biandexhausted · 4 years
Okay so imma be trying out a full soup diet for the next few months :
450 calories/day (1L of my potato and leek soup) + 10 000 steps/day + WATERRRR & green tea
In two weeks I should be down at least 8 lbs.
4th of March I’ll be at my goal weight 🏃‍♂️
I’ll post my results here 💓
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biandexhausted · 4 years
I can FEEL the fat melting off me
Come on body, burn the extra calories you’re not getting from food
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biandexhausted · 4 years
Tips for when you’re about to binge
Think about all of the hard work you’ve put in to getting this far
If you smoke, I find that it makes you feel fuller to smoke a cigarette but I don’t recommend if you aren’t a smoker now
Watch a scary series like AHS (being scared makes you less hungry as it’s a natural instinct)
Do jumping jacks until you’re out of breath
chug a big mug of plain green tea (don’t use sweeteners as they slow down weight loss)
If all this doesn’t work, look at photos like these and think about what your body would look like wearing the same outfits .... see ?
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biandexhausted · 4 years
First day of paleo diet is going really well, just thinking of food makes me wanna puke. Since I’m not eating, I’ve been doing different types of self-care : face mask, school work, tidying up, organising days out to art galleries...
Been chugging water and green tea for that proper cleanse.
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biandexhausted · 4 years
"How to lose weight.." (part 2)
If you’re feeling hungry, drink two glasses of water, one warm to fill you up and one cold, to burn calories.
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biandexhausted · 4 years
"How to lose weight.." (part 1)
•Taking 10 000 steps a day, burns over 500 extra calories, by doing so you loose roughly 1 extra pound per week.
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biandexhausted · 4 years
*LOVE LOVE LOVE this sweet little community*
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I don’t know about you but the proana and thinspo community on Tumblr is the only group where I feel in my place
Everyone is so accepting and supportive because we understand each other’s struggles
Knowing that other people are fighting to achieve their weight goal encourages me more than ever to achieve mine
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biandexhausted · 4 years
It sounds bad to say, but starving is one of the most euphoric things. It’s like drugs without actually taking them. The feeling of the world spinning and knowing you’re closer to your goal is one of the best feelings.
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biandexhausted · 4 years
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Looking back at old photos of yourself when you thought you were fat is so fucking sad
Becoming your own thinspo
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biandexhausted · 4 years
I am unable to describe exactly what is the matter with me; now and then there are horrible fits of anxiety, apparently without cause, or otherwise a feeling of emptiness and fatigue in the head.
— Vincent van Gogh, in a letter to his sister
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biandexhausted · 4 years
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biandexhausted · 4 years
Starting the paleo diet :
So basically fasting on water and green tea Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
The remaining days I won’t go over 500 calories
I’ll post the results here
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biandexhausted · 7 years
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This is probably one of my favourite thinspo’s. Look at her flat stomach, how even the belt is too big.. sigh.
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biandexhausted · 7 years
I’m going to get so fucking skinny. You just wait.
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biandexhausted · 7 years
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as of this morning I’m 103.6! 🌸
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biandexhausted · 7 years
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biandexhausted · 7 years
"Just think: one day, i'll be able to look in the mirror and be satisfied with what i see.."
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