butterslapzme · 1 year
Rumors - Vampire Widowmaker x Reader [One-Shot]
Gender Neutral Reader. Fluff. No NSFW warning. Blood stuff, because you know... Vampire?
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Coming to Château Guillard was a hard journey, but you made it at last. You believed the rumor that this castle had been long abandoned.
Yet still, for almost 100 years, no one had dared venture into the cold walls of the timeworn castle to see it for themselves...
Or so you've researched. 
This was gold content for a supernatural researcher like you; this was your chance to discover something... which you did. You had no idea somebody lived here.
Amélie Lacriox, the Vampire mistress.
When you tried to adjust a cracked mirror for a picture, it slipped out of your grasp, cutting your hand. As you dropped the mirror, you dropped your fragile camera as well. As your palm bled, you cursed and held it in pain. Fortunately, the wound wasn't too deep.
You searched for your traveler's first aid kit after taking your backpack off your shoulders. Outside, you could hear the wind blowing and trees rustling. 
You heard rubble moving behind you as you grabbed your bandages from the kit. Perking up, you turned your head in that direction. More blood dripped onto the stone cement, branching off your fingertips.
As your voice bounce against the walls, you call out.
There was a sense of unease. There was something here.
Your mouth dropped open as you felt a breath brush over your cheek as you turned your head back around. A slim band of fingers wrapped around your bloody hand, pulling it up to a pair of cold lips. A warm, serpentine-like tongue licks blood off one of your fingers. 
"Quel goût riche et alléchant." A honeyed voice spoke into your ear.
When you yelled, you jerked your hand away from their grip and held it close to your chest, dropping the bandages. It was a woman with pale blue skin and glowing yellow eyes that penetrate your soul. 
The vampire mistress was lured from her shelter within her fortress by the delectable smell of your bleeding wound. Even the tiniest taste of your blood woke up a hunger that had been dormant for a while too long. 
"You're... Amélie Lacroix." You pointed at her.
 "And you are a trespasser." She hissed. Looking at the red liquid drying on your skin, she tutted. "Thieves do not get far from me, petit voyageur, especially when they bleed." Her tongue traced the edge of her fangs, her sharp teeth bared for a moment. 
"N-No, I am not a thief! I am a researcher, I don't mean to intrude, it's just that I didn't know you were still... alive." your voice was shakey.
The mistress scoffed. "I am not your definition of alive." Venom dripped from her words as she began to step towards you. "So then, researcher, you come here to exploit and disturb my residence?" 
"You have it wrong, I don't want anything out of this besides personal knowledge." you put your hands up in defense, carefully stepping back. Her eyes locked onto your injured palm, then back to you.
"If you say you know who I am, surely you know what I am, hm? Let's just say I'm feeling rather parched."
It has been quite a while since she fed on human blood; she usually feeds on nearby animals instead. She had isolated herself years ago, the occasional fool slipping near her territory.
Here you were. The occasional fool.
Gulping, you glanced to the ground. "I... Understand what you want. I want to propose a deal... You tell me more about the life of a vampire, and I will allow you to drink from me."
Who were you to negotiate with her? You were the prey here. In addition, she liked it when the cute ones screamed and fled. The hunt was enjoyable. This time, however, you were lucky that she was in the mood to play with her food. 
When she reached you, you remained perfectly still as she tilted her head and walked towards you. Her heels clicked on the stone as she saunters forward. Now standing before you, she grabs your jaw. 
The side of Amélie's mouth curled into a grin as you squirmed. Picking you up by your jaw, she backed you into a stone wall until your back hit harshly against it.
"W-Wait..." You groaned out, squirming your head from side to side.
Her head dove in between your neck, inhaling deeply at your scent, as she murmured against your hot skin. Your pulse throbs. Perfect.
"Je n'attends pas."
Licking slowly at your neck, you shuddered. Her fangs grew sharper, ready to pierce your neck.
As her teeth dig into your neck, your whole body jerks to life. The taste made her groan, and she sucks harder. As she swallowed more of your blood, your cries grew weaker and weaker.
Your knees weakened as you grasped at her shoulders. She easily supported your weight as your blood filled her with energy.
A slick of red ran down her chin as she lifted her head and licked her lips. Her eyes fell on your distraught face and she noticed your skin had become paler.   
"You have gotten too tangled in my web, little fly. You want to know the life of a vampire?" Biting herself with her sharp fangs, she bled from the wrist. Hovering her wrist over your lips, her blood dripped into your mouth.
Your body spasmed a bit as her vampiric blood entered your body.
Amélie leaned down to kiss you. You were disgusted by this, but suddenly you felt bursts of energy rushing throughout your body with your blood mixing.
Suddenly the metallic taste left and you tasted something more delicious. Grasping her harder, you kissed her back, your tongues swirling against each other. You bit her tongue, getting carried away. She growled and pushed you off, making you stumble.
You collapsed to your knees. Clenching your hands, you look up at her, hungering for more. 
"A deal is a deal." She looked at you with pretend sympathy and turned her back on you, her ponytail swaying. "Now, you will know the life of a vampire... chérie."  As she left you lying there, she laughed cruelly. 
Everything went black...
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butterslapzme · 1 year
Branded - Ashe x Reader [One-shot]
Warning: Possessive and abusive behavior. Angst. No sexual theme. Gender Neutral Reader.
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"I'm sorry sugar, I didn't think you'd push me this far." Ashe sighed, not even contemplating what she was going to do. 
As you were held down on your back by her henchmen, you pleaded with Ashe to stop. Ashe thought she made herself clear, but clearly, she wasn't.
You knew her methods of punishment were this way, but you hoped that she'd make an exception for a lover. No, you would take her consequences regardless.
Despite her mood, she stroked your cheek with a soothing touch. Sniffing, you leaned into her hand in hopes of changing her mind. She sure knows how to hold a grudge.
You didn't know the person you were talking to was from a rival gang... You swore up and down that you didn't know them, but Ashe didn't believe it. You let them get close to you. Too close, for her liking. It made her jealous.
"Baby, I'll make sure it'll be quick n' painless." She abruptly switched from a soft tone to a strong and resolute tone. "...B.O.B." 
Ashe demanded the prescence of her robot butler B.O.B's, as he brought over a metal object in his hand.
Turning around she held a custom branding iron with the infamous deadlock logo on it. In the area where the logo appeared, the iron was orange, which indicated that it was hot.
 Very hot. 
As her hands twirled it, her red eyes stared at you without emotion.
 Ashe moved closer and you stirred up a temper tantrum, squirming and trying desperately to flee.
She lifted your shirt and used it to cover your face. You felt heat traveling up and down your navel when your stomach was exposed.
"Squirmin' around like that will make it hurt more."  
Scorching heat, stung into your flesh, Ashe finally decided where she wanted to brand you. As your body stilled in shock from the sweltering heat, you let out a blood-curdling scream.
Before the iron lifted, the sizzling sound echoed for a long time. You were shaking, hyperventilating, and your eyes were streaming with tears as the smell of your burning flesh lingered in the air.
"You're a part of my gang now." Ashe deadpanned. "Let's get you cleaned up."
Forever you'll be traumatized by Ashe's wrath and it will be marked on your body as a reminder. You'd never make the same mistake again.
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butterslapzme · 1 year
Sweet - Widowmaker x Reader [One-Shot]
[A/N] This is my first time really posting and using tumblr. I usually reside on AO3... Learning formatting. Thank you for understanding. Enjoy.
Relatively SFW. Mostly fluff/teasing. Female Reader insert, but can be Neutral.
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You had agreed to go out of the country to go on this mission, but really, you just wanted to go just to see Paris. A little self-indulging to vacation since you hardly got the time, but you knew how to act professionally. Being suggested to pair up with the infamous, Widowmaker, you were maybe a little skittish around her alone.
Luckily, she was neutral to you, as you were both only acquainted. As long as you did your part, everything was fine. Just her medic, but you were experienced with various weapons, but only when necessary. The killing was Widow's job anyway, and everyone knew how deadly accurate she was with her sniper. 
Both of you stayed in Hotel Beau Ciel for the evening, and you were gawking out the window staring at the Eiffel tower. The room was very luxurious from what you're used to. Glancing out the window, your eyes hooked onto Amélie sitting on the balcony reading a book.
Biting your lower lip you took walked to open the doors to the balcony as she ignored your presence. Wanting to strike up a conversation, your lips twitched and formed to make words, but nothing came out at first.
You cleared your throat to break the silence. "...Glad we got paired up, Lacroix."
There was a little silence before yellow eyes took a glimpse at you with disinterest.
"I tolerate you. The feeling is mutual." she hummed plainly.
Back to reading the book, she flipped a page and crossed her legs. Holding your breath, you struggled to find more words of initiation. Staring at her long straight hair that was usually up in a ponytail was captivating as it would flow in the summer breeze.
From her hair, to her bare shoulders in a casual outfit, it was interesting to not see her in her latex suit get-up. You flinched when you heard a knockback from inside the hotel.
Furrowing her brows, she turned half her head to the knocking as well. 
"Who is that?" She asked, glaring up at you, knowing she didn't expect anyone.
"Relax, it's just the hotel service... I got hungry." You scoffed at her distrust and walked back in to respond to the door.
There was a trolley of various sweets you ordered and just nodded to the omnic that brought the cart instead of bothering to say thank you.
Amélie watched, her expression softening once you closed the door, no one else coming back in but you. Resuming her book, she was interrupted by your incoming footsteps from behind again.
"Dieu..." She muttered. "What is it now?" 
"I'd thought maybe you'd want something to drink." 
Turning all the way around, you held a wine glass in your hand, and in the other a bottle of French wine with a label you'd likely butcher if you had read it yourself. This had surprised her.
You thought of her even if it wasn't exactly a wine of her tastes. Raising your brows, you awaited her response, expecting to be rejected just by her normal cold attitude. Amélie didn't say much, but she did stand and close the balcony doors, bringing herself inside. 
You didn't mean to, but you smiled a little, popping the cork off and pouring her the shimmering red liquid, the aroma very pleasing.
"Merci." Amélie thanked, sitting on a nearby sofa, again she crossed her legs and leaned back.
"Sure," you muttered softly.
Taking a sip, she watched you go to the coffee table, taking off the metallic lids to behold the dishes. Your eyes lit like magic, looking at the cannelés, crème brûlée, and wrapped crepes.
You felt like a child being fascinated by sweets all over again. While she kept it discreet in her mind, Amélie was a little bit amused. Picking up the crepe plate first, you wanted to sit next to her on the sofa. 
Raising a brow, she took the hint and silently scoot over. Criss-crossing your legs up, you didn't even bother getting a napkin you didn't even use utensils.
Amélie gave you a bewildered look when you ate it with your fingers like a cupcake or something. She facepalmed and felt the heavy urge to correct you.
"Vous êtes désordre..." You had not paid any mind, usually not acknowledging when she would speak in her natural language. At least until she called you out by your last name. 
"Hm?" Freezing midchew, you stopped to look at her. "Tsk, Tsk, tsk." she suddenly leaned forward, her fingers reaching for your face. Your eyes widened, only inching back little by little.
You couldn't tell if it was the curiosity or fear that didn't make you not runoff. There was syrup chocolate left on your bottom lip and a little on your chin.
Wiping it off your chin with her thumb, she licked the syrup up, staring straight into your eyes as she did so.
You were speechless.
Hesitantly, you lowered the plate onto your lap and swallowed slowly. A small bit of whipped cream was squeezed from the crepe since you gripped too hard onto it. It landed on your chest and you sucked your teeth irritatedly, your ears perking to Amélie chuckling to herself.
"Ma chérie, are you doing it on purpose by now?" 
"N-No, it was on accident." You flustered and stuttered at her remark.
Should you be enticed or shocked? Maybe even scared. This was a strange side to see from her. And there was no way she was drunk. You leaned over to grab a napkin, placing the plate down on the coffee table again.
Taking your distraction as a chance to strike, she leaned forward again in advance. Instead of her fingers sweeping the sugar off your skin, her tongue licked it up, getting a good grip on your shoulder to lean on.
"Lacroix!" You gasped out.
Amélie was fascinated with your reaction. The way your face scrunched, your lips parted, and your brows twisted up. So full of emotion. 
It was nothing compared to getting a lovely, clean assassination, but doing this to you filled her with some sort of...
Just a little.
"How sweet." Amélie purred.
Heat blasted in your body. Feeling anxious, you broke her up-close hardcore gaze. She didn't want you to look away, she truly wanted to drink in your emotions. Since you were hardly putting up a fight,  she encouraged herself to press on. 
Slim fingers reached over to the table, grabbing a spoon from the next plate with the crème brúlée. Staring at her slow movements, you felt tenser as she scooped up the dessert, and brought it to your lips. 
Breathing in slowly, you hesitated but gave in. Parting your lips, you admit the flavor on your tastebuds was amazing. When the spoon left your lips, it was clean.
Amélie hummed softly, as she traced the spoon on your skin. From your lips, down to your chin, down to your neck, and finally down to your chest. Holding your breath,  it dropped a little further down between your breasts.
"You truly are in for a treat, petit papillon."
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