cctblogger · 4 years
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Banana Crumb Muffins Banana Bread:3 ripe bananas1/2 cup granulated sugar1/4 cup brown sugar1/3 cup melted butter…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Work/Life "Balance"
The idea of “balance” is garbage. Sorry.
I’ve been asked multiple times in the last two weeks, “How do you balance everything?”
Great question. I DON’T.
The concept of balance- be it work/life balance, work/school balance or whatever your version of balance may be, is a complete myth. “Balance” is a term that was written in a news article once upon a time and the world latched on to it.…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Protein Pumpkin Cookies
Hi there! If you’re anything like me, you get very annoyed when you have to scroll through 800 feet of web space on a blogging website in order to find the recipe that brought you there in the first place…so I’ll cut to the chase. Every year around this time, I find myself reminiscing on those wonderful fall pumpkin desserts. These are a go-to cookie in my house. They’ve got spice, a beautiful…
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cctblogger · 5 years
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New Years Resolution: Dos and Don'ts for 2020 NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS- lets talk about them for a second. ✨✨⠀As many of you already know my running journey started as a New Year's resolution in January of 2018.
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cctblogger · 5 years
Sample Low Carb Meal Plan
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Hi all-
I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I often get questions asking for low carb recipes or a quick and easy low carb meal plan. I’m posting a 7-day Low Carb Meal Plan below- which should be helpful in answering some of those inquiries.
This is a pretty typical week for me- as most of you know, I have termed myself the “Salad Master” on more than one occasion. This plan gives you…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Training Paces
Laced up for 8 slow and steady miles this morning. I’ve been really concentrating on slowing down my running. Innately, all humans are averse to suffering- which means if I have to crank out 10 miles according to my training plan, I’m trying to get it over with as soon as possible.
I also suffer from mom guilt- which means when I go for a long run, I’m trying to get home as fast as humanly…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Sharing My Start
Also shared on Stories from the Start
Friend- I am not a runner on paper. At. All. I have asthma, herniated discs in my lower back and in all honesty, you’d have been able to knock me over with a feather had you told me that one day I’d be running marathons.
I ran my first 5k in 2013. I swore that I would never do anything so hellish ever again. I ran it with three inhalers- one in each…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Sheet Pan Lemon Garlic Salmon
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I’ll get right to the point on this one. As a mom on the go (and I mean ALWAYS on the go), it can be super easy to opt out of cooking dinner. That’s why I try to make preparing fresh and healthy meals as simple as possible- but making sure to keep the flavor.
For this recipe- all you need is one pan. I used a medium sized cookie sheet with wax paper. That’s it.
I prepared my salmon the night…
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cctblogger · 5 years
What I Regret About 26.2
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April 28, 2019- just 11 days after my 28th birthday, I took off from the starting line aiming to finish 26.2 miles. The weather was terrible, mid 50s- rain everywhere and then quickly transitioned to hot and humid about midway through the race. I was recovering from pneumonia the week before and I knew when I drove there that morning to toe the line- I was really only operating at about 60%.
As I…
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cctblogger · 5 years
Margherita Zoodles
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I grow a ton of vegetables in raised garden and in large flower pots all summer. From cherry tomatoes, green beans, dragon peppers, zucchini, green bell peppers, red bell peppers, spring mix lettuce, kale, and yellow squash. Through the year, I also grow a wide variety of fresh herbs in the house- including lavender, mint, basil, parsley, cilantro and rosemary.
I swear there’s a point to this.…
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cctblogger · 5 years
24 Hours Prior to Race Day
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So- I know I asked about this post last week, but knowing I had a race coming up (two in fact). I wanted to wait to write this post until exactly 24 hours before I had to be at a starting line.
For me, it feels more genuine. Sometimes racing feels like childbirth- stick with me here. I don’t mean that I want to be numb from the neck down and that I’m crying a whole bunch. What I mean is that once…
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cctblogger · 6 years
Low Carb Brownies
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One of my favorite things to do is to take recipes that I would usually make for my family or for those who don’t follow a low carb diet- and adapt them to fit my needs/macros. One of the best I’ve found is the Blue Diamond Almond Flour Brownies recipe. The original can be found here.
Sometimes, the modifications are simple- like switching sugar for stevia or utilizing lower carb or sugar free…
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cctblogger · 6 years
The Why
This post. This one right here. It’s probably the scariest thing I’ve written so far. This is the thing that brought me the whole way down- food.
I know that’s weird to say, isn’t it? I talk a lot about what I will eat, what I won’t eat and things I’ve baked or bought or helped put together.
Here is what I haven’t shared- the why. Again, I’m not here to sell you the fairytale, the thing that…
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cctblogger · 6 years
Low Carb Breakfast Sandwiches
Low Carb Breakfast Sandwiches
Friend, my favorite meal of the day is absolutely and forever: breakfast. Ever since I started incorporating intermittent fasting into my day (I use a 16:8 schedule- but we can talk about that a different day), breakfast isn’t really on the schedule.
My go-to alternative for the last few months has been these amazing low carb breakfast sandwiches. They are super filling, delicious and best of…
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cctblogger · 6 years
Double Digits
“I ran 10 miles today.”
It’s a statement I’ve said more times than I can count since August 2018. But that first double digit run, that was one to remember-just not in the way you’d like to think. I’m going to tell you the story of that first 40 lap track run. I hope this run serves you just as much as it served me.
Once upon a time….totally kidding. This is not a pretty story. This is not a…
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