cartooncenteral · 2 years
Voiced by Voice Actor and Reddit user Fableslinger, Connor is ready to help assist Sasha’s Middle School Friend Cheyenne with her revenge on the Calamity Trio, and the Multiverse.
Catch the first Audio Episode of Amphibia: Dimension Defenders, September 28th, only on Youtube, Reddit, and Tumblr.
Want to join the cast and claim a spot? Be free to message me at any time.
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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The first round of Auditions for the Amphibia: Dimension Defenders Audiobook is here, get the opportunity to be the star of one of the three members of the Calamity Trio, Anne, Sasha, or Marcy, by either sending a message or video on Redditt and Tumblr, or talking to me on the Auditions Discord Server, So if you want to test your creativity and be a Character in the Astronomical Audiobook, now is your opportunity!
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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My Fanfiction, Amphibia: Dimension Defenders is getting a revolutionary extention, I present to you, The Astronomical AudioBook, which will be the first ever Audiobook for the series The AudioBook will feature things that are not in the written verison, such as -A fully voiced cast of characters - Sound Fx's - Extended versions of each Chapter - A Marcy Wu Journal Entry that comes at the end of each chapter - Weekly uploads - Shoutouts to Amphibia Fans - And More Amphibia: Dimension Defender is ready to take the next step, question is, are you? Find out Late 2022 ✌️✌️✌️
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
A fanfiction out this world needs a Soundtrack thats out of this world,Let me introduce the Amphibia: Dimension Defenders Dimensional Read-Along Soundtrack, A soundtrack that you can listen to while you Read Anne’s Sasha, and Marcy’s Adventures across the Multiverse, Listen Now On Spotify.
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Want your voice to be involed in the first ever Amphibiba Audio Book? Now is you oppertunity! My Fanficition, Amphibia: Dimension Defenders, is getting a audio version, With Voiced Characters, Sound Fx’s, and weekly Chapters/ Episodes, And if you want to join in on the incredible Fan Made Sequel, make sure to follow the guideline above, But Make sure you send something, because when a spot is taken, it’s unavailible.
The Following Characters that have vacant spots⏬⏬⏬
Anne Boonchuy-
Sasha Waybright-
Marcy Wu-
Trojan- {Daughter of the Guardian}-
Max the Dimension Watcher-
Dr Frake-
Mr Boonchuy-
Mrs. Boonchuy-
Sprig Plantar-
Polly Plantar-
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Chapter 2: Dates and Dragons
**Secret Base of Dimensions*
Anne: Alright Max, now that we are your new defenders, how are you going to alert us?
Max: With these watches!
[[Max gives Anne, Marcy and Sasha watches with a touchscreen]]
Max: Take these communication watches, they're buzz when i need to get in contact with you
Marcy: So cool, thanks
Max: Your welcome, now go on, and live life!
[[The girls started to climb back up to the surface, but Max says one more thing to Anne]]
Max: Oh and Anne, Sprig, and Polly can go with you too
Anne: No way! are you serious?
Max: I am very serious, unlike the calamity box, I don't have any restrictions on me.
Anne: Thank You, Thank You Thank You, you are the best!!!
Max: Pleasures all mine, now carry on with your day
[[Anne climbs back to the surface with Sprig and Polly behind her]]
Marcy: Hey Anne, You made it!
Anne: yeah just had a talk with Max, and he said that Sprig and Polly can stay!
Sasha: No way girl, that's awesome! anyway I got to get going
Polly: Aw, Cmon Sasha, we just reunited
Sasha: I know little dude, but I really gotta go, I got a date.
Anne: A date? with who?
Sasha: With Maggie!
Anne: Maggie? Maggie Margo? since when did you start dating her?
Sasha: Since 2 years ago, we both apparently applied at UCLA, we got the same dorm room together, and then we just kind of fell in love!
Marcy: Aw, that's adorable, congrats girl!
Sasha: Thanks Marcy, talk to your girls later!
[[ Sasha gets in her red car and drives off to go meet Maggie at the restaurant of her choosing]]
Anne: Well then, I guess it's just me and you Marcy
Marcy: Oh, Sorry Anne, I wish we can hang out, but I got to get back to work!
Anne: c'mon Marcy, can't you take off work for one day, please
Marcy: wish I could, but this isn't Amphibia where we have no choice but to hang out, I got a job, I have a dream, and right now, I got to accomplish that dream.
[[Marcy gets on her bike and pedals back to her Company's building]]
Sprig: what was all that about Anne?
Anne: Ah, it's just the reunion jitters, we're all good, Hey! I got something really cool to show you at my job! Do you want to see it?
Sprig: Sure, I down to see the surprise
Polly: If there is you haven't forgotten about Me, It's my taste in Surprises!
Anne: Great, I'll lead the way!
**the Museum, Amphibia Exhibit**
Anne: Alright, on the count of three, open your eyes! 1...2...3 Open!
[[Sprig and Polly open their eyes and see a Museum Exhibit with Leaves and Frog Displays]]
Sprig: What is all this?
Anne: It's my Amphibia Museum, I built it myself, I did it so that everyone knows about your world.
Sprig: Aw, how sweet,  but you didn't need to do that.
Anne: Hey, I saved both mine and your world, it's something I needed to do!
Polly: Well it's pretty amazing for you to cherish us like this
Anne: Thanks Polly, hey since we're still here, why don't we take a selfie together!
Sprig: Ah, Yes!
[[Anne pulls out her phone and takes a selfie with sprig and Polly in the Exhibit]]
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**The Next Morning, Downtown LA**
[[Sasha is sitting outside a restaurant with Maggie and hears her phone buzzing in her pocket and takes a look at it, she sees Anne's Selfie and likes it]]
Maggie: Who was that babe?
Sasha: No One, Just a photo that was sent to me by a friend
Maggie: oh ok, Anyway, have you decided what to order yet?
Sasha: um... Not yet.
Maggie: So how was the Battle of bands? did you get accepted?
Sasha: no, I got there too late
Maggie: oh man that's a bummer, but you can bounce back though, I know you can!
Sasha: Oh you, I'm so glad that care about me!
Maggie: Hey, you said it yourself, I just needed a change!
Sasha: And I'm glad you did change!
[[Sasha held Maggie's hand and stared deeply into her eyes, they both start to close their eyes and prepare to passionately kiss each other on the lips, but suddenly, Sasha's Communication watch goes off, Indicating she had to go to Max in his Underground base]]
Maggie: What's that noise?
Sasha: Um... Maggie, I hate to do this to you, But I got to go!
Maggie: What! Why?
Sasha: I got to... Take my new dog for a walk, he's got low blood pressure and needs to go outside right now.
Maggie: You didn't tell me you got a dog?
Sasha: I got it last night, anyway, I gotta go
[[Sasha kisses Maggie on her right cheek and starts running in the direction of the Hollywood sign, she picks up her phone and Video calls Anne and Marcy]]
Sasha: Marcy, Anne, my watch just went off, did your's go off too?
Anne: Yes, do you think it's a test?
Marcy: Don't know, we'll know when we get there, see you guys there!
** The Dimensional Base**
[[Anne, Sasha, and Marcy enter the base and see books on the ground and max's machine destroyed]]
Anne: Oh my god! What the heck happened!
Marcy: This place looks like it got ransacked!
Sasha: Wait a second! Where's Trojan?
[[Max boots up with a little bit of glitchness]]
Max: She's... She's been kidnapped!
Marcy: What! How? I thought this place was hidden!
Max: It was, until it was found, by a masked intruder!
Sasha: A masked intruder, do you know where the person went?
Max: I don't know, the person hit my machine, I can't watch the dimensions now!
Anne: how do you purpose we find Trojan?
Max: Well first, you can't go searching for her without self-defense, So this Is what i need you to do, There is a Dimension called the Dragon Dimension, my old defender's deceased body is there, but he still got weapons next to him, I need you three to retrieve them, head back here and find Trojan.
Anne: Got It!
Sasha: That's something we can do! Max open the portal!
Max: Ok, but when I do this, I will be powered down until my machine is fixed!
Marcy: We can handle that, Open the portal!!
Max: On It,
Anne: Alright, Sprig and Polly, I need you to stay here and watch the place
Sprig: on it Anne,
Anne: And here, take my phone, if anything happens, call me, Marcy, and Sasha immediately!
Sprig: I will.
Anne: Alright Max, We're Ready!
[[Max opens a portal with his closed eyes, as Anne, Sasha, and Marcy enter a dimension with lava pools and smokey charcoal skies]]
Sasha: Oh yeah, this is a dragon dimension alright!
Marcy: let's search for the last defender's body, as gross as that might sound.
Anne: Is it in that cave over there?
Sasha: Let's check
[[The Trio enters the cave as they see a pool of lava with rocks over it horn statue with a flame of fire in the middle, and lastly, a skeleton in rock with a lavafall in front of it]]
Sasha: Well shit, we're screwed! How are we supposed to Get to the skeleton without dying, or attracting dragons?
Marcy: Hey Cmon guys, we went through temples, backstabbing kings, and even an infected moon, this will be a piece of cake!
Anne: So how about we do this, Sasha, since you are the most athletic out of all of us, you can parkour up to the rock, while Me and Marcy warn you about Dragons and lava!
Sasha: Um... Ok
[[Sasha walks up to the rocks and looks at the lava pool]]
Sasha: You're watching me? Right!
Marcy: like a hawk!
Sasha: Ok, Here we go
[[Sasha jumps the rocks one by one, and makes it to the underpart of the middle rock, then she climbs while holding her feet in place and keeping her hand on the sharper pieces]]
Sasha: Almost there!
[[The trio all of a sudden hears a loud road from outside the cave, from what they heard, the animal was big, and historic]]
Anne: Hurry Sasha!!! Dragons know where here!
Sasha: hold on, I'm on the rock! just gotta search for the supplies!
[[Sasha searches the weapons of the old defender, and finds three sets of weapons]]
Sasha: let's see, we have a Sword, made entirely out of Iron, a throwing spear, and a heavy mace!
Marcy: Sasha! get down here!
Sasha: Alright, I'm coming down!
[[Sasha jumps down to the underpart of the middle rock and jumps back to Anne and Marcy]]
Anne: Alright, Let's get out of here!
[[The Girls are about to run out of the cave, but then a huge black dragon blocks the entrance and enters the cave]]
Anne: guys, whatever you do! don't move a single inch of your body!
Marcy: Oh trust me Anne, I'm frozen like an iceberg!
Sasha: This is it, our first reunion mission and we're about to be made into toast!
[[The Dragon was about to breathe fire, but then stops and suddenly begins to speak!!]]
The Dragon: Toast? What's that?
Sasha: Um, did the dragon just ask us a question?
The Dragon: Yes, Yes I did!
Marcy: wow, I can't believe, more worlds with talking animals, this is truly incredible!
Anne: What's your name dragon?
The Dragon: My name? Oh, I totally forgot to tell you my name, It's Skylar, Skylar The Dragon!
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Marcy: Well it's nice to meet you Skylar, I'm Marcy Wu, and this is Sasha Waybright and Anne Boonchuy
Skylar: Well nice to meet you three, anyway, do you want to tell me why you are here in my dangerous world?
Anne: We do, you see, we're here to get the weapons that a previous human had on that rock over there!
Skylar: Really? What for?
Anne: We needed them to get them because we work for some holographic human named Max, and his daughter got kidnapped by a masked intruder!
Skylar: Oh no! That's terrible!
Sasha: We know, that's why we're trying to get to our home in Los Angeles and...
[[Sasha is interrupted by the Ringing of Sasha’s Phone]]
Anne: Hello?
Sprig: Hey Anne, It's Sprig
Anne: Hey Sprig, what's Up?
Sprig: Well we got some good news and some bad news!
Anne: What's the good news?
Sprig: well Polly was able to fix Max's machine and he's up and communicating again!
Anne: That's good, and what's the bad news?
Sprig: Well the Bad news is that we found the Masked Intruder, and Trojan!
Anne: What!, Where are there!
Sprig: At the Aqarium, your Aqarium!
Anne: What! No No No No No No, Not the Museum!
Sasha: Anne, what's going on?
Anne: We need to go, Now!!! Skylar, can you give us a ride!
Skylar: You bet I can give you a ride! Hop on!
[[Anne, Marcy, and Sasha get on the back of Skylar and launch out of the cave]]
Anne: Sprig, tell Max to open a portal, and duck when we show up!!
Sprig: Ok!
[The Girls ride further away from the cave, then suddenly, a portal opens up and Anne, Marcy, Sasha, and Skylar ride through and made a big hole through the walls of the mountain]]
Anne: Skylar, Head for downtown!
Skylar: loud and clear Anne!
[[The Girls fly Skylor down to the surface of downtown LA, in front of the Aqaurium, they see nothing except Trojan tied up to the Aquarium’s sign outside]]
Marcy: Trojan! are you ok?
Trojan: Guys! don't come any close it's a trap!
[[The Museum's door was suddenly kicked open from the inside, and the person who kicked it down, was the masked intruder!]]
Anne: Hey you! let her down this instant!
Masked Intruder: Oh Anne, you don't get to decide the fate of what happens here, I do!
Sasha: Who the hell are you!! reveal yourself right now!!!
Masked Intruder: Wow, I expected better behavior from you three, you know, that type of attitude gets someone hurt!
Marcy: ok, what is that you want?
Masked Intruder: Easy, I want vengeance! you Anne Boonchuy, You singled handle ruined my life, you ruined my reputation! and you ruin me! and now, I am simply here to return the favor!
Anne: What are you talking about?
[[The Masked intruder reaches out of its pockets and pulls out a box of matches]]
The Masked Intruder: Hey Anne, you said you like to express your feelings by dancing! well, let's dance, With Fire!
[[The Masked intruder lights a match and tosses it in the museum as it starts to engulfed in flames!!!]]
Anne: Noooooo!!!!
[[The Intruder starts to run away as she turns around and throws a peace sign at Anne, Sasha, and, Marcy]]
Marcy: Anne, we can't do anything about it now!  we got to get Trojan untied and get out of here!
[[Anne collapses to the ground and starts to cry her lungs out, because she just realized the exhibit that she took so long to make, was just involved in an arson attack, caused by the Masked Intruder]]
Sasha: Here Trojan, hold on!
[[Sasha cuts the rope and gets Trojan, Marcy, and Anne out of harm's way before the Musuem exploded into a million pieces]]
Marcy: Anne, Im so sorry
Anne: *Sobbing* My Exhibit, My one-of-a-kind Exhibit, It's gone!
**Undisclosed Laboratory**
?: Did you get the job done?
Masked Intruder: Yes Dr. Frake, I accomplished the goal!
Dr. Frake: Good, now with got Anne Boonchuy's Attention, we can start getting the ultimate dish of revenge, on her, her friends, and her dimensional buddies from different worlds!
Masked Intruder: and I can get revenge on Sasha Waybright, my best friend who singly handly betrayed me, and left me to be forgotten by everyone!!!
Dr. Frake: Well then, How about it my masked-up friend, ready for a whole season of sweet payback!
[[The masked Intruder takes off its mask, and reveals itself to be a 23-year old girl with silver hair and a headband]]
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Cheyenne: You better believe I'm ready!!!
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
Saving a Frog Marshland from a evil Salamander and a giant set of eyes is tough, but going to different worlds and unvierses to stop unknown entities is even tougher, Journey with the Calamity Trio of Anne, Sasha and Marcy as their live normal lives on Earth, while surviving dangerously to protect the Multiverse.
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Theme Song credit goes to Oh Geez, with their song, Trouble Prone, Now, Enjoy the Story!
[[ 2029, 10 years and six months later after the Events of Amphibia]]
**Los Angeles California, Under the ground of the Hollywood Sign**
?: The Defender passed! what do you mean he passed, How did he pass?
?: Well, He was in the dragon dimension when he got ambushed by two dragons and got set on fire!?
?: Trojan! do you know what this means!
Trojan: what does it mean Max?
Max: That means I have to look for a new Defender of Dimensions, I haven't done that in centuries!
Trojan: Do you know anybody on this planet that we can rely on to save and protect the dimensions?
Max: Wait, I got a few people in mind!
Trojan: you do?
[[Max pulls up a holographic image of three 16-year-old girls wearing armor on their bodies]]
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Max: A century ago, They was a tale of three girls who got transported to their frog marshland world, disappear for three years, and came back to stop an invasion by this giant monster creature, and walk off into the sunset!
Trojan: Wow, incredible story! What are their names?
Max: Their Names are Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu
Trojan: Anne, Marcy, and Sasha, those names sound totally badass!
Max: I know right, and the things they did were absolutely heroic, that's it, It's been decided, Trojan!
Trojan: Yes Master Max?
Max: Head out to the City of Angels and find the three girls and bring them to me!
Trojan: Yes Master!
**Anne Boonchuy's House**
[[A 23-year-old Anne Boonchuy is sleeping in her bed, she is then woken up by her alarm clock]]
Anne: Ahh! oh dang Alarm Clock, **Yawn** Anyway time to go to work
[[Anne gets up and looks at her phone, she enters the gallery app and opens up a photo that was taken 10 years ago]]
Anne: Miss you every day sprig!
[[Anne puts on her museum clothes and takes off for work]]
Anne: Alright Mom and Dad, see you  guys later, I'm off to work
Ms. Boonchuy: Alright sweety, see you later.
[[Anne steps on the porch and steps on some with a crunchy sound, she looks down and to her surprise, it's an envelope]]
Anne: What's this?
[[Anne opens the envelope]]
Anne: Dear Anne Boonchuy, we here at Los Angeles Community High School invite you to a high school reunion at the Hollywood Sign tonight, we do hope to see you there tonight.
Anne: A high school reunion? sounds fun, maybe I can see some old friends again!
**Sasha Waybright's house**
[[23-year-old Sashawaybright is inside her garage with two friends as she starts  to plug a guitar into an amp]]
Sasha: Alright Guys, you ready!
Vincent: Heck yeah we're ready!
Maggie: You bet we're ready Waybright!
Sasha: Good, Hit it vincent!
[[Vincent starts shredding his guitar]]
Sasha: Hit it Margo!
[[Maggie starts playing her keyboard]
Sasha Waybright
The Bright of Life
🎵Just came back from fighting for my life🎵
🎵From a dangerous journey that took all day and night🎵
🎵but I persevered and held on tight🎵
🎵Yeah, That's just the bright of life🎵
🎵I'm all grown up, What can I say🎵
🎵the facts are true, I'm now a gay🎵
    🎵The New me is here so step out of the way🎵
🎵The Bright Life is all cash no pay🎵
🎵Yeah the Bright Life, the Bright life, the bright is here to cheer up your days🎵
🎵Taking over the Calfornia Bays🎵
🎵On the sandy beaches where I lay🎵
🎵The Bright life will be here every single day!🎵
🎵Bright Life!!🎵
Vincent: Sasha, that was the best song you have ever written!
Sasha: Really!
Maggie: Yeah, really, that was really inspiring stuff, it's even got me teared up a little bit
Sasha: I really appreciate it guys, good to know you two are helping me start my career as a rock and roll artist!
Vincent: Hey, it's our pleasure!
Maggie: So um... Sasha,  do you might wanna hang out later, maybe at a restaurant?
Sasha: Sure that sounds good, you got anywhere in mind?
Maggie: Well, maybe I thought we could go to...
[[All of a sudden A delivery truck arrives at Sasha's house and the mailmen puts mail in the mailbox]]
Sasha: Oh, hold that thought Maggie, I got to go get the mail.
Maggie: Alright, but be back soon girlfriend.
Sasha: Ok then, Girlfriend.
[[Sasha goes over to the mailbox and see magazines and letter, but the last piece of mail has a giant red sticker that reads please read alone]]
Sasha: Dear Sasha Waybright, we firmly invite you to sign up for the first-ever battle of state bands, we heard about your talented rock star skills, and we feel that you should be involved in this once of a lifetime opportunity, so please join under the Hollywood Sign tonight to register.
Sasha Waybright: Holy Cow! guys I got some exciting news!
**The Marcy Wu Comic Company**
[[A 23-year-old Marcy Wu is in a board meeting with her coworker, trying to come up with her next webcomic]]
Marcy: Alright employees listen up, i need ideas for the comic book series, any ideas?
[[two girls raises their hand]]
Marcy: Ah yes, Jess and Ally!
Ally: so i was thinking, what if we make a webcomic series, that involves robots living in a town, just like here in Los Angeles!
Marcy: No, robots is the last thing i ever want to write about.
Jess: What about this, a girl vlogger goes on the ultimate journey to become the most famous social media star in the world!
Marcy: that doesn't sound too bad, Definitely adding that to the list,
Jess: Awesome!
Marcy: Alright, you guys come up with more ideas, I'm going to get a cup of coffee and come back.
[[Marcy enters the break room and pours a cup of coffee, while waiting for it to brew, she remembers all the adventures she had in Amphibia with Anne and Sasha]]
Marcy: Man, I do sure miss the epic adventures we have, those were some good times!
Terri: Hey Marcy!
Marcy: Ahh! Oh hey Terri, what's up?
Terri: We got a letter sent here that says that you need to read it
Marcy: What! Don't just stand around silly, let me see it.
Terri: Ok, here you go!
Marcy: Thanks.
[[Marcy opens the letter and reads it]]
Marcy: Dear Marcy Wu, we are a company that showcases comic books, Web-comics, and television shows right here in the city of Los Angeles, we are hosting an event to showcase everybody's creations, and we would wish to have you participate in it, so if you want to join the event, meet us the Hollywood sign tonight!
Marcy: Well holy video games and everything electronic, a showcase, Oh I'm defiantly going!
**The Hollywood Sign 11:00 PM**
Anne: Ugh, This hill is so steep, why are hosting a high school on a mountain top!
[[Anne makes it to the Hollywood sign, and sees absolutely nothing]]
Anne: What the heck, where's the high school reunion, it's empty, hello? Hello?
[[Anne hears nothing but wind and leaves on the grounds]]
Anne: Wow, what a complete waste of my time, oh well, guess it's back home and work again.
[[Anne was about to walk off, but then she heard a voice she knows all and well]]
Sasha: Anne? Anne is that you?
Anne: Sasha?
Marcy: Anne?
Sasha: Marcy?
[[The three finally see each other under the Hollywood sign]]
Anne: Oh my god! it's you two!
Marcy: what are you two doing here?
Sasha: I don't why you two are here, but I don't care, bring it in!
[[The three run into each other's arms and begin group hugging]]
Sasha: Oh my god I haven't felt this is so long!
Anne: I missed these
Marcy: Feels so good to hug you two again
[[They separate from their hug and stare at each other for a minute]]
Sasha: So wait are you two doing here under the Hollywood sign?
Anne: Well I got a letter saying that our high school was having a high school reunion here.
Marcy: I came down here because I got a letter saying there was a Comic and television  convention here
Sasha: That's weird because I got a letter saying there was a battle of the bands here
Anne: So if this isn't a high school reunion, battle of the bands, or a webcomic convention, who sent those letters?
?: I did!
[[A blue girl with blonde hair appears from behind a set of bushes and stands in front of the girls]]
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Anne: Who are you? and were you just sitting behind that bush the entire time?
Trojan: My name is Trojan, and yes I was behind that bush.
Sasha: you weirdo! why are you even doing something like that?
Trojan: Ok, first of all, I'm not a weirdo, second, I did it to make sure you didn't bring any guests with you
Marcy: um... we didn't
Trojan: Good, because there was a reason I sent those letters, my master had to find you guys!
Sasha: Your master? like what, your boyfriend?
Trojan: What! Ew gross, no, my father you sickos!
Anne: Who is your father?
Trojan: follow me and I'll show you, but remember, once your down here, you must never, never tell anyone about it, including your parents or other friends, understand!
Anne: We understand
Trojan: Ok then, follow me!
[[Trojan goes up to a rock and pushes away  reviling a hole in the ground]]
Trojan: Well, go on down!
Marcy: Oh, me first!
[[The four girls climb down the hole to a small room with rows of cameras and a small machine backed against the wall]]
Anne: Woah, what is this place!
Trojan: This is my master watch center, he monitors everything that goes on in the worlds
Marcy: So cool
Sasha: Wait, did you say worlds, what do you mean worlds?
?; She's talking about the worlds I watch!
The Machine begins to turn on as a holographic man appears in front of Anne Marcy and Sasha!
Marcy: Holy damn!
Sasha: Who...Who are you?
Max: I am Max, Max the Dimension Watcher
Anne: Dimension Watcher?
Max: Yes Anne, Dimension watcher
Marcy: Wait, how do you know our names?
Max: I know about your names because I know about your story, I know that you got sent to Amphibia by a magical box, I know you weren't here on earth for a full year, I know that Anne had to make a portal just to save you guys and the whole world, I witnessed all of it, right here in this room!
Anne: You know all of that?
Max: Yes, every single moment
Sasha: so, if you know all about us, why did you bring us here?
Max: Well you see, I need new people to help defend the Dimensions from scary monsters or scary incidents, and I figured, why not hire the most badass ladies in all of California to become the new defenders of dimensions
Anne: Woah there man, sorry, but we're not interested!
Max: Really, and why not?
Sasha: Why Not! Dude we almost died on mutiple occasions, Anne almost died from the Stones, Marcy almost got stabbed to death, and I almost starved, why in the hell would we go through something like that again?
Max: Easy, you're Calamity Powers!
Marcy: You know about Calamity Powers too, how much time do you have on your hands?
Max: Eternity, that's how much time I have
Anne: Look, Mr. Max, it was great knowing you and all, but we just don't want to risk our lives again, so I do hope you find you Defender of Dimensions soon, farewell
Max: fine, then, i didn't wanna show you this surprise, but you left me no choice
Marcy: what do you mean no choice?
[[Max closes his eyes and a portal starts forming in the room, and on the other side was a marshland world, and standing there, was a teenage Purple frog, a teenage pink frog]]
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Anne: Holy shit! Max, you didn't!!!
Max: Recognize this place girls?
Anne: Sprig, Polly, is that really you?
Sprig: Um, Hi Anne.
Anne: Sprig!!!!
[[For the first time in 10 years, Anne hugs Sprig and Polly with tears running down her face like a waterfall]]
Marcy: You crazy son of a bitch, you can open portals to different worlds on command?
Max: hey, I am called the Dimension Watcher for a reason.
Polly: Sasha, what up girl, you just gonna stand there confused
Sasha: Polly, shut up and give me a hug!!!
[[Polly hugs Sasha and Gives her a fist pump]]
Trojan: There is a great level of happiness in you three isn't there
Anne: *Sobbing* I Can't hold back my happy tears, I can't believe we're back here again, 10 years ago, we said our goodbyes, we thought we never see each other again, But Max, you brought this friendship back together,  how can we possibly thank you?
Max: There is one thing, and that is to become, my Dimension Defenders!
Sasha: What do we have to do?
Max: Nothing!
Marcy: What?
Max: Until there is an emergency, you girls can live your normal lives, until I alert you
Anne: Oh wow, that's awesome! What do you say Marcy and Sasha, you accept?
Sasha: Hell yeah girl!
Marcy: you already know the answer Anne, and that is yes!!
Max: Then it's settled, now I need you girl to bend on one knee while I say this oath
[[Marcy, Anne, and Sasha go down on their  legs while Max says an oath]]
***To Be Continued***
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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[[A black limo pulls up in front of a California Hotel as it shows that Ariana is inside of it]]
Ariana: What's Up Viewers Watching at home  Good Morning to all the folks that took the time to witness history in the making, In Just a Few Minutes The 20 teams that you met at the red carpet special are about to be informed of what their Future awaits them, Get ready and fasten your seatbelts, Especially you Dad, because it's time to write Someone's Chapter to Fame and Stardom, This Is the one, the only, the Hollywood Starship Games!!!, Cue the Intro!!
 [[The Contestants are sleeping at the world-famous Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel waiting for Ariana and the Crew to arrive to start the competition, all of sudden a bugle-horn echoed throughout the hotel's hallway and woke everyone out of their sleep]]**
Reagan: Alright that's enough Steve, you can stop that now!
Steve: your right Reagan, And Hello Contestants, Rise and shine, Get dressed, grab a quick bite to eat, grab your personal Belongings because its competition day said the mysterious voice.
[[the contestants peeked out of their rooms to see who was talking to them and to their surprise they were four people standing out their doors who they didn't see yesterday]]
Benson: Steve, what are you doing! do you have any idea what time it is, there was no reason to blow that horn so early in the morning!
Steve: So sorry about that, we just wanted to tell you good morning
Sheriff Blubs: Yeah, and is there another reason for you waking all of us up and nearly giving me a Heart Attack 
Steve: In fact, there is, Ariana told us to tell you to get ready because she has a surprise waiting for you outside the hotel, so your better hurry up or you might get left behind.
Sam: how much time do we have to get ready, do we have time to eat?
Stat: You have 15 minutes to get ready, which means you have 5 minutes to go to the bathroom, 5 Minutes to grab your things, And 5 Minutes to grab Something to eat downstairs, now stop the chit chat and Get Ready because were on a Schedule.
[[Everyone starts to hurry up and get ready as they freshened up, grab their belongs, and got breakfast downstairs]]
Ariana: Good Morning Contestants, Hope you enjoyed your Rest last night.
Poison Ivy: We were until those Q Force idiots woke all of us with their annoying Horn, couldn’t you have just knocked on our damn doors and told us to get up?
Ariana: Yeah, I could have done that, but just to be sure you didn't come down here yawning, I had to, Anyway Come outside I got something cool for you to see.
[[Ariana Leads the Contestants outside the hotel and jaws dropped as they saw a giant spaceship outside in the parking lot]]
Jess: Hey Ariana, she's all gassed up and ready to fly!
Anne: Ally, Jess!!!
[Anne hugs the two technician girls like she's never hug anyone in ages]
Anne: you didn't tell me you were working this game show!
Ally: Well surprise, hey, where are your little friends? 
Anne: oh, they're not here, I left them to watch my parents over at my house.
Jess: Bummer, well anyway, you want to hang out later after the contest?
Ariana: Alright, that’s enough Ally and Jess, You can go on your break now said, Ariana.
Jackie: Who are they?
Ariana: Those two are the IT Girls, Ally, and Jess, I picked them up from Anne's world
Keith: Is... Is that the Spaceship you talked about last night?
Ariana: It is indeed This baby will be home for the next couple of days Until you're Eliminated, of course, I call it the Hollywood Star Shuttle, This Ship has everything you need including Restrooms, Dining Area, Sleeping Rooms, Activity area, Pool, Hot tubs, and A bar for the Adult Contestant's only. 
Catra: So Awesome, can we go inside now, oh can we please Ariana!
Ariana: Not yet Catra, First I have to let the Q Force explain to you guys the rules while being on the Ship, Twink care to explain the rules?
Twink: Yes, now contestants, rules on the ship go as follows.
1. Romance is allowed on board which includes Finger Holding, Hair Caressing, Hugging, and Kissing, No and I mean no Below the Belt, or you are automatically disqualified.
2. Contestants are to be in their Assigned Sleeping Rooms by the time of 11 o'clock to 7 o'clock.
3. Do not go in any of the Crew Member-only area's which includes Captain Quarters, Break Rooms, Maintenance Room, and Importantly, the Ship Control Room, Got That!
Contestants: Yes!
Steve: Good Grab your things and let's go, Deb Open her Up.
Deb: Got it, boss!
[[Deb opens up the front door of the ship as Everyone walked up the steps and aboard the ship as they were shocked to see all the stuff and how shiny the inside was]]
Poison Ivy: Well, Damn, You really went all out on this place, impressive work.
Ariana: Thanks, Now the last thing I need from you is to Let me announce the roommates for the sleeping Quarters ok, here we go, Luz and Amity you will be sharing room number one with Enid and Red.
Enid: Sure, dude sounds, I'm down
Red: Hey, I'm just focused on winning, so I don't care who me and Enid share a room with.
Luz: Sounds good to me, Amity how about you are you good with it?
Amity: Uh... Sure I'm totally good with it, not a problem!
Ariana: Ok then Room Number 2 will be Luna, Sam, Bubblegum, and Marceline.
Luna: Rad, You two are going to be totally pleased that we bunked with you, Me and Sam are Great with people.
Marceline: Sure hope so, Hey by the way I saw heard you were good with guitars, you think maybe we can do a duet together?
Luna: Are you kidding me, I'd be happy to, Me and Sam are in a band together and are in desperate need of work, so yes we will practice sometime.
Ariana: Ok next to Room 3 are Charlie, Vagie, Harley, And Ivy.
Charlie: Oh wow, new Roommates, this is So exciting, Hi I'm Charlie Morningstar nice to meet 
Harley: Wait, Morningstar, as in Lucifer Morningstar?
Charlie: Yep!
Matthew: Wait, so you're telling us that you are the daughter of the devil himself?
Vaggie: Yes she is, but don't let the scary personal background scare you, were are nice demons.
Troy: Impossible, There's no such thing as a nice demon.
Charlie: Well, Me and Vaggie are the only ones.
Luna: Wicked!
Charlie: Well thank you Luna, At least someone guests it 
Harley: whatever, I'm still going to keep an eye out for you.
Ariana: Alright, now back to the list, Um... Jackie and Chloe, you will be with Anne and Maggie.
Jackie: Sweet, Should be a blast, Going to be cool to learn about you two!
Anne: totally, if that's cool with you Maggie
Maggie: Hey, if that means we can get through this show faster, then fine
Chloe: Quel est votre problème?
Anne: What did she say Jackie?
Jackie: She said what's her problem?
Maggie: What! I don't have a problem, if anything you are the one that is starting the problem!
Anne: Woah! calm down Maggie, she was just saying what was wrong, that is all
Maggie: Nothing is wrong, leave me ok, Jeez!
Ariana: Ok then... so Last but not least, Catra and Adora you will be with Korra and Asami
Adora: Nice to be bunking with you girls, be nice to know some new people.
Korra: For sure.
Ariana: OK now for the Boy's rooms!
Steve: Uh Boss the Hyperspeed is Ready!
Ariana: What!
[[Ariana looks up at the wall and sees that the hyper speed light and see that's it blinking]]
Ariana: Um... Ok back to the rooms um let me just read them all right now, Reeve and Adam you're with Troy and Benson, Blubs and Durland are with Sorcerio and Orval, Alexander and Terry and with Greg and the Other Terry, Raj and Shawn are with Matthew and Jay, and Lance and Keith are with Min-gi and Ryan!
Luna: Ariana, why are you going so fast, It's only a blinking light?
Deb: Attention Contestants. Hyper speed Protocol in 1 Minute, Please find a seat or a room to protect yourself from flying off somewhere on the ship.
Luz: Um... What does she mean by that?
Ariana: She means run to somewhere safe and sit down and stay calm as soon as possible, Now, Run for safety!!!
[Everyone Runs around the ships looking for some safe place to stay as Luna, Sam, Luz, Amity, Anne, and Maggie go underneath a table. Adora, Catra, Bubblegum, Marceline, Keith, and Lance hold onto a stairwell railing. Blubs, Durland, Reeve, and Adam make a quick decision and tell the rest of the contestants to hold hands to make a human chain so they can go from one to the other holding the wall with their palms]
Deb: Hyper Speed in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1. Go time!!!
[[Deb presses the button to activate Hyper Speed]]
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Deb**: Attention Contestants, Hyper speed is now over, you can go back to whatever you were doing.
Adam: What was earth was that?
Steve: That right there was Hyper speed Protocol, We use it to get to your Worlds Quick and Easy, Now hop up and dust yourselves off as you will be in competition in a few minutes,
Bubblegum: but where even are we, do you even know where we landed?
Ariana: We landed in Echo Creek California, the sight of the first event you guys will be doing, Now everyone get off the ship, we're going to the beach.
[Jackie and Chloe scream as they were shocked to hear that they were back in Echo Creek Following them joining the games days prior]
[Everyone was about to get off but then Ariana calls out Charlie and Vaggie's name]
Ariana: Hey Charlie and Vaggie, you got a second?
Charlie: Um. Sure we got a second.
Vaggie: So what do you need?
Ariana: Well, you know how you two are from Hell and are Demons.
Charlie: Yeah, and that's a Problem?
Ariana: No, I'm just trying to find out if you have any demons or devils that are looking for you, you don't have any do you?
Charlie: Oh don't worry, we're perfectly fine, I don't think any demon is going to come to a different dimension to attack us.
At Stolas Manson Located in Hell
[Inside the Manson an owl-like demon is sitting down in a dark room sobbing and crying down at his bowl of cereal
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Stolas: Stolas you idiot, why couldn't I control my hormones, I messed everything up he said.
[[Stolas walks over to the TV Room while being wrapped in a blanket; he starts to flip tv channels]]
Stolas: Let's see, Real housewives of Hell, no, demon sex in the city, no, Imp love Island, no, Ugh there's nothing good to watch.
[[Stolas turns the channel to see the city news with Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench]]
Katie Killjoy: in other news, Charlotte, The Princess of the head honcho, and her one-eyed Girlfriend Vagatha are making history for people of the underworld, The two are currently in a cross-dimensional game show where whoever wins will receive a shiny silver Trophy and two thousand dollars. 
Stolas: that's it, I know what I'll do to fix my problems, I'll steal that trophy and give it to blitz, then I can apologize and we get our relationship back on track, the only problem is that I got to wait until there fewer contestants, but when that happens, I will strike, and I will score!
_Echo Creek Beach_**
[The Contestants are standing on the beach as they wait for Ariana to show up]
Benson: Um, have anyone seen where Ariana Went?
Poison Ivy: I Don't know where she went but she better hurry up, It's hot as hell right now!
Lance: Man, if I knew we were going to Be in the Hot Sun I would have brought sunblock
Ariana: Guys over here!
[Ariana arrives on the beach along with the Q-force carrying heavy duffle bags]
Enid: got all that Ariana?
Ariana: Oh yeah, just needed extra help to get them off the ship, that's all.
Amity: What's in them?
Ariana: You will find out.
Luna: is it Guitars?
Ariana: No
Jackie: Surfboards?
Ariana: Nope
Keith: Weapons?
Ariana: No, well yes, but not harmful ones
Steve: They're Paint Guns.
[Players: Paints Guns!]
Ariana: And thank you Steve for spoiling the Surprise.
Steve: Sorry.
Poison Ivy: So, what are we using the paintball guns for, target practice, standoff, tournament?
Ariana: neither today you will be competing in an all-out, every team for themselves, paintball war!
Lance: Oh yeah! now we're talking!
Adora: how do win?
Ariana: easy, you must beat the other teams by covering their body in paint, the head, the chest, the arms, and the legs.
Alexander: do the paintballs hurt?
Ariana: Oh they hurt, like a lot, that's why I'm giving you transparent armor, a shield, and some glasses, so I can still see the paint on your body while having you being protected from paintballs, oh, don't worry about getting shot in the start, the guns, are on the other side of the beach
Marceline: Sweet!
Catra: Um, Ariana, what do we get if we win?
Ariana: If you win, you and your partner will get a romantic dinner service
Benson: Sweet!
Ariana: Ok suit up, and be on the beach
[[The Contestants put on their clear transparent armor and then grabbed their shields and finally get set up at the start]]
Ariana: OK Contestants, are you ready to make history!!!
Contestants: Yes we are!!!!
Ariana: Ok, on my signal, Reagan will fire this flare gun, and then, It's Pride Time!!! ready Reagan?
Reagan: You bet Eversley!
Ariana: Ok Contestants... On Your Marks... Get Set... Go!!!
[[All the contestants started running farther down the beach as they each picked their paint guns]]
Ariana: And the contestants are off and the key here guys, is to get the paint in the gun quickly so you can strategize with your partner 
Steve: I hear you Ariana, but remember, some of these guys aren't experienced enough when it comes to combat, so defense is their number one priority!
[[The Contestants head back to the start and load the paintballs into their guns]]]
Twink: And the balls are in the guns!!!
Ariana: Now let’s see how interesting things get!
Terry: Dang it!!! Where's the trigger
Greg: Oh c’mon!!!, It should be on the side
Terry: I'm looking for it!!!
[[All of sudden, Greg and Terry are covered from head to toe in paint, courtesy of Catra and Adora]]
Catra: Sorry Boys, Got to be prepared
Ariana: And Just Like That, Terry and Greg are eliminated, but they have a chance to stay alive in the games, that if they can beat the 19th place team later on!
[Meanwhile, Luz and Amity are in the middle of the action, using their shields to block Paint from every direction]]
Amity: Uh, Luz, what's the plan here?
Luz: Don't know, I've held a wand and broom before, but not a flipping gun!!!
Amity: Well, maybe we can run along the sand and I use the shield while you use the guns, and together, we might be able to...
[[Before Amity can finish her sentence, she and Luz hear the screams of Harley and Ivy, behind them, and from there, Harley and Ivy go completely ham on both Luz and Amity, sending them crashing into the beach, Covering them in Sand and Paint]]
Ariana: Holy cow, and just like that, in shocking fashion, the favorites, Luz and Amity, are out of the paintball war!
Poison Ivy: That's karma for embarrassing us at the Red Carpet Special!!!
Harley Quinn: Next time, maybe think twice before doing that again!!
[[Luz and Amity get up and head out of the battle square]]
Luz: Geez, what did we do to those two?
Amity: I don't know, but we got to focus on beating Terry and Greg, otherwise, we're done with the game show, and we can't have that!
Luz: Don't worry, we got this
[[Back in the Battle Square, Mathew and Jay are cowardly in fear, using their shields and hands to block themselves from paintballs]]
Jay: Matt, I'm scared right now
Matthew: Alright look, if we look around, we won't get eliminated!
Jay: Alright, Hey look to the side of you, those too old dudes, Odval and Sorcerio, they totally lost, let's blast them!!!
Matthew: let's!!!
[[Matthew and Jay take charge as they blast their guns in the direction of Odval and Sorcerio, eliminating them]]
Ariana:**** And Orval and Sorcerio are out!
Odval: dang it!
Matthew: Yes, that was awesome Jay!!
Jay: you know it was!!
[[Matthew and were about lock lips, but then get eliminated by Troy and Benson]]
Troy: Yes, Score!!!'
Ariana: And Troy and Benson eliminate Jay and Matthew 
Matthew: No!!!!!
Benson: Nice Shot babe:
Troy: Thank you, you weren't bad yourself babe
Benson: Troy, Behind you!!!
[[Raj and Shawn try to launch a sneak attack on Troy and Benson, but Benson uses his shield while Troy spins out from behind and eliminates Raj and Shawn]]
Steve: And that's back-to-back elimination for Benson and Troy, 5 teams down, 15 remaining!
Stat: let's go and hurry it up, I got stuff to do!
Reagan: I would like to do stuff with you!
[[The Whole Crew looks at Reagan with a Confused look on their faces]]
Stat: Um... What Was That?
Reagan: I said I can't wait to get some food 
Stat: No, That's not what you said
Ariana: Guys, We'll talk about it later, Look, Anne and Maggie!
[[Anne and Maggie are defending themselves with the shields, and try to hit the contestants, first, they attempted to hit Luna and Sam, but miss, then they tried to hit Terry and Alexander, but miss again, and finally, they try to hit Marceline and Bubblegum but miss for the third straight time]]
Maggie: Boonchuy, what the heck, I thought you were good with combat!
Anne: I am, with a tennis Racket or sword, not a gun!
Maggie: Well figure it out!!!
Anne: I am figuring it out, you don't need to get all angry at me for....
[[Before Anne could finish, Harley and Ivy hit paintballs at the back of Anne, causing her to hit the sand on her face]]
Harley: Take that Swamp Girl!!!
[[Anne all of a sudden gets up and flashes her eyes blue, she grows a very pissed off look on her face]]
Maggie: Boonchuy, you ok? what's going on with you?
[Anne goes on a complete paintball spree, shooting paintballs at Harley and Ivy, Reeve and Adam, Jackie and Chloe, and Ryan and Mingi and eliminating them all within seconds
Ariana: Well, damn, Um.... Don't know where that came from, but we are now down to 11 teams left:
[[Anne's power eyes quickly fade, and she passes out on the floor with her back on the sand, Catra and Adora quickly take advantage and eliminate Anne and Maggie]]
Ariana: Alright Ten Teams, let's see what happens down the stretch!
[[Luna and Sam  decide to use their musical talent to good use, as they unleash a spinning tip toe shot that shot paintballs 360 around the battle square, and they hit Charlie and Vaggie, putting them in 10th]]
Charlie: Good shot Luna!
Luna: Thanks Demon Dudette!
Sam: Luna, Keith, and Lance at 12 O'Clock!!!
[[Luna, Rolls to the left and grabs Sam's hand and Pulls her out of the way, and fires paintballs at Lance and Keith]]
Ariana: And Just look at that, Luna and Sam are surprising everyone, eliminating two-tier teams back to back!
Luna: Sam: We're nailing this!!!
Sam: I Know, It's better than the last time we played laser tag!!
Luna: C’mon, we got to stay focused!
[[While Running on the Course, Bubblegum and Marceline run into Catra and Adora, they quickly draw their paint guns on each other]]
Adora: Woah there you two, Backup!!!
Marceline: Why don't you back up!!
Catra: No!!! You back up!! do it now or we will shoot our paintballs, right here, right now!!!
Blubs: Ladies, Stand down, You don't need to get threatening on each other!
Catra: What? Can you believe the nerve of this guy!
Marceline: You thinking what I'm thinking?\
Catra: Blast them!!!
[[Catra and Marceline fire their paint guns at Sheriff Blubs and deputy Durland, eliminating the cops from the paintball war]]
Bubblegum: Really?
Catra: Nice teamwork Spooky!
Marceline: Well, thank you!
Catra: Your Welcome, Now hold still while I eliminate you!
Marceline: What?
[[Catra quickly fires Paintballs at Marceline and Bubblegum]]
Ariana: And Bubblegum and Marceline are out, 6 teams left!
Adora: Catra! What are you doing we could have used them as an ally!
Catra: Yeah, but you know me, can't any chances with anyone!
[[Terry and Alexander try to keep shooting the other 5 teams, but keep missing, they hide behind their shields and try to come up with a plan]]
Alexander: Terry, what do we do?
Terry: ...
Alexander: Terry, you know I love you, But I'm going to need you to talk, give me something! A hand gesture, anything!!!
[[Alexander waited for a response, but it was too late, as Troy and Benson shot the shield out of their hands and eliminated Alexander and Terry]]
Ariana: Alexander and Terry are out, we are down to our 5 final teams, Luna and Sam, Catra and Adora, Korra and Asami, Troy and Benson, and Enid and Red Action!
Enid: Alright Red, We're in the final 5, don't get distracted and we got this!!!
Red Action: Got It Enid!
Enid: Troy and Benson coming in from the right!
Red Action: I'm on it!!
[[Red Action takes enid paintball and uses two paintball guns at the same, she blasted Troy and Benson with Paint, Eliminating them]]
Enid: Woah, Nice shooting there Red!
Red Action: Thanks Enid!
[[Korra and Asami try to seize the opportunity to get into the top 3, but Enid and Red duck away at the last second, they quickly get up and fire paintballs at Korra and Asami]]
Ariana: Alright, we're down to our top three, Luna and Sam, Enid and Red Action, And Adora and Catra!!
Kelsey: Ah this is gonna be good!!! Two groups of shooters and some underdogs!!!
Enid: Hope you four are ready Because we're not going down that easily!
Red Action: You might wanna quit now, but we're winning this event, Right now!!!
Catra: Oh yeah? We'll just see about that!
Luna: Bring on the Competitive fire Dudes, That just fuels our chances of winning
Adora: You know what, enough talk, let's go!!!
[[The three teams start to run around and shoot each other with their paint guns! they each dodge with their shields and their adrenaline]]
Sam: Luna, how do we do this?
Luna: just follow my lead!
[[Luna and Sam try to land multiple shots at Catra, Adora, Enid, and Red, but their too smart and well prepared, Enid and Red fire their paintballs and eliminate Luna and Sam]]
Ariana: And there we go, after a shocking effort, Luna and Sam are eliminated from the paintball battle, Enid, Red, Catra, Adora, Come with me!
Red Action: Luna, Sam, come over here for a second!
Enid: Girls look at me, you have no right to be disappointed with your finish, you worked hard and got to the final three, heck of a job!
Luna: Thank you!
Sam: Good luck!
[[Luna and Sam walk out of the battle square, but get a standing ovation from the other competitors]]
Ariana: Alright, It's time for the most important battle of all, The Winner Draw battle and the loser draw battle, Here is how it's going to work  I'm placing these targets on your chest, if you turn around and the paintball hit one of the teammate's targets, your team loses, Now, let's start with the losers, Luz, Amity, Terry, and Greg, You first!
[[The Q force places small wooden targets on the chest of Luz, Amity, Greg, and Terry]]
Ariana: Alright in Position, paint guns ready
Luz: You Ready Amity?
Amity: Ready as I'll ever be
Terry: Greg, if you screw this up, we're done!!
Greg: Good, I hope we lost then!
[[Luz, Amity, Greg, and Terry stand in front of each, looking the other way, with their paint guns in hand]]
Ariana: On your marks..... Get set..... Fire!!!
[[the two teams turn around and quickly fire their paint guns at each other]]
Ariana: Alright, Let's see what happened
[[Ariana goes up to the two teams and examines their targets, she looks at Luz and  Amity, and sees nothing on their body]]
Ariana: Luz and Amity, you're good!
Luz: Phew, that's a relief!
Ariana: Alright Terry and Greg, your turn!!
[[Terry and Greg remove their hands, and Ariana looks shocked]]
Ariana: They're hit, Ladies and Gentleman, your winners of the loser round, and the team that is staying in the Hollywood Starship Games, Luz and Amity!!
Harley: What! are you kidding me!!!
Amity: You better watch your back Harley and Ivy, Because we're coming for you!
Poison Ivy: bring it on then, because we'll be here for days!
Ariana: Greg and Terry, I hate to tell you this, but your journey on the Hollywood Starship Games is over!
Terry: I know, just send us home already!
Ariana: Oh no, I'm not sending you home yet, wait with me tomorrow, I got a special job for you tomorrow
Greg: Um... Ok?
Ariana: Alright, Catra, Adora, Red Action, Enid, It's time!!!
[[Enid and Red Action go up to Catra and Adora and Shake their hands]]
Enid: Good luck to you both
Catra: You too, Game on!!
[[They wait in line, turned around, with their paint guns ready, waiting for Ariana's Signal]]
Ariana: Alright! The last two teams, on your marks.... get set..... Fire!
[[The Two Female Teams Fire their paint guns as the other 18 teams look to see who won]]
Ariana: Alright, let's see who won! Q Force, Tabletop Drumroll, please!
Steve: You got it!
[[Ariana looks at Catra and Adora's target, and she finds paint, but not on the target, but on their stomachs]]
Ariana: They missed!, Enid and Red, show your targets!
[[Enid and Red look at their targets and they quickly take them off and show them to Ariana]]
Ariana: And... They got paint on them, Catra and Ador win the first event!!!
Catra: Yes!!!!!
Adora: We did it! We won!!
Ariana: Congrats to you girls, and the rest of you, you did amazing also, now get back on the ship and head for the showers, before the paint dries!
Contestants: Yes Ariana!
Catra: Hey Adora, I believe we have a dinner date tonight, don't we?
Adora: Why yes we do!, Now Come on, My Pretty Kitty!
Catra: Oh shut up you!!!
[[While everyone starts heading back to the ship, Anne wakes up from being unconscious from her rage episode a few hours ago]]
Maggie: Boonchuy, You're up!
Anne: Ow, My Head, what happened?
Maggie: We lost the first event, now let’s go inside the ship and take you to the medical center!
[[In a castle in another world, a newt like creature is in a room, sitting on a throne]]
King Andrius: You know your mission, my little soldier, Fine Anne Boonchuy, and bring her to me, so I can rule this kingdom, the right way!!!
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**Darcy: **Anything for You, My King!!!
******To be Continued*******
Chapter 1 Results
1st: Catra and Adora
2nd: Enid and Red Action
3rd: Luna and Sam
4th: Korra and Asami
5th: Troy and Benson
6th: Terry and Alexander
7th: Marceline and Bubblegum
8th: Blubs and Durland
9th: Lance and Keith
10th: Charlie and Vaggie
11th: Anne and Maggie
12th: Mingi and Ryan
13th: Jackie and Chloe
14th: Reeve and Adam
15th: Harley and Ivy
16th: Raj and Shawn
17th: Matthew and Jay
18th: Orval and Sorcerio
19th: Luz and Amity
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Happy Pride Month everyone, Just here to let you know that Chapter 1 of the Hollywood Starship Games is getting released tonight, so i made this prediction gif, Screenshot this gif and replie with the ship that you got, anyway, hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.
I released the first offical chapter of the story, you can view it now on these platforms🔽🔽🔽
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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6 notes · View notes
cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Celebrate the Beginning of Pride Month with a Fanfic that celebrates the greatest and well known animated LGBT couples from the last few years, Read and Witness The Hollywood Starship Games, Starts Wednesday June 1st and runs through June and July
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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That’s right In just nine days, The biggest gay couples in Western Cartoon History take place in the first ever Lgbt Exclusive Dimensional Couple game show, where they’re team up in difficult challenges, deal with annoying obstacles, and do what ever it takes to be the number one relationship in the world.
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
Chapter 2 of Amphibia:Dimension Defenders is now readable to the public, and in this chapter, Anne has a reunion with Sprig and Polly, Sasha has a date with a friend, and a new enemy is out for revenge againts The Trio, who is it? Find out On Wattpad or Fanfiction.Net
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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The Aftermath of Amphibia is here, find out whats going on with the Calamity Trio ten years after the war and how their lives are now in Chapter 1 of the New Fanfiction Series, Amphibia: Dimenison Defenders, Now on Wattpad and Fanfiction.Net
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Amphibia is over, But that doesn’t mean Anne’s, Sasha’s, and Marcy’s Adventure isn’t, Amphibia: Dimension Defenders, a fanfiction Series, coming soon to Wattpad, Tumblr, and Fanfiction.Net, The Adventure hops on! 😉😉😉
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cartooncenteral · 2 years
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Dr Strange who? I only know Dr Sprig 😏👍
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