bybyebitheway · 9 months
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[ the magician -pt iii: Submerged Nocturne ]
In which our heroes continue to receive a bumpy start to their family vacation.
Wall of Links:
where to read: [ neocities] | [ ao3] | [ sideblog ]
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September Writing Review
(Also a short update.)
Hey all! I've been gone for a while, I know. I've been trying to keep active in the midst of finding work and life being well... life. So the short and quick version of this is, I'm back-ish!
I have decided to really buckle down and have a try at building up my writing habits. With a couple of months filled with some horrendous experiences I won't detail here, I have realized what I want to do more than anything is writing. I have been attempting the process for the passed couple of weeks and the results have been more than I had expected.
Last month's goal is more or less having a decent amount of work done on all WIPs. And while that can seem overwhelming. I think the way I had set this up this time could hold results. So prior to my recent experiment, I've been writing with the goal of finishing one thing with no deadline (probably not the best method now that I'm thinking about it.) So what I decided to do now is to have a deadline along with tentative goals by the end of the year(NaNoWriMo) and some taking place during the first half of the new year (AroWriMo).
Some of these goals range from solid word counts to more abstract concepts in writing but for transparency (and accountability, really) I'll share them below.
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Poco-A-Poco (Webcomic)
Poco-A-Poco is a web comic I set out to make at the beginning of the pandemic. Hoping to create something while in lockdown. It has been abandoned for a couple of years but I have decided to work on it to help build my discipline.
The goal for the last two weeks was to create a total of around 30 "pages" for the web comic. Thinking pages for web comics are often subjective and since I have a passion for graphic design. I felt it would at least work as a warm up when working on it.
The goal after September would be to work on a "page" daily for Poco-A-Poco. Just to build a rhythm and if I manage the time, some day update the comic with what I have worked on.
By the end of 2023, the total should amount to around 122 "pages".
By April 2024, the total should amount to around 243 "pages".
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Bi The Way is my ocean punk baby. Also started in 2020 and has had the unfortunate ratio of one chapter released per year it's been alive. With my new motivation with these goals, I decided BTW needed a concrete goal to hit. This was not only to build discipline, but also to build stamina in my writing sprints. I will be trying the Pomodo Method when writing BTW chapters along with the modified Kitchen Timer Method.
The goal of these past few weeks was to write around 4 chapters. I really attempted to give my all these passed few weeks, but haven't managed to work on Bi The Way. However, knowing I had planned beyond these two weeks made me feel better about the initial failure.
This October, I plan on playing catch up on BTW and other WIPs I fell behind on. By the end of this month, I plan on having written 5 chapters along with the four chapters that carry over last month. I feel like the carry over factor will help in building that stamina in terms of writing. After all, the only reason I had set 30 pages in two weeks for Poco-A-Poco was to build in routine. I'll talk more about that later on, but for now my goal with BTW is to have written 4/5 chapters each month. Each chapter having a minimum word count of 1,500 words. BTW will have a hiatus in November for NaNoWriMo.
By the end of the year, I would like to have around 14 chapters.
By the end of April 2024, I would like to have around 30 chapters.
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To Be Aspectec is another product of the pandemic and also my first dive into AroWriMo. Having failed to achieve what I originally wanted for AroWriMo multiple years in a row, I plan to finish at least one character interaction just in time for next year's AroWriMo.
The goal for the last two weeks was to have two "scenes" written for TBA. With the goal being more subjective and similar to my goal with Poco-A-Poco pages, I opted to have a definition set for what counted as a scene (for my overthinking sanity's sake). A scene would mean any amount of writing needed before the player makes a choice. (Oh I forgot to mention TBA is an interactive fiction piece, didn't I?) Besides the quantity, anything else was up to me.
By the end of the year, I would like to have 6 "scenes" written for TBA.
By the end of February 2024, I would like to finish one "volume" of TBA. A volume would be a total of two characters and all their interactions, including endings.
By the end of April 2024, I would like to have 10 "scenes" written.
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The Hunter's Ace-Thetic is another interactive fiction project that started during the pandemic. It has been through many different mediums as a way to experiment and learn about different media, but I will focus on ChoiceScript for now.
My goal during the past two weeks was to write out one "episode". Again, with the goal being to build stamina, I added THAT work load into the two weeks as well. More so, the focus these past two weeks was to organize the "episode" structure, with the real priority being on an outline for it.
By the end of the year, I would like to have 4 episodes of THAT.
By the end of April 2024, I would like to have 8 Episodes of THAT.
NaNoWriMo 2023 Project (OMS)
For the month of November, I plan to take on NaNoWriMo and work on one of my abandoned attempts. I hope to write to full 60,000 words by the end of Novemember. If anything, I hope I learn how to be a better writer. The name of the book will be: "Oh My, Starsigns!"
"Oh My Starsigns!" is planned to be a sci-fi/ crime drama(?) taking place in the future where the space police have technology that can take over a suspect's body. Along with the police themselves, suspects also posses different abilities. The story will begin when a prison ship crash lands on a distant planet. Really trying hard to not give anything away just yet.
By the end of 2023, I would like to have Oh My, Starsigns! finished.
By the end of April 2024, I have no further plans for OMS other than maybe self publishing on Amazon or somewhere else if I'm able to find a better alternative.
What I've Written So Far (End of September, 2023):
Poco-A-Poco: 20/30 Pages
Bi The Way: 0/4 Chapters, 0/6k Words
To Be Aspected: 0/2 Scenes
The Hunter's Ace-thetic: 0/1 Episodes
What I Plan to Write (October 2023):
Poco-A-Poco: 40/30 Pages
Bi The Way: 8/4 Chapters, 12k/6k Words
To Be Aspected: 4/2 Scenes
The Hunter's Ace-thetic: 2/1 Episodes
I think these past two months have been a great experiment in knowing what to do different for the next couple of weeks. Hope to update you a month from now with good results.
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thebybyebiline · 2 years
(but still kinda chapter one...)
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[ the magician -pt ii: Submarine Staccato ]
In which our heroes find a clue to where their missing family could be.
Update [ 01 | 05 ] :
Hey all, so I've finally come out of my pandemic cave (and I've been doing so fine) and convinced myself to continue this project. I recently lost my creative footing due to the almost calamities that was 2020 and the rest of its offsprings. Thank you all that have been following thus far and are still genuinely interested in what I write.
Wall of Links:
where to read: [ neocities] | [ ao3] | [ sideblog ]
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beyondthewarrp-blog · 8 years
So sorry it’s been a while, guys! I’ve been stuck mobile, but I’ve been working in a rules list, the apps and such. I will putting them up slowly today, with updates as new things are added!
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thewallsrp · 10 years
hi guys! this is an informal announcement and actually just more of an encouragement to you guys. it would be awesome if you can spread the word about btw and get some more reserves in, as well as posting in the tag. we're excited and feeling pretty confident about the opening of the site, and we want you guys to be too! the more people participating, the better. <3
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[ 22.102023 ] || [ sunday ] || [ clear ]
mini update #1: I am very behind on goals.
mini update #2: I decided to take on an accountability buddy, so far, it's help.
mini update #3: I've already written up 1.5k of words for the next chapter of BTW and god, I feel tired but elated! I do have a bit of reservation with how I ended it, but I like what I've made so far. There is a bit of rambling in the beginning but I just need to start it somehow. There might also be funky pronouns around a certain sample stealer, but hopefully I've managed to catch them before publishing on AO3. n.n
mini update #4: Poco-A-Poco has been getting to me, but I'm attempting to figure out it's voice while still being able to work on it.
mini update #5: I will be trying to crank out 1.5k every day this week to catch up on BTW chapters. Like, I know I'm going to hate it, but a this point it needs to be done. I don't want to sit here and mourn characters and worlds when I know I'm capable of sticking it out and writing it. Especially now that I finished one chapter today.
mini update #6: I want to try and be move active on Tumblr. I'm thinking maybe I can put out a poll to see what you all would like to see from me?
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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gender: male
pronouns: he/him/his
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: meteorologist
role: weatherman
appearance: Father of the Bison Daughters (Prue, Peri, and Beth) and married partner to engineering field pioneer Dr. Joan Bison. His black combed hair and perfect smile are what people usually see from him, but at home his hair has been prone to the occasional accident. From being clipped together with bows for a fancy princess tea party to being partially singed from the more serious marine biologist tea party, no lock from Newt's scalp was safe. Newt Bison's brown eyes have gotten to see many wonders from the natural world, his wife being no exception. He remembers their meeting like it was yesterday, his brown skin drenched from an overlooked weather forecast (probably his own) and his hands reaching to Dr. Joan Bison's hands as they shared an umbrella.
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: engineer
role: captain
appearance: Mother to the Bison Daughters (Prue, Peri, and Beth) and married partner to meteorologist and weatherman, Newt Bison. All four of them have seen how her brown curly hair can get scratched, teased, and tied whenever she is confronted with an impossible problem. Her daughters understand its where they have gotten it from and Dr. Joan Bison has come to understand it comes from her mother and the generations before her. Her brown eyes have watched her daughters grow into extraordinary women and in turn, have also help them see more than one solution to their day to day problems.
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: engineer
role: wifi-wiz
appearance: The youngest of the Bisons' & Daughters crew, Peri Bison is the Latina engineering legacy. She keeps her black straight hair short, partly due to safety protocols and also due to the accidents at her facility that produce said protocols. Whether all those accidents are all done by her, Peri can't say without her lawyer present.
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bybyebitheway · 2 years
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: ace
occupation: surgeon
role: medical expert
appearance: Eldest daughter to Dr. Joan & Mr. Newt Bison, Dr. Prue Bison towers over her two younger sisters, both physically and perhaps academically (everything's always up to a debate in this family). Prue's black wavy hair is always put up into a bun, leaving room for her analytic dark brown eyes to take in every morsel of detail she needs to make life and death decisions. Her eyes now scan the ocean floors of the Southern Atlantic Ocean as she rides in the Bisons' & Daughters sub-shuttle with her family.
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Hello from 2022 - An Update
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(almost 2023, yikes! my bad!)
So I have quite the expected update to provide. I am very disappointed in myself to share that I have significantly dropped the ball on all my WIPs. It's so crazy how 2020 lasted for like three years and hasn't shown signs of slowing down.
In any case, I have found myself wanting to write again (after almost a two year pause). I've been sick recently so, not exactly the best scenario to wake up when wanting to write again. I have a few updates on WIPs past and future. But before I do that I do have a some new observations about the writing process that I wanted to share.
Recently, I have heard of this new process of writing called the Kitchen Timer Method. It's not the Pomato Method, nor is it anything too revolutionary in terms of writing methods. Put simply, the Kitchen Timer Method consists of an isolated bracket of time devoted solely to writing. This can range from an hour to ten minutes, whatever time it is, you're supposed to be writing. What has gotten me to try to latest trend is that the Kitchen Timer Method is the use of a writing journal that is to be treated separate from the current writing project. The writing journal comes in whenever one feels stumped or distracted by real life to focus on the intended project. This allows you to train yourself to slowly ween yourself off of your writer's block and get you to write something!
Among (us) other things, writer's block has definitely played a role in my recent absence from Tumblr (as well as my writing) and I feel like this recent method is especially more forgiving when compared to others. With the Kitchen Timer Method, its more focused on getting you to write and get some version of routine into your muscle memory. So if target word counts or percentages is something that perhaps keeps you away from your writing, I highly suggest the Kitchen Timer Method. I will attempt to revisit this topic again later, perhaps tomorrow, depending on my progress. The main point I wanted to make with this originally was that I will be using my sideblog @thebybyebiline for journal portions of my writing sprints using the Kitchen Timer Method.
Now, an update on a few current WIPs and IFs:
I have worked slightly on @thehuntersacethetic . I made a barely working demo using GameMaker. Game design was always something I have been wanting to explore, should be no surprise given the amount of IFs I have started. However, development on the GameMaker version of THAT is of course on hiatus because coding is hard as fuck. Any future installments regarding THAT will most likely be in an Interactive Fiction medium(Twine, ChoiceScript, etc). The very early demo link will be below, hope y'all enjoy the color yellow!
The project I am most eager to work on again is @bybyebitheway , I would like to write more than the first chapter to something just once and I feel like with what BTW was supposed to be originally, the Kitchen Timer Method will help this project along just smoothly. Having the chapter art sitting in my desktop for a couple months has also helped.
In regards to my aro baby, @tobeaspected , I will try to work on this at least twice a month, but there might not be consistent updates if I want to finish work on BTW. Another update regarding TBA, I might decide on creating TBA entirely on HTML. Twine is great and all, but severely buggy. Given the amount of time in between pauses for my projects, I would like them found the way I've left them. My experiences on creating IFs with Twine have made me paranoid at its unpredictability, but I won't deny it is a good tool to use. Maybe I will simply add a side website similar to BTW and have the same content on there. (sidenote: the MC will have to be unisex in the HTML versions since my skills are faulty and my patience for Javascript is wafer thin).
Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope y'all had a great weekend!
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An Update On Life & AroWriMo
[ monday ] | [ starry ] | [03.142022]
Hi All!
So this update is long overdue. I'd like to first apologize for practically vanishing again for the third time this decade. I, like many of us living through the 2020s, have struggled to get their works out and even worked on at all. However, I just wanted to reassure those following my WIPs that I will continue to work on them. Below will be an itemized list of things I have been able to do since the start of January.
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I have started working on the basics in terms of ChoiceScript. The characters are mostly developed, good with character dynamics. I plan on working on scenes for the first arc of The Hunter's Ace-Thetic. I am debating on whether to include puzzle elements for different paths of the story.
Character Intros should come out in a few weeks.
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I have begun doing more character work and began plotting the first two arcs. I have decided with the amount of attention being put into other WIPs to try for a chapter a week. I would like to eventually get to two chapters a week. I just enjoy this world and its characters are too important to me to give up, so expect that in a few days.
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I managed to plot most of the different branches of To Be Aspec-ted.
I have a definitive number of endings: 8.
I had Covid while working on this for AroWriMo, so while I was hoping to get at least one new ending for this year, I ended up barely writing one.
I do plan on having some kind of weekly progress update for TBA.
Similar to BTW, the goal is to have one ending done (in either the planning or writing process) by the end of each week.
I would also like to retroactively add this weekly update to BTW content as well.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
I hope you all like what's to come!
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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gender: female
pronouns: she/her/hers
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: astronaut
role: navigator
appearance: Latina that lost herself in the depths of an astronomy book and never floated up. Held up in a tie or by their physics-defying nature, Beth's black wavy hair falls gracefully over their head. Her hair used to be matted in places her astronaut helmet but now lets itself down in the stale sub-shuttle air as she journeys with her family across the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
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thebybyebiline · 3 years
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[ 202106.30 ] || [ WEDNESDAY ] || [ CLEAR ]
Hello Readers,
So that was a bit of an absence. lol
I didn't mean to take that long of a hiatus, but it was kind of involuntary (offline responsibilities and such). However, I feel a bit more confident in continuing a whole ass month later. Apologies once again, I will try to return to form for the remainder of this week. I want to get out this second chapter. Apologies again for the beyond late update. I hope to make it up to y'all by... well, I guess the only thing I can do right now is to finish this chapter.
Hope you are all doing well,
- [ Pseudonym Goes Here ]
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bybyebitheway · 3 years
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Genre: high science fiction/ science fantasy
Tag: #btw.wip, bi the way, btwUpdates,
Status: updating, chapters 0 - chapter 1 part 1.
POV: third person limited (multi)
ocean punk, LGBTQ main characters, POC main characters, BIPOC main characters, bisexual leads, women leads, Lovecraftian inspiration (minus the vile vile racism), monstrous betrayals, supportive family, found family, redeeming the monster, soft magic system, gore, violence, dark academia, rogues gallery, escape the lair, monster of the week,
BI THE WAY is a text based adventure taking place in the distant future where humankind has colonized the moon and brought metropolis to its ocean floors. We follow our protagonists, the family crew of Bison's & Daughters, as they discover the abandoned underwater sea colony of CAPRICORNUS-25.10. Will they discover the secret of the colony before it manages to find them first? Read the tale to find out.
BI THE WAY is a text adventure filled with many unique and crazy characters, some of which include: DR. JOAN BISON [she/her] Doctor of Engineering. Mother and captain of the BISON & DAUGHTERS RESEARCH CREW submarine. DR. NEWTON BISON [he/him] Meteorologist. Father and dad-pun pun-fessional of the BISON & DAUGHTERS RESEARCH CREW. BETH BISON [she/her] Doctor of Astronomy. Daughter to JOAN & NEWT BISON. Lead navigator to the BISON & DAUGHTERS RESEARCH CREW. PRUE BISON [she/her] Doctor of Marine Biology & General Surgeon. Daughter to JOAN & NEWT BISON. Lead medical expert to the BISON & DAUGHTERS RESEARCH CREW. PERI BISON [she/her] Doctor of Oceanography & Computer Science. Daughter to JOAN & NEWT BISON. Lead wifi-wiz to the BISON & DAUGHTERS RESEARCH CREW. MONSTER OF THE WEEK [?/?] The thing lurking from episode to episode, chapter to chapter. Can't you see it from the corner of your eye?
A man is lowered down into the sea, his hand anxiously holds the railing of the diving stage while the steel cage sinks its way down towards the open depths of the Southern Atlantic Ocean. The crew of 'The Fool's Bounty' had planned their voyage to deliver equipment to the solar farms of Antarctica months in advance, wanting to steer clear of storms only to find themselves in the middle of one over night. Naval Cadet Whit Ness is asked to stay above, keeping an eye on the weather and waves surrounding them as well as taking the control of the helm for the night. Left alone on the deck, the young crewmate sails "The Fool's Bounty" smoothly through the sudden downpour they've encountered. Whit begins to think the storm will let on soon, but as they say about the sky being as fickle as the sea.
Where To Read:
TAGGING: [ask if y'all would like to be added/ removed]
@thelaughingstag @sevendeadlysams​ @the-aesthetician-writes​
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Hi all! I am the Aesthetician, I am not new to Tumblr, but fairly new to writeblr. I was here before in the beginning of the year trying to do some work on @bybyebitheway but life decided to happen and got sidetracked. Fortunately, I've returned and am taking another shot at not only Bi The Way but also a few WIPs I've started since then. Hopefully you don't mind taking a peek and reading a few of them.
I tend to keep to myself in terms of tumblr interaction, but I'd like to encourage everyone to feel free to reach out. I may be socially awkward, but I always welcome asks and messages!
It's been a messy bit of a week, but I will try to keep a consistent schedule in regards to content and interaction. There'll be a formal post detailing this later next week. I plan on giving character details for both TBA and BTW soon.
But in the meantime, Happy Halloween!
To Be ASPECted is a text-based adventure taking place in the distant future where humankind has colonized the moon and brought metropolis to its oceans floors.
We follow our protagonist, YOU - THE READER, as you stay in the lunar city of LA LALANDE. Stay in the QUEEN ANNE’S ACE tavern, own and operated by a squad of lovely Aros and Aces. Come talk to the many of the tavern’s guests and patrons. You’ll never know when you’ll meet a new friend this side of the moon!
Inspired by Tumblr’s annual arowrimo, To Be ASPEC-Ted sought to be a friendship simulator similar to Homestuck’s FriendSim and PesterQuest with an obvious focus on Aro and Ace characters, lunar punk iconography, and more.
genre: lunar punk, ace and aro main characters, friendship simulator, interactive fiction, high science fiction/ science fantasy, mystery
tags: tba, to be aspec-ted, to be aspected, tbaUpdates,
BI THE WAY is a story taking place in the distant future where humankind has colonized the moon and brought metropolis to its ocean floors. We follow our protagonists, the family crew of Bison’s & Daughters, as they discover the abandoned underwater sea colony of CAPRICORNUS-25.10. Will they discover the secret of the colony before it manages to find them first? Read the tale to find out.
genre: ocean punk, bisexual main characters, mystery, dark academia, lovecraftian inspiration, high sic-fi/ science fantasy
tags: btw.wip, bi the way, btwUpdates,
A trio of strangers wake up in an abandoned underground bunker without any recollection of how they arrived there. While finding a way to escape, they come to find that maybe the three of them aren't the only ones inhabiting it. Could they be the only three humans to reside there?
Follow Lawrence, Vincent, and Abel in their struggle to break out of the mysterious bunker, survive against a supernatural bunkmate, and defy societal expectations!
genre: modem punk, mystery, supernatural, ace main characters, poc main characters, latinx main characters, suspense,
tags: that.wip, the hunter's acethetic, the hunter's acethetic update, that.update, acetheticUpdate,
A webcomic inspired by Ryan Murphy's Glee and its spin-off reality TV competition show The Glee Project. While reading this webcomic, you'll notice it holds a certain appearance to another certain webcomic, but rest assured, there will be no time travel in this webcomic....for now.
DISCLAIMERS: I do not own Glee, the Glee Project, or Homestuck. I am making this purely for fun.
genre: dramedy, bipoc cast & main characters, high school rivalries,
tags: pocowebcomic, pocoUpdate, poco a poco,
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