bokunodumbass · 3 years
Hi fun fact I lost my password, and now I’ve finally been able to log in again yay
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
sorry for not writing... life has been a pain in the ass and I've hit rock bottom once more. I'm afraid things will be shit if I force myself sorry.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
genuine question:
how long do you guys think you should be in a relationship to do the mayor stuff (ie first kiss, the l bomb, sexual stuff etc) ?? This will benefit me both for writing and for my personal life lmao
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
read here to see what fandoms I write for and what my limits are !!
dragon age inquisition
Sera, Dorian, Josephine and Iron Bull with a prankster s/o
fallout 4
Hancock with an insecure chubby s/o
genshin impact
Diluc, Bennett, Xiao and Chongyun hearing their s/o singing for the first time
Bennett with a chronically depressed s/o
Bennett with an s/o that doesn't mind his bad luck
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
about me + rules
hi, my name is Eli and I'm non binary. I enjoy lots of things and enjoy writing about them!! I have some mental health issues that will prevent me from functioning properly, so I might not write anything for days or even weeks on end. Please be patient with me.
I write for various fandoms, and would love requests!! I write headcanons, preferences and mini fics :)
I write for:
Genshin impact
Fallout 4
Dragon age: inquisition
Harry Potter - mainly marauders
I am willing to write basically any concept and topic, except for explicit smut and morally wrong stuff. I am icky on the whole yandere part stuff, but it interests me so that isn't excluded from what I am willing to do.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
Helloo it's me again!
Since you don't have any requests, could I ask for Diluc, Bennett, Xiao and Chonghyun (some of my favourite characters, it's okay if you don't write for them tho!) hearing y/n sing for the first time?
Have a great day! 💕
hii love!! thank you, I really love these kinds of soft and cute concepts!! I do apologize bc I have a harder time writing for Diluc than for most characters :(
Diluc, Bennett, Xiao and Chongyun hearing their s/o singing for the first time
I feel like he'd show interest in an indifferent way ??
When he hears it for the first time he will be smitten, no joke, this man is whipped
He would continue what he's doing while smirking / smiling to himself
And as soon as you finish the song he will look at you, sort of in a smug way
"Didn't know you could sing, my love."
He would honestly coax you into doing it more often, he has falling in love with the voice the love of his life wields
Let's be honest here, Bennett will get excited over any minor thing his partner does
So when you start singing it's no different
He will probably turn his head towards you, so fast that you'd expect him to get whiplash
He will look at you with the biggest grin, love evidently in his eyes
If he knows the song he might hum along softly, but not too loud as he doesn't want to disturb you
"Woah that was great!!!"
Will ask you to sing during adventures from then on
omg imagine marching through the fields while the two of you sing random songs
Will not really respond to it at first
Like; you're singing, big deal
Will spare you a glance but keep doing what he's doing
But inside he basically melts at your singing
It has a soothing effect on him and makes him feel soft, something he's not used to
Will try to convince himself he doesn't care for it or even dislikes it
He doesn't
Will ask, or more like demand, you to sing again
"Do it again."
He's fascinated
He thinks you're wondrous overall, but hearing you sing makes you even more special, even more ethereal
He doesn't give much of a response while you're singing, the most you can see is a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth
But as soon as you're done he will express his liking towards your singing and politely ask you to do it again
"I liked that, would you be willing to sing for me again?"
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
I have added atla and korra to my list of things I write for!! I will work on links tomorrow <3
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
Do you have a list of which genshin characters you write for? :)
hii !!
so basically i write for all playable characters, considering its easier to get a clear grasp on what they're like etc :) if you have any other characters in mind that you would want me to write about then feel free to ask !!
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
I promise to work on a masterlist and request rules thingy later thus evening or tomorrow!! :D
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
Hi im the anon who requested the bennett with a depressed s/o thing and i just wanted to thank you for doing that, it means a lot to me and you wrote it really well!! 🥺 Its totally understandable that you didnt want to do the more triggering part of it. Thank you very much, take care of yourself ❤️❤️❤️
no problem at all, I'm glad you're happy with it!! I would love to take it on later, as it is a request I am interested in writing. If you're willing to send it as a request, I could keep it in my inbox until I'm ready to write it :)
and you too, take care love.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
hiii I have 0 requests in my inbox so if anyone has any ideas... 👀
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
I just got constellation 5 razor. I don't use razor.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
(tw depression, self-harm)
hi!! i see that you write for Bennett, so could i request hcs of benny with a chronically depressed s/o who struggles with feelings of worthlessness and uselessness? i feel like he would be able to relate to those feelings ;_; and maybe how he would react if he accidentally saw the scars/cuts on their arms and thighs or caught them cutting themselves?
i dont know if youre comfortable writing something heavy like this. please, please dont feel pressured to write it, if you dont wanna then feel free to delete this ❤️ thank you 💕
not me writing this during a depressive episode 😻 I hope that will help instead of making things worse lmao.
I did not do the self-harm part because I would rather take than on as a separate request when I'm not feeling unwell, as it would be a bit too triggering for me right now.
Also please know you're loved and worthy of so so much in life. You're a piece of art and deserve to be treated as such.
tw: depression
Bennett with a chronically depressed s/o
bennett may seem oblivious and too pure for this world, but there's more than meets the eye
he has his own struggles when it comes to self worth
he has gotten used to it but still doesn't see himself as much
convinced he's not a person people want to be around and that he's just bad luck and nothing else
he will always its fine but even still it hurts, he feels bad regularly
but after getting an s/o, someone whom he loves and makes him feel like he's loved equally, that has gotten better
he feels more worthy after you came waltzing into his life, like he's loved and has worth
but due to his experience he will be able to spot your own struggles way easier
I personally think he's not one to tackle the problem by mentioning it and sitting you down to talk about it
I feel like his approach would include a lot of praise, physical affection and just making you feel things he knows he needed during his low points
until one day he decides you need to hear it straight up
It's one of those days again, where every little action takes up way too much energy and all you want to do is lay in bed and sleep. These days have been happening more often now and you know that your mental health has been declining, but what can you do really? Asking for help is scary and hard and admitting how you're feeling is the exact same. Besides, the thought of being a bother to Bennett is very much present.
The boy in question has noticed the way you've been acting and the way you look when you think he won't notice, and it scares him. He's all too familiar with it all and wished it upon nobody. At first he tried to help by being a support. He complimented you a lot and showed you his love in more small ways than he did before. But he knows it didn't work the way he wanted, so he decided it's time to talk.
Right now the two of you are sitting in a field, taking a small break from the adventure you two are on. He notices the way you're sitting all hunched with a lost and tired look on your face. It feels like the right time to talk.
"y/n?" He starts off calmly and softly, not wanting to create a hostile or scary at the get go. If he wants to get something out of you he shouldn't rush or make you feel like he's judging or attacking you. But when you look at him and hum in response he knows its okay to continue.
"I- uh- I've noticed something lately, and it's been bothering me for a while now. Maybe you can help me out?" You don't respond but your face does take on a worried look and you turn towards him a bit more. Your body says that you're here for him and open for a talk but your face shows exhaustion and numbness behind the worry. "So, it's actually about you. Now, don't worry!! You haven't done anything wrong. It's just that I can see you've been feeling bad and I want you to know that you can always come to me. I care about you and want to help."
Maybe it's the words he said, maybe it's the genuine and loving way he looks at you or maybe it's just all of it together but your eyes well up and your bottom lip begins to tremble. And he listens as you tell him, being patient and encouraging as it takes a bit. He takes it all in and supports and consoles you in the ways he knows you're comfortable with.
You wouldn't think it possible but the way he looks at you holds more pride and love than he's ever shown before. "Thank you for being open and trusting me with this..." and he proceeds to tell you what he feels for you. How happy and loved you make him feel and that he loves you even more than that. That you're the best thing that has ever happened to him and you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen.
Afterwards the two of you will be holding each other, still sitting down in the grass. A comfortable and loving silence takes over you two as you both take in the words that have been spoken. And you both decide then and there that you will try harder to communicate such things. Things will still be hard from then on, and obviously things won't be solved just like that. But he'll be able to support you better like this and be there for you through it all. And you slowly are able to get rid of feeling like a nuisance and see your self-worth.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
I don't have a lot of followers nor influence here but this is something I felt like I needed to share.
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
hey anon. I saw the request you sent. And I want to say it might take a bit longer for me to write it, since it's a serious and touchy subject. I will write it, but seeing I myself suffer from it and it's not a topic you can't just write quickly, since I can't afford to accidentally write something insensitive, it will take longer. I hope you understand :)
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
Hii Eli! I just found your account and even tho you're still small and only starting I really like your writing style and think you deserve more appreciation!
So, I wanted to request Bennett headcannons/reaction to an s/o that doesn't mind his bad luck and in fact wants to join his adventure team, because I love him so much and it hurts me to see him so sad in his hangout because of his bad luck TT 💕
Honestly, the poor guy deserves the world <3
Bennett with an s/o that doesn't mind his bad luck
We all know he sees it as unlikely, something you should reconsider
"I will only bring you bad luck" would be his reasoning for refusing
Oh he oh so desperately wants to go on countless adventures with you
But he's convinced you would end up disappointed or even worse, hurt
Everyone you ask he would bring himself down, telling you that you shouldn't want that
God, this boy just doesn't see how fun and lovely he is to be around
But you're persistent, and he's a softie
That leads to him giving in, because by refusing all the time he would also make you sad or disappointed
So he figured that after an adventure you would see how it works with him and stop asking
"Wow, that was close!" You exclaim after you and Bennett take down the last ruin guard around. "Normally I don't see more than 2 of those together."
You wipe some sweat from your forehead and turn to Bennett, smiling at him. But he, on the other hand, seems kind of nervous and deflated. How unusual, considering normally he smiles a lot and is very enthusiastic.
"Well, yeah, that's what you get when you go on adventures with me." His voice is obviously laced with some sadness, but he covers it by chuckling softly afterwards. "You probably won't want to come again, it's nothing but bad luck." He smiles sadly, obviously trying to not to show that he's actually upset because of it.
But instead of agreeing, as he expected, you shake your head and walk up to him. You throw an arm around his shoulder and pull him into a crushing hug. With a big smile on your face you huff slightly.
"Hmm that's strange.. I was thinking the exact opposite. I mean, I really enjoyed going on an adventure with you and I would love to go on more!!"
The disbelief and happiness on his face afterwards make it all worth it.
The next few times he takes you on an adventure he's still nervous, but not as much as before
But when he realizes you really enjoy it he relaxes and enjoys it just as much
The day you tell him you want to join his adventure team he looks shocked but even more enthusiastic
After asking if you're sure, and you saying yes, he laughs
"Benny's adventure team, we're back in business!!"
Which is really cute tbh
So you hug him and kiss his cheek, laughing softly at his antics
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bokunodumbass · 3 years
I honestly headcanon for Razor to be very physical with people he loves. Like he would rub his face on them to show affection. But as soon as he figures out what hugs are he won't stop clinging to people. His reasoning would be that it's warm but also makes him feel warm on the inside.
!! this!!
razor is shy at first; he doesn’t want to scare people away, and at the same time, he’s not entirely sure if he trusts them yet. after spending some time together, though, he’s quick to determine who’s trustworthy or not.
he’s most definitely touch starved after being out in the wild alone for so long. hugs make him feel secure — he likes the feeling of knowing the person in his arms is secure and by his side. he needs the comfort after being through so much </3
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