cosmosis-mitosis · 8 hours
Kate doesn’t really talk much.
She’s very quiet and usually speaks very bluntly and directly when she has to. Keeping conversations to a minimum.
She really only seems to come alive around Nina.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 2 days
Diana (Dina, just with a name change) really plays up the judge jury executioner shtick. She likes carrying around a gavel and deeming Household members guilty for very menial things as a way to get the urge of holy retribution out.
I like to think she dresses kind of nun-like:]
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cosmosis-mitosis · 2 days
EJ can eat other organs, kidneys just taste the best to him.
It’s sort of like a meat preference, oddly enough. Like preferring chicken over beef. He prefers it raw or cooked medium well, second best organ though is the lungs.
(He will not eat the brain, though. That’s the one thing he doesn’t touch)
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cosmosis-mitosis · 3 days
Lazari doesn’t have the weird aging thing (because let’s admit it, it’s a little weird), but she seems to be at a standstill in her growth. Preparing for an inevitable growth spurt when she turns sixteen.
Lots of people on the House do think she’s the anti-Christ from this, that once she turns sixteen she’s going to eat the world or something.
How a little girl who still plays with raggedy ann dolls ends up eating the world, nobody knows.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 6 days
BEN is very vocal when he wants the channel changed.
He will disrupt other channels, he will start glitching out the screen, or he will outright just come out of the television like that girl from the ring.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 6 days
Diaruleus, Diaridis, and Diarubes are a set of three separate ‘main’ landmasses and the various small islands surrounding them. Due to this proximity, they’ve since became entangled in the Diamond Alliance.
It’s a good thing, honestly. Allying up their forces considering the three islands couldn’t defend themselves alone if they tried.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 11 days
In the monster house AU, does Sally know that the others murder people? If so, what does she think about it? I mean, she's a murder victim herself.
She is aware of the fact that she’s in a home filled with not great people. It was something that many Household members tried to keep from her, she’s still a kid after all, but when practically everyone in the House has killed someone it’s hard to avoid.
Sally doesn’t like it. She knows she can’t do much about it other than share her qualms and hope for the best. She also knows though, that some don’t like the situation they’re in or what they do. Like the Proxies (HABIT excluded,) Jeff or even EJ since he needs to kill to survive.
It’s difficult for her, sometimes. Coping with the fact that she, a little girl, is surrounded by eldritch beings and bad people.
Yet it’s a comfort that they cannot hurt her. They can’t touch her. Less due to her status as a ghost, and more due to the fact that she’s clicked best with three of the entities in the House. LJ, Slender, and HABIT. They try to keep the killing out of the House, though.
TLDR: She knows, and knows she can’t do anything about it. It sucks, but she’s comforted by the fact that they will not hurt her. Never again will she be scared or vulnerable.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 11 days
Sally can pick up objects! Kind of.
As a ghost, picking up things can be very difficult at times. When she fails to focus enough, she can pick up odd little ‘shadows’ of the object she wants but it’s incredibly frustrating because she wants to hold things. Not hold copies.
Luckily though she’s a vengeful spirit, and it makes picking up things completely far easier. She really just needs to focus all of her energy into lifting said object, and it’s become easier over time and with practice.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 11 days
The ghosts of the Household cannot change their clothing, they can sort of change their appearance to match how they wish to be seen but they can’t change it far from how they were when they died.
The game ghosts/game related members though CAN change their appearance pretty much at will. It’s like a character customization screen. Some have less freedom, but usually they’re able to change it up. BEN likes to sift through various Link appearances, even if he usually sticks w/the Majora’s Mask look.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 11 days
Lazari gets included she’s my baby girl…
Lazari surprisingly isn’t the youngest of the House, that role belongs to Sally, and she’s within the range of 12-14 years old! The Household members have a rough estimate of her age, and celebrate her birthday on the day when she was picked up.
She was picked up by the proxies, actually, rather than Slenderman. Albeit He did send them to investigate the rumor that the anti-christ had arrived to destroy the world.
Nope. It’s just an entirely different demon child.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 13 days
Entirely on a whim I decided my draft had been polished to a nice enough state!! Go check it out if it interests you!!
(I still do not fully understand how to use ao3, I am trying)
Also, expect updates to be irregular despite it being summer. I just got a job and my motivations always in some weird sort of flux with all the projects I rotate on my plate!! This is entirely a fun thing!!
But yeah creepypasta fic real
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cosmosis-mitosis · 13 days
Tim smokes in the House strictly because there is a ‘no smoking’ rule instilled by the Slenderman.
He will rope other Household members into smoking with him. HOWEVER! He will leave and smoke outside if Sally asks him to.
Everybody has a soft spot for Sally, what can I say? She’s great.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 14 days
May buck up and post some of the monster house au designs!
I just.. need to fix the lineart and redo some of them lol
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cosmosis-mitosis · 15 days
Kate has a Nokia phone and that’s pretty much the only vaguely electrical device she has.
It has a little charm on it that Nina and Clockwork worked together to make for her. Kate is very grateful to be included in their little girl group.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 15 days
Sometimes you can find the Bloody Painter in various areas of the House.. Painting.
He often requests those who leave the House to get him art supplies or things to use as references, and they often happily oblige. Nina likes taking pictures of the sky or animals for Helen.
If he can’t get art supplies, he’ll just use blood!
Diana (Dina, Judge Angel) likes to model for him. Having fun coming up with silly poses for him to try and copy.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 22 days
Nina enjoys baking! Often roping other members of the Household to bake with her. She deems it a fun and fresh bonding exercise, but nobody wants to do it half the time.
Imagine living with so many masculine presenting people. Horrid.
Brian usually bakes with her though if no one else does! He doesn’t talk much, but Nina thinks that he enjoys it.
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cosmosis-mitosis · 23 days
There have been attempts to keep animals in the house from the wilderness. Like.. BEN snuck in a raccoon once with the help of Nina.
These animals never last long because SOMEONE always eats them. Usually Smile Dog, as it’s still a dog but still a digital being.
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