daniellejeann · 6 months
i was the flower you planted into the ground,
fresh from a seed, held in your hand, piled into a mound.
the seed packet was full of mixed flowers,
so my identity would be unknown until it showers.
you watered me with words and affection,
and with the ground, my roots made a connection.
you helped me to grow and gave me what i required,
but i was not the rose your heart desired.
instead i grew to be dull and boring,
nothing worth adoring.
you expected me to be a rose of red,
but i was a daisy, about to be left for dead.
the next day you replanted a new packet of seeds,
and decided to ignore my needs.
outgrew from those seeds was a red rose,
and i knew you would leave me to decompose.
you appreciated her scent and beauty,
but you treated me with cruelty.
you ripped me off the ground from which i grew,
and threw me somewhere anew.
slowly i became weakened and withered,
and on this new ground i lingered.
soon to be found by another,
turned into a bouquet given to their lover.
for once i felt loved and cherished,
no longer left to perish.
unlike your rose, who you’ll soon disown,
i know i will never be left alone.
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daniellejeann · 1 year
this is a shitty poem about you.
it doesn’t make sense,
but apparently neither did you.
because you were so dense,
but that’s what makes you, you.
and i’m sorry if this is too intense,
i’m just stating what’s true.
and in my defence,
i’m just one of the things you outgrew.
danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 1 year
if love is real
i hope it lingers
but that isn’t the deal
and i wish we were strangers
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 2 years
you said to the moon and back
but you didn’t mean it
you never mean it
you just said it to make me happy
because you’re such a people pleaser
-danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 2 years
love feels like being stuck on a mountain
there’s no where else to go
and i’m scared to fall
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 2 years
star in the sky
she wanted to be a star in the sky
she wanted to be the brightest
so, I said her eyes were the brightest star I’ve ever seen
“Even brighter than the sun?” she asked
and I always replied with “yes”
but soon she became the brightest star in the sky
-danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 2 years
sweet like honey
sour like lemons
spicy like cinnamon
salty like the sea
-danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
a simple kiss is sometimes all thats needed
a kiss on the cheek to say hello
a kiss on the forehead to say goodbye
a kiss on the hand to show respect
a kiss on the lips to say i love you
a kiss on the neck to say i want you
this simple gesture is seen as sweet nothings
but it shows how love can be sealed with a kiss
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
in your eyes i see stars
in your freckles i see constellations
in your smile i see a celestial gleam
in your words i hear a supernova
in our love i feel sparks
our love is stellar darling
and you are astronomical
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
sometimes i think of faking my own death
so i can drive away with you
leaving this blue neighbourhood
creating happier memories
with loud music and new highs
take walks when the sun sets and rises
and feel that old fashioned love
that died in our past lives
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
years from now
what seems like forever
we will look back and question
how did we know what felt right?
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
you were in denial
building up a wall of anger
yet at the same time you were bargaining
for something that could not be
and the depression would weep from your eyes
but you hid it with the acceptance
that escapes your lips
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
if i wrote poetry on how much i thought of you
it’d be like a hate song
that doesn’t rhyme
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
perhaps i love you
perhaps i don’t
but like a broken record on repeat
my nights are spent sleepless thinking about you
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
poetry to me is a place
a place where inner thoughts can speak
unleashing complete and utter chaos
as it all spills out onto the pages
like blood pouring from an open wound
but it’s ink on paper
waiting to be read
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
lavender scented pillows
cotton sheets
and light rain tapping the glass
as i lay in bed
wearing your sweater
stained with my tears
- danielle jean
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daniellejeann · 3 years
i was the flower you planted into the ground
my roots sprouting and becoming a spangled mess as we connected
your words and affection watered me
helped me to grow and become the rose your heart desired
you said i was the prettiest
my petals soft and delicate
with a fragant scent
and a bright colour
but now you pulled me out
ripping me from the earth i grew on
and i could no longer grow
as you watched me wilt
into a greying decay
i became weakened and withered
the roots that once held me fainted as it sunk down the soil further away from me
this damage could not be repaired
but you didn’t care
for there was another flower
much prettier than i
that one’s scent in your presence
and it’s roots now mingled with yours
you will then forget about me
and soon you’ll rip out the new flower
so you can find another
- danielle jean
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