dancingsnowflake · 3 years
Hey folks!
I haven’t posted anything in almost a year, so I have no idea if anyone will even see this one, but I found an old Fem!Geralt piece, fixed a few things on it and now here I am. Actually wanted to take a step back to the Silmarillion fandom, but this one was in an almost-finished state and I had to do something with it! So actually it looks more of a messed up version of their male self, but I just got sick of the almost-naked, big-breasted female!Aus I have seen on various places. Because, if nothing else, a witcher lady should be at least as muscular on her own way, as a male witcher, or at least the possibility is given. And hate me if you want, but I definitely had to make this terrible joke. I really hope you enjoy it! ✨
(The hair is weird but most of it is the remaining part of the year-old sketch, and the wolf on the medallion looks like a cat that licked a lemon)
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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Witcher again, so I think I officially became a fan. Here is a very shiny, tiny Yennefer, instead of studying to my exams and working on my portfolio. And I definitely can’t decide between styles.
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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Geralt is a mood. He is absolutely not amused. Probably Jaskier have done something stupid again?
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
After a long pause I’m here again! Not Tolkien stuff this time but here’s our favorite sorceress in her iconic gown and a short video how it was made. The caption says ,,to Yennefer with love from Geralt”, because for after the pandemic this is our newest cosplan with two lovely friends (my beautiful lady Flora as Yennefer, @winterplum17 as Jaskier and me as Geralt) so I made her this one. I love this trio and can’t wait for the photoshoot!
...I forgot her earring. Hmm.
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Here’s the picture itself
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
This is why I’m studying germanistic lmao
The main reason
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Ich akzeptiere keine Kritik.
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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When everybody speaks about The Witcher but you’re still in the Tolkien-fandom... Bard is a humble bard, and Thranduil is not amused. Short trash-drawing. I still can’t write. And draw Bard’s face.
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
Rest in peace, Christopher Tolkien
1924. november 21. – 2020. january 16.
You did at least as much for Arda, as your father, we thank you for everything and we pray for you.
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
Just wanted to say that your art is absolutely stunning! ❤️ Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work 😊.
Omg, thank you so much! You’ve made my day! I’m happy that somebody likes what I draw 🥰
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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High priest of Númenor again! And some unfortunate victims of the cult of Morgoth. I’m curious of the details of the cult: are the people wearing some amulets shaped like a hammer or jewelry like the silmarils (like for example christian people are wearing the cross)? How does Morgoth appear on artworks? Does he ever, or is it forbidden, to paint or sculpt his face, because no artwork can give back his majesty and true self (or at least the high priest says so)? I can imagine that the king has a very special status in this cult like he’s the one who has the bless of Morgoth or something, only to bound him (and the law) with the law of the cult. Probably Morgoth has only one sculpture, made by the high priest, which is close enough to his true appearance but is deep in the temple where only a few people should go, and there are the victims sacrificed? (I want to read this part of the books again)
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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Five minute-sketch: my headcanon/idea is that (as long as we don’t exactly know that she died after she met Lúthien), Thuringwethil recovered from her injuries and stayed with Sauron as his herald/spy. Of course she followed him to Númenor, although she wasn’t captured, and became a priestess of Morgoth.
Not a very likely possibility but why not? If there’s a chance to draw our skinny bat-priestess... 🦇
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
There are some funny parts in Hungarian too:
Fingolfin/Fingon: ‘fing’ means ‘fart’
Pharazon/Faramir: pronounced as ‘farazon’ it starts to be funny, ‘far’ is an older/smoother word for ‘ass’
Rohan: literally ‘he runs’ in Hungarian, (but on my opinion it just makes the name speaking: you can imagine the rumbling crowd of horses as they run, etc.)
Boldog: literally ‘happy’
Thuringwethil: ‘turi’ is a shorter word for a second hand shop, ‘ing’ means ‘shirt’ and ‘vet’ means to put seeds into the ground
Beleg: ‘belek’ means ‘guts’ in Hungarian
Bard: ‘bárd’ is ‘hatchet’
Legolas: ‘leg...bb’ is a circumfix with the meaning ‘the most....’, written after pronunciation ‘Legolasz’ with a -bb (legolaszabb) means ‘the most italian’ in a weird way like ,,I am the most italian of all”, it sounds grammatically difficult but there are plenty of very bad jokes with this in the Hungarian lotr community
Gil-Galad: ‘galád’ is a word for ‘evil’
Tar-(Mairon/Miriel/etc): ‘tar’ means ‘bald’... I don’t have to explain why is this weird when you read about a beautiful queen
Turgon: ‘furgon’ is ‘van’
Morgoth: ‘morgott’ means ‘he growled’
Gondolin/Gondor: ‘gondol’ is ‘he thinks’
Tinúviel: ‘tinó’ is an older form for a castrated young bull, it doesn’t make any sense until you pronounce the name
Boromir: ‘boromér’(t)’ means ‘for my wine’ (‘bor’ is wine)
Denethor: ‘de ne Thor’ is ‘anything but Thor’
Balrog: ,,‘bal’ means ‘left’, ‘jobb’ means ‘right’ so if there is a balrog then there must be a jobbrog too” (don’t ask how many times did I hear this)
Este: literally ‘evening’
Curvo: ‘kurva’ is ‘whore’ here too
Valarauka: pronounced as ‘valaróka’, ‘róka’ means ‘fox’ (or vomit in another meaning)
Saeros: ‘sáros’ means ‘muddy, dirty’
Carcaroth’s older form Karkaras: ‘kakas’ means ‘cock’
I’m searching for new ones
Hello, my name is Teleporno
Remember yourself reading all things Tolkien for the first time? Surely, all the distant “magical” lands, Elves and dragons took your breath away (or failed to do so). But there always were these parts where you could not restrain yourself from laughing out loud because of the very way the words you were reading sound.
Those names!
In case English is not your mother tongue, chances are that you’ve had a feeling (once, at the very least) Tolkien was purposedly trolling you and all of your fellow Finnish/German/Italian/(choose for yourself) speakers. In case English is your native language, you’ve probably had this feeling as well.
Here goes a list being compiled with the help of people mentioned at the end of the post. If you wish to contribute, please don’t hesitate and send me a note (or two, for the sake of double-checking); I’ll update this very post.
Here we go.
Russian. Literally ‘ram’ (male sheep).
German. Literally ‘receipt’.
Russian. Literally ‘shore’.
German. When said out loud, sounds like the German word for ‘berries’ (Beeren).
Teleporno. Self-explanative. In every language.
Czech. ‘Brambor‘ means ‘potato‘.
CELEGORM (Turcafinwe)
Italian.  ‘Turco’ means ‘Turkish’. 
Russian. ‘Turka’ = ‘cezve’.
Spanish. ‘Turca’ equals ‘penis’.
Italian. ‘Curvo’ means ‘bent’.
Polish. ‘Curvo’ means ‘(you) whore’.
Romanian. ‘Curufin’ means ‘the smooth a$$’.
Russian. ‘Curva’ goes as a not-that-wide-spread synonym for ‘whore’, ‘prostitute’.
German. Sounds weird (but also poetic) because ‘Elend’ means ‘great misery’.
FINGOLFIN (Nolofinwe)
Finnish. Nolo means ‘embarrassed’ or ‘awkward’.
Latin. Nolo stands for ‘I don’t want’.
English. In human anatomy, the groin is the junctional area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the pubic bone. [Wiki]
Finnish. ‘Ilma’ = ‘air’.
MAEDHROS (Nelyafinwe)
Finnish. ‘Nelya’ means ‘four’ (and not third).
MAGLOR (Kanafinwe)
Finnish. Kana means ‘chicken’.
Russian. The first four-five letters have a stunning resemblance with the vulgar word for women’s genitalia.
German. Mann-Weh is pretty much literally (though not really used) ‘man pain’.
Polish. ‘Menel’ is colloquial for ‘drunken hobo’.
SAURON (Annatar)
Finnish. Anna is a common girl’s name and in finnish language -tar suffix is sometimes added to a title to make a feminine variation of it.
Finnish. ‘Silmä’ means ‘eye’.
Finnish. ‘Uida’ is ‘to swim’.
Russian. ‘Voron’ stands for ‘raven’.
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dancingsnowflake · 4 years
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Priest of Númenor and his mightiest follower (or stalker - you can’t convince me that there was nothing between these two).
I’ve tried some new colors, I hope you like them
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dancingsnowflake · 5 years
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A WIP about the picture of Bard Bowman from The Hobbit! Some lights need to be fixed but I’m going to work on it. (The method is probably totally wrong but I’ve never learned to draw properly something like this so here we go)
The reasons behind the picture are that I really love his character and this weekend I’m going to cosplay a modern version of him at the Viecc with my friend Thranduil (not that I’m going to be recognizable :’D), and I really hope to meet other people from the Tolkien fandom!
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dancingsnowflake · 5 years
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When I’m moving but I find an old pencilcase
(Say hello to a very messy Thorin Oakenshield)
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dancingsnowflake · 5 years
Eonwe headcanon
Idk but most of the pictures of him are showing him as a charming and fair young man, but in my head he is just a birb, isn’t he? If Manwe is the biggest, strongest bird (some kind of eagle probably), he must be something smaller but powerful, a falcon (it was a holy creature for most of the nomad people, like Mongolian or Hungarian before they settled, anyways).
I can absoultely imagine him with a really characteristic, bird-like face, hella big eagle-nose, cheekbones, lack of eyebrows, propably his hair is shaved off on the sides of his head, and so on, and instead of wearing pretty silver and gold metal armor, he’s wearing something light, leather and feathers (instead of fur, or fur-like feathers like a kiwi?). Aaand like the falcon has those dark lines on the face (from the inner part of the eye), he could have a Floki-like facepaint, just to scare the enemies, lol
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dancingsnowflake · 5 years
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After an art block, here again with some too-lazy-to-do-it-properly 5-minute Thuringwethil
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dancingsnowflake · 5 years
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Some silly stickers from a collection I plan to make from lotr memes (yesss I’m going to kill my friends with these) (I don’t have the energy to create normal letters, probably one day)
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