ask-collegestuck · 3 years
so is there a daycare for the lil beans when the gang's got class's?
There certainly is! It's run by Ms Paint.
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
O YEAH now that i notice, why's kar's eyes silver while someone like vris's are blue? did he not get his maturing eye colors yet?
Yeah, Karkat's blood group matures slower so his eyes haven't developed to red yet! Kankri's eyes are still somewhat dull, but they're noticeably more red than Karkat's grey eyes.
Depending on the troll's blood group, the eye colour will show up sooner or later. Feferi's eyes have been fuschia since she was around 13, whereas someone like Aradia's would've only developed recently.
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
-crashes back in here- well fuk aight i got questionares cause apparently i got back into candy kids mood again. what bondin stuffs do they like doin with their parental figures?
Taava's content with just spending time around Dirk and Jake. He's such a timid kid that anything more high-energy will spook him.
Harry Anderson is a lot more interactive; Roxy and June bond with him mostly by infodumping about anything and everything that pops into their heads, which works out because he retains most of it as he gets older and he likes their voices.
Vanysa bites her moms if they try to initiate any bonding stuff, so they let her do what she wants unless they decide they're taking her out for air. She appreciates the space she's given.
Ruby is straight up feral and has insurmountable energy in such a tiny body. Jade manages to keep up as the most high-energy of Ruby's moms, whereas Rose and Kanaya allow the baby free reign of their dorms so she can find something she wants, then they'll participate if Ruby wants them to.
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
ok that last one was a lie i do have one more: who tf is fucking cronus the ampora or is dam's just throwin burning shade at a potential single status he's got?
A bit of both.
Damara is absolutely throwing shade, as she always is toward any male friend of her’s, but she is specifically referencing his matespritship with Kankri, who’s on his last nerve.
I love all these questions, man, you’re free to send as many as you want!
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
aight one more real quick: so karako has taava, do any of the other hiveS kiddos hang or meet with any of the lil omega beans like he does with taava?
Yeah, of course!
Karako obviously loves to visit Taava, even if Taava not as keen about the odd big kid suddenly trying to play.
Harry Anderson gets lots of big kid visitors, since June is friends with Joey and Joey knows all the Hiveswap kids, but Amisia is the most frequent. She thinks a baby’s use of finger-painting is inspired for whatever reason.
Vanysa...hates everybody but her moms so the kids stay away from her.
Ruby is similar, she likes her moms and uncles and Karkat exclusively, so no kids play with her but she appreciates Jude over the rest of the Hiveswaps — Jude is fine.
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
guess while i'm here after analyzin this whole blog and lookin at the chahut post, ma'am just follow the honks i'm sure you'll find some form of wicked brother runnin around.
Gamzee just runs around with a horn honking at people sometimes, that’s how most of the purple bloods find him when they visit
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ask-collegestuck · 3 years
so i have, ALL the questions if this blog isnt dead yet. firstly -points at everything with ????? over my head- i'd like to know EVERYTHING on wha this au even is like how did these college students get babus so fast?? ages, status's the abouts, is this earth c or something else i want ALL the details because you won me over with the babu omega kids in this and i wanna know so much more.
*claps* Okay.
So first, it's your basic college AU, the alpha and beta trolls and kids plus the Hiveswaps and Harclaires are all in college (at varying ages and stages) and they live in dorms with varying arrangements, the houses ranging from 501 to 510.
Ages, like I mentioned, vary but the general consensus is that the beta kids (John, June, Rose, Dave and Jade) are all around 18 to 19, Jade's the oldest. The beta trolls are of similar ages, Feferi being oldest. The alpha kids (Jane, Dirk, Roxy and Jake) are 20 to 21, Dirk's the oldest. The alpha trolls are, again, similarly aged with Meenah as the oldest.
As fun of an idea as that is, it's not Earth-C (or Earthsee). It's more like trolls landed on Earth a long LONG time ago to escape their dying planet, and the trolls and humans have been living peacefully together ever since. Their cultures have mixed and matched and mushed, so there are a couple crossovers in their living habits, the most notable thing being the absence of lusii.
The omega babies were a product of John's educational experience, as he's taking ectobiology and he wanted to observe the emotional and parental connections that can be formed in the crossover of ectobiological offspring. Long and short, he wants to see how they bond with biological parents rather than adoptive parents as ectobiological children are often (in this AU) given to adoptive parents, rarely being kept by biological parents. So John asked who would be up for it, and after three couples and one throuple applied, it went through. And thus we got Taava English, Vanysa Pyrope-Serket, Harry Anderson Egbert and Ruby Harlonde (aka Yiffy).
The omega kids themselves are anywhere from around six months to a year old each.
These questions were super fun, feel free to send in any more you have!
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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woah look at all those babies
i need a lot of help choosing names for these cuties so any suggestions are appreciated
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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WIP Part Two
(Names suggestion are OPEN and so are queries)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
So who's into which quadrants with who because because I'm both confused and extremely interested.
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Nepeta: :33< course then we have purrlenty of assorted crushes, whether they be red or pale or ashen or black, but fur purrsonal reasons we will not be divulging them
Nepeta: :33< unless one of my informants leaks that infurrmation
(Thanks f0r the questi0n! Inb0x is 0PEN)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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You wanna help her out?
(Inb0x is 0PEN)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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Tavva does NOT like strangers - Dads or Uncle Gamzee only
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
Henlo how are you
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Kanaya: Were Quite Fine
Kanaya: Thank You For Asking And You Are Welcome To Stay For A While As Well
(Thanks f0r the questi0n! Inb0x is 0PEN)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
Who is Joey's roommate and who's the roommate's matesprit?
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Joey: they’re both total weirdos but equius is more tolerable.
Joey: of course, the other “roommate-matesprit” combo would be June and Rox, but neither of them are as bad as the other two.
(Thanks f0r the questi0n! Inb0x is 0PEN)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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Joey meets a ... charming ceruleanblood on her way onto campus
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
Hey Jude, got any favorite spy movies/TV shows?
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(Thanks f0r the questi0n! Inb0x is OPEN)
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ask-collegestuck · 4 years
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Vanysa Pyrope Serket: the collective bastard child of House 501 and 503
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