barenakedbruja · 2 years
Let me lay in your arms and enjoy the silence you bring to my screaming mind.
Let me hold your hand and enjoy that your fingers fit perfectly between mine and never hurt.
Let me cry in the dead of night because it hurts holding every emotion in throughout the day.
Let me feel safe with you, not terrified that this will all come to an end in the blink of an eye.
Let me think it'll all be okay, even though we know it won't be.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
Today my brain doesn't want to be happy.
I offer it coffee, treats, cat videos, cute pictures, and anything else I can think of.
Today my heart hurts.
I remind it that we are loved, no one's is angry at us, today is busy and it's okay.
Today I feel disgusting, like I should hide my everything, and leave to never be seen again.
I remind myself that the anxiety is not real, that the image I see in the mirror is a trick, that I survived and need to keep doing so.
Today is bad day but I remind myself that it doesn't have to stay that way.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
The way my body reacts the moment you compliment me is not okay
The way I blush the moment you say something sweet makes me nervous
The way I want you scares me
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I wanna be fucked so hard that I can’t talk and all I can get out is little “uh huh’s” when you ask me something
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I crave your jokes as much as I crave your dirty words
I crave our conversations as much as I crave our lust
I crave your smiles as much as I crave your mouth
I crave the simple as much as I crave the complicated
I crave the laughing as much as I crave the moaning
I crave you
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
Make Me
Make me shiver under your gaze
Make me fall down to my knees
Make me breathless as you fill my mouth
Make me submit
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I don’t wanna be submissive for just anyone, I want you to force me into submission. I need you to put be in my place, and show me what a depraved whore I am for you.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I can still hear the way he pleaded, wanting me to do it again.
I can still hear the way he teased, demanding I tell him what I want next.
I can still hear the way he gapses, how his breath sped up as I took him in my hands.
I can still hear the way he smiled, so proud of how he made me cum against his fingers.
I can still hear the way he begged for more.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I knew the feeling of his lips before we ever kissed. The way he smiled gave me hints of what to expect.
I knew the feeling of his fingers before they ever touched my body. The way he would hold the steering wheel teased my imagination.
I knew the feeling of his tongue before it made me shiver. The way he would say my name, I knew it would have me saying his.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
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Hiroshima Mon Amour
Prints available here.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
I want him to worship at my body.
For the prayer on his lips to be my own as he makes me cry out for god.
I want to drop to my knees at the alter he is.
To feel his skin under my hands, his hands in my hair, our bodies craving to be closer than skin to skin.
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
With his touch, he worshiped her.
Six Sexy Words
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
She loved you, you know. You were the best friend she’s ever had.
— Bill Burke, Bridge to Terabithia
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
While I can’t have you, I long for you. I am the kind of person who would miss a train or a plane to meet you for coffee. I’d take a taxi across town to see you for ten minutes. I’d wait outside all night if I thought you would open the door in the morning. If you call me and say ‘Will you…’ my answer is ‘Yes’, before your sentence is out. I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close.
— Jeanette Winterson
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
“Solitude is dangerous. It’s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realize how peaceful and calm it is. It’s like you don’t want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.”
— Jim Carrey
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
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barenakedbruja · 2 years
Having sex with your f/o………..the sound of a creaking bed starting slow and light and gentle…………then it starts to pick up, getting louder, the quiet sounds of moans are also mixed in…………eventually the creaking of your bed is deafening, the mattress is squeaking loudly, the headboard is slamming against the wall, the moans that were once quiet are now so loud the whole house can hear them, alongside the wet slapping of skin on skin ❤️❤️❤️
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