chucksforthedoctor · 7 days
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chucksforthedoctor · 28 days
Continue✨ Keep going✨
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chucksforthedoctor · 2 months
Btw, non UK users here, would be genuinely super helpful if you could boost posts relating to the far right violence happening and also counter protests. A lot of UK users don’t really follow each other, and also it just helps to increase the chance of people who could go to counter protests seeing posts about what’s happening when. I know posts about our politics; and non USAmerican politics really; don’t get a lot of traction on here, but like despite the UScentrism of the English speaking user base it’s really helpful and beneficial to share these things. The situation is likely downright horrifying to those being targeted right now and it really should be a priority for us to go out and counter this to the best of our abilities
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chucksforthedoctor · 2 months
I can never tell which of my posts are going to explode (it is never ones I put work in) but I pray to God this one does
The past few weeks I have seen an explosion in doomerism and defeatism about Trump. Some people seem to have just decided to call the election for him for reasons that don't even make much sense
(He was almost shot and that always helps! Look at Reagan and Teddy Roosevelt! Reagan was already president and incredibly popular, and the shooting happened 2 months into his first term; Roosevelt was shot when he was campaigning in 1912....in an election he lost)
Trump has never been popular, he has never won the popular vote, and he has never had popular support. For the past 3 years, especially post Roe V. Wade, Democrats have increasingly overperformed especially in special elections. There were so many polls predicting 2022 would be a Red Wave, that turned out to be false due to faulty and biased polling. I'm not saying a Dem loss is impossible, but it is a lot less of a sure thing than the doomsayers are making it out to be
How does Trump win? Apathy. Despair. Low Turn Out. While many of the "Trump is guaranteed to win" posters I'm sure are real people who are justifiably scared, I think we underestimate just how many are people at home and abroad, who want a lower turnout, who want Trump to win.
I used to hear a joke growing up that "If voting did anything, they would make it illegal" Well considering how hard Republicans are trying to discourage voting and making it hard to do, it must do something.
Don't despair. Don't panic. Don't retreat. ACT
So what can you do?
Are you registered to vote? 🗳
You can register to vote here! ☑️
Do you know what/ who will be on your ballot? 📄
Do you know your state voting requirements? 📥
Do you know your polling location? 📍
Can you vote early? 🖊
Can you vote by mail? 📬
Do you need disability services for voting? ♿️
Do you need to know your voter’s rights? 🧑🏽‍⚖️
Do you need a ride to register/ vote?
Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins.
Additionally, here are two volunteer organizations that I help out with
Vote Forward - write letters to encourage turnout
Working Family's Party - an organization working to help progressives win in primaries and general elections. I particularly like working in their text bank program. Want to help in a phone bank but don't like talking on the phone? this is perfect as you send texts to encourage support and voting
Spread this far and wide. Tell your friends and your family. Make clear to them what is at stake if Trump wins. Feel free to add other resources and organizations that
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chucksforthedoctor · 3 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 4 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 4 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 4 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
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(I had to alright)
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
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Happy April 25th
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
the world is so so mean to sleepy girls. What do u mean i have to get out of my bed
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
every person can feel freddie’s presence in their souls when they sing MAMAAAAAA UUHHHH, I DONT WANNA DIE, I SOMETIMES I WISH I’VE NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL with all the air in their lungs i’m not joking
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chucksforthedoctor · 5 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 6 months
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chucksforthedoctor · 6 months
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Too Sweet by Hozier x Riz Gukgak
gotta click into it for higher resolution but anybody else listening to Hozier’s new EP??
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chucksforthedoctor · 6 months
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Tumblr users the second we're left alone with a stupid button.
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