bybyebitheway · 6 months
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[ the magician -pt iii: Submerged Nocturne ]
In which our heroes continue to receive a bumpy start to their family vacation.
Wall of Links:
where to read: [ neocities] | [ ao3] | [ sideblog ]
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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gender: male
pronouns: he/him/his
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: meteorologist
role: weatherman
appearance: Father of the Bison Daughters (Prue, Peri, and Beth) and married partner to engineering field pioneer Dr. Joan Bison. His black combed hair and perfect smile are what people usually see from him, but at home his hair has been prone to the occasional accident. From being clipped together with bows for a fancy princess tea party to being partially singed from the more serious marine biologist tea party, no lock from Newt's scalp was safe. Newt Bison's brown eyes have gotten to see many wonders from the natural world, his wife being no exception. He remembers their meeting like it was yesterday, his brown skin drenched from an overlooked weather forecast (probably his own) and his hands reaching to Dr. Joan Bison's hands as they shared an umbrella.
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: engineer
role: captain
appearance: Mother to the Bison Daughters (Prue, Peri, and Beth) and married partner to meteorologist and weatherman, Newt Bison. All four of them have seen how her brown curly hair can get scratched, teased, and tied whenever she is confronted with an impossible problem. Her daughters understand its where they have gotten it from and Dr. Joan Bison has come to understand it comes from her mother and the generations before her. Her brown eyes have watched her daughters grow into extraordinary women and in turn, have also help them see more than one solution to their day to day problems.
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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FOR SALE - spacious one-bedroom with ocean view
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
(but still kinda chapter one...)
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[ the magician -pt ii: Submarine Staccato ]
In which our heroes find a clue to where their missing family could be.
Update [ 01 | 05 ] :
Hey all, so I've finally come out of my pandemic cave (and I've been doing so fine) and convinced myself to continue this project. I recently lost my creative footing due to the almost calamities that was 2020 and the rest of its offsprings. Thank you all that have been following thus far and are still genuinely interested in what I write.
Wall of Links:
where to read: [ neocities] | [ ao3] | [ sideblog ]
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: engineer
role: wifi-wiz
appearance: The youngest of the Bisons' & Daughters crew, Peri Bison is the Latina engineering legacy. She keeps her black straight hair short, partly due to safety protocols and also due to the accidents at her facility that produce said protocols. Whether all those accidents are all done by her, Peri can't say without her lawyer present.
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bybyebitheway · 1 year
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: ace
occupation: surgeon
role: medical expert
appearance: Eldest daughter to Dr. Joan & Mr. Newt Bison, Dr. Prue Bison towers over her two younger sisters, both physically and perhaps academically (everything's always up to a debate in this family). Prue's black wavy hair is always put up into a bun, leaving room for her analytic dark brown eyes to take in every morsel of detail she needs to make life and death decisions. Her eyes now scan the ocean floors of the Southern Atlantic Ocean as she rides in the Bisons' & Daughters sub-shuttle with her family.
0 notes
bybyebitheway · 1 year
(but still kinda chapter one...)
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[ the magician -pt ii: Submarine Staccato ]
In which our heroes find a clue to where their missing family could be.
Update [ 01 | 05 ] :
Hey all, so I've finally come out of my pandemic cave (and I've been doing so fine) and convinced myself to continue this project. I recently lost my creative footing due to the almost calamities that was 2020 and the rest of its offsprings. Thank you all that have been following thus far and are still genuinely interested in what I write.
Wall of Links:
where to read: [ neocities] | [ ao3] | [ sideblog ]
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
An Update On Life & AroWriMo
[ monday ] | [ starry ] | [03.142022]
Hi All!
So this update is long overdue. I'd like to first apologize for practically vanishing again for the third time this decade. I, like many of us living through the 2020s, have struggled to get their works out and even worked on at all. However, I just wanted to reassure those following my WIPs that I will continue to work on them. Below will be an itemized list of things I have been able to do since the start of January.
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I have started working on the basics in terms of ChoiceScript. The characters are mostly developed, good with character dynamics. I plan on working on scenes for the first arc of The Hunter's Ace-Thetic. I am debating on whether to include puzzle elements for different paths of the story.
Character Intros should come out in a few weeks.
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I have begun doing more character work and began plotting the first two arcs. I have decided with the amount of attention being put into other WIPs to try for a chapter a week. I would like to eventually get to two chapters a week. I just enjoy this world and its characters are too important to me to give up, so expect that in a few days.
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I managed to plot most of the different branches of To Be Aspec-ted.
I have a definitive number of endings: 8.
I had Covid while working on this for AroWriMo, so while I was hoping to get at least one new ending for this year, I ended up barely writing one.
I do plan on having some kind of weekly progress update for TBA.
Similar to BTW, the goal is to have one ending done (in either the planning or writing process) by the end of each week.
I would also like to retroactively add this weekly update to BTW content as well.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
I hope you all like what's to come!
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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February is Black History Month!
This month is all about celebrating black authors. We want to highlight the experiences and hard work done by these authors in creating for the IF community.
Here are our month’s featured authors, please check out their works and join us in supporting them.
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Clam, author of Trails Lead Home and Metanoia 
Trails Lead Home is a fantasy game with an emphasis on relationships and starting anew. The aim is to hopefully make the player’s choices matter in some way and to affect the characters and world around them. The end goal is to create a story that tells the tale of new found family and learning to be okay with starting one’s life over. 
Read more about Trails Lead Home [here] and Metanoia [here]
Trails Lead Home Demo | Discord | Metanoia Old Demo | 
Tags: Fantasy
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Christabel, author of A Royal Vacation
Being the only child of the president of the united state of America has never been easy but what happens when you cause a disaster intentionally or unintentionally.
Well it’s your mess and you have to fix it.
Elections are just around the corner and you went and caused a big mess. Sadly the fact that americans see you as some sort of perfect demi god doesn’t even help.
Your hate or rather dislike for the british heir caused this..
You’ve always had this dislike for the british heir and this dislike has made you avoid them for a long time.
But what happens when you get dragged to an occasion and end up meeting the heir there..
You lose it well you actually don’t but that’s not how the media and your enemies see it..
Now it’s up to you and the person you hate the most alongside some other people to solve this national disaster but you’re not the only one with problems the heir also has a truckload of them considering the fact that his uncle the regent has refused to vacate the throne even after the heir has now come of age. Now you guys not only have to solve a national disaster but also help the prince ascend the throne and solve some murders in between.
Read more about A Royal Vacation [here]
A Royal Vacation Demo TBA
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Mystery, 16+
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Jade, author of Redwood
Congratulations! You have just received an acceptance letter from one of the most elite universities in the modern world.
Yet, due to sudden unforeseen circumstances, your college fund has been drained of all resources. However, you suddenly have a benefactor who is willing to pay for your college fund, but there is one catch.
You have to pledge for one of the universities’ controversial ‘Houses’. However, everything powerful harbours secrets, the question is, are you willing to uncover them?
Read more about Redwood [here]
Redwood Demo TBA | Author’s Ko-fi |  
Tags: Romance, Mystery, 16+
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Lou, author of Ascendance
You’re an ordinary college student who is simply trying to make it through your college days and graduate. Your life isn’t eventful and you don’t particularly excel at anything. On what looks like an ordinary day, something completely out of character happens in the middle of a lecture. Are you ready to ascend, or will you turn your back on the unknown?
Read more about Ascendance [here]!
Ascendance demo | Author’s Ko-fi
Tags: 16+, Fantasy
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Mila, author of Golden
You’re from the big city of Lehsa, you’re returning home to begin your postgraduate studies after being away for three years. On your return, Lehsa is as you remember it; vibrant, bustling, modern - yet the city holds so many secrets.
Ones you are unaware of, ones you are now immersed in whether you like it or not.
You enter a world you never knew existed. You discover that supernatural creatures are not just a ploy to frighten children at night. They’re real. Even more so when a set of angry supernaturals make you their main target.
And even worse, your father — the mayor — knew all about it.
Maybe you aren’t just the ‘mayor’s kid’ after all.
Who knew a birthmark could hold so much meaning? 
Read more about Golden [here]
Golden Demo | Discord | Author’s Ko-fi
Tags: Modern Fantasy
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Pretty Ink, author of College Craze
Sugardale U: Work Hard. Play Harder.
Welcome to Sugardale, a mid-sized college town and home of  prestigious Sugardale University. You play as an incoming female freshman, ready to make your mark in the world. Choose to study hard, work off campus, or party every weekend. Manage your grades, followers and bank account as you meet and interact with the 15 (and counting!) unique characters of Sugardale. Create your own story and get into steamy situations, all while helping (or sabotaging) your friends, keeping secrets and revealing mysteries about the town’s shady happenings
Read more about College Craze [here]
College Craze Demo | Patreon | Discord
Tags: 18+, Adult Dating Sim, Life Simulation, NSFW
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Summore, author of A Trial of Horror
All you wanted was a break. Just a day when your life wasn’t filled with worrying about when your next essay was due or if you had a night shift with your sleazy co-worker who just won’t take no for an answer. Hell, you were so desperate for some downtime that you would be happy with just an HOUR of peace.  
One day, your friend Tama recommends an experimental VR game called “Little Trails of Horror” to destress. As someone who survived their very own horror movie, you figure that there isn’t anything that you haven’t seen that would shake you to your core. It also helps that there is an incentive of 10,000 dollars for participating. You decide to sign up, imaging that there were worst things that you could be doing on a Friday night. What you anticipated was cheesy graphics, with too much gore and too many jump scares. Not a darkness that seems too natural and a breath on the back of your neck that feels too warm.
Now stuck within these games with no way to leave without completing the objectives, your only worry now is to survive and find a way to break this vicious cycle. But every time you get even close to doing that or finding someone with answers, they die on you. Will you be able to escape for good or continue to be dragged from mission to mission, or worse?
Read more about A Trial of Horror [here]
A Trial of Horror Demo TBA | Discord | Beta Testing Application 
Tags: 18+, Dark Fantasy, Thriller
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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In ‘Architecture in Music,’ Striking Photos Reveal the Hidden Structures of Instruments
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: astronaut
role: navigator
appearance: Latina that lost herself in the depths of an astronomy book and never floated up. Held up in a tie or by their physics-defying nature, Beth's black wavy hair falls gracefully over their head. Her hair used to be matted in places her astronaut helmet but now lets itself down in the stale sub-shuttle air as she journeys with her family across the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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Crescent Enceladus
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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Pastel green 18th Century gown with a stomacher by L'Armoirede Mathilde, modeled by Bérénice
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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The last of the three illustrations I made last year for “Witchzine” fanzine. The theme was “Witches’ Pharmacy/Healing Witches”, so the idea of my illustrations was inspired by the preparation of a healing ritual.
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