destielwarrior · 4 years
Dean and Cass got married on Valentine's Day. Bobby walked Dean down the aisle while Kelly Kline walks Cass. Sam and Charlie are Dean's best men while Claire and Jake are Cass'. They recreate the Barn where they first met and hold the wedding there. It's Jody who officiates the wedding because she was more of a mother to Dean and Sam than Mary. John is not invited because they all realized that John did not do the best he could.
Dean is wearing a blue tie and Cass is wearing a green one.
Cane is also there with Collete. Because of the parallels they shared and Cane knows, more than anything else, it's Cass' love that saved Dean from the mark.
Crowley is there with Rowena. Finally they have a healthy mother-son relationship. Crowley snickers every now and then while Rowena cannot stop telling everyone and anyone that she played therapist to the couple and played a huge role in patching things up between them.
The barn is filled to the brim. Everyone came to witness the wedding of the century. Everyone excited about this bad ass hunter marrying this dorky angel. They have to witness it themselves to believe that such a love could come to fruition. Everything stood against their love. Even Chuck (writers, c*w) stood against it but the strength of their love defied all.
The ceremony is splendid. It's funny and emotional and profound. Not a dry eye in the room. Even Crowley and Benny can't help their tears. Dean and Cass are sobbing messes because it's too much in a good way. It took so many apocalypses for them to finally get here.
During the reception Dean and Cass wear cowboy hats and dance with each other. Then Dean dances with Charlie and Charlie tells Dean just how happy she is for him. Cass dances with Claire first and Claire in all her Claireness tells Cass that he deserves happiness and kisses his cheek. Then Dean dances with Eileen and Cass dances with Kelly who thanks Cass for taking care of their child.
Everyone dances, eats, drinks and celebrate a love that literally saved the world.
Dean and Cass are married and everything in the world is good.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Why did Jared play Lucifer so weird and out of character? Like Lucifer is sassy and despite his evilness, he is funny when played by Mark and Misha followed the character to the T as played by Mark when Castiel was possessed by Lucifer. But Jared played Lucifer so stiff and pensive so unlucifer like. Why???
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destielwarrior · 4 years
I honestly think Jared Padalecki should shut the hell up about supernatural now. Dean's death was not a success story. Dean wanted Sam to be with Eileen. Dean's death traumatized me and so many like me. Dean deserved a freaking life. A life with Castiel. After everything they've been through,they deserved to live together,tell their story of love and jubilation.
Seriously, What is this guy on?
Is it necessary to suck up this hard to the network? Why does it feel like he's siding with the b*bros. Also read another interview where he said he'd bring Jensen on the Walker even if Jensen kicked and screamed. Joke or not, stay the hell away from Jensen if the intentions are to get him back on that homophobic network, I swear. Starting to really dislike Jared. Ugh....
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destielwarrior · 4 years
A small reminder: Castiel also deserved better. He deserved to have been told that he was loved. He deserved to have been told he was loved truly and fiercely by Dean Winchester. He sacrificed so much for the world and he deserved to have enjoyed the little joys of this world with the love of his life.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Isn't it fun how the cast is delivering high quality material on the regular now that the network/writers are out of the picture? Isn't it fun how everyone is going out of their way to confirm bi! Dean and destiel now that the network/writers are out of the picture? Isn't it fun how season 16 is actually the most entertaining and unpredictable season yet now that the network/writers are out of the picture? do you see a pattern
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destielwarrior · 4 years
I am just here to remind everyone that Dean Winchester deserved to live. Dean Winchester sacrificed so much for the world and he deserved a life. A life with Castiel. A shot at happiness.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
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i.     -     (dean’s version)
based on poetry by nikita gill (x)
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Ever since Castiel confessed his love for Dean, ever since Despair, I have been watching a lot of convention videos on YouTube. I love watching J2M on stage. They are witty, smart, funny and just adorable. The conventions have become my safety away from the shitshow that SPN has become. I am not even exaggerating for dramatic effect when I tell you that I literally feel a sense of emptiness when I don't get the chance to watch the convention videos because of other works and engagements. It's crazy. The impact that these people have had on me and continue to do so.
If there is another convention, people who are lucky enough to attend should just hold each other and cry. It would be so cathartic.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
I love that Destiel became cannon but sometimes I miss watching Supernatural without the knowledge of Castiel's pinning for Dean weighing me down in despair. I miss watching Supernatural oblivious and gleeful, without the pain of the final episode making me go feral. I miss watching the show with hope, feeling truly part of the family because the show said "family don't end in blood". Now it's sort of tainted even when I pretend that the last episode doesn't exist. I miss those simpler days.
Dean Winchester deserved better. Castiel deserved better. They deserved to have lived their lives, explored their love and their stories deserved to have been told and heard.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
They could have send all the right messages through Destiel. They could have created something beautiful, powerful and impactful. Had they handled Destiel with the love, respect and sensitivity it deserved, they would have send an epic message. A message of love; that one can find love in the forties. That love has no time limit. Something beautiful and life changing can happen during midlife not just crisis. That one can be defined more than just by childhood trauma. That people with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts with low self esteem can overcome it even if it takes a little time and can have meaningful life. That good things can and does happen to people who do good. That the good you put out into the universe can come back to you and change the trajectory of life even in the mid forties.
But they were too scared. They handled Destiel with fear, homophobia and distaste. So they send all the wrong messages. That death is the only peace. That there can be no joy or rest on earth. That family ends in blood, after all.
This is disgusting, gross and horrifying. This is not something to condone or glorify. Death
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Can we collectively agree that Wincesties and B*bros aren't part of the SPN family? They are not only nasty but dangerous in their approach. They want two brothers to get "together"? It's gross. They also want to physically harm Misha. Wtf? They ain't no part of this fandom. Please.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Petition for Sam, Dean, and Castiel Winchester to be happy at the end of season 15 of Supernatural. Reblog to agree.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Dean: “What if I said I didn’t want to die yet? That I wasn’t ready? The life I live, the work I do… I pretty much just figured that’s all there was to me. Tear around, jam the key in the ignition, and haul ass till I ran out of gas. I guess I just thought that sooner or later I’d go out the same way that I live. Pedal to the metal and that’d be it. But now, I don’t know. There’s things… people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before, or maybe even for the first time. I’m just starting to think that maybe there’s more to it all than I thought.”
You're telling me this Dean was okay with dying? This Dean!!!!!! He was so scared to even admit that he wanted to live, he was so scared to admit that there's more to life than just going out in a hunt. But he did. He said it because the desire to live was stronger than his fear that was a result of his life long truama.
To anyone saying the ending and Dean dying was "beautiful" Or "poetic" Or whatever, I hate you all. The ending was crappy and anyone saying it was a good story telling, including Jared, fuck you. Fuck. You.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
Me to C*W: the very touch of you corrupts. You drape yourself in flag of inclusiveness but ultimately it was about queerbaiting and giving way for the walker, right? Assbutt!
Me to Destiel: I love you.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
I BET if they had a snow day at the bunker Cas would go outside and just. stare at the snow for HOURS just looking at individual snowflakes and trying to find his favorite. He’s still in awe of the things his father created, even if he ended up abandoning it. He concludes that each one is too perfect, too unique for him to pick just one.
Eventually Dean gets bored and maybe a little worried because he had looked outside to check on him a couple times and found him just sitting in the same place, so he comes up behind him and grabs Cas’s bare hand, rubbing it between his.
“Dude, your hands are freezing. Come inside, Sam’s teaching Jack how to make hot cocoa.”
Cas turns to him and sees smiles, holding Dean’s hand even after his own are warmed up (despite his cold hands not bothering him, either way) just to hold it. A single snowflake lands on Dean’s eyelash. He watches it melt, committing the design and shape to memory.
He found his favorite.
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destielwarrior · 4 years
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destielwarrior · 4 years
After all the anger, all the frustration and the war of words on Twitter and other social media, if we still continue watching and supporting that C*W and it's shows, all of that would have been for nothing. It would have just a useless, illogical and unnecessary shout into the void if we don't stand by what we believe and said. If our expression of hurt, anger and frustration on Twitter and here on Tumblr isn't followed by our actions, then we will become part of the problem. No one will take us seriously. We'll become the jokes. We'll turn into the hypocrites we were so passionately fighting against. Please don't watch the shows on C*W. Not even The Walker.
Let's prove that we aren't all bark and no bite. Otherwise everything we said would be white noise to them. Let's be impactful.
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