dataltruismtho · 6 months
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Fallout Shelter Sprite Bases
i love fallout shelter’s character art, so by popular demand, i’ve put together a base sheet for you to draw your own OCs. these are cobbled together from the poses i’ve used on my own sprites - if you want to draw other variations, feel free! they’re just a place to start.
if you use these, credit would be nice! we all know the honor system here.
NOTE: i’m used to drawing on small, low-resolution canvases, so the bases may be smaller than you’re comfortable working with. if you’d rather work on a larger canvas, you can enlarge them through the program waifu2x - since tumblr doesn’t like outside links in posts, it’s the first search result when you google it. have fun!
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dataltruismtho · 6 months
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dataltruismtho · 6 months
After the Institute: Pax Populi
It had been some months since the revelation that McDonough had been a synth swept through Diamond city. Though it still remained a hot topic everyone was still asking each other about. To seek closure? To gague status? To gossip? That, is a question better left to the pen-pushers who found themselves under more stress than ever these days with paperwork flooding in for all sorts of city petitions, new buisnesses, complaints about noisy hammers and machines. 
A lady in a new row of office cubicles under the stands takes a bite of an apple. Its become a new treat she looks forward to - crisp, sweet and hearty. She remembers when she first passed Kawolski's new stand with a pallet of these strange new fruits. That bald skinny kid boasting about getting a good deal on an import from some place south of the 'wealth. She was dubious at first - like any other big city worker who had to pass a gauntlet of shopkeepers and performances beneath the Great Green Jewel's obselete walls. 
But, as fate would have it, a kindly old lady interrupted the young kid, 
"quiet down there Sheny, yer giving this nice lady a headache with yer yapping."
Before she threw a couple caps at the counter, and grabbed a fresh, red-and-yellow globule from the stand and put it in the young lady's hand.
"They're good! You really should try them.  Tastes like sugar-bombs without that card-boardy, starchy aftertaste. Don't mind me, I've been coming here each week to pick some up for the husband. This kid's got a knack for sorting through all the imports these days."
Her attention slid to the pile of pages inside her briefcase. All to be crossed and signed. Though weary, she was grateful her work was only mind-numbing. Her parents had worked the greenhouses as long as she remembered. She thought they'd be proud the night she went home and told them she'd gotten a job in a normally 'upper stands' role. But all they kept asking was why their daughter thought she was 'too good' to do 'proper work' like her ma and pa. They'd come around eventually. Afterall, with the new mayor and his big fancy speeches goin on about the new freedom they had without any boogeyman lurking in the shadows, a new tide of progress seemed to be breaking upon the city.
And then, Lars walked by, breaking her out of her melancholic waltz down memory-lane.
"Hello! uh- Ms. Briggs!" 
She didn't recognize him at first, those dark navy fatigues did well to hide the thin arms of her childhood friend.
"Lars?! Is that you?" 
She rose from her seat, excited at the idea of something to break up the monotiny. 
"You don't have to call me that! It's Janey and you know it!" 
She greeted him with a friendly hug
"Well-... i'm here on buisness im afraid. But its good to see you here!"
"Oh of course! right. I hope they're treating you well at the castle!"
"They are, about as well as any new recruit. So far its just been basic training, and grilled mirelurk. I can't even tell which is worse."
"Well you can always come home! Theres a new pottery shed opening up by the lake!"
"Janey, you know that's not my style. Now down to buisness."
Lars went on to deliver a memo for her superiors. An upcoming meeting addressed by the general himself to leaders and their staff across the commonwealth. Unfortunately, Janey wouldn't be going, she's not nearly an overledger yet.
Saying her goodbyes, she promised to write to Lars soon. It was a busy time for her and the city. But she was glad that she was able to make a life for herself. Even if she shared the same shack as her parents, it was still a great peace of mind to save her caps. It'd cost a premium to get one of those new 2-pieces with the pencil skirt, but Janey Briggs was nothing if not commited to her ambitions. She saw what was possible after the fallwar. Everyone in the Commonwealth did.
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dataltruismtho · 6 months
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dataltruismtho · 6 months
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dataltruismtho · 7 months
You don't "play" a Bethesda game. You either install 400+ mods and then play it for ten hours and get bored, or you install 400+ mods and sink like 600 hours into it. Both of these then have a cooldown of between 6 - 12 months until you take either path again. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.
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dataltruismtho · 7 months
February Project: "Running that Long Road Home"
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Acknowledging the Community
As the public is aware, Bethesda loves its community so much it shares the responsibility for developing engaging content with everyone! We're all unpaid interns in the hellfanscape, and I would just like to give a thanks to the nexus modding community for creating and sustaining incredible tools for managing, teaching and authoring amazing mods that have inspired me so much.
A special mention for the team behind Sims Settlements 2 and the rich storied content, voice-acting and overhaul to the settlement mechanics they have delivered. If it were not for RJ Maccready, I would be writing a fanfic based on Jake Evans. But that's an idea for another time. If you like to play modded fallout 4, check out their mod!
Finally, I would also like to thank youtubers Tonka joey and ColeyDoesThings for introducing me to the entertainment AND etiquettes of fanfiction.
The Good Stuff
What's a product without a demonstration? So far I have been using the Wattpad platform to host and distribute my works. In fact, you can read part of it already here! I will be also hosting my work on Archive of Our Own. I am and will be open to feedback and welcome your comments on my work on their sites going forward.
"How long is this fanfiction going to be?"
Three arcs are drafted for the main story of the fallout canon with all DLC, sims settlements 2. I do not read much, but I am hoping to publish 6+ hours of content for reading.
"When am I going to get updates?"
I make no promises, but considering the plot has been mapped, drafting and editing should take less than 2 months for each 'arc'.
"Your story has given me ideas and I'm afraid to share them because of the CC licence"
Then I am glad to have inspired you! It's the fandom content cycle that drives so much amazing work. You're more than welcome to have head canons of my head canon, but so long as you respect that this story is being for my own enjoyment out of my own passion, spread that joy in whatever form the muses bless you with.
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dataltruismtho · 2 years
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Mala, the seat of power for the stellarch and his clergy.
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dataltruismtho · 2 years
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