bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
Remember how starving felt. Remember how you felt like you could float, how you were always motivated because you knew you were losing weight. Remember how everyone was noticing that you lost weight, how your gym teacher’s eyes went wide when she saw your new weight. Remember how you could feel the pounds shedding off with every drop of sweat, how you could fast for days on end without a single pain, how you could effortlessly refuse food, how you could always control yourself… now think about how being fat feels. Think about how you always feel sick after binging your heart out and how you feel tired all the time. Think about how you feel gross after just laying around all day, always surrounded by food, always accepting the food put out in front of you. Why do you make yourself feel like this? Why do you make yourself fat? Honey, you know what you need to do. Just don’t eat.
-ana, the nice one. (via giveupforskinny)
Holy shit this hit me so MF hard
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
STORY OF A BOY- Blowing him off.
The next day after our first kiss was January 1st. That morning he added me on instagram and snapchat. He texted me good morning. And he asked if I wanted to hangout tomorrow. I remember walking downstairs to my mother, father, and sister and saying guess who wants to go on a date with me?! I told them about Jake and they were all so excited. My sister didn’t have the best high school experience, and essentially hated everyone in her grade by the time she graduated, but she loved Jake. She had nothing but amazing and nice things to say about him and she egged me on go on a date with him. I was skeptical because I was leaving to go back to school in Arizona on January 10th - 9 days away. Since my sister wanted me to go so bad, I said yes. I also couldn’t stop thinking about how easy it was to talk to him...maybe it was just all the alcohol I drank. But I also couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. And his smile. So I started to get excited.
The morning of January 2nd I mentioned in the groupchat with all my HS friends that Jake asked to hangout. They were all excited for me until I got a text from Alexis. Alexis was not out with us on New years eve so she hadn’t heard that we kissed and he walked me home. She was pissed. Apparently she had a crush on him but I literally had no idea. I remember her mentioning that she thought he was cute on that first night when he was wearing the rangers jersey, but thats about it. She sent me paragraphs upon paragraphs on how she couldn’t believe I would do this to her and that I was a bad friend. ????? I was so confused. Alexis is one of my best friends from growing up, so I was trying to do damage control. I was conflicted because I wasn’t going to ruin a friendship for 1 kiss with a random boy - but also she was coming completely from left field. I totally understand girl code, but how was I supposed to know se had a crush on him? And even then - they don’t have a history together so why would she be able to mark him as her territory? All of my friends that were crushing on Alec were sooo excited for me when they heard I slept with him. I just didn’t understand why she was being so extreme. I offered to just blow him off, but then the conversation basically ended with her telling me to do whatever I want. 
That night, he texted me asking what I wanted to do to hangout. I didn’t answer for a while because of the whole Alexis situation. My friends were all planning on doing a bachelor viewing and wine party, so I decided to give him the excuse that I was going to that instead, but maybe postpone until tomorrow. He was fine with postponing, as long as i followed through - which I wanted to. Alexis acted totally normal at the bachelor viewing part. Weird. 
January 3rd, my dad called the house from work. He was having chest pains, worse than he’s ever had before. My dad had a heart attack a few years back and got stents put in his heart. He sometimes gets chest pains which requires immediate attention. An ambulance has to go to his office and rush him to the hospital. I told Jake about it and that I, again, could not hangout. He felt really bad about the situation, and wished my dad good luck. He was so sweet about, asking for me to give him updates, and offering to help. I reassured him that my dad was OK when the results came in and the hospital was able to discharge my dad. We talked for a bit and then he asked me if I was going to be at karaoke again tomorrow night. My friends and I always do karaoke on thursdays so I said yes. He said he would see me there. 
Story of a Boy - The first days we met.
I am going to write a novel real quick. Sorry for the bad grammar.
It was the tuesday before christmas during winter break of senior year of college at Margaritaville’s tequila tuesday . Kinda tipsy with my best friends. We were trying to convince Stephanie to download tindr. “I’ll only do it if Claire does it” she said. Easy peasy. We swiped through tindr. Alec showed up. We all freaked out. Alec was THE hottest guy from out hight school. Everyone else proceeded to download tindr to we could all swipe right on Alec. He must be home from the military for the holidays. Leaving our restaurant, on the way home we matched. He messaged me. Everyone freaked out. I was the chosen one. Alec was always known to be the hottest guy in school, but he was also the shyest. He was never good with girls, and so he was always very hard to get. We made small talk for a bit, and he eventually asked me to hangout before he enlisted again after christmas. Duh, I said yes.
Thursday before christmas, my friends and I were all pre-gaming to go to a Karaoke bar in my home town. They convinced me to message Alec to tell him to me us there. So I did. All night I was on the lookout for Alec. Waiting for him to show up. It was essentially a high school reunion in this place so he was bound to make an appearance. At one point a boy in a rangers hockey jersey came up to me, “You’re Anna’s sister, right” Yeah, I am. Even my sisters grade is here. You’d think now that they are 24 college grads they’d stop coming to this bar. I literally knew everyone there. Anna should have came.
Thats when he walked in. Alec, literally the hottest person in this place clearly. Thankfully I had some liquid courage in me so I ran right up to him said hi and gave him a hug. I stuck by him talking and talking. He was still as shy as could be, so I rambled on trying so hard to keep a conversation going. The only time I strayed from him was when I was called up to sing Karaoke with my friend. I walked away and ran right into ranger jersey boy again. “I like your jacket, do you like 90′s music?” said rangers boy. Lol what? I was literally wearing the most standard jean jacket. Whatever haha, I just smiled, laughed, and said that yes, I indeed loved 90′s music I am about to sing summer girls. I proceeded to walk up to the mic and belt out I LIKE GIRLS THAT WEAR ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH!! In a cute way so that Alec would longingly watch me. Ha. 
I went back to talk to Alec. He asked to talk outside because it was loud. We walked out back and he kissed me. We were drunk and I was into it. We proceeded to walk home. Kissing while we walked. I continued to babble as he silently listened. He invited me back to his house. We drank another beer. Everything was a little blurry at this point, I was so drunk. I wanted to sleep with him. And I did. He wasn’t shy in bed, that’s for sure. The next morning I woke up and made my friend pick me up. I was suddenly a legend of my hometown. The only one that could say I slept with Alec, the hottest and shyest guy from high school.
I was talking to my friend the next day. She was so jealous of me LOL. Apparently rangers jersey boy was trying to talk to me all night, and I was blatantly ignoring him for Alec. I had no idea. Apparently rangers jersey boy is a professional baseball player too. I must be better looking than I think to have all these studs running after me ;)
It was New Years Eve. My friends and I were going to a club. We paid this price fix open bar thing to go. It was fun. We danced a lot. My friends kissed strangers at midnight, and I texted Alec to see where he was. He was leaving on January 3rd, so I figured it was my duty to get him in bed one more time before he left. It was only 1:30am when the bar we were at was already closing. Alec said he was at another place only a few towns over. I told him to go back to that same karaoke bar because me and my friends were heading there. It was 2am. He said maybe. I got there. No Alec. Rangers Jersey boy was there with all of friends. They were all familiar from when my sister used to be friends with people in HS. Rangers jersey came right up to us and was chatting me up. I was still on the lookout for Alec but i figured I’d entertain his conversation. He was actually really good looking. He was wearing a quarter zip sweatshirt and jeans. His dark black hair was styled, long on top with fade on the sides. He had big black eyebrows, a chiseled beard, and long eyelashes. And he had this smile. I went up to the bar with him. His name is Jake. I completely forgot about Alec while we were talking. We were bot drunkenly enthralled in conversation. Talking about everything from our nights, dogs, friends. It wasn’t the same babbling I did with Alec. I was listening, and speaking. And that smile. He had the most genuine amazing smile I had ever seen in my life. At one point I remember saying “Your so smiley” and he responded with “I’m just a happy guy”. I loved that. 
It was around 3:00am when my friend interrupted us and asked if I wanted to come in their uber home. Jake just sat there still smiling at me. I’ll get my own uber, I said. They left and we stayed and had one more drink together. Then he offered to walk me home. We had walked a block when I made one of my typical sarcastic jokes. “You can just walk home by yourself them” He said giggling through his teeth. I started sarcastically walking away, towards the corner bagel store. He ran after me, I turned around. We were standing close to each other. Smiling. That was when he kissed me. In that moment I knew that this was the type of kiss that would last in my mind forever. It was almost like I completely sobered away all the champagne and vodka sodas just from this one kiss. The best part about it is that it wasn’t necessarily a passionate kiss, it was a happy kiss. Like we still couldn’t wipe out stupid fucking smiles off our faces while we kissed. 
We spent the rest of the walk joking around with each other, playfully kissing. He walked me all the way to my house. He asked to take me out on a date the next day. I said yes. I was all giddy and crawled up in my bed when I got home. He texted me right after we separated. You will definitely go on a date with me tomorrow? he asked. Yes I said. He said he didn’t believe me. I told him I never lied. He said don’t play me like that. I said I would never. I fell asleep.  
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
the only person u should compare yourself to is your old self!!!!! 
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
Story of a Boy - The first days we met.
I am going to write a novel real quick. Sorry for the bad grammar.
It was the tuesday before christmas during winter break of senior year of college at Margaritaville’s tequila tuesday . Kinda tipsy with my best friends. We were trying to convince Stephanie to download tindr. “I’ll only do it if Claire does it” she said. Easy peasy. We swiped through tindr. Alec showed up. We all freaked out. Alec was THE hottest guy from out hight school. Everyone else proceeded to download tindr to we could all swipe right on Alec. He must be home from the military for the holidays. Leaving our restaurant, on the way home we matched. He messaged me. Everyone freaked out. I was the chosen one. Alec was always known to be the hottest guy in school, but he was also the shyest. He was never good with girls, and so he was always very hard to get. We made small talk for a bit, and he eventually asked me to hangout before he enlisted again after christmas. Duh, I said yes.
Thursday before christmas, my friends and I were all pre-gaming to go to a Karaoke bar in my home town. They convinced me to message Alec to tell him to me us there. So I did. All night I was on the lookout for Alec. Waiting for him to show up. It was essentially a high school reunion in this place so he was bound to make an appearance. At one point a boy in a rangers hockey jersey came up to me, “You’re Anna’s sister, right” Yeah, I am. Even my sisters grade is here. You’d think now that they are 24 college grads they’d stop coming to this bar. I literally knew everyone there. Anna should have came.
Thats when he walked in. Alec, literally the hottest person in this place clearly. Thankfully I had some liquid courage in me so I ran right up to him said hi and gave him a hug. I stuck by him talking and talking. He was still as shy as could be, so I rambled on trying so hard to keep a conversation going. The only time I strayed from him was when I was called up to sing Karaoke with my friend. I walked away and ran right into ranger jersey boy again. “I like your jacket, do you like 90′s music?” said rangers boy. Lol what? I was literally wearing the most standard jean jacket. Whatever haha, I just smiled, laughed, and said that yes, I indeed loved 90′s music I am about to sing summer girls. I proceeded to walk up to the mic and belt out I LIKE GIRLS THAT WEAR ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH!! In a cute way so that Alec would longingly watch me. Ha. 
I went back to talk to Alec. He asked to talk outside because it was loud. We walked out back and he kissed me. We were drunk and I was into it. We proceeded to walk home. Kissing while we walked. I continued to babble as he silently listened. He invited me back to his house. We drank another beer. Everything was a little blurry at this point, I was so drunk. I wanted to sleep with him. And I did. He wasn’t shy in bed, that’s for sure. The next morning I woke up and made my friend pick me up. I was suddenly a legend of my hometown. The only one that could say I slept with Alec, the hottest and shyest guy from high school.
I was talking to my friend the next day. She was so jealous of me LOL. Apparently rangers jersey boy was trying to talk to me all night, and I was blatantly ignoring him for Alec. I had no idea. Apparently rangers jersey boy is a professional baseball player too. I must be better looking than I think to have all these studs running after me ;)
It was New Years Eve. My friends and I were going to a club. We paid this price fix open bar thing to go. It was fun. We danced a lot. My friends kissed strangers at midnight, and I texted Alec to see where he was. He was leaving on January 3rd, so I figured it was my duty to get him in bed one more time before he left. It was only 1:30am when the bar we were at was already closing. Alec said he was at another place only a few towns over. I told him to go back to that same karaoke bar because me and my friends were heading there. It was 2am. He said maybe. I got there. No Alec. Rangers Jersey boy was there with all of friends. They were all familiar from when my sister used to be friends with people in HS. Rangers jersey came right up to us and was chatting me up. I was still on the lookout for Alec but i figured I’d entertain his conversation. He was actually really good looking. He was wearing a quarter zip sweatshirt and jeans. His dark black hair was styled, long on top with fade on the sides. He had big black eyebrows, a chiseled beard, and long eyelashes. And he had this smile. I went up to the bar with him. His name is Jake. I completely forgot about Alec while we were talking. We were bot drunkenly enthralled in conversation. Talking about everything from our nights, dogs, friends. It wasn’t the same babbling I did with Alec. I was listening, and speaking. And that smile. He had the most genuine amazing smile I had ever seen in my life. At one point I remember saying “Your so smiley” and he responded with “I’m just a happy guy”. I loved that. 
It was around 3:00am when my friend interrupted us and asked if I wanted to come in their uber home. Jake just sat there still smiling at me. I’ll get my own uber, I said. They left and we stayed and had one more drink together. Then he offered to walk me home. We had walked a block when I made one of my typical sarcastic jokes. “You can just walk home by yourself them” He said giggling through his teeth. I started sarcastically walking away, towards the corner bagel store. He ran after me, I turned around. We were standing close to each other. Smiling. That was when he kissed me. In that moment I knew that this was the type of kiss that would last in my mind forever. It was almost like I completely sobered away all the champagne and vodka sodas just from this one kiss. The best part about it is that it wasn’t necessarily a passionate kiss, it was a happy kiss. Like we still couldn’t wipe out stupid fucking smiles off our faces while we kissed. 
We spent the rest of the walk joking around with each other, playfully kissing. He walked me all the way to my house. He asked to take me out on a date the next day. I said yes. I was all giddy and crawled up in my bed when I got home. He texted me right after we separated. You will definitely go on a date with me tomorrow? he asked. Yes I said. He said he didn’t believe me. I told him I never lied. He said don’t play me like that. I said I would never. I fell asleep.  
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
Missing Home
I miss the beach. I miss being comfortable. I mis the ocean. I miss the changing seasons. I miss my heavy laugh. I miss my family. My dog. My sister. My parents. I miss being happy.
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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bikramvegan-blog · 7 years
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Hello. This is me with a sticker on my head.
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