bbuckysarm · 3 years
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bbuckysarm · 3 years
Breaking Sound - Prequel
Pairing: Darcy Lewis x F!reader
Plot: Y/N is naturally born enhanced, with the power to manipulate sound. When her former parole officer asks for some assistance regarding a former team member she has no choice but to aid where she can. Along the way she meets Darcy Lewis, a brilliant Astrophysicist.
I shot up in my bed for the millionth time in the past month, everytime I close my eyes I see him, Thanos. No matter how many times I wake up and remember that Tony killed him, that Tony saved us all. I turn over and look at my clock and notice that it's only five in the morning here in Colorado but I decide to get up anyway, deciding it was too late to force myself back to sleep. I approach my closet and quickly scan past the suit Tony gave me, left untouched since the final battle. It feels wrong to wear it. After the funeral everyone went their separate ways, I always felt that the suit was more an avengers thing, ya know? I put on a pair of leggings and a sweater and make sure my hair is tucked inside my hood.
I went across my small studio apartment to my balcony and slid the door open. I sat on my balcony that gave me a beautiful view of the snow covered mountains and I began to meditate. Meditating is the only thing that I use to keep my powers in check these days. I try not to use my powers. I know it scares people, seeing enhanced beings. Even though I was an avenger I see people shy away from me in public, scared after seeing the destruction it can cause. It’s different from when Tony was Ironman, he had a suit people could understand. People have a harder time understanding those of us who don't wear a mask and can do extraordinary things. While I meditate I manipulate the sounds around me. I balance on the sound barrier and focus on clearing my head, I spend most of my day doing this but when I had barely started I heard my phone ring.
Snapped out of my trance I fall to the ground taking the full impact on my tailbone. I roll over, groaning, to see who it could be. I soon see the name on a caller ID that strikes almost more fear into my heart than Thanos, Jimmy Woo, my former parole officer. I quickly look around my balcony, looking to hide anything that could possibly be illegal, despite the fact that my parole ended when the blip happened.
“Jimmy Woo, my favorite resident snitch. What do I owe the pleasure,” I answered a small smile creeping onto my face.
“Y/N my favorite issue, the pleasure is all mine,” He said laughing, “I’ve actually called on business.”
I hung up. I don’t do business.
My phone rings - I don’t answer it.
It rings again, and again.
And on the fourth I answer.
“Jimmy I don’t do business anymore. I'm retired, I'm more than willing to forward you some contact information so some of the other small time avengers, I believe you do in fact have Scott Lang’s number. I, on the other hand, have taken the small fortune Stark generously left me, and started my own life without all that.” I explained, having lost all humor in my voice.
“Y/N It’s Wanda, you have to help her,” Suddenly the windows started vibrating around me as I lost all control of emotions, “Y/N are you there?” I heard Jimmy say from the speaker I was letting fall.
“Text me where to be Jimmy,” I said after regaining focus, “I'll be there in twenty minutes.”
A/n: lol just a little idea I and ik its short but like i hate when prequels are long it was just to short to be the first chapter. plz correct my grammar if u want i never learned any of that but i cant seem to care enough to find out
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
Please don’t make me the joke G.W
Pairing:   George x reader 
Plot: George askes y/n to go to Hogsmeade with him, y/n assumes its a joke.  
Word count: 1.4k
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I walked into my least favorite class of the day, Muggle Music, and threw myself in my chair. I had chosen this class because being muggle born I figured that I would already know all the songs. I thought I was going to be analyzing like taylor swift songs and jamming out during class when in actuality, I’m studying how Mozart used the art of Pathos.
I felt a peace of parchment hit the top pf my head then fall to the floor. I began to pick it up  as I felt another one hit the back of my chair, then another, and another, and another. I turned around to see two redheads, one with a smile as big as the crescent moon. The other, whose face was almost as red as his hair was smiling soft but avoiding eye contact with me. I recognized them as Ron’s older siblings, Fred and George. Everyone knows that they are trouble makers. I always try to just stay under all the class clowns radars so I don’t sign up for any unwanted public attention. I’ve only briefly spoken to the twins when they needed homework answers, hoping that they would leave me alone in return.  The twin with the red face was still holding another piece of parchment paper. I stared at him in the eyes as he avoided mine, daring him to throw it. He moved his hand bellow his desk and rolled the final peace of paper to me. 
I felt a wave of rage wash over me my face turning a shave of pink it had not been before, the way the twin still threw the paper after they had already had their laugh made me feel laughed at. I looked down at the final ball of paper and saw something scribbled. They were notes, to embarrassed to read them in front of the twins I shoved them all under my desk, pretending to be uninterested. 
Class went on for another half an hour and I could hear whispers coming from the table behind me. I was not sure if the twins were talking about me, but considering what had happened earlier in class I assumed they where, causing me a lot of anxiety. My ears felt red hot and my eyes felt warm trying to try to listen in on what they were saying. 
The class was released but I stayed in my seet, pretending I was picking up my stuff. I watched everyone leave out of the corner of my eye including the confident looking twin. The last person to leave was the second twinge walked past my desk before walking towards the door. My heart began to beat faster and my beards again felt white hot. 
“I’m sorry for distracting you during class, it was mostly Fred.” The twin said shily. No sound came out of my mouth when I opened it to respond, unsure of what to say. He shuffled away towards the door but looked back one final time to smile before he left. I returned the smile as he walked out of the classroom. Quickly I bent down and picked up the five notes and shoved them in my bag, making my way to the hufflepuff common room. 
The hufflepuff common room is my favorite place inside of hogwarts, not to mention the beautiful outdoor views. It always felt safe in the common room. It’s the only common room in hogwarts that has a defensive spell so no other house can get in. I ran into the room and found a comfy chair to sit in as I find the courage to read these letters. 
“George wants to know if you will go to Hogsmeade with him,”  The first letter said, I quickly looked up in paranoia making sure I'm the only one to read the letter. 
“Ignore that,”  The second one, I assume is from George, says. My eyes feel warm as tears weld up in them. I begin to feel more embarrassed, the shame pilling on. Why did the twins have to make you the butt of their joke. 
“Sorry George is a little shy he won't ask you himself,”   The third letter said as I let it fall through my hands beginning to let the tears fall. 
“Fred is being an ass im sorry,” The fourth one said. It was all a joke. Just something fred weasley did to kill time in a class he didn’t want to be in. I know it shouldn’t matter because it's not like I have a crush on him or anything but it jets hurts to be laughed at. I always assumed that the weasley twins where better than this, I assumed they laughed with people not at them, unless they deserved it. 
“If you did want to go to hogsmeade together this weekend I think it would be fun. - George,” the last note said. 
I threw myself into a fit of rage, being laughed at is something that cayuses me a lot of insecurity and I needed to let them know they just can't mess with me like that. I got my parchment and feather out and begin writing. 
“Dear Fred and George,
I’m very happy that you guys have found something to do during class that is not interrupting the entire class, unfortunately your knee hobby is distracting me. Shouldn’t seventh years have more things to worry about than a quiet fifth year trying to pay attention in  music class. I always assumed we had a good deal going, you let me exist in peace and I gave you homework answers. Please, please just leave me be. I don’t want to be the butt of the joke.”
I stood up with tears in my eyes as I rush out of the common room, some of my friends trying to stop me with a worried face. I ignored them as I walked past. Tears blurred my vision and I continued heading towards the gryffindor common room. I ran into someone and quickly dropped the letter marked to the twins. 
“Y/N? Why are you writing a letters to my brothers?”  One of my acquaintances Ron said. 
“Because I’m going to kill them.” I said a matter of factly as Hermione help me up and I yanked the letter from Ron's hand. I’m sure he decided against continuing any questions when he saw the tears pouring from my face. 
I ran up to their common room, this was may chance. My chance to make them the joke and not me. I wanted to let them know that they cant treat me like another one of their little jokes, i'm not just a puppet for them to entertain themselves with, like everyone else in this school. 
I opened the door and quickly saw the twins sitting on a chair in the back selling tricks to the year ones. I had collected myself outside the door but as soon as I see George look up at me and smile i begin crying again. “Your just the butt of their joke.” I repeated in my head as tears began to fall again. I decided to hand the letter go george and walk out immediately, barely even making eye contact with Fred. 
I left the school building and decided to go for a walk to clear my head. As I was sitting buy the lake reading a book I had found in the library I heard someone yell from a few yards away. 
“Hey y/n, do you think we can talk?” I turned and saw that It was coming from one of the twins, I was not sure which one. 
My classmate sat next to me, “I’m George.” He said. 
“I know,” I said as I looked down, even if I didn’t.
“Will you go to hogsmeade with me this weekend?” George said.
I let out a small chuckle, “Am I still a joke Weasley?” 
My heart beat fast as tears welled up for the thousandth time that day. George put his hand on my cheek to wipe away the tears, “Y/N you know it was never a joke, you where never a joke.”  He laughed contradicting himself. “You and me have a good thing going here, I copy your homework and I leave you alone.”  He said shoving my shoulder with his. 
“Your not doing so well on your side of the agreement Weasley,” I said smiling. 
“I think its time we renew the terms of our agreement Y/N,” he said jumping up from the seet and holding out his hand for me, “Lets discuss this over a butter beer this weekend at hogsmeade, please Y/N.” 
I laughed then smiled, “That actually sounds pleasant George, I’ll see you this weekend.”
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
as a person in society 2020 has been rough;( but as an introvert low key lets do it again next year:)
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
Paralysed - Sam Winchester
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Plot: Reader has just a little Sleep paralysis scare so Sam Comforts her after
Word count: 609
Warnings: sleep paralysis
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The cold wind blew in my hair as I rode in the back of the impala reading a book titled “The art of exercising demons.” Dean was driving and listening to music, and Sam was drinking a smoothie he had gotten on our last stop and was currently looking for a new case. I watched SAm concentrate through the rearview mirror as his face clenched and contorted with concentration. I could watch Sam work for hours, he's so large yet graceful. Every movement he did looked finely calculated. Each keyboard clicks and turns off a page he is confident. I snapped myself out of the zone I was in and saw Sam staring at me through the same rearview mirror. He smiled and winked at me. Embarrassed my boyfriend just caught me staring at him, I looked back down into my book for a while before falling asleep with the book on my chest.
“You can carry something” I hear Dean wine in his normal ‘I am not getting what I want’ wine. “I can't wake her up Dean, she fell asleep like two hours ago.” Sam’s voice said. I went to offer to Dean to help carry things in but I could not say anything, I tried moving my hand but it would not comply. Shit, I have always had a problem with sleep paralysis. It doesn't happen often at all but if I fall asleep very tired and something wakes me up from outside my dream it can happen. Usually it doesn't last more than fifteen minutes. I felt Sam lift me up, I felt like I was awake enough to walk myself but I just couldn't seem to open my eyes. I felt myself working up the courage to jump out of his arms but everything I tried to jump I would realize that I was not moving at all i was just dreaming that I had jumped out. Finally I could open my eyes as overpowering the strong sleep kept them closed. I barrel rolled out of sams hands as he gasped. “Y/N what are you doing? You're safe.” he said admittedly. Slowly I Tried to stretch my legs, and arms to stand again. “Sorry,” I continued groggily, “I was having sleep paralysis, I felt Trapped I had to get out of there.” The end of my sentence began to sound more defeated then it did before. “Y/N are you ok?” SAm asked as he immediately rushed to help me up from the ground. “Do you need to sleep more? Come on let's get you to bed hun.” chuckling I think I’ve had enough sleep for a little I don’t think it will happen again anytime soon but I think I’ll just watch TV Sammy thank you.`` I said kissing him. “You go get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning.” I did not want to force Sam to stay awake with me knowing we had just got back from a long hunt and honestly everyone could use rest right now. “If you promise to watch something good I'll let you watch TV in my room.” Sam said smiling , grabbing my hand. “Can we watch FRIENDS?” I asked with the most excitement I could muster. He took the hand he was holding and kissed it, “That sounds like a plan to me.”
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
How do you know John?
Pairing DeanxReader
Season: umm kinda like pre-season 1 but like barely
Plot: You are a solo hunter stopping at a gas station when you hear someone ask about a fellow hunter. 
warnings: none that i’m aware of
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I hopped out of my 61’ Volkswagen Van and headed into the gas station to use the restroom and get some snacks, I’m a hunter and I have been one my whole life. Despite only being 22 I can handle a wendigo better than most seasoned hunters. I hunted and learned from my uncle after I moved in with him when I was 12. Soon before my 17th birthday he was killed working a hunt and I’ve been on my own. I briefly looked at the snacks before continuing towards the restroom but on my way I heard a man who seemed a little older than me he had a serious look on his face and seemed to be determined to get a positive answer from the man at the register.  I quickly grabbed a bag of trail mix and made my way to the line, trying to hear what the customer was asking. “Have you seen this man come by in the past week or so?” The stranger said. I looked up at the circle reflector above the register to see the picture of the supposed missing person and right away I knew him. “John Winchester” I whispered just audibly enough for the stranger to hear me. He turned around and his piercing green eyes met mine. 
Only imagining the kind of company ‘The John Winchester’ could be keeping or what enemies he has I dropped the snack onto the closest shelp and made a deadbolt to my car trying to find a weapon. I could hear the stranger chasing and yelling out for me to stop. I had just opened my door when I felt a tug on my arm. I grabbed my 9mm glock from under my seat and quickly I moved it to the attacker's head. “You don't have to shoot, I'm not going to hurt you!” He yelled at me as my eyes focused and my hand began to steady. “How do you know John Winchester?”  He said refocused on the gun barrel pointed directly at his head. “How do you know John Winchester?” I said defensively. Before I could react the young man had me lying on my back with the gun knocked from my hand. “John is my father, and you better tell me what business you have with him or this may get ugly sweetcheeks,” The green eyed man said with authority.  “If you are his son I have no problem telling you, but can I get off the ground?” The man chucked in a low voice as he reached out his hand to help me up. “Dean Winchester,”  he introduced himself. Looking up at him I grabbed his hand and said “Y/n L/n.” 
We stayed silent for about a minute as he got into my van. I quickly showed him where he could fit in my fully converted living space. We exchanged formalities and small talk before I could tell that he had some questions he'd rather ask. The van got uncomfortably quiet before he asked “How did you know my father?” I stared into his emerald green eyes and remembered my run in with the famous hunter. It was a ghoul case but I had not collected the dots yet. I was stuck in a situation all alone and it seemed like he turned up out of nowhere to save the day. He hurt one of the ghouls and got me to safety before going back and killing them all. I like to think of myself as a very independent person but I know how to accept help when I need it. If it was not for John Winchester I would not be alive today. After explaining the story to Dean he asked me how recent this was. I explained to him that it was less than a month ago and he explained to me that he was missing “Do you need help?”  He stopped fiddling with his hands and looked directly at me, “You want to help me find my dad?”  John Winchester saved me, I wont be able to rest until I know he's saved to. I might as well come along.” I said as Dean looked at me with admiration in his eyes. “We have to take my car,” I said quickly, hoping to call dibs. Dean’s green eyes lit up as he began laughing saying, “Oh no baby girl we take mine you can follow along in this hippie dippie crap or you can ride with a real man.” he said as he winked at me. “Also you can ride shotgun, we gotta go pick up my little brother. 
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
He Coulden’t Come
Pairing:  Peter Parker x Stark!reader 
Plot: Reader is fighting in wakanda when Thanos snaps his fingers, she waits for Peter to get off the ship with tony. 
Warnings: fighting, near death, blood, loss
Word count: 670
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APRIL 27-We lost, we lost and now everyone is dying. Thanos got the stones, he snapped his fingers and it was over. I stand here hopeless as I see all my loved ones turn to dust in the air around me. I immediately check my suit and see that my father, although coming from far away, has a life signal. That's when it hits me, Peter. Where is he? What is he doing? Is he safe? Is he alive? I begin  to cry as my hands find the roots of my hair pulling at it to find some sort of comfort.  It seemed like everything was being taken from around me. I had to know where Peter was. I needed to know he was ok. 
APRIL 28-The next morning as we left Wakanda I felt myself  being shepherded to a plane, when an arm went around my shoulder I looked through my tear stained eyes up at steve. “Tony will have him, your dads got him.” Steve said, trying to reassure me. I kept trying to find damage in my communication systems as I struggled to reach my father and assure myself of his safety. Unable to contact him I begin to focus on the people with me, hoping to feel some sort of assurance, but none comes. Everyone is defeeted, I stand there as my heart breaks more as everyone counts who they lost. I begin to fear the worst, what will I do if Peter is  lost too. 
MAY 20-It had been twenty two days since we lost half the population. 22 days since I saw my father and 22 days senceI saw Peter, 22 days since I knew he was ok. There is no way for me to talk to my dad although I can tell he is still alive. We don't know what he's doing out in space, for all we know he could still be fighting, he could be dying. Everyone's heart is broken. Very few families got through the snap whole. I hold onto the hope that when my father returns He will have Peter, I can not be the one to lose him. Everyone walks lightly around me. THey all know for a fact that their loved ones are gone by this point it's something that has been accepted. I can tell Pepper is circling around the fact that Peter may not come back when we get my father home. I spend most days at the base. Searching for a signal of anything that may be returning to our planet. I was watching Tv in the control room on my laptop as I got an alert for something getting ready to enter our orbit. As I looked closer I set off the base alarm, It was a ship being carried by something. I ran out to the front yard and soon was met with everyone who was still there late at night. 
A woman wrapped in a bright light was holding the plan and landing it. Without even considering the danger of a new enemy I hurried towards the opening of the now landed plane. The damaged bridge began to fail as my heart beat sped up. My palms were sweating and my head began to feel light at the feeling of seeing my family again. Then I saw him, Tony Stark. Peper rushed up to help him as he began to walk off the ship, a girl with blue skin following close behind. My father looked up from hugging Pepper. I smiled at him while looking over his shoulder into the ship. Tony made his way towards me and looked me in the eyes, he was gone. Peter was gone. My dad looked at me with tears in his eyes and said. “He’s not coming, he couldn't come”
 A/N umm ok so basicly this is eeehhhh but I was halfway through it when I relized it was shit so I just kept writing i hope you sll read it and thought “not the eorst”
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
I need a Blunt
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Buckys gf always has a hard time on her period.
pairing: Bucky x reader
word count: 880
warnings: Drug use but its just weed 
A/N: idk why I wrote this I think its because im smoking a blurnt tonoght flex 
I started tonight out as I usually do as one of the world's mightiest heroes, by crying. I know it's not very tough but in my defense I am just on my period. Super strength always seems to come with super cramps. I wanted to call Bucky and beg him to hang out with me but if he was training I didn't want to disturb him. And while I may be dramatic, I only like throwing pity parties when the guest list only has one person on it: me. Feeling emotional and lonely I looked through the photos on my phone.
 The pictures of me and all my mighty friends made me feel more lonely and only depressed me more so I decided to be productive. I got in the shower and got all clean and put on some of my more loose athletic clothes, not wanting myself to be brought down by my bloating. As I left my apartment I felt like I was missing something but just brushed it unimportant. I walked into the training room in my sweats and a tank top seeing my boyfriend doing his beast to beat up his best friend Steve. When they noticed me they quickly took a break.
 “Hey doll,” Bucky said, strutting over to me and kissing my head. “Haven't seen you all night where you have been.” “Throwing myself a pity party,” I replied monotone. “Excited to see you in a good mood.” Steve said sarcastically as I began to laugh. “I just wanted to get up and get moving. Why want to spar?” Just as I was getting ready to face off against Bucky I got a sharp cramp in my abdomen. “You doing ok doll.” Bucky said with a worried look in his eye, “Ya um fine buck just got cramps ya know.” that was enough to make the two old fashion men quickly drop any follow up questions. I straightened my back from its hunched position and got back into my fighting stance. “I think you're going to get hurt.” Buck said matter-of-factly. Laughing, I said, “Do you know our job? I think i'm getting used to it.” 
We spared on and off for about an hour before I had another cramp and was taken off my feet fast by bucky. The cramp and the fall all hit me at once and I just laid there like an idiot. Eventually I made my way standing. Bucky was looking in my eyes searching for sadness or anger but all I did was groan. “Bitch that hurt,” I said laughing softly. Relieved he smiled, “Doll I told ya.” “I need a joint or something.” I said in an overdramatic needy voice. “Lets go get you one then Doll,” Bucky said as he put his metal arm around my back. “By the way, do you need anything for… ya know.” “No buck, I'm fine,” I said laughing. “All you need to buy me is a lighter.” 
My cramps began to intensify on the ride home, or the pain from my body was mixing with the pain from the training we did. Buck slid his metal hand from the wheel to your hand as he drove you two home, ready for the relaxing plans you had for the rest of the night. “Will you smoke with me tonight?” I asked Buck excitedly. He never liked the idea of weed, he thought it would compromise him. I did my best to explain to him that it, although nothing like it, would not compromise him more than alcohol would but he never seemed to feel comfortable with it so I never pushed him. I looked over at him and it looked like he was actually considering it. I tried to get the hope and excitement to settle in my soul before I assumed he was going to say yes. “If I try it can I only have a little?” Excitedly I let my words come out in a jumble, “Yes, buck im so excited you're going to love it I promise.” He laughed as we pulled into our apartment complex and we got out. 
Back inside the apartment I quickly got all my tools out and got to work rolling a small blunt. I'm sure bucky won't take more than a few hits and I don't really want to get stoned just feel some pain relief, plus I wanted to be ok in case bucky needs anything. I lit the blunt and took a few good tokes before passing it to buck. “Doll I’ve never tried this before. “It's just like a cigarette. Buck you where in the war you had to have had at least one,” I said encouragingly. I watched the way his face contorted after inhaling the thick smoke, he coughed a little as he exhaled but he did not seem to hate it. “What now?” He asked me, looking slightly nervous. “Just wait.” I said as I continued to smoke the Blunt. We sat in a comfortable silence for a little, bucky took a few more hits but nothing crazy. After I felt the warm feeling wash over me I asked bucky how he was. He began to laugh, “Steve was so small Doll, you should have seen him.” I began laughing, “What do you mean hon?” “He was like a foot tall doll. It's all I can think about,” He cracked up laughing unable to control it, “I could have been the coolest kid in my town if i didn't hang around that weasel.” Now I began cracking up, never in our 2 year long relationship had I ever heard him laugh as hard as he was right now. The entire night was full of old stories and laughs, as we were falling asleep that night bucky turned over to face me, “I want to do it again Doll, not often, but again.” 
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bbuckysarm · 4 years
Y/N tries to make brunch for dean but it dosent go right in the slightest.
Warnings: none
Pair: Dean x y/n (gender nutural <no pronouns>)
word count: 510
A/N: hey yall I really enjoy reading but im not that great at the writting part but I wanted to give it a try lmk if I need to change anything!!
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I could hear the rain falling against the ceiling over my head as Dean took a shower. The warmth of our dog miracle comforted me as the loneliness of the dreary day washed over me. The shower came to a hult and Dean came out with a towel wrapped around him. Jokingly I shot him a wink and bit my lip. “Y/N if i ever have to see that again I can't promise I won't leave you.” “Dean I know you would never.” I teased him as I threw his dirty clothes out of the bathroom at him. I made eye contact with him and my heart stopped. Even after all this time a flash of his gold flaked green eyes and that award winning smile could stop me in my tracks. “Could not dream of it baby,” He replied, catching the clothes effortlessly. “Are you hungry?” I asked, “My stomach is growling quite hungry and I’m going to make something for brunch.” “Ya whatever you make should be fine, i'm just going to shave and i'll be right out,” He said. 
Opening the almost bare cupboards in the kitchen I began to think that I shouldn't put off shopping for as long as I do. But it's not really my fault I don't want to. I find various ingredients over the kitchen and try to make a game plan. I tried to make the extra taco meat we had and bagels into sandwiches but all i did was burn it all. As the smoke began to build up I began panicking if the fire alarm went off the sprinklers will too and I did not want to be the one responsible. The last time I accidentally set the sprinklers off we did not know how to turn them off yet and the bunker flooded. 
Smelling smoke Dean came running out with half his face shaved and a gun in hand, knowing the enemies we have. “Y/N are you ok what's going on.” The second his confused remark came out a loud alarm went on and almost immediately it seemed the rain that was hitting the roof just before had made it into the bunker. Dean feeling the water looked at me and began laughing “Y/N what the hell did you do? Setting the alarm off again?” “I was just working with what the cupboards gave me, ok?” He began laughing harder before composing himself. “I'll race you to the shut off button Y/N last one their has to buy beer.” “Deal i'll race you,” I said, beginning to have fun, “But, we are drinking straight from the bottle tonight Dean.” “Only you know my idea of a great time,” He said as he walked over to me. Hypnotized by his hand on my face I didn't notice him snake his leg between mc and kicking making me fall lightly to the ground. Dean looked at me with a smile as wide as a crescent moon as he said. “Sorry babe im not losing to you.” i laughed as he took off sprinting twards the operations room. 
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