"How will I know when I'm better?"
"How will I know that I'm healed?"
I'm not sure
But one Friday, you finish your shampoo and conditioner at the same time
And it isn't a sign for anything except to go to the store
And on your birthday
You have the large slice of cake without thinking
And maybe that's what healing looked like all along
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Sometimes I feel more like the monster
Sitting on the ice watching ships pass
Forced to exist because of your selfishness
Your own twisted experiment
Discarded after it became ugly
I shuffle toward your city
Simply begging for love
But destroying instead
"How can you do this?"
"You made me like this"
~Who was the real monster?
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She's coming to town and I can't help but be jealous
I know I've been unclear
I can't even understand it myself
But I think about the moments between us
And seeing them played out with someone else
And it makes me want to die
Because I'm sure she's clearer than I am
And can give you everything I can't
And I hope to god she makes everything clearer for you
Matches you every step of the way
But I also hope you still think of me in passing
And that's all I can ask for
~I should probably talk to my therapist
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My therapist says this is good for me
Not in the same way my old one did
But in a "You deserve to be loved no matter what" way
In a "You don't need 'redeeming qualities' to deserve love" way
But I can't help but think you are lying to me
Or that this is a trick or a prank or that you don't know what you're saying
Because there is no way that you looked at me and thought
"Yes. She's who I want"
That's not how things work for me
My therapist thinks this is good for me
And while everything is screaming at me to disagree
I can't help but hope that she is right
-I do deserve love
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I'm currently living in the "could"
I "could" graduate next year
I "could" go to law school
I "could like you
...love you even
You see, I'm not sure how to go about this
Because I don't see my future in your eyes
But I could...
I'm not sure how to handle this
Someone liking me without even knowing me first
Liking me because rather than in spite of
The worst part is
I don't think we will get to see where this "could" lead us
Because I "could be" "am" leaving for 5 months
-Living in the "Could"
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I think that I am the happiest I have ever been
So I’m here to tell you that real friends exist
The will order wine and sit on your couch and sing along to your favourite songs
They will hold your hand as you both scream the lyrics
You will cry together over the same songs 
They will dance around your apartment a little wine drunk
You will sit between them and wonder how everything came to this
Because at one point someone said you weren't worth it
You will sway to a song that means so much more now
And part of you wants to scream “dont ever leave”
But another part of you just wants to never leave the moment
Three huddled in the kitchen
Swaying singing long live
So please don’t ever be a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Long live the memories we made tonight
~Brought to you by the Reputation Stadium Tour and Pinot Grigio
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I keep getting vague messages
About right person-wrong time
And sometimes I wonder if they are about you
Or if you’ll come back
Because I remember those 2 weeks
My head on your shoulder as we clicked within 5 minutes
And the messages months afterward
Half a world away
And sometimes I wonder if I ever cross your mind
Or if I was just a stupid girl who caught feelings for someone half a world away
I still remember when you told me about your girlfriend
And how I felt so played
And sometimes I wonder if you regret that
Or if I was just someone to dump your emotions on
And I wonder if you would answer if I were ever in the area
But I guess I will never know
~Half a World Away
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Sometimes I feel like I am watching a car crash
But on repeat
And I can’t tell the people in the cars what is going to happen
Because I know what I’m going to say
I know what is going to happen
But you don’t
And I don’t know how to tell you without scaring you
And you shouldn’t be scared
It’s been a long time coming
But I know you don’t know it’s coming
So I try to tell you through scheduling
Through distance and quiet
Because this can’t be said over text
So I have to stand by the road
And watch the cars crash
At least until I wake up
~Telling you what you least want to hear
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I saw something the other day that reminded me of you
And I was flooded with locked away memories
Your hair in the sun after a day in the pool
You smiling on the slide during your brother’s T-ball practice
The last day you talked to me
Now I’m not sorry for what happened
We were just kids
But sometimes I wonder if you see things that remind you of me
Do you pass my old house and remember all of the sleepovers?
Because every golden retriever reminds me of you
I don’t know what music you listen to
Or who your first kiss was
But I know I was your first sleepover
I remember playing in my basement on my brother’s train table
And we found each other again
But I don’t know how to talk to you
How do I talk to someone I spent nearly every day with until it abruptly ended?
A gap of 5 years in our memory
But I hope you know that I would answer if you needed anything
I hope you know I would love to grab that coffee
I hope you know that even though we aren’t friends anymore
I still love you more than anything
~Running into an old friend
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I want to be in love so badly
I want someone to be proud of me because of how much they love me
I want to listen to love songs and think of someone
Rather than change the channel before the lonely creeps in again
I want to feel safe in someone’s arms and not worry about the fallout
I want to feel arms around me and not want to run immediately
I want someone to know. everything about me
Every bad dream
Every goal
Every accomplishment
Every failure
Every secret
I want wear someone’s sweatshirts and not have to give them back
Sometimes I feel like these feelings will eat me whole
That the loneliness will one day take me over
That the longing will crawl up from my throat
Sometimes I feel like nobody could ever love me
Even if they love my body, they won’t love my personality
Or the other way around
I watch people fall in love
And I tell myself that it will happen to me if I am patient
But what would I know?
~Current resident: Lady Lonely
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I have known you for two months
And yet I have written nothing about you
I am trying to determine what that means
Because you are so nice to me
And so sweet
I don’t feel like playing a game of chess
And with you I know I never am
But I don’t know where this is going
And I would love to say that I’m along for the ride
But that would be a lie
I never leave the house without my GPS set
I don’t do detours on road trips
And so I need to know
But I don’t know how to ask you
So I’ll just sit here
Trying to figure myself out
~What is this anyway
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My ribs cracked open
Ready to let you in
I keep trying to pull them closed
Trying to cover up the lonely that has lived in me for so long
But they sprung open
Begging me to let you in
I know it will hurt
Im not sure which is worse
The pain of being lonely
or not being lonely
Because every step of the way
I am waiting for the other shoe to drop
To have loneliness as my roommate again
So I will keep trying to pull my ribs close
And to keep the lonely tucked away
So not even you can see
~Keeping my hands close to my chest
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When you fall out of love
You don’t feel it right away
There is no moment that you stop and colors look less bright
You realize that you don’t laugh as hard
Or seek out their touch
You don’t miss them in the same way
You see them in a different light where they aren’t perfect
And some of their flaws rub you the wrong way
But I guess
Lucky you
Because you got to watch it all happen in real time
~Falling out of love is harder
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I think you should love recklessly
Guarded hearts keep others out
I think we should love with wild abandon
I don’t just mean romantically
I mean tell your best friend that you love them
Hug your mom tightly when you get home for the weekend
Invite your brother to hang out with you
Hold hands with your best friend
Have movie nights on the weekend
Love with wild abandon
Because as soon as you stop
You will feel your heart ache and try and open up
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You make me laugh
And smile
And I really like how I feel around you
And for once I’m not scared
Sometimes I think that we are different
But then I remember how happy you make me and
I think that I might make you happy as well
Sometimes at least
So here is to botanical gardens
And antique stores I thought you would find boring
And to taco tuesdays for eternity (ar at least the end of the semester)
And to cold winter hugs
But I think most of all
Here is to you
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I don’t think that I’m special anymore
I used to be
Smartest in the room
One of the prettiest
Walking into the room missing my two front teeth because I was a year younger than everyone else
And then suddenly
I wasn’t something to marvel over
I was just another blonde from the upper Midwest
Mezzo-Soprano who was taller than all of the Tenors
Not heavy but also not thin
Not ugly but certainly not stunning
Just simply mediocrity
Nothing special on my resumé
I think I peaked in the 5th grade
My tongue had not become a sharp knife
I devoured books at a rate the library couldn’t keep up with
Now I can’t remember the last time I read a book for fun
Then everything became a competition that I quickly lost
And now I’m not even on the leaderboard
-The problem of Growing Up Gifted
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You remind me of someone I used to know
Someone who used to call me weekly
Who wanted me around
And I can’t tell
If that’s why I like you
I can’t tell if I like you
Or the person you remind me of
All of the good qualities of him
Everything I fell for in the beginning
But I also remember why Ieft
And I don’t want to subject myself to that again
But then again
I was never sure why I left him anyway
And we were so young anyway
And anyway
~Falling for somebody that I used to know
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