digital-circles · 1 year
Lol... They don't need an obstructive being.
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digital-circles · 1 year
No wonder... why.
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digital-circles · 1 year
🤨Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome
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digital-circles · 1 year
Wait, I know you already know that it's a survey website, but before you skip I must tell you this; 
While using Paidviewpoint you get paid for every survey you take both the survey you qualified for and the one you weren't accepted or qualified for, like making $5 to $76 per week . It's unlike other websites that won't pay you when you are disqualified in a survey thay give.
Thanks for reading, now you're are free to skip without clicking the link.
Have a nice day my brilliant friend. 
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digital-circles · 1 year
Stroke: Stop Eating These 3 Foods Excessively If You Don’t Want To Get Affected!
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A medical emergency called a stroke can occur if your brain doesn't receive enough blood to function.
The disorder known as atherosclerosis causes the arteries that carry blood to the brain to fill up with fat and other substances.
The oxygen and nutrients your brain cells require are present in this blood.
Blood may not be able to pass through an artery because it is blocked or fractured. Lack of blood causes the death of brain cells.
The majority of the time, brain cells die as soon as you suffer a stroke.
However, some people can only survive for a short time if the blood flow isn't entirely stopped.
If they receive enough blood flow in the minutes and hours following the stroke, some of these cells could be able to function once again.
They will likewise pass away if not.One of the factors that contributed to your stroke was your poor nutrition.
It's possible that eating a lot of particular foods increases your risk of stroke and other health issues.
You shouldn't consume too much of the following to prevent getting a stroke.
1. Don’t smoke excessively.
If you smoke too much tobacco or cigarettes, your risk of suffering a..., Read more.
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digital-circles · 1 year
Whatsapp Messages Spyware: How to Monitor Someone’s Messages Secretly
Dear Snoopers: I'll describe how to monitor someone's WhatsApp messages in this article without them being aware of it. Even though, why not?
For whatever reason, you might occasionally just want to know what the other person is doing on WhatsApp.
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Your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend might be there.
In other words, you might want to find out if they are disparaging you to others or you might be attempting to catch a cheating girlfriend or boyfriend.
Additionally, you might require this merely out of curiosity or for fun.
Furthermore, I don't encourage spying because it's bad.
Therefore, please take note that this post is being published solely for educational purposes, and if it causes any significant harm, I will pack my bags and leave the country😂. I’m not kidding.
The techniques I'll outline in this article apply whether the other person is using an Android or iPhone.It also functions with iPads and other iOS gadgets.
So, regardless of the other person's equipment, this works.
Inclusively, I’ll discuss some of the spy apps and programs you can use to read someone else’s WhatsApp messages covertly.
However, the first technique I’ll demonstrate to you doesn’t require you to download any additional apps or programs, and it functions fairly well.
So without further hullabaloo, let's look at how to use the WhatsApp Web browser functionality and the official WhatsApp Software for MacBooks and Windows PCs to secretly eavesdrop on someone's WhatsApp communications.
Utilizing WhatsApp’s official software
You may access into a person's WhatsApp account on your laptop and view all of their communications after installing the official software for WhatsApp on your MacBook and Windows PC.
If you want to go further, you can reply to their messages and then delete them.
Visit the Microsoft Store on your Windows PC or the Apple AppStore on your MacBook.
Enter "WhatsApp Messenger" in the... Read more.
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digital-circles · 1 year
A Mole: This is what it means if you have it at one of these 7 locations
Everybody has moles on various parts of their bodies.
They might be small or large, but their placement on your body has a specific significance.
There are moles that are associated with one’s riches, others that are associated with a family fortune, and still others that are associated with one’s health.
Do you want to learn what your moles mean, then? To find out, keep reading.
Mole on the temple.
Travel prospects are associated with a mole on the temple.
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It is a sign that you will get the chance to travel if you have a mole in this area.
A job opening or a vacation could be the reason.
Mole between the eyebrows.
Given that this is the career sector, a mole in this area is related to your professional development and advancement.
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It could indicate that you're in line for a promotion, a pay increase, or something similar.
A mole between the eye and the eyebrow.
Your home and this area are connected. Your ability to adapt is shown if you have a mole in this area.
You have a knack for interacting with others and have the capacity to take charge.An upper lip mole.
You worry the most about food and clothing if you have a mole on your upper lip.
Additionally you’re being well-liked by..., Read more.
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digital-circles · 1 year
Whenever It Comes To These 5 Issues, You Should Learn To Keep Your Mouth Shut.
The majority of us don't truly have a private life in today's world with Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and all the various forms of globalization and social media networking.
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Which is wrong.
You shouldn't give everyone access to details about your personal life since you never know how they might use it.
Though your graduation photo may have received a lot of likes and comments, let me be honest and say that not many people are truly pleased for you.
You must choose the individuals in your life and, more importantly, you must carefully consider each one before disclosing any personal information.
In this article, we’ll go over five categories of private information you should never share with anyone before getting to know them well or developing a close level of trust.1. Material possessions.
Recently, it seems as though social media is overflowing with material possessions like cell phones, cars, jewelry, pricey clothing and shoes, etc.
People would perceive you as haughty and materialistic if you boasted about your possessions excessively.
Even though you can live the life of your desires, try to be more modest and keep the "price tag" to yourself.
People would think much better of you.
2. Old injustices.
Everybody has luggage.We all have unpleasant memories from the past that we wish we could erase.
But since they continue to bother us, we choose to tell others about them.
It’s preferable to forget about these things and avoid bringing them up, especially around people you hope will play a role in your future.
Let the past be what it was, and use the lessons you learned from it to inform your actions going forward.
Nobody wants to hear tales about previous grudges that make them feel like you’re still stuck in the past.
3. Your earnings.
Even if you have unlimited resources and can easily spend the entire round at the bar without feeling like you've overspent, keep your financial situation a... Read more.
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digital-circles · 1 year
10 Signs That Will Let You Know If You Are Destined For Greatness
We all agree that we have the capacity to be magnificent creatures and to perform extraordinary deeds.
Each of us has been given amazing, distinctive qualities that can aid in our development as great people.
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But over time, society exposes us to so many negative concepts that we start to mistrust our own capabilities.I'm here to tell you that you are a person of excellence.
You can achieve greatness no matter who you are or where you come from; all you need to do is begin to believe it.I don't profess to be an authority on success or a particular kind of seer.
But there are some characteristics that show someone is destined for greatness, as I've discovered after years of researching success principles.
1. You're Resourceful:
Regardless of the challenges you face, do you consistently manage to find a way to achieve your goals?
You have a natural ability to be resourceful, which is a very useful quality for doing practically anything in life.
You will surely succeed if you share this important trait with Jeff Bezos, the man who founded Amazon, as he regards it as one of the most important qualities for success.
2. You Solve Issues Naturally:
Being a natural problem-solver makes you nearly destined to be a wonderful person, similar to being resourceful.
Beyond that, though, a sign that you will thrive in anything you undertake is having...
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digital-circles · 1 year
Q: What is red and goes up and down?
Ans: A Tomato on an elevator.
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digital-circles · 1 year
Mouth Odour Removal In Four Simple Steps
Many people throughout the world suffer from unpleasant mouth odor, and many of them are unsure of the best methods to employ to eliminate it.
I'll give you some tips on how to get rid of mouth odor without using medications or home remedies, these to our teens.
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1. In order to avoid mouth odor, if you are the type who always enjoys eating onions and garlic, you should limit how you eat them or avoid eating them before going out.
Therefore, if you wish to be in public settings, do your best to avoid consuming them.
2. Going to the dentist on a regular basis is another natural way to get rid of bad breath.
This will allow your dentist to check for gum disease and treat it right away if it is present.
3. In order to keep your mouth fresh and odor-free after eating, you should chew sugarless gum right away.
This is because eating sugary chewing gum can cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce acid, which can produce strong mouth odor.
4. You should practically make an effort to..., Read more.
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digital-circles · 1 year
9 Indications That You Are Attractive (Without Even Knowing It)
Are you attractive but don’t know it?
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There are many things people subconsciously or consciously find attractive that may not be so obvious.
You might be astonished to learn how attractive you actually are.
Even if you don't think it's true, some signs can persuade you otherwise.
1. You take the lead.
People will frequently find you beautiful if you take the initiative in the majority of your life’s endeavors.
This is due to the fact that folks who take the initiative typically possess traits that are attractive to many people, such as increased confidence and self-assurance.
Those who take the lead are also more likely to succeed and have a clearer sense of direction, all of which are desirable qualities.
Therefore, if you're someone who likes to be in charge and takes ownership in most situations, be aware that many people probably find you appealing.
2. You frequently get people to laugh.
It's likely that people will think you are beautiful if you're the life of the party and consistently make everyone laugh. Many people regard humor to be an... Read more.
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digital-circles · 2 years
Bias in Skin Tone: how complexion influences how people perceive beauty
Skin color is a topic of both love and hate among African Americans.
The idea that beauty with lighter skin tones is superior is one of the most common subconscious beliefs. Bleaching is therefore common among people with darker skin.
The objective is to be whiter, fairer, and lighter.
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According to some academics, biracial children were born as a result of interracial marriages or sexual relationships between Europeans and black people, and colonialism was a factor in the desire to look more like the Europeans.
According to the data, African Americans have a stronger relationship with their skin color due to the cruel segregation of services based on race and skin color. Better treatment was given to most biracial people.
Darker looking individuals are probably going to be oppressed by white individuals or different races.According to National Library of Science-published research, white members of the outgroup perceive light-skinned African Americans favorably and dark-skinned African Americans unfavorably because of... Read original.
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digital-circles · 2 years
8 Classy Ways to React to Insults and Passive Aggressive Compliments In our society, insults are a technique of lowering one person's value while raising another's. They originate from someone's attempt to express their resentment of others about their social standing.
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But just because they're upset doesn't mean you have to reciprocate with rage. You don't have to say anything, though, as their insults will only get worse if you do. I'm aware that not everyone expresses themselves in a pleasant and polite manner. For this reason, I thought I'd share a few interesting retorts to insulting circumstances. 1. You can give thanks. Simply say "thank you" to stop the conversation with the other person rather than becoming offended and engaging in battle.
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If their intention was to fight with you, this will usually take them off guard, and they won't have anything else to say. It demonstrates to them that you acknowledge their criticism and wish to proceed as if nothing had happened. Of course, that only applies when the insult is extremely light. 2. You have the capacity for calmness and cleverness. It's simple to tell someone to act honorably, but occasionally you feel the need to respond when you get an insult. Finding a response that is nasty and offensive to the other person while still being entertaining will help you accomplish that. A clever clap-back will do the trick and show the other person that you are not..., Read more.
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digital-circles · 2 years
Why Do People Make Se× Tapes?
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When a se× tape leaks, the question on people's minds is; 'why do people even make them in the first place?'
Asking why people make se× tapes is being curious because of the repercussions of having your se× tape released and millions of people are watching you in the most intimate and vulnerable moment.
So, why do celebrities and ordinary people do it anyway?
1. For Fun First, it's fun. Our mobile phone is a diary of every moment of our lives.
Some send nude photos and other se×ual videos to each other, while others look like the next step.
2. Self-eroticism There are cerebral reasons why people love to record themselves having..., Read more.
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digital-circles · 2 years
4 Reasons Why You Don’t Lose Weight No Matter How Hard You Try
Do you find it difficult to lose weight? You feel like you're doing your best, but it's not working.
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There are several factors that stand in the way of your weight loss dreams.
If someone in your family is obese, don’t be surprised if you find it difficult to lose weight. Genetics affect how fat is stored in the body and where excess fat is located.Weight loss can be difficult if one or both parents suffer from obesity .
Food is an obvious factor in weight loss. I need to count calories. No matter how often you hit the gym, the simple rule is that you should burn fewer calories than you burn in a day. Do you burn fat?Some people use intermittent fasting to lose weight, and it works by reducing caloric intake.Another way is to eat less starchy meals like rice or spaghetti, eat flour-based snacks, or replace your diet with fruit. It tells your brain that you are gaining or losing weight.
Abnormal functioning of thyroid and cortisol hormones can affect weight gain and maintenance. Obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, polycystic ovary syndrome, such as type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance disorders can make it difficult to lose weight.
3. LIFESTYLEStress and sleep deprivation are important factors leading to weight gain.Studies show that lack of sleep and stress lead to increased appetite, which in turn leads to... Read more.
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digital-circles · 2 years
Something Interests Me...
The said: You shouldn't eat mold on bread or from a loaf with visible spots. The mold roots can quickly spread through bread, though you can't see them. Eating moldy bread could make you sick, and inhaling spores may trigger breathing problems if you have a mold allergy. Try freezing bread to prevent mold.
Then what if I don't have a freezer and I want to eat the bread in the next 3 months or more without mold affecting it?
What they didn't tell me.
This what I learnt...
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