to her door while uttering the hybrid to remind quiet and slightly opened her door, able to peek her head out of her room, grinning towards her mother innocently who stood there holding a plate full of her dinner. “Hey mum, thank you I’m gonna go to sleep after I eat my dinner NIGHT NIGHT” She speedily thanked her mother, grabbing her dinner with her good hand and closing the door behind her, sighing in relief when her mother without her mother suspecting anything. “Oh wow, that was smooth.”
Glaring over at the boy who comfortably laid down on her bed, she huffed walking herself over to eat her dinner because she was starving but apparently the hybrid had other plans, snatching up the plate from her hand with a silent gasp, she watched as the boy started chowing down on her food like he hadn’t eaten in months. 
“That was my dinner!” Y/N snarled at the hybrid in frustration, listening as the soft hums of pleasure left his lips from the sensation of the food hitting the tiny sensitive buds in his mouth. “Shut up.” He commanded, childishly wiping away the remains from his mouth when he was finished and nothing else was on the plate, her dinner was completely gone and clearly, he had no eaten manners either.
Sighing in defeat, reminding herself to get something later in the fridge before she went to bed. Storming herself over to the medic kit and opened up the kit. “Give me your hand again.” She abruptly heard, turning up her head to see the hybrid looking at her emotionless. “Why, are you gonna cut it off this time?”
The hybrid almost seemed offended by that comment, scoffing in reply once again grabbing her injured hand roughly when she winced in pain, worried about what he’ll do next. “Just try me.” He informed her, pausing for a sec so he could gaze at her, letting Y/N relax and before she knew it, the hybrid began to lick her injury, causing the cut to sting like a bitch as she began to wince in pain, it was a weird feeling, someone’s tongue running down her skin however she could feel the pain of the wound starting to fade away. 
When he was done it was as if it wasn’t there, to begin with, the cut was still visible but the pain was now gone. “Some dragon hybrids salvia can help clear up wounds like dogs or cats” He explained her uneasiness of disgust. Y/N just wiped her hand on her shirt to clear away any reminding saliva, shivering from the slimy feeling along her shirt. “Thank…you..uhh…” She bluntly thanked the hybrid. “Jaemin..my name is Jaemin.” The boy named Jaemin wiped his lips and smiled lightly towards the human girl whose cheeks blushed red in response, looking away shyly before he noticed the colour of her cheeks. “Alright Jaemin, now let’s get you patched up.”
It took awhile for Y/N to bandage up the wound on Jaemin’s wing but at the time, they actually managed to get decent conversations out of each other, explaining where they both came from. Jaemin even was able to explain the weird crystal she had found inside her room, stating that when a dragon hybrids passing out while the flying the body automatically reacts to this response and so the wings and tail hardened for the fall to protect them from it so their extra limbs don’t end up shooting off while they’re falling. 
By the time Y/N was done, she was exhausted and wanted nothing more to be laying in her bed fast asleep. “I should probably set up a bed for you.” Y/N assumed, walking herself over to get closest taking out an extra pair of blankets and pillows for Jaemin. “Can’t I just sleep in the bed with you?” He responded, sending a flirtatious wink towards Y/N thinking she would end up blushing again but she just rolled her eyes in response, dropping all the pillows and blankets beside her bed on the floor. 
Y/N left Jaemin to make his own bed, changing into her PJ’s and thoroughly brushing her teeth, cleaning away everything she had today in her mouth, rinsing her mouth out, she finally felt refreshed again. Making her way into her bedroom, Jaemin had already tucked himself into his bed and even more tempted her to jump into her bed. Not wasting a moment later Y/N jumped into bed and climbed herself into the covers, sighing in content from the warmth of her bed; “Goodnight Jaemin” She whispered quietly but didn’t receive a response assuming now he was just asleep, the wanting of food now long forgotten as Y/N closed her eyes. 
20 minutes later of tossing and turning for the both of them, Y/N barely even noticed the covers being lifted up from her bed and a figure sliding themselves into her bed. “Jaemin?” She stirred, opening her eyes when she started feeling two arms wrap themselves around her waist and pulled her back into a firm chest. “Hmmm, this is so much warmer.” It was Jaemin
Y/N could feel her cheeks flustering up from the skin to skin contact, she fidgeting in the position she was in, then she felt Jaemin snuggling his face into her neck, his warm breath sent shivers down her spine. “W-What are you doing?”
“I’m a dragon hybrid so that means we are closely related to snakes who are cold-blooded, so we need a heat source with us too.” He explained while she felt his scaly tail beginning to loop itself around her leg like a coil. Y/N could start hearing her heart in her chest pounding in her ear. 
“Then fricking sleep next to the heater if you’re so cold!” She gritted her teeth together, starting to squirm in his grip, no way in hell was she going to sleep next to someone she barely even knew but her struggles were vail as he only turned her body around and caged her body closer to his, her face stuffed into his chest were she had a got a big whiff of his intoxicating smell. 
She could feel his body heat starting to warm up against hers, stealing her own precious warmth. Jaemin pressed his chin on the top of her head and closed his eyes deeply sighing in ecstasy. “Now this is perfect." 
Y/N thought her cheeks couldn’t get any redder but apparently, they could, here she was basically cuddling with a dragon hybrid stranger she barely knew. "Now go to sleep,” Jaemin demanded, his good wing wrapping itself around them and it was like a warm blanket.
It took awhile for Y/N to adjust to her situation but soon she was finally able to fall asleep, Jaemin’s arms securing themselves more around her and Y/N buried her face into his chest more. 
Let’s just hope her mother doesn’t walk into her room now. 
Wow, this was probably really bad but I actually enjoyed writing it and don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought about it, I’m thinking about doing a Part 2 but I’m not sure, please tell me if you think I should! Thank you for reading. 
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amyburns16 · 6 years
(NCT) Haechan x Reader (Ghost AU)
Its quite short cause honestly my friend wanted me to write this for her at midnight but ah well, hope you enjoy and sorry for any grammar mistakes!
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Growing up, you were not a big fan of making friends left, right and centre unlike a lot of girls in your school, you'd prefer to keep to herself and even in school, you very rarely socialised with anyone around you, preferable keeping your head inside books or talking with your biggest secret. From your10th birthday onwards, you had a secret that lived in your house that your family was unaware of, they had a ghost living with them. The ghost's name was Haechan who lived in the 19th century before dying inside the house from a terrible disease but you never went as far as to ask why he was still among the living and what was keeping him from going up to his final resting place. "Haechan can you go away, I'm trying to finish this last chapter," You demanded, keeping your focus on the words from the page, making yourself comfortable on your seat in the school's library. 
"But I'm boorreeeddd, when can we go home already?" He whined, setting himself down on the next chair beside you, crossing his arms and slouching his position down. When people thought of ghost's a lot of people would think they had spitting images of Casper the ghost transparent as white sheets, however, Haechan just looked like another human being beside you except no one else could see him other than you which always made people give you strange looks looking as if you were always talking to yourself out loud. 
"Whenever I please, I'm not stopping you from leaving. You can go if you want." You pressed, never letting your eyes away from the book as you flicked to the next page of the book, ignoring his childish huffing. For a 200-year-old ghost, he was gravely childish. When you were near finished the story, you felt a rough poke on your shoulder, choosing to ignore it at first till the poking didn't stop as it started to go through your brain. "What is it now?" You gritted out of your teeth, finally taking your eyes away from the book to see Haechan glaring harshly at someone and it was no surprise it just happened to be a boy in the same year as you named Jisung, staring intently in your direction and since Jisung couldn't see Haechan's figure the only person he could looking at was you.
 "He's looking at you again." Haechan plainly stated as if it wasn't obvious enough, scrunching up his face in disgust. You weren’t surprised that Jisung was looking at you again, in fact, they all school could understand why he was glancing at you constantly. Jisung had the biggest crush on you and even in a blind man's eye, it wasn't hard to put that together. Nevertheless, things became more difficult in school once Haechan found out about Jisung's massive crush on you, soon after leaving whenever you and Haechan passed him in the corridors Haechan would always try to keep you away from Jisung as far as possible, jealousy much. "We're going." 
"What?" You  questioned but in the blink of an eye the book was swiped from your hands and you were pulled out of your chair by your wrist and out of the library, which looked horrifying in everyone else's eyes especially when you watched Jisung's face dropping like someone poured ice down his back and your invisible friend looked very pleased with Jisung's reaction, smirking with satisfaction. A floating book and a door opening without you using anyway to open it on your own looked honestly ridiculously, now everything probably thinks you’re a freak now with powers or something. "Haechan, you're being stupid right now and give me my book back I want to finish reading it." He ignored you, focusing more on dragging you away from his 'nemesis' he addressed him by. Halfway through the bottom corridors both you and Haechan heard a familiar voice from behind you;
 "Wait, Y/N!" A voice beaconed behind you, it was Jisung and Haechan didn't look happy. You pulled your arm out of Haechan's grasp that looked oddly weird to Jisung but he didn't question why it looked like you was dangling your arm in mid-air. "Jisung what's wrong?" You asked as the taller male approached you, seamlessly out of breath from running.
 "Just wanted to make sure you were okay, you left the library like you were in a hurry." He smiled with reassurance in his voice, stuffing his hands inside his pockets as you nodded her head in understanding, clearly feeling the dagger glared being shot towards Jisung and the ominous atmosphere that seemed to creep along them as the air around them started to get thicker and the temperature of the hall seemed to have dropped greatly. "Is it getting cold in here now or is it just me?"
 "Uhh...yeah, probably just you." you awkwardly laughed and Jisung chuckled along with you unaware of the undead jealous male behind you still glaring daggers towards him. The aura around them seemed to have grown a little awkward but not long the bell rung, saved by the bell thank God. "I should probably get going now, my mum is going to want to expect me home." 
"I understand, just be safe for me and I'll see you tomorrow." He farewelled before giving you a quick hug and wondering himself off now. It seemed like you were holding your breath when you exhaled a lot of puff of air. "I really hate him." 
"Haechan I don't care if you hate him or not he's my friend and just because he likes me doesn't me I'm gonna ignore him like you wan-what are you doing?" You questioned when you noticed Haechan painting over Jisung's locker with words, where he got the paint from you didn't want to know. "Making sure he stays the hell away from you." He declared and backed away from the locker when he finished. You read what it said on the locker and you almost groaned with disbelief 'Stay the fuck away from her or I'll haunt you for the rest of your life.'
 "I swear you're ridiculous, you know that right?." You facepalmed and caressed your temples when you felt she was close to getting a headache but Haechan simply chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and dragged you out of the school.
 "And that's why you love me." 
"Shut up."
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amyburns16 · 6 years
Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid Au Part 2
Part 1
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Whining in your sleep as you began to feel the source of warmth leaving from the bed, providing comfort and heat that your subconscious instinct generated enough energy to feel around the bed with your hand for the warmness again. You may have been half asleep but it was hard for you not to feel two warm hands cupping your hand. “Sleep.” Was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep again.
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amyburns16 · 6 years
Jaemin x Reader
Dragon Hybrid Au Part 2
Part 1
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Whining in your sleep as you began to feel the source of warmth leaving from the bed, providing comfort and heat that your subconscious instinct generated enough energy to feel around the bed with your hand for the warmness again. You may have been half asleep but it was hard for you not to feel two warm hands cupping your hand. “Sleep.” Was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep again.
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