babybluebirdie · 11 hours
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babybluebirdie · 1 day
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The day we get a titans series with the fab five (and bumble bee!) may be the best day of my life.
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babybluebirdie · 2 days
Look, I love Alfred as much as the next person. But when there's moments like this:
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Outsiders v3 #21
I've gotta really wonder... does he know how bad things can get when Bruce and Dick are arguing?
Because I don't like the implication that he knows things get physical sometimes and that he just leaves them knowing that.
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babybluebirdie · 2 days
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I’ve been wanting to draw some reverse robin stuff so here they areee (there’s at least one more coming real soon bc i love them)
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babybluebirdie · 4 days
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babybluebirdie · 5 days
Jason has a life-sized cutout of Bruce Wayne in his apartment, and he argues with it a hell of a lot. When Dick dropped by one day and saw it, Jason convinced him of how cathartic it was. Dick brushed him off, telling him to find healthier coping mechanisms, only to go out and get one of his own.
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babybluebirdie · 6 days
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babybluebirdie · 7 days
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TBH I always found Dick and Barbara's sibling relationship better and sweeter than the couple thing not really my cup of tea and their relationship in the Batman 2004 series couldn't be more fun and funny with those 2 as they work together and have friendly sibling rivalry as sidekicks with Batman acting like their teacher/parental figure with Alfred making them treats and snacks for whenever they're hanging out in the cave ☺️❣️
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babybluebirdie · 7 days
Dick Grayson is the type of person anyone from any age group can like.
Toddlers see this much bigger person than them, but don't feel any fear. His too kind eyes are anything but frightening. His soothing voice is calming and warm. And he always knows exactly what to do to make them laugh when they're upset.
The kids think he's really cool, but not in an intimidating way. They can talk to him and he will treat them like he treats everyone else without making them feel like less for being young. Spending just some time with him they already think he's the coolest adult they've ever met and want to play with him all the time.
Teenagers find him to be laid-back and more approachable than other older people they've met. He doesn't judge them and actually cares to listen. He can also relate to their struggles and provide useful advices if they ever need them. He's the type of adult they wouldn't hesitate on calling if they required any help.
Adults his age like him overall. He's a great person, but not a pushover. He's fun while still responsible without becoming overbearing. He doesn't try to seem better than anyone else and approaches everyone as his equals. And everytime someone is in need of support, he will offer a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. He's a very good friend.
Elders see him as a very kind and respectful young man. Always making sure they're well, greeting them with a smile. He's very insightful and wise, too. Like an old soul in a young body. So, they can talk with him for hours about anything; their philosophies, experiences, life in general... And sometimes they just look at him and wonder why does it feel like he's lived more things than anyone his age should have. Not amount of pondering could give them an answer.
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babybluebirdie · 9 days
Anyone else thinks about how fucked up is that Bruce brought this up
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The New Titans #55
When a few years back Dick had opened up to him about this.
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Tales of the Teen Titans #50
Like, he really went in for the kill by using one of Dick's insecurities against him. He stained a memory Dick probably held dear.
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babybluebirdie · 9 days
Dick Grayson and Body Image: A Thread
I’ve heard people call Dick Grayson the sex symbol of DC. Ever since the era of DCYou and Rebirth, along with some selective Pre-52 material, he’s been characterized to know how good he looks. He wins over women, he walks around shirtless, he uses his sex appeal to gain info.
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But what these people don’t know is that this is actually a HUGE mischaracterization. Here’s a thread about how Dick’s personality and views of himself have changed to fit a sexualized agenda, rather than staying true to his character.
Let’s begin with the Pre-Crisis era.
Dick first began to show an aversion to the sexualization of his body in Tales of the Teen Titans, which was his primary book at the time. Here Tara’s ‘compliments’ are met with a brief thanks before he reminds her of his modesty.
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This would continue into the edge of Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis, with a sense awkwardness for any sort of joke involving his body or appearance. At this point he and Kory have been dating for a number of years, but Dick still seems embarrassed with a comment such as this one.
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In The New Titans, a disguised Dick says to Kory that he’s “pretty conservative” about nudity, and she replies that he must learn how to accept himself.
“Easier said than done.”
This reveals that Dick actually struggles with an insecurity regarding his body.
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When what’s generally known as the Pre-52 era of Post-Crisis rolls around, Dick never overtly admits his struggles like he did with Kory.
But there are several instances where he is clearly uncomfortable with people sexualizing him or pointing out his appearance.
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Both of these instances fall within Nightwing (1996). Similar comments are made, and both times, his response is exasperated and uninterested.
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Unfortunately, Nightwing (1996) is also tainted by the hand of Devin Grayson, who plays a role in the new wave of sexualizing Dick and portraying him as a womanizer. But this just goes to show that even despite that, there were still hints regarding how he could care less.
Dick Grayson being the sex symbol of DC makes no sense when you consider his character history before the work of Devin Grayson and Tim Seeley, among others. Dick is also an incredibly monogamous person to whom love means a lot. But that’s another thread for the future.
The point here is that he should still be appreciated as a character with his insecurities and struggles meaning something. Tossing that away in order to appeal to the people who truly believe Dick thinks himself all that is a complete disrespect to his development.
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babybluebirdie · 10 days
I saw a post literally claiming it was child Dick who taught Bruce Wayne to be emotionally incompetent towards children in his care.
It seems rather simplistic to accuse child Dick of training a fully grown adult man to accept the parenting of a literal child. Point to note: Bruce did not adopt Dick when he brought him home. That whole deal was: richie rich billionaire hiding a witness to a crime by day and Batman helping to solve the Grayson murders by night. The fostering adopting caring of a distraught 8 year old orphan who watched his parents fall to death in front of his eyes was NOT the primary focus. To a circus boy whose idea of wealth and comfort was nowhere even miles near Bruce's idea of wealth; to a circus boy who lost his everything when his parents were killed, that was the only commonality with Bruce who didn't lose his home, social status, social connection, his wealth, when HIS parents were killed. Dick does NOT come into Wayne manor as Bruce's child. Dick comes into Wayne manor as a case that needs solving. And in helping Batman solve the Grayson murders and by choosing to adopt vigilantism to save others and provide justice to those who couldn't be saved - Dick becomes Bruce's equal. It is Batman, Bruce, the adult in the scenario, who allows that equation; who continues to foster the idea in the 9 year old that their primary relationship is that of Batman-Robin. That idea is even more reinforced when Batman fires Dick from Robin repeatedly and enforces Batman's disapproval as Bruce.
To Dick, without Robin he has no relationship to Bruce. THAT is on Bruce Wayne, the adult. Bruce stans insisting baby Dick TRAINED Bruce to be emotionally incompetent by insisting Dick himself would parent a full arse man - a CEO, a vigilante, a polyglot, a supposed genius - only help raise the question: Is Bruce daft?
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babybluebirdie · 11 days
dick likes being reminded how much smaller, how much younger he is than slade. he pretends he doesn’t like the nicknames, the endearments-
the little bird, the kid.
it feels good to stand next to slade, having to look up at him when he talks. it feels like standing next to bruce, back when he was robin, safe and protected.
dick knows better than to trust slade.
but he wants to, so so badly.
sometimes he thinks it‘s like staring down unto gotham‘s streets from one of the innumerable rooftops and thinking about what it would feel like to fall, without any safety net, without any gadget to save himself.
he likes to think it would be like flying.
weightlessness, until the impact.
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babybluebirdie · 11 days
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what i like so much about Dick Grayson's Harem of Morally Ambiguous Older Men
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babybluebirdie · 12 days
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Superbat be fucking normal about each other challenge: Failed.
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babybluebirdie · 12 days
Cat therapy for the red hood
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babybluebirdie · 13 days
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anyways here’s tim drake dying in a glue trap
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