Warning- this is a rant full of ptsd, bad memories, sexual assault alluded too.Please don’t read if those are triggering. 
Sexual assault warning/rant thingy.
 My friends tell me I am strong That I am brave for standing up For telling the world what my stepfather did But it’s hard to feel brave and strong When every family reunion When I’m suppose to be surrounded by supporters I’m surrounded by people who call me a traitor. 
“Why couldnt you have kept you mouth shut” 
“You dumb child” 
“You’re lying” 
“You’re hurting your mother” 
“You are do selfish” 
“Why did you involve the law” 
“You should have stayed quiet “
 “Maybe you deserved it” 
“Get over it”
 It’s hard to feel strong when the only way you can briefly forget how his hand felt on your skin is when the water is hot enough to scald. The loofah is pressed hard enough to turn skin red. When the music is blaring loud enough you can’t hear yourself think or hear the echo of the words he said. 
 It’s hard to feel anything but pathetic and weak when the breeze from a trash bag is mistaken for his movement. When the slightest blink throws you back to that night and the darkness of That room. When you can’t lay on your side without almost throwing up. When every food reminds you of him so you try your best not to eat. When the sound on a fire truck is more like gunshots then gunshots themself. When my phone is glued in my hand. When I plan every escape route I can in every room. When I can not look in my sister’s room because that bed belonged to him and my mom. Because that bed is where he hurt. When I haven’t touched my keyboard in weeks. 
It’s hard to be anything but weak and pathetic when you know you aren’t there but your head says you are. When no matter how many times you move you’re still in that bed. Those are not his hands. When not matter what the clock and calendar says it is still March 27, it’s still a Friday. That dumb green light still read 10:17.
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The Hat
A poorly made crochet hat sits
In the top of my closet next to an old penny jar
The sight of its wrinkled frayed edges
And unknown stains remind me
That even with the bad quality
You once wore it.
You see originally it sat on my bed
Until we were out of pot holders
I always made jokes about how it looked like one
But you wore it anyway
You wore it like it was the best hat you ever saw
I tried to make newer ones, better ones
But I never finished
I bought you two new ones
But you never used them
You wore that hat like a badge of honor.
Showed it off to as many people as you could
Set me videos of their compliments.
The poorly made hat sits on the top of my closet
It has burn holes now
I know I should throw it away
But the frayed edges remind me of you.
I wonder how many snow falls you wore it
How many times you hung it up
I can see your fingerprints on the yarn
The nail polish from the time you let me practice
but you didn’t give it enough time to dry
The poorly made hat sits in my closet
And it taunts me
Reminds me of the poorly made choices
Reminds me of all the times I should have said
I love you
You are my best friend
I’m sorry
It reminds me
That I should have tried harder.
Messaged someone sooner
Been better
That I should have stopped you
Before you blew out your own candle too quickly
The poorly made hat reminds me I should have given you more
More time
More love
More Words
Just more
I’m sorry Sam,
That I couldn’t do better
I really am
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I miss you
Winter doesn’t feel the same without you
And no matter how many people offer
I don’t think it ever will.
I’ve tried to move past
But the snow melts faster then
I can think
Everytime I see a crocheted beanie
I think of you.
And the way you wore my shitty creation proudly
It’s the only time I ever completed
A project.
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She use to smell like
happiness and sunshine
But now she smells like
Cigarette smoke and heartbreak
And I can’t breathe when she's around
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I call her cloud
Because I love her
She is soft and bright when happy
Yet her anger is clear and dark
I call her clouds
Because I love what she brings
She brings me rain that comforts me on sleepless nights
She carries shade when Sun grows too intense
I call her cloud
Because I love her
I call her Sun
Because I love her
She is bright and cherry
But Her anger is like fire
I call her Sun
Because I love her warmth
Her hands warm mine the way sun does
my pillow through the curtain slip
She warms my soul like a good cup of tea.
I call her Sun
Because I love her.
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Day’s relation
Our relationship is
Ferris Wheel rides to the top
Missed kiss opportunities
Mid-day tea
A single Cheek kiss
I love you’s with double meaning
Candles Burning late at night
Jars full of stars
Our relationship is
Two hands curled in on one another
A shared smile
A holding hand
Our relationship is
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Her hands were always too small for mine. Her smile never quite reached the edges of her face when she saw me Her laughter was too soft Her anger too strong Her annoyance always there like a shadow in summer My opinion never that important My feelings second rate Our solutions always fights She has hands that match mine like sun and moon She never fails to smile until it reaches the soft curve of her face She laughs from deep within, loud and joyful She shows more than anger to me She barely grows annoyed My opinion is music to her ears, a soft melody that swells into symphonies My feelings stand on the same platform as hers Our solutions are talks Talks that lead to moonlight walks To actual solutions To more love
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Cloudy Days
Sometimes your breath is filled with nothing but love
Sometime your fingers fit just right in mine
Sometimes your eyes remind me of the night stars that we share
Sometimes I forget who you are to me
Sometimes your voice is the whisper in my ear
Sometimes I swear you and me belong,
Sometimes I swear you love me
Everytime I hear the catch in her breath
Everytime I remember the way your fingers and her perfectly intertwined
Everytime I see the way her eyes light up at the sight of you
Everytime I am forced to remember what you are to her.
Everytime I hear the softness in her voice
Everytime I swear we belong I see the strings that are linking you together
I see the love in her eyes and I convince myself my love is a lie
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My Sunshine
Word count-1501
Warning-death, anxiety
Authors note- I have never in my life seen BNHA. I’m sorry if it’s baad or the characters don’t fit right.  This was all in hopes to make my friend cry. She did not. Must try again.
Summary- Todoroki and Midoriya are dating. This is the story about their song.
Pairing- Todoroki/ Midoriya
      “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine       You make me happy when skies are gray       You'll never know dear, how much I love you       Please don't take my sunshine away”       Midoriya ran his fingers through Todoroki’s hair as he sang softly into his ear. The older boy gripping tightly at his clothes in his sleep. Nightmares wrecked his sleep, harmful memories from the past and his greatest fear swirled storms inside him. They came often and stayed for weeks at a time.       When Midoriya could, he would help. Playing with his lover’s hair, whispering those lyrics in his ears until his grip loosened. He pressed soft kiss to his forehead until tears no longer leaked from his eyes. Some Nights his tricks worked to rid him of the nightmares but other time Todo just ended up waking up.       Those nights Midoriya held him close and whispered the song over and over again to him. Or the two would fall into soft silence besides Todo sobs and lay there together. Soaking in each others time and trying to forget the world. *****       Light filtered through the curtain of the room. Basking Todoroki in warmth and sunlight, keeping him wrapped up in sleep. The birds outside singing him his own personal lullaby and keeping him down. The room layered in a thick early morning haze, the smell of Midoriya’s candles burned earlier that morning adding to the intoxicating feeling in the air.       Todoroki laid there drinking in the peaceful feeling of the morning. Letting it wash over him, relaxing his muscles and setting his mind at ease. Any thoughts from the night before washed away in that moment of pure bliss. He was truly happy here. Pressed between fresh sheets and surrounded by the smell of Midoriya. It wasn’t long until the smell of him wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel Midoriya pressed close to him. Their heartbeats falling in sync as the early morning world moved around them. A few moments for them to enjoy together.
      “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine       You make me happy when skies are gray       You'll never know dear, how much I love you       Please don't take my sunshine away”
      The lyrics lead him like a siren call to the one who sang them. He stood at the sink washing the dishes from the night before lost in his own world. The words tumbling so absent mindedly from his lips as if they belonged no where else. Todoroki stayed still for awhile, letting this words surround him and paint a picture.       He stared at Midoriya and in the moment he knew. He was completely in love with him. Midoriya made him feel like less of a monster. Like he was worthy of love. Like he was more than his quirk. And in that moment he wrapped himself around his love and enjoyed their moment of piece. ******       The wedding proposal had been easy. A nice quiet thing between the two of them. No need to be nervous they had talked about it before. Some roses, some music and a ring. They were meant to be together after all. Two souls tangled together since the beginning of time.       Their friends had never seen two people more meant to be together. With simple lyrics from their song and Todoroki nerves would still. A well placed hand, a soft smile and a careful words lulled them together into their peaceful world.       Through it all their song always stuck. Public fight and nightmares had nothing against Midoriya soft voice singing to Todoroki. Anxiety attacks and lost loved ones pain could be dulled by his gentle touch and rocking motion.       So here they stood on their wedding day, tucked into their own little corner of the church. Hands clasped together as Midoriya sang. A soft squeeze occasionally and their foreheads leaned against each other. Three years they had waited for this. To hold each other and boast about their husband’s.       It all seemed to be falling into place that day. It felt truly magical. Todoroki looked dashing in his suit his cold personality offset by the days vibe. And yet with everything going so well he found himself hiding in the back corner of a church shaking like a scared child.       “This is too much. I can’t do this.” Todo could feel those anxious feelings wrap around him. It felt like they were going to squeeze his heart until it popped. The actual world faded away and he was surrounded by darkness. Figures slowly came out of the floor. They came out as just lumps of slimes at first, then slowly took form. Long drippy arms formed and their bodies kept warping trying to find a solid form. Their faces were the most horrifying. Half morphed and fused together face of his friends. Deformed, crying or even just bleeding.       They shouted out insults at him. Told him he was worthless, it was his fault. He didn’t deserve to be happy.Their words came out in shrieks and no matter how much Todo covered his ears their voices broke through. The black slime and started crawling up his legs. It conconned him in and any place it touched he lost feeling in. He tried so desperately to wipe it away but instead the slime stuck to his hands and started climbing up that way too.       Tears streamed down his face now as the slime passed his chest and crawled up his neck. There was no feeling anymore. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think he was numb now. He was living a nightmare right now but he wasn’t even asleep.       “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine” Todo forced his eyes open with what strength let he had and through blurry vision a light took a place in front. It’s warmth bathed him and he relaxed. The feeling in his limb came back as the slime slipped off.       When he found himself in reality again Midoriya was folding him tightly as he cried. Todo was exhausted. He felt so helpless seeing his love sob against him. He must have made him feel so worried.       “You don’t have to marry me. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do Todo. I just want you to be happy.” Midoriya said as he held him closer       Todoroki only felt that helpless a hand full of times after that. Their first major fight as a couple which lead to Midoriya leaving the house. Night when Midoriya could be there to calm him after a nightnamer. The last time was now.       The street felt cold against his back and all he could feel was immense pain. Midoriya sat above him shaking him and crying. How had he ended up on the floor again? Oh yeah, that man. The world sounded like he was underwater or had cotton stuffed in his ears. BUt the longer he laid down his hearing woken.       The first thing he could make out was the yells and commotion in the background. Some child was screaming and a crowd had gathered around them. Then he could faintly hear sirens in the background. Finally he heard Midoriya voice, he sounded so heartbroken       “Please no. I’m so sorry. Please hold on a little longer Todoroki. Those sirens? Someone's coming you have to hold on a little longer.” The greenhead forced out while he held himself together or at least tried to. Tears leaked from his eyes and his nose dripped snot.       It was in those moments that Todoroki understood something. He would never get to finish his goals in life. He was dying. No matter how soon the paramedics got there he wasn’t going to make. In those moments he learned something else. He wouldn’t trade the life he had had for another.       Midoriya must have felt it too because he stopped talking. He shook as more tears simply wrecked him. He couldn’t hold back his sobs for long. Todoroki knew that this would be the last time he would be able to comfort him. So he forced himself up and just held him. In his last moments he didn’t understand what had possessed him to do it but before long he was.           “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine            You make me happy when skies are gray             You'll never know dear, how much I love you             Please don't take my sunshine away”
       The last words left his mouth and Midoriya only sobbed harder. It was ten minutes later when paramedics finally arrived. By then Todoroki had drawn his last breath and there was nothing they could do. It took two men to pry Midoriya off of his body.         The day of Todoroki funeral was a sunny day. People gathered around on that day and said their goodbyes. They patted Midoriya on the shoulder before leaving him alone. It was after everyone left that Midoriya swore he heard it. The briefest sound of their lullaby as the wind blew by.
        “Please don't take my sunshine away”
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Encyclopedia of Lov-Earthworms
Word count~1325
Summary~ Your friend works at the local library and you spend your days visiting her. One visit you see a very cute girl. You admire but don’t have the nerve to ask said cute girl out. You don’t think you’ll see her again so you push it off. That’s until you see her the next week and the week after that. After seeing her a second time that week you decide this is fate and you’re going to talk to her.
Your friend works at the local library and you spend your days visiting her. One visit you see a very cute girl. You admire but don’t have the nerve to ask said cute girl out. You don’t think you’ll see her again so you push it off. That’s until you see her the next week and the week after that. After seeing her a second time that week you decide this is fate and you’re going to talk to her.
Pulling the coat tighter around you and the books you had you rushed quickly to the door. You smiled at the ladies working to counter and placed your books in the return. You skimmed the entire library in search for your friend. She stood off to the side putting some books on the shelves.
“So how are you liking the new job?” she looked up at you as she placed the next book on the shelf. She greeted you with a happy smile.
“Ahh It gets pretty boring, but I like it.” She picked up the next stack of books and read the numbers on the back and started pulling the cart of books elsewhere. You followed quickly behind her chatting about your day as she stacked book.
“Anyway I’ll leave you be so you can work. I’m going to go pick out some more books to read. See you later.”  You turned around and rounded the corner of the shelf. You weren’t paying much attention, too busy lost in the thought to see what was coming your way.
When you made impact with the thing, no not thing, person you stumbled and knocked your elbow against the shelf. You made a little oph noise at the impact. Luckily for you you didn’t take the brunt of the impact. Whoever you had bumped into had actually fallen over making the books they had litter around them.
“I am so sorry. Are you okay?’ you rushed to pick up some of their books and offer them a helping hand up. They grabbed the rest of the books and stood up themself.
“I’m sorry. I should have been paying more attention.” She sounded so cute. You took in the person the voice was attached to and you were right. She was cute. She had a smile on her face and a striking pair of brown eyes. You guys both held each other's gaze for a good second before you realized you were staring and turned your gaze away. You suddenly felt all too shy under her gaze.
You offered out the book, which she took graciously. There was another silence of you both staring at each other until some popped around the corner.
“Peggy! There you are. Did you get the books you were looking for?” Another girl was peeking around the corner looking at the girl in front of you. She looked between you two and smirked. She looked like she was about to say something when the girl cut her off.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” She rushed past you holding her books in one arm grabbed the other girl's arm and pulled her elsewhere. When she was out of sight you could feel your heartbeat going crazy.
You stayed hidden behind the bookshelf feeling your heartbeat and your cheeks redden. From where you stood you could see the front doors to the library. You watched her followed the the girl from before and another girl leave the building. You knew you shouldn’t worry with her leaving this building she was probably leaving your life for good. She would be one of those really hot strangers you met that one time but stays with you forever.
Boy you were wrong. Here you stood hiding behind another bookshelf heart raising again. You peeked around the corner and saw her standing across the library. She was flipping through a book and occasionally she stopped to read a page.
“Okay. You got this. You’re going to walk over there and talk to her. You’re going to wow them and knock their socks off.” you mumbled to yourself. She moved her head up and started looking around so you ducked back behind the bookshelf.
“What are you doing?”your friend peeked around the corner to see what you were freaking about. When they popped back around they fixed you with a gaze and an all knowing smirk. “You aren’t stalking that poor girl again are you? Are you going to go talk to her or watch her read again?”
“I’m going to talk to her!” you said. You shuffled out of behind the bookshelf and stared at her. You felt your stomach drop and turned around ready to hide again but your friend blocked the way and shoved you forward. Your took a deep breath and swallowed. “Alright here we go.”
You walked over and stood nearby pretending to be browsing for some books to buy. You could feel every part of you begging to not get totally rejected and embarrassed. Your heart was going crazy now and you kind of felt like crying.
“Hey I noticed the book you're holding is one I've read, and I think it's a really good one-”before you could finish talking she met your gaze and interrupted you.
“You've read, encyclopedia of earth worms?” she looked down at the front cover of the book. Your eyes darted down to the book cover. Something you should have done before using that excuse to talk to her.
“Yes?” you both stared awhile and at this point you were sure you were redder than a lobster. You awkwardly put your hand on your hip and glanced behind you. Your friend was peeking out from behind the bookshelf. You looked back at the girl who was still just staring at you. “I think my friend is calling. I gotta go bye.”
After rushing out the last part of your sentence you turned around quickly and almost ran across the room to your friend. You ducked quickly behind the bookshelf and slid to the floor groaning.
You were hundred percent sure at this point that they thought you were a total creep. Shit Shit Shit. Way to go me totally wowing and knocking her socks off with being a total creep. I should go live under a rock now for the rest of my life with the earthworms. Shit.
Your friend unsure of what to do gave you an awkward pat on your head and left you to hiding behind the bookshelf. After a good ten minutes of some solid flooring sitting and overcoming your embarrassment you finally got up. You looked around for the girl and saw no sight of her. After a good checking you decided that the coast was clear.
You browsed around a little for some books and eventually found a few good ones. As you headed for the counter to check out you said goodbye to your friend who just smiled at you. Chatting happily with the lady at the counter, who you had some how become well acquainted with.
“Bye Judith. See you in a few days.” you picked up the books and head for the door.
“Oh wait! That girl you were talking to earlier left you something.” you really wanted to pretend you didn’t know what girl but you were equally interested in what the girl had to say. She tucked the note inside the very top book in the stack you were holding.
Luckily it was sunny outside as you walked to your car. You managed to open the car door without dropping any books. You placed the book in the passenger seat and buckled up. You reached over and grabbed the top book. Opening it you found a neatly folded piece of paper. A little note was scribbled in neat hand writing.
Here’s my number. Message me some time and we can talk about the encyclopedia of earth worms ;)
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One Drunk Call
Word count~2,343
Warning ~Drinking~
Summary ~You and Eliza have been friends for along time. You’ve had feelings for her and after struggles and heartache, you finally confess and ask her on a date. So imagine your disappointment when she leaves you on read. So instead of a nice diner on Friday night you stay up all night alone at home. That’s until your phone rings at 2am on Saturday.
A/n~ Coming soon the the rest of the Schuyler sisters!! I got this idea from a prompt list that I have now lost.
    You threw another look at the clock on your phone. It was roughly 2am at this point and another episode was about to play on Netflix. Yanking the blanket tighter around your body you pressed your face into the pillow on the couch. What a pitiful sight you must have been. Alone in your apartment at 2am on a Saturday.
    It didn’t have to be this way though. You had spent the last two weeks building up the courage to ask out the girl of your dreams, Eliza Schuyler. You had sent her a text on Thursday, asking her on a date that friday night. You were prepared for her to deject you and tell you she didn’t feel that way about you. However instead of a message you got nothing, she had seen the message and left you on read.
    So here you were early Saturday morning on your couch instead of in your bed. The thought of being rejected and then sleeping in a big empty bed seemed to sting to much. You can’t focus on the fact you sleep alone if there is barely enough room for you to sleep at all. The next episode started playing as the heaviness in your eyes overtook and you fell asleep feeling bad about yourself.
    It wasn’t long until you were awaken by the sound of your phone going off. Reaching out you pull your phone off the charger. You unlocked your phone and swiped to answer it. Fighting off the yawn that bubbled up inside of you and brought it to your ear.
    “Hello?”your voice sounded really sleepy even to your own ears. There was no direct voice but it sounded like someone was fighting for the phone. You pulled the phone away from your ear and checked the caller idea. You had to still be dreaming. On the screen was Eliza’s smiling face and her named followed by some emojis. You pressed the phone back to your ear and swallowed. Why was she calling you? The line had gone silent now. “Eliza?”
    “I can’t freaking believe you!! Where the heck were you?! Oh my freaking- I was waiting here so long. Do you know how excited I was when you asked me out? I spent the entire night dreaming about our date,only to what!? Get stood up??! Why? WHy would you ask me out if you weren’t even going to show up. What kind of cruel joke is that? I thought you were really amazing! You made me so helpless in the best way and now I just feel really bad! How could you? I was so excited to go on a date with you.” Her voice had turned from angry yelling to sobbing. It took you a minute to process what she had said. She wanted to date you!
    “B-b-but you never texted me back. I thought you didn’t want to. I didn’t mean to stand you up.” The sobbing had quieted down and now the entire line was silent. “Eliz?
    “That’s what I forgot to do.” her voice was barely a whisper at this point. “I’m so happy you actually like me.”
    “Eliza? Are you drunk?” you stood up and headed to your bedroom. You put the phone on speaker phone and changed out of your pj’s. You slipped on another pair of socks when she answered.
    “Yes.” there was some mumbling in the background. “I mean Alex says to say No, but between us I am really drunk.”
    “Why are you getting drunk with alex?” you picked up the phone and turned it off speaker and brought it back to your ear.
    “Well you see, I was really really upset about you not showing up. Like really upset. So I was waiting outside the diner when the boys walked by. So they invited me to come drink with them after I told them what happened. Herc says-” she trailed off slightly after that. You slipped your shoes off and headed out the door.
    “Herc says what?” you chimed into the phone as you slipped into the front seat of the car. You buckled up and waited for her to continue talking.
    “Oh! Herc says that drinking helps when you get stood up. But I didn’t get stood up! You just didn’t realize we had a date. I’m so glad you like me! You do Like me right?” she giggled a little now.
    “Yeah, I like you a lot. Eliza where are you?”
    “Do you like like me or just like me? Because I mean I like like you. There is a difference you know? One means friendship and the other mean love! Why do you need to know where we are ? Are you coming to drink with us?”
    “I assure you I like you more than friendship. I like like you. I’m going to come get you, I don’t think you need anymore to drink.”
    “That’s good that you like like me. I like like you too. We’re at the bar a few ways down from the diner.”
    “Okay I’ll be there in a bit. Don’t leave, I have to hang up.”she made a sort of whine noise at the last part.”I’ll see you when I get there.”
    You hung up the phone a backed out of your parking spot. It took a little while to get to the diner you planned to meet Eliza at, and then it took a smidge bit longer to find the bar and get parked. You opened the door and it was pretty full. If it was any other friend group it would have been hard to find them but when looking for the dorks you were looking for it wasn’t hard. You spotted Alex and Herc in what you could only guess was a drinking contest. From your multiple outings out with the boys you knew that this was one of Alex’s favorite past times, challenging Herc to a drinking contest. You were cutting across the dance to the table they were at when a pair of arms wrapped around you and the familiar scent of spring and happiness surround you.
    “You’re here!!!” she threw all her weight onto you and you teetered a little before gaining balance. She ended up nuzzling her face into your neck as you made your way over to table. By this time Alex had lost the challenge and had his face pressed into the table while Herc patted his back and smiled victoriously. Upon seeing you the three who weren’t face planted let out a cheer, they were all obviously drunk.
    “Hey guys. Congrats on winning Herc, again. What is this the fiftieth time?”Herc smiled cockily and Alex groaned turning his head to send you a glare. “This serves you right Alex! How could be so irresponsible? Taking Eliza out drinking. Do you know what Angelica will do when she finds out you didn’t keep a close eye on how much she drank?”
    “Do you know what Angelica will do when she finds out you’re the reason Eliza was drinking? She’ll skin you.” Alex let out a laugh and Eliza grip tightened around your waist. You poked out your tongue at him.
    “Hey! That was a accident and misunderstanding!” Lafayette took care as slung a arm around you to not crush Eliza head that was still pressed against your neck.
    “Ah yes! So when will your new date be? When is your wedding? How many kids are you planing on having?” he gave a suggestive eyebrow wiggle at the last one.
    “Moving a little fast there aren’t we Laf?” you swatted at him as be backed up. “I don’t know when the new date will be. Hopefully at a time we both realize. I however am going to take her home.” Eliza had been so quiet to this point you were sure she was asleep.
    “Here’s her stuff! Get her home safely.” John handed you a coat and bag.
    “Thank you, I will. Do you guys need a ride home?” after headshakes from all of them you gave a nod. “Okay then be safe all of you. Don’t try and challenge anyone to a drinking fight Alex.”
    It took a little maneuvering to transport Eliza out of the bar and into the car. You buckled her up and made your way around to the driver side. You were buckling up when Eliza spoke again.
    “I don’t want to go home. Angelica is at home and she’ll lecture me for drinking so much.” when you finished buckling you looked up into her pleading eyes.
    “I suppose you could stay over at my house if you want. Do you want to do that?” She gave a small nod and closed her eyes. The car ride was filled with a nice silence. Something you and Eliza never had. Between you two had always been constant chatter. It wasn’t until you were almost home that she spoke again.
    “At least three.”
    “What Laf said at the bar last night. I want at least three kids. I want a big family and I think you should know that before we continue our relationship.” You glanced over at her to see her staring intently at you.
    “Okay. How about we talk about this stuff later? When you’re sober?” she nodded and closed her eyes
    You snuggled tightly into your pillow, reveling in the smell and warmth of it. You knew you should open up your eyes but you felt so warm in that moment. You felt the pillow move around a little and sighed. That was until you remembered pillows don’t move and then you opened your eyes. You looked at what you were hugging to see a head of black hair you recognized.
    After the car ride last night you help Eliza get upstairs into your apartment. She was half asleep and you were just going to take off her shoes and leave her on your bed. She could take the bed and you would take the couch. However she assured you that she could take care of herself and switched into a pair of Pj’s she had left at your house once. Your couch was already set up so you settled on getting her a glass of water. You looked at the T.V that was still going from before you left, the bedroom door opened a few minutes later. You offered the cup of water which she took.
    “Can we go to bed now?” she said after finishing the cup.
    “Oh yeah. I’ll sleep on the couch and you can have my bed.” you took the cup from her and brought it to the kitchen. When you reentered the living room the pillow and blanket were gone from the couch. You looked around the couch and there was nothing. Next you glanced into your bedroom and there they were, along with a very sleepy Eliza. “What are you doing?”
    “You’re sleeping in bed with me. I might be really drunk but I know that if drunk me let you sleep on the couch sober me would feel very upset about it. i trust you enough for you not to do anything.” she crawled into the other side of the bed leaving your normal side for you. “I’m sleepy, let's go to sleep.”
    You were also very tired and you could have put up more a fight but you just didn’t feel it in you to do so. So you crawled into bed at separate sides and both fell asleep. Apparently sleeping you guys were much more content on cuddling that night. So that why you found yourself cuddled up against the cutest girl you know. Who also seemed to be awake.
    “How do you feel? How much of last night do you remember?” you pulled away from her and sat your back against the bed rest.
    “All of it. Thank you for letting me stay at your house, and for coming and getting me.” she followed suit wincing as she did so. “I’ll buy you coffee as a repayment, it’s the least I can do. Don’t try and say no.”
    “I wasn’t going to. I was thinking if that would count as our first date or would you still be willing to go to dinner?” you smiled at her and she looked startled for a second. She gave a smile back and tucked some hair behind her ear.
    “I think we should do both.”
    “Two dates in one day? Moving pretty fast aren’t we Liza?”
    “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it! Not that I would be opposed to two dates in one day.”
    “Hmm okay.” you slid of the bed and walked to the other of the bed dropping down on to the ground in front of her side. “Eliza, I don’t know if you know but I like like you. You know more then friendship like, there is a difference. Would you do me the honor of going on not one but two dates in one day with me?”
“Yes!” she got out of bed and pulled you off your knees and into a hug. She pulled the most over dramatic voice she could manage and you could hear the laughter in her voice. “With a offer like that how could I refuse. I also like like you.”
Laughter quickly enveloped both of you. So you both stood in pj’s laughing and holding each other. You couldn't help but be grateful that this all could happen, because at least now you know she likes you that way.
“I know we’re moving really fast with these two dates in one day but I hope you know you have wait a long while for those at least three children. ” you whispered against her ear before moving away laughing quickly.
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Tell us
Word Count: 1331 Warnings~Mentions of cancer, losing someone, okayish writing~
A/n-I wrote this thing for a class project and it was just sitting there so I thought might as well post it. It not from a fandom it’s just a thing
“Tell us about yourself Al. That’s short for something right? Why don’t you like you real name? As your reason listed here it’s says your girlfriend Tia, would you like to talk about that?”
“I hate my first name, I hate the way it sounds when people say it. So at the age of seven I named myself Al. The teachers called me it and so did my family, no one cared what I was called. So with my new name I took on a new personality. I became the loud out going bad, tempered child. As years went on I had met many girls but they all seemed the same, they looked different but no one stood out. She on the other hand was something new and different. I couldn’t help falling in love with her.” I pulled the coat closer to my body and played with the ring on my finger.
“How would you describe her. What made her so different?” The wrinkly old man asked. I had long forgotten his name, I’d never expected the meetings to turn on me.
“Other girls would smell like cotton candy and sweets, the kinds of scents that stuck to your sheets that lingered there for weeks but she didn’t smell like that. Her scent didn’t linger of my pillows, it never smelt like flowers or cotton candy. It was a warm fire with a hint of winter all rolled in a fresh natural smell. Her eyes never showed her true emotions, they reminded me of the fresh grass of spring, bright and promising. Her eyes stayed that way until the end, filled with promise of tomorrow. The kind of promise I did not deserve, the kind that told you tomorrow was going to be better. That’s one of the things I loved she was so different, she didn’t push me to be social. She was a calming force in my whirlwind of thoughts, she kept me focus. I didn’t have to worry when she was around, it was like nice to have someone like that.” I felt awkward standing in front of everyone. The old man glanced at his folder, I glanced around but my eyes never got past anyone's feet. I had memorized those feet, I hadn’t been able to look people in the eye. I only saw her face, it followed  me everywhere down the halls of school, in the doctor's office. It was like it was permanently glued to the back of my eye lids. I wanted her here now she always made me feel safe, I need to feel safe right now.
“Tell us about the first time you met. Then your first date”
“I think It went something like this. I was late for class the line for water had been too long and I had just gotten out of P.e. The teacher would understand she always did but it wasn’t my teacher instead we had a sub. She was livid wanted me to apologize to everyone in class for interrupting their learning. I thought it was stupid and I refused no one was doing anything anyway, she sent me out. A few minutes later I heard loud yelling from the classroom, then the most beautiful person I had ever seen walked out. She wasn’t happy though she looked about ready to throw a punch. The only reason I knew her was because the teacher was always praising her on how well she did. I remember asking her what had happened, she launched into a full scale rant about how she was only trying to help and that the substitute had no idea what she was talking about. We spent the class laughing, I couldn’t believe how funny she was, the way her eyes lit up when she was talking about certain things.
You know when people describe falling in love they say they knew it right away? I didn’t notice until I couldn’t I run away. She texted me one night and asked if we could talk someone told me once that only three type of people are up at 3:30 crazy people, brokenhearted and those who are in love. I didn’t know where she fell not when she called me and we talked all night, I knew where I fell, I had fallen in love with her.
Our first date was something else, I wanted to take to a fancy place to eat and then drop her off at home. I had a rule for first dates no kissing, I didn’t want her to think I only wanted her for her body. She wouldn’t allow me to plan the date no matter what I tried it was a no. So I went along with her plans, I picked her up after school and she plugged directions into my phone. We pulled into a parking lot for a brick building, she made me close my eyes and walk in. She wasn’t great at leading me around but somehow we made it inside alive. When I opened up my eyes I saw the one of the most beautiful things. We stood in the middle of a butterfly garden, there were so many colors around us it the moment of it all her hand intertwined with mine and we walked around whispering to each other. It was like the butterflies had escaped from the garden and planted themselves in my stomach. We stayed there as late as we could, we stopped by a little Italian place. I drove her home and dropped her off, she brought me to her porch telling me her parents wouldn’t mind. There under the stars with her porch light shining above for us I threw away my rules and kissed her.” I felt a smile pull at my lips, but tears brimmed in my eyes.
“When was her birthday?”
“March 22nd”
“What was her favorite color?”
“Grayish blue”
“Her dog's name?”
“She never had one”
“She never ate any, said it was a waste of time. Why are you asking me these questions?”
“Her mom's name?Dad?Sibling?”
“Stop asking these question this isn’t help me. You’re suppose to be making everything okay. Can’t we talk about something other than her.” I suddenly felt like I was falling.
“I am helping. Wake up Al, you never loved her, you didn’t deserve her.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s the truth. Wake up Al. Wake up, wake up, wake up.”
I was awaken by someone shaking me awake. My mind was still racing  trying to calm itself down it was all a dream. My sister stood next to my bed a glass of water sat on my nightstand. I started counting things in my room, there were five pillows, four pairs of shoes, three bottles of sleeping pills, two of them were full, and one alarm clock that read 7:30am. Counting things helped me feel grounded made me feel calm or safe.
“You were having a bad dream about her again weren’t you?” I nodded my head and sat up. “That's why you have to go to these meetings right? So they can fix you?”
“I’m not broken, I don’t need fixing. How many time have I told you not to come in my room? What are you doing in here?” I took a drink of water to calm me down.
“Mom sent me up to wake you up, your meeting is in 45 minutes.” I coughed on the water and ushered her out. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs, my family was standing by the door. I said my goodbyes and head to the bus and quickly arrived at my destination. I pushed open the door to see a group of people sitting in metal chairs they all had kind smiles. A man covered in tattoos stood up and add a chair, I thanked them.
“Welcome to Dealing With Losing a Loved One To Cancer. You must be Allison.”
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Raindrops and Music
Word Count: 1,373 Warnings~Nope~
Prompt-Warm cups of tea while it’s raining outside and one of your partners is singing in the kitchen and the other is playing with your hair.
A/n-Look I wrote a thing. I’d like to thank @aaronbrahsir for letting me use this prompt that someone sent into their blog. Also you should check them out because their writing is really good. Sorry if its not that good or the people are very ooc. Thank you for reading!
Alex walked quickly down the wet sidewalk, his clothes getting damp from the rain. When he had left for work that morning it had only been cloudy so he ignored Lafayette’s suggestion of a umbrella and rush out the door instead.  Some point during the day it had started to rain and then the rain became pouring. He couldn’t wait to get home. To Lafayette who would scold him for his carelessness. To john who would laugh and cuddle him on the couch while they watched John’s favorite show.
John laid on the couch watching the raindrops stream down the window. Every now and again he would throw a look over at the door, Alex should be home soon. Lafayette was grumbling something in french as he worked on the pastries he had to make for an upcoming party. John stared at the window again. Most rainy days made him restless, there wasn’t much you could do in a small New York apartment and Lafayette usually refused to go in public if it was raining. He was so convinced that Alex or him would catch a cold from the rain.
Alex threw open the door of the house and rushed in. John was already up and heading for him. No words were exchanged at first just a quick kiss as Alex pulled the wet coat from his body. He took his shoes off and then pulled John into a hug.
“Oh thank god, you’re so warm.” Alex put his hands against John's skin. John bit back a laugh as Alex tried to press his body closer in an attempt to steal his body heat.
“I love you too. How was work? Was Jefferson insufferable?” Alex removed his body from John and headed for the kitchen.
“When is he not insufferable? I swear it’s like he wakes up every morning and looks in the mirror and asks himself how can he be annoying this time. What’s with that god awful coat he wears all the time?” Alex continued on with his daily Jefferson rant as he entered the kitchen. Lafayette stopped what he was doing as Alex walked in, he flashed them both a big smile.
“Mon cheri!” Alex gave Lafayette a quick kiss and tried to move away. Lafayette grabbed his arm and pulled him back for a longer kiss. John didn’t hold back his chuckle at how quickly Alex gave into lafayette, it was like all fight left him when he was given even the slightest bit of attention. “Alex you are all wet. You need to change your clothes.”
“I was getting there Laf, I just wanted to get my welcome home kiss, and a glass of water.” Alex opened cupboard next to Lafayette’s head.
“No. You go get changed into some warm clothes. I put some in the dry for when you got home. I told you you should have brought an umbrella with you. I’ll get you a cup of tea.”
Alex was about to argue but Lafayette was already shoving him out of the kitchen. John followed him as he headed for the washer and dryer. He leaned against the door until he grew bored of waiting for Alex to pay attention to him.
“Alex it’s raining. So I was hoping we could cuddle on the couch and watch my favorite show?” Alex turned to look at his curly haired boyfriend. John was staring pleadingly at him, his eyes held just a dash of excitement and he was smiling one of his award winning smiles. Alex smiled back and nodded at him, and as soon as he did John ran off.
True to Lafayette word there was a fresh set of clothes in the dryer for him. There was even a pair of socks so his feet wouldn’t be cold. Alex took off the old clothes making sure to put them right into the wash machine and putting the warm clothes on. He padded to the living room area where John was at.
John had set the couch up for the most comfort, he brought out the best pillows and the softest blanket he could find. Alex laid down and stretched out while John finished setting up the T.V.. When he finally got it turned on John laid down in front of Alex. Lafayette came in a few minutes later with two cups of tea. He set the mugs down on the table and gave them both a kiss.
They watched T.V. for awhile adding small commentary every now and again. However Alex had seen this show so many times before that he had quickly grown bored of it. Now he was playing with John’s hair as he stared out the window. His current raindrop was in a race with the raindrop he deemed to be Jeffersons raindrop. He watched the raindrops as he ran his fingers through John’s hair.
The feeling paired with the sound of the T.V. was making John ever so comfortable. That was until the feeling stopped and the T.V. was cut off. He rolled around to look at Alex who was now holding the remote.
“Alex”John whined but Alex shushed him quickly and continued his staring at the kitchen door.
“Listen John.” John was half tempted to grab the remote back and turn the show back on but he listened to Alex. He didn’t hear anything at first but after a few moments he heard a faint noise. The noise got slowly louder until he understood what it was. Lafayette was singing a song softly in french. Neither him or Alex moved as they listened to him sing.
“What’s he singing Lex?” John whispered after a bit of time and he readjusted into a more comfortable position. He wrapped his arms around Alex and pressed his face against him. Alex moved around some as well until he was good also. He continued his playing with John's hair as he pick up the words from the song.
“He’s singing a love song.” John let out a small hum. They both became quiet again as they listened to Laf sing. Occasionally one of them would shift around causing a small noise but other then that the only sound filling the apartment was the rain and Lafayette's singing. John felt his eyes getting heavy and he let out a small yawn and hugged Alex closer. Before long he was drifting off to sleep.
An hour had past before Lafayette emerged from the kitchen, the pastries were in the oven and the timer had been set. He was expecting his boys to be watching a show but they weren’t. John was curled happily into Alex, they both seemed to be fast asleep. Lafayette smiled at their sleeping bodies and picked up the cold tea. When he came back Alex was looking at him.
“Good morning my love. Did you enjoy your little nap?” Lafayette sat in the chair next to the couch.
“I wasn’t sleeping.” Alex managed around the small yawn he gave out. “Did you finish the pastries for tomorrow?”
“They are in the oven now. They’ll be ready for the Schuyler's party.” Alex’s eyes fluttered shut slightly before he forced them open to look at Laf. “Mon cheri you should go back to sleep. You haven’t been getting much sleep recently take the time now. I’ll wake you and John up later.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel lonely. I can stay up with you.” even as Alex was talking his eyes were closing and he was pressing his face harder into the pillow.
“I’ll be alright.” Lafayette got up and pulled the blanket up and around them more. “You get some sleep.”
“Okay and Laf?”Lafayette hummed a response as he moved the hair out John’s face and gave him a forehead kiss. “You should sing more. John and I both agree. You sound really good.”
Alex peeked out slightly when Lafayette didn’t say anything. His cheeks were a slight red and he looked rather adorable. His face softened even more before he replied. He let a smile grace his features as he pressed a kiss to Alex’s forehead.
“Thank you mon cheri. Get some sleep.”
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Pretty like a picture
Word Count: 2,256 Warnings~ swear words~
Summary: You go to the same shop everyday and sit and drink coffee. One day you decided to try and draw some of the other regulars. You find that it’s a frustrating yet nice things to do, so you continue doing it. You’re looking for your next target when in she walks-
Pairing-Maria Reynolds/reader
The first time you saw her was a wednesday morning. She had come in on the day you were looking for your next art project. She was captivating, she ordered her coffee and took a table nearby. At the angle that her table was at you had the perfect view of her profile. Your fingers itched as you stared at her, the urge to draw her unwavering. She was a simple one time customer, this was the first time you had seen her and you spent most of your mornings in the shop. She didn’t feel simple though, she drew you in and all you wanted to do was learn more about her.
You looked away from her and scanned more customers in the coffee shop but no one drew your attentions like her. Giving up the search, you doodled shapes onto the book in front of you. The phone tucked in your pocket vibrated until you pulled it out.
“Hey! Can you come in early today?” Peggy your boss asked over the phone. “We got swamped with all these orders and I could really use your help.”
“Sure Peggy. I’ll be there as soon as I can, I’m a few blocks away at the coffee shop.”
“Thank you so much, see you when you get here.” with that she hung up and left you to make your way to her bakery. You picked up the cup of coffee, downing the last of it and throwing it out. Picking up the sketch book you glanced once more at the beautiful girl before leaving the coffee shop.
As soon as you got home that night you were kicking you off your shoes and throwing your body against the couch and pressed your face into a pillow. A deep breath in and you moved your head to stare a part of the wall. Completely unaware of it you slowly fell asleep in the most uncomfortable position of the couch. It was sure to leave you stiff in the morning.
She was there again the very next day, this time she had arrived before you. You collected the coffee from the counter smiling at the barista who nodded and worked on the next one. You sat down in your regular seat and tried not to stare for a bit. You felt it again,the itch to draw her, to put her beauty onto a piece of paper so that you could prove to yourself that you had actually seen it. After glancing at her and then down at your coffee you sighed, you really didn’t have any self control. Moving the coffee aside you ruffled in your bag until you found the book, you flipped to a empty page.
You looked at her now trying to find the best place to start drawing her. You took in the way her hair fell in curls and how nice her skin was. You took in the slight fidget of her body as she scrolled on her phone and drank her coffee. You needed to stop gawking and instead look at her like a painting and where it would be easiest to start. You could do the outline starting at her shoulders or you start with her gorgeous eye. Her gorgeous brown eyes.
Wait. You couldn’t remember once seeing her eyes, sohow did you  know what color they were? Oh. Oh shit, she was looking at you. Your mouth fell open as you realized you were still staring into her eyes. You face turned slightly red and you looked down at the table. Glancing up again to see her still looking at you and giggling. Luckily for you her phone vibrated and moved her attention from you.
Picking up the pencil next to you you felt a sudden excitement at drawing her. You smiled down at the paper and moved our hand ton to it. Then, nothing. Nothing came, not an outline or even the smallest pencil mark. It’s safe to say at this point you wanted to slam your head against the table. How could your brain be so excited about drawing this lady but not have a idea one how to do it.
Your inability to draw her lasted for the rest of week. Your brain couldn’t even wrap around how to draw her, it was like in that moment you had suddenly forgotten all knowledge of art. You couldn't even bring yourself to draw somebody else. It had been one the most frustrating thing to ever happen.
Which is how you found yourself here, face planted on the counter of the bakery you worked at. Peggy standing in front of you just staring you down.
“Okay we probably won’t be getting anymore customers so what’s up?” Peggy pushed herself up on the counter next to you.
“I can’t draw her. I can’t do it, everytime I try it turns out wrong or it doesn’t even turn out.” you banged your head against the counter and Peggy just gave a pat to your head.
“Then draw somebody else. The world isn’t going to end if you don't draw her.” you groaned and she hit you with the towel in her hand.
“I can’t do that either.” you met Peggy gaze. “I mean it. I can’t draw her but she’s the only thing I want to draw. The world is ending Peggy, my world. She’s just so and I just need to draw her.”
“Oh. So you can’t get her out of your mind, you’re completely awestruck by her beauty and you’ve been losing sleep because you can’t stop thinking about her. I know the problem.” Peggy slipped off the counter and you could only guess she was facing your behind. “You like her.”
“Peggy I do not like” you stood up from leaning on the counter ready to give Peggy a piece of your mind about how you did not like the really cute coffee shop girl. “Oh my god you’re right. Peggy what do I do?”
“You talk to her build a nice relationship and then ask her out.” Peggy smiled like she had just made a master plan.
“I can’t do that.” you walked around the counter to the other side and started pacing.
“What? why not?” Peggy said.
“Peggy I can’t talk to her.” the look she gave you demanded more of an explanation. “She’s pretty.”
“Okay. That’s it the dumbest and cutest thing I’ve ever heard. Try talking to her at some point.” Peggy looked at the clock then back at you. “You can head home if you want. I don’t think anyone else is coming in. Try talking to her.”
“Not going to happen but I will head home.” you left the shop feeling a little better than before.
The next day the shop was extra busy, most tables were full and it was even louder than before. She hadn’t been there when you first arrived and with the all the people you could spot her coming in through the door. Something felt different today, you felt refreshed, the air felt cleaner. So it was only a little surprising when you sat down and you felt like you could draw again. Not wanting to chase away the feeling you didn’t try to draw her, instead you settled on drawing small flowers all over your paper.
You were so lost in drawing you didn’t see her enter. She ordered her coffee and turned to find a seat. Her normal seat was taken by a couple who was probably on a date. The only other empty seat being at your table, where you happily sat, doodling away.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” you stopped what you were doing at stared at her. Many thoughts ran threw your brain the main one being, Oh shit. Unable to form words you simply nodded and tried to go back to doodling. Unfortunately for you the cutie seemed very keen on talking to you. “My name is Maria.”
“I’m (Y/n). It’s nice to meet you.” you looked at her up close now. How could someone's eyelashes be so pretty and long? How in the world could one person have such a contagious smile? She seemed to be taking in your features as well
“It’s nice to meet you too. FInally I can put a name to a face.” she stopped and smile sheepishly at you. “I didn’t mean that in a weird way. It’s just you’re here everyday and you’re always drawing. The last few days you look so stressed you know? Also at one point you kept rubbing your neck and I thought oh that poor thing, So I was just worried about you. It’s just nice to put a face to the case of my worries. That didn’t sound any better did it.”
“Oh yeah I was a little stressed. No need to worry.” she looked nervous but curious now.
“Why were you stressed?” she rested her head on her hand and stared at you. Having her full attention was a little nerve wracking.
“Well,” there was no way you could tell her it was because you didn’t know how to draw her. That would be weird. Your best option was to keep it as vague as possible. “I was trying to draw this girl, but every time I tried I couldn’t get it right.”
“Who were you trying to draw? Was it your significant other?” she put her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me.”
“It’s okay. Not my significant other, I’m single.” with that her smile seemed to grow a little wider.
“I’m single as well. I do have my eyes on somebody though” she winked at you.
You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed as you talk to Maria, she was so fun to talk to. She wasn’t very shy and shared her thoughts and feelings with you. SHe also asked a lot of questions about you. What school you had gone to? Where you worked? DId you have any siblings? . Before you knew it it was time for you to head to work, you walked to the door together and said goodbyes.
Peggy noticed the difference when you walked through the door of the bakery. She spent the rest of your shift begging for details between the time you guys were serving customers. Closing time was drifting closer and you were in the bake sweeping up when the bell chimed. Peggy was up front so you didn’t think twice about it as you continued your sweeping.
“(Y/N)!” Peggy burst through the swing door to the kitchen. She had one of her biggest smiles on her face. “Don’t freak out. You know that girl you were talking about I’m pretty sure she’s outside the store right now. She opened the door saw me and turned around. I think her friends are trying to get her to come in again.”
Before you could processes what Peggy was evening saying she was pushing you out the door into the front of the store. She wasn’t lying, Maria was outside the store some guy talking to her and gesturing inside the store. She nodded along and turned around, she walked into the bakery, her head down.
“Hello! Welcome, what can I get you today?” she jumped slightly at your voice but smiled.
“Can I get one of the chocolate cupcakes? And” she moved to look over the treats next to the counter in the glass case. You saw Peggy peeking out the door from the kitchen, you made a shoo motion at you but she just stuck her tongue out at you “a coffee date?”
You stopped motioning at Peggy and turned around. She was staring at you in the most innocent way. You must have heard her wrong, but you could have sworn you didn’t.
“I’m sorry I think I heard that last part wrong.” you cleared your throat.
“I asked if you wanted to go on a coffee date.” when you didn’t reply right away she quickly added more. “You don’t want to do you? I’m sorry I just, this morning was so much fun and I thought. I’ve made this awkward now didn’t I? I’m sorry, I don’t even know if you liked me. I’ll go.”
“Wait.” you climbed over the counter before she could go anywhere. “You’re asking me on a date?”
“I was but now you’re not interested I’m trying to leave.” she stood there face slightly flushed. She was still beautiful, prettier then any picture you had ever seen.
“I’m interested.” Maria eyes widened and she broke into a smile. SHe pushed her hair around and glanced out the window of the store.
“That’s good. So how about a coffee date? Tomorrow? Same time and place as today?”
“That sounds great.” Maria nodded and walked past you to the door. Before leaving she glanced over her shoulder at you and then rushed out. You watched her run to her friends and watched as they walked off Maria talking excitedly. You smiled happily at the idea of a date with her and started to get lost in thought. That was until a certain schyler sister jumped on you screaming about the fact that you had a date.
“You have a date! How does it feel? You weren’t lying when you said she was pretty. Pretty like a picture.” Peggy smiled happily at you. She seemed more excited about the date then you did.
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Great job with the story! I enjoyed reading it, and i think it represented everyone well. - may 🌸
I’m glad you liked it. It was sweet to write for you guys. You have a beautiful thing going on.
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Shopping Time (Kenzie x love anons)
Word Count: 2,696 Warnings~ One swear word, A hateful old man, feeling uncomfortable, not great writing~ A/N- This is the Love anons fanfiction. It’s not that great but hey I tried and that’s all that matters. I find Kenzie and these anons so cute together so I couldn’t help but write about them. Wh oknows maybe I’ll write more?? Sorry if you’re reading this and you’re a love anon and you don’t get a lot of time with Kenzie. Or if how I wrote you really isn’t how you are? Summary: The love Anons and Kenzie go to the store. They're just trying to get their stuff and being a normal couple (as normal s a couple as 16 people can be) Oldman is angry and then trouble. Tag- @hamilsquadimagines
Early morning sun dipped through the curtains of the rooms in the quiet house, they landed on the closed eyes of one body who in turn rolled away. The effect that happened next could be considered quite amusing, one body rolled into another and then that body rolled into a different one. The entire bed shifted around some almost falling off but clinging on to another for dear life. From the middle of a bed a head of brilliant red hair shook awake, her advances of trying to sit up were stopped.
Someone held a tight grip on her and she glanced over at her cuddle buddy, a lion's mane of hair gave her a clue as to who it was. The different colored tip gave away the small ones identity, it was dear little Lily. The redhead would have loved to stay pressed in bed with the warmth of bodie around them but the restlessness bugged her greatly. The soft chuckle caught her attention and she wiggled slight to see the noise.
Sitting at the end of the bed wrapped in separate blanket and holding a cup was April, her blonde hair out of it’s ponytail. She was staring at Rose who was currently starfished out on top of three of their other lovers. April surveyed the rest of the group gaze shooting back when they saw open eyes.
“You're awake. You going to get up or stay in bed for a little longer with the little love bugs?” the blue eyed sweetheart stuck her hand out to April. “Are you stuck? Do you need help?”
“That would be nice. Is there any coffee left or did you use it for your bake wakey thing?” April stood and put the coffee cup down and moved around a few limbs so she could reach, she swiftly picked up the smaller one and placed her on the floor. They hugged for awhile, just enjoying each other.
“Our home is never coffee free, of course there is coffee.”  A soft kiss on her forehead and April pulled away. The same bright smile that was always there seemed brighter than normal. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you? Because my goodness do I love you.”
“Sounds fake but okaaay. I love you too.” the redhead headed out the room. She was halfway down the stairs to the kitchen when she heard someone scream really loudly.
“I love you Kenzie and you can’t make me forget it.” Kenzie shook her head, cheeks red. Even now after dating everyone it was still hard to control the red that took her cheeks when they said things to her.
The next two to wake up we're Poppy and Buttercup, they stayed in their pjs and trudge downstairs to start breakfast together. Their hands warmly intertwined they stopped to give Kenzie a kiss.
With breakfast started a soft feeling filled the house, it was pure domestic love. After a while Daisy and Lily arrived, already dressed they gave their kisses out and herded Kenzie upstairs to get dressed as well. April arrived next. dressed and ready for the day. She hadn’t said anything yet when kissed Buttercup then Poppy.
“Can you go wake up the other? Breakfast will be done in a second.” Poppy said when they had pulled away.
“Of course babes.” April took the stairs two at a time as the raced to the bedroom.
May was just sitting up and looking when the room door was thrown open, a body flew in at top speed. May shrieked as it hit her and knocked her back against the mattress again, the little sweethearts left in bed jolted awake. Loud laughter filled the room as April rolled into a empty spot on the bed. Groans chimed after that while May kept her hand to her chest, stilling her fast beating heart.
“April!!” the head peeked over the edge at her. She met April's gaze and couldn’t stop the speeding of her heart again. “Don’t do that , it scared me and you woke everyone else up.”
Somebody threw a pillow at April who just laughed it off and crawled up into the bed. She grabbed May’s hand and turned it over, she brought it to her lips and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it.
“I’m sorry May baby, didn’t mean to scare you. Pop and Buttercup asked for me to come wake you all up, breakfast is almost ready.”
“Still you could have just walked in and shook us awake.” the pout was evident on May’s face. April flipped May’s hand and pressed a kiss to the wrist of it, she stood up pulling her up with her.  “I forgive you though. I’ll head down stairs see you when you wake the others. Soon the table was full of chatter as they waited for the last straggler to come down. April came in carrying Rose over her shoulder, she softly set her down and with that breakfast began.
Soft chatter filtered around them until Poppy bumped Buttercup who nodded and set down her fork.
“So! We are almost out of dish soap and I was thinking maybe I could bake something nice for when the others return from their trips. So I was wondering if anyone wanted to go to the store with me and Poppy?” Buttercup asked. She looked from face to face a little nervous of the response. She had no reason to be though a chorus of yeses broke out and one really loud fuck yeah.  
After breakfast there was a rush to get ready. It wasn’t often they all went out together, it was hard to plan a outing with 16 different people and often people were busy. Lily and Daisy were waiting at the door and soon everyone piling into different cars and headed off.
“Okay. Kenzie you push the cart, Buttercup you tell us what is needed for whatever you want to bake, Poppy you help her with that. Daisy can you make sure to grab more laundry soap and fabric softener. The rest of you can stick with us or wander off. Please stick with somebody though, it’ll be easier to regroup that way.” Lily organized out. A collective group nod set a agreement for everyone.
In the end April, May, Lily, Poppy, Kenzie, and Buttercup grouped together for shopping while the others paired off to explore around the store. April lifted Buttercup up and into the shopping cart that Kenzie had retrieved. Poppy and Lily chatted and joked around as Buttercup called out different cooking products. May and April walked a bit behind holding hands and softly whispering to each other.
As the other group went off to get down to business the group left started to pair off. Kat and Rose agreed to go look at the fish in the back of the store. Tulip saw something and grabbed the closest hand to her and ran off after it, Iris had no choice but to be dragged off. Petunia and Daisy shrug and laugh as they head off to buy soap.
Rose looked at the fish disappointment clear on her face. The fish all looked so sad and close to death door, some swam weirdly while others bumped the glass repeatedly. There was no worker around and it wasn’t clear the last time that the fish had been fed. Kat watched carefully and knew what was about to happen next. Rose turned to look at Kat eyes wide and filled with one emotion. Hope.
“No. Don’t look at me like that. I won’t be able to tell you no. We are not buying all the fish here.” Rose wrapped her arms around Kat and pressed her face into KAt’s neck.
“They’re going to die here.” the soft sniffle broke Kat’s heart. Awkwardness taking over Kat rubbed ROse’s back and sighed. She wasn’t going to deny this cutie a bit of happiness.
“Okay listen we can get one. Just one and if anyone asks it your birthday present.” Rose grabbed Kat’s face and pulled her into a long kiss. Kat pulled back and rested their foreheads together, they both sighed. Rose pulled away and searched for a worker so they could pick out a fish. Rose glanced over at Kat and smiled, she looked so beautiful. Rose leaned over to place a kiss on  her cheek and grabbed her hand.
Daisy and Petunia stood in front of all the soaps as Daisy compared two different soaps. Petunia chatted about the newest episode of a T.V. show, it took her two seconds to notice the confusion on Daisy’s face.
“What’s wrong darling?” Petunia peeked over Daisy head.
“It’s just, they don’t have our normal soap and I’m trying to decide between these two smells. This one is wildflowers and it fits our relationship really well. This one however smells like spring breeze and I know how much Buttercup loves that smell.” She picked up both bottles and held them out in front of her. “Pick one?”
“Let’s get both. So we can have a happy Buttercup and something that fit’s our relationship.” petunia grabbed one bottle and clasped Daisy’d now open hand.
“Tulip stop running.” Iris pulled roughly against the girl’s grip. Tulip let go and stopped. Iris took a deep breath and reached for Tulips hand.
“I’m sorry Iris I didn’t mean to pull you around like that. I just saw something and I really wanted to get it.” Tulip tightened her grip around Iris hand.
“What did you see that got you so excited that we couldn’t walk over here?” Tulip pointed to the sign above them.
“Flowers?” Tulip nodded excitedly. She tugged Iris over to the flower set up, they were in three different sections. However Tulips was only looking at the different bouquets they had, Iris admired how gentle she was while picking up the different bouquets. A lanky man appeared in the area and made his way to Tulip.
“If it isn’t my favorite customer? How are you today Tulip? We got a few new arrangement in as you can see. You going to buy them for your lover again?” he had a scratchy voice that set Iris on edge.
“Oh, Mr. Cemont. I’m good, I love the flowers. I have one of my girlfriends with me right now actually.” Tulip nodded at Iris a proud smile on her face. She looked at Iris and stilled, she looked so small and uncomfortable.
The man stuck out his hand for Iris to shake and she jumped slightly, she really did not like this man. She gave him a quick hand shake before she pressed herself into Tulip, it took her a moment to put two and two together. Tulip rushed to save her girlfriend and started walking a little ways away and asking questions. Soon Mr. Cemont was walking off and Tulip moved back to Iris, she pulled her into a soft hug.
“We should get out of here you’re uncomfortable. I’ll buy flowers another time.” Tulip whispered into Iris’s ear. She pulled back and headed for the door.
“Wait let’s get flowers and then go.” Tulip seemed unsure and was about to protest until Iris cut her off. “Please. It’ll make me feel better.”
Iris and Tulip were last to meet up back together again, the groceries were already bought and in the cart. They greeted everyone with kisses and hugs, Buttercup clung tightly to them. It all felt right and safe, like it was meant to be. This was their world and everything was happy here.
“You all are disgusting.” a voice growled shattering the safety of hellos.
“What?” All eyes turned to the ruiner of the moment. A old man who was holding onto a old lady’s hand. He wore grandpa pants and his face was wrinkled, he didn’t have smile crinkles but angry scowl lines.  
“You heard me you disgusting freaks. I’ve seen you all hanging out at the store, at first I thought it was bad enough that you were lesbians but now it turns out you’re all dating. This is a family place don’t rub your gross lifestyle everywhere. How are parents supposed to explain it to their kids?” he pointed a accusing finger at the group.
Here was another reason why the group didn’t go out to often. Sure finding cares and making plans for sixteen people was hard but was even harder was the looks. The looks, the comments, the ushering when they pressed kisses or held hands. The constant judgement when they whispered I love you’s to one another. When they went out in public their relationship became everyone’s relationship. Most just sent a look or walked away quickly, but sometimes people like this old man came by. They yelled at the group. Sometimes they spit or poke but it had never gone to far and the girl’s quickly moved on.
“Sir, really it shouldn’t matter. We all love each other. People like us do exist and the children should know about. They shouldn't be raised in a ignorant world. We aren’t hurting anyone, we didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” Buttercup tried to reason with him, she was closest to him. She held her hands up in a way to show no harm.
“Do not talk to me you disgusting dog. Your people should all be killed.” the old man roughly grabbed a hold of the smaller girl. She let out a surprised noise and tried to wiggle away from his grip, April surged forward to grab a hold of Buttercup. The old man brought his hand across the girl's cheek and shoved her against April. Within seconds a small circle had bubbled around the two, the red mark was clearly visible and Buttercup was crying. Kenzie who was closest to the man whipped around, uncaring that it was a old man and punch him.
The car ride home was stiff as Buttercup curled up to Kenzie, April drove, Daisy sat passenger and Lily was on the other side of Kenzie. Lily carefully ran her finger through Kenzie’s hair, a worried look painted on her face. By the time they arrived home Buttercup was already asleep and Kenzie was close to it.
“I’ll grab Buttercup. The other’s got here before us and got the movie set up for us to watch. Lily you need help getting Kenzie?” April unbuckled Buttercup once they were parked and picked her up. She walked over to Lily bending down slightly.
“No I can do it.” Lily pushed up on her toes and they shared a kiss. It was quick but love filled. “Come on Kenzie we’re home. The other have set up a movie to watch so we can recover from that man.”
“Why did he say that? Why can’t people just accept that we love and care for each other? Why do they find it such a big deal that I’m in love with you all?” Kenzie pulled Lily against her and hide her face. “Why did he have to get violent? Couldn’t he have just let it be?”
“I don’t know Hun. Some people are just closed minded I guess.” Lily stroked Kenzie’s head. “It really doesn’t matter if they understand or not. We understand. It doesn’t matter if they don’t get that we all love each other. All that matters is that we know we love each other and nobody can change that. Sure it would be nice if they understood or if they stopped staring but we’re something new they can’t help it. They'll get over it.”
“I love you Lily. I love all of you” Kenzie pulled back. “Let’s get inside before they take all the good blankets.”
The movie had ended and a new one was put in, they talked together. Soon the talking ended and slowly they started to drift off to sleep. Each one curled into another, they had stayed together so long that moonlight seeped into the room. Instead of waking them up it pushed everyone closer together. Bodies bumped bodies but his time were welcomed with sleepy cuddles.
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Hello! welcome to my small blog. Who knows what I’ll do on it? I don’t know. Guess we’ll have to find out together.
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