Dating.. Step 2
Dating Step 2... what do you bring to the table?
Sometimes we can be so focused on what another person has to offer that we haven’t even stop to think, what do we actually bring to the table?
You expect to meet someone who has an amazing job, has their own place, drives a bmw, goes on multiple holidays a year, has loads of hobbies, is educated, reads, is fit and healthy, is this is that.. meanwhile you’re sitting on you couch binge watching…
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Dating.. Step 1
“If you’re constantly searching for the perfect man or woman you will come up short each and every time..”
So many enter the dating world demanding I want this type of person, I want that kind of person, they set so many prerequisites that automatically exclude people who may be a perfect match for them.
We can’t always meet the finished product, as humans are we not constantly changing and evolving.. in most cases for the better. If you’re constantly searching for the perfect man or woman you will…
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So many lost chapters pages filled with pain, pages filled with grieve, anguish and anger.. either lost or thrown away
Now I keep everything, every word I write every page I fill, emotions spilled with no remorse, no second thoughts about who may be triggered or offended
They say if the shoe fits then wear it So many squeezing toes into shoes that don’t fit faking lives they don’t live Whilst…
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Drug fuelled... blurred memories
“Fussy thoughts blurred memories, thats a perfect vision of my yesterday..”
Fussy thoughts blurred memories, thats a perfect vision of my yesterday
I was drug fuelled, silently sitting in the space between reality and insanity
My anxieties and insecurities masked so beautifully
Some would even say perfectly
I’d say I was walking a path with no destiny
With every inhale came perceived new abilities
But with every exhale came more blurred memories
Continuing as I was,…
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Define success
We all have different priorities in life and that’s ok. Life isn’t a competition, for me life is about setting and achieving your personal goals.
We all have different priorities in life and that’s ok. Life isn’t a competition, for me life is about setting and achieving your personal goals. We can’t knock anybody for the things they do, their goals are theirs, when they achieve them simply be happy for them, don’t belittle them because it’s not something you would do. You don’t know the reason for this goal, you don’t know why they have…
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Truth be told..
I wear my heart on my sleeve at times I can be so naive Blinded by loyalty back stabbed by their insecurity I don’t use the word friend lightly I say my friends are like my family Truth be told it’s not the same for everyone Quick to throw you away like kids in a playground Here today gone tomorrow, no backbone just hollow We defend them but do they do the same They sit, gossip and tarnish our name I…
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Mixed Emotions and Memories
Last night I saw you in my sleep
I don’t know if it was a nightmare, dream or sweet fantasy
Mixed emotions, memories of complete ecstasy consume me
Awake now I sit confused by your presence, the sudden appearance in my minds eye, the invasion of my peace
No warning, no explanation at all
A dream so vivid, I can still feel the raw emotion I spoke with, the pain in my eyes as I watched the lies…
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We can’t recreate these moments, no moment is ever the same
Life is a collection of moments fused together creating an illusion called time
Moments called now, right now this second plus the next forming minutes and hours Days, weeks, months and years spent not realising where the time went
We can hardly differentiate between our memories across the years, so we place them all in the same bracket, the past.. a moment that has gone
We spend our present…
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Grateful, Glad, Vindicated..
“Every decision made, every door I closed.. Closed not knowing what the future holds”
Grateful, glad, I feel vindicated
Every decision made, every door I closed
Closed not knowing what the future holds
Closed with a heavy heart but closed with no regrets
I live a life where you’re either in or you’re out, it’s either all the way or no way at all
All I had was a feeling, a understanding of who I am and what I deserved
I envisioned a life, a life that not all can offer
A life that…
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I see you..
You are beautiful You are beauty reincarnated Uniquely made perfectly imperfect Why can’t you see what I see You see years of pain You see years of heartache I see years of growth I see years of building, developing, wings spreading ready to take flight
I see you
-Dionne MT-
Breathe Think Write Release
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Friend, Foe or Family.. Loyalty
The blood running through our veins may connect us but what’s connection without love and loyalty
The blood running though our veins may connect us but what’s connection without love and loyalty It’s earned, it’s nurtured, it’s not a given It’s not a standard foregone conclusion Born from the same line but we’re strangers You don’t know me and I don’t know you It’s true, blood is thicker than water It makes you related but doesn’t mean you can relate It doesn’t mean I’m bound by blind stupidity
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If only you knew...
It’s you vs you..
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It’s not you against the world
It’s you against you
It’s you against who they used to know
You against what you used to think
You against who you use to be
Everyday competing, everyday fighting off the old to become more
Everyday taking control
It’s not you against them that’s where you’ve been going wrong
My friend we’ve all got it so wrong
If you knew all along they have no bearing on your…
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High horses
“Sanctimonious folk, high horses and one liners..”
Sanctimonious folk, high horses and one liners
Riding high, skating on thin ice but they do not know
The know it alls of this world
The told you so’s, the finger wagging can’t wait to correct you folks
All knowledge but no life experiences
Preachers preaching what they do not know
Have you faced addiction and looked temptation right in the eye
Have you made so many bad decisions you’ve seen the…
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One reason is all it takes
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There will always be a reason to put something off. We have to stop looking at all the reasons why we shouldn’t start something and find the one reason why we should start. That’s all it takes, just one reason to override all the false cons, these are the things we tell ourselves, these are all the reasons we use to convince ourselves we can’t do something.
When I was deciding to give up alcohol…
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But still you stay..
“Clutching at straws gasping for air begging for crumbs from the one who emptied your plate..”
Clutching at straws gasping for air begging for crumbs from the one who emptied your plate, the one who sucked the air from your lungs
Leaving you void, leaving you on the side of the road like roadkill for the vultures to pick at
But still you stay, asking for more, a gluten for punishment you are
Fine wines and expensive minks covering up marks of aggression and signs of oppression
Trapped in…
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Who’s tied of talking?
Sometimes in life a point comes when you can no longer rely on your gift of the gab to get you out of situations. Talking can only get you so far in life, a point comes when you have to become silent and let your actions speak on your behalf. People get tired of hearing the same thing over and over again, so many broken promises and people get tired of saying the same things over and over again…
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Orchestrated snaps..
You look from the outside in yearning for what they have
But you don’t see the cracks papered over with tissue paper
You don’t hear the lies they tell each other or the facts they fail to mention
You just see the smiling faces in orchestrated snaps and insta stories
Friendships based on common enemies but that’s another story
From the outside all looks well but when you delve deeper you find…
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