disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
Disney Revolution is going on Hiatus
Since neither of us feel like we have the proper amount of time to devote towards our modly duties, we have decided to put this roleplay on hiatus until we feel we have enough time to properly develop the group.
In the meantime, we hope that you will check out another fabulous group that we have grown to adore. Walt Disney College is a very friendly and active group. They are currently on a female ban, but it should be lifting fairly soon.
Thank you for understanding.
Admins M and D
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Merida Scott | 24 | Brave | Rebel | FC: Maria Thayer | Open
Even as a child, Merida was quite a handful. Like most parents, hers encouraged an open mind and free thinking, but unlike most offspring she took their advice and ran with it. Never afraid to speak her mind, her mother learned quickly that she would have a rough time trying to turn the young princess into a ‘proper lady’. They were constantly at odds with one another, Merida wanting to be her own person and her mother wanting her to become proper. When her mother decided it was time for her to marry, she knew she had to put an end to it. Accidentally having her mother turned into a bear, she immediately regretted everything they’d fought over and spent three days doing everything she could to try and have her mother returned to human form. Through the trials they faced during those three days the two formed a tender bond, and her mother even agreed that it was too soon for Merida to marry. Once successful in returning the queen to her human form, the bond remained strong and the two learned to appreciate each other and their places in the world.
 Merida is constantly on the move and doing her best to remain active. It was difficult for the princess to remain still much of the time, but that was mostly because she felt that her time would be better spent doing something productive. She was always very driven, and willing to do anything to accomplish her goals. While she may not have been the picturesque ‘lady’ into which her mother attempted to mold her, she has always been kind and generous with an enormous heart. A free spirit such as Merida would need constant supervision as a child, but once grown could have the reigns loosened a bit. The outspoken girl stuck firmly to her beliefs once she’d made up her mind, and very rarely could she be persuaded to believe differently. As stubborn as a mule, the young princess could be quite an experience with whom to interact.
The kingdom over which Merida’s father ruled was one of the only lands to fight back against the card invasion. While most kingdoms had been taken by surprise, theirs had been fortunate enough to have taken in a few royals from other lands. With the warning and aid gained from these royals, the Scott family and their people were able to diminish a good portion of the Queen’s army. Unfortunately for them the Queen had too many cards to spare, and so they, too, were forced into submission. Her father was killed in battle, her mother executed once she was found. Merida knew the lands around the kingdom better than anyone, though, and was able to smuggle herself, her brothers, and the royals they’d sheltered away from harm. In her mind, nothing short of death would be able to stop her from avenging the murder of her parents and her kingdom. Death would be the only way to prevent her from reclaiming her throne.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Captain James T Hook | 53 | Peter Pan | Loyal | FC: Joseph Morgan | Open
A pirate on the high seas, Hook always figured he’d roam the waters of the world forever. It didn’t seem right to him for a man to tie himself down to one place. After all, he preferred tying other people down rather than himself, it was just more fun that way. Once he reached the waters of Neverland, though, everything changed. There was something in the air, a spell or something like, that seemed to stop the inhabitants from aging. Of course, this wasn’t actually the case. The citizens of Neverland merely aged so slowly that it seemed they were stuck in time. That is why so many of them seemed to be teenagers while actually in their senior years. It didn’t take long for Hook to decide to stay in this land, who wouldn’t want to stay young forever? Unfortunately, he learned just as quickly that the island was mostly run by a boy called Peter who loved to fight pirates. Their feud is legendary, featuring in many tales, and is the reason for Hook’s lack of a hand.
The Captain has never been the most pleasant of men. Even before Peter Pan fed his hand to the crocodile, Hook was on a decades long mean streak. In his very important opinion children were a waste of space and time. While he much enjoyed the process generally used to create them, the product of these indescretions abhorred him. There has only been one child that he has ever shown any tenderness towards, and that one is only known by rumor. While he has fancied himself as ‘bad to the bone’ some perisitent folks have found that he does indeed have a soft place in his heart. Though he would never admit it aloud, Hook always dreamed of finding true love one day, and he envied all those who were in this purest of states. His extra cruelty towards couples was generally a dead giveaway that he was seething with jealousy.
Once Hook heard that the Queen was taking over he immediately sent word through one of his crew that they were firmly supplanted on her side. In his mind it took an immense amount of power to pull off a takeover the way she had, and if that power was going to rule then he wanted a piece of it. His only request to her was that he be permitted to remain in Neverland and that Peter Pan and his friends be removed. Nothing would give him greater joy that to remain young himself and watch Peter Pan be forced to begin the aging process, to be forced to grow up. Once granted his request, Hook took up dancing on the deck of his ship with his crew and a quickly side-jumping Tinkerbell. A party was thrown when he spotted Peter and the Lost Boys being hauled away and the celebration lasted for days. Now, Hook happily hosts the Queen in Neverland rather often since she discovered the anti-aging qualities of the land. It came as no surprise to anyone that they got along quite handsomely, and many wondered if Hook kept a secret hope of true love guarded deep in his heart.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
Roleplay Darlings
We have a few bios in the drafts that will be going up as soon as we have graphics for them! We will also be writing more bios today, so if you have any requests on a character you'd like to see next feel free to let us know!
If you haven't checked out our Upcoming FCs page, give it a look!
Thanks for being awesome!
Admin D
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Adam "Beast" Philips | 23 | Beauty and the Beast | Rebel | FC: Skylar Astin | Open
A born prince, Adam led a privileged life until his parents died when he was merely eleven. Not ready to take on the role of King, he holed into himself and rebelled against any who tried to help him. One cold and stormy night an elder woman knocked on the castle doors, offering a single rose in exchange for a place to stay until the storm let up. Adam was cruel and cast the woman away, calling her ugly and unfit to stay with him. Unfortunately the woman revealed her true form, an enchantress, and cursed the young prince and his servants. He bore the form of a mighty beast until ten years later when Belle came to the castle and was able to break the curse by falling in love with his kind heart. After the curse was broken, everyone returned to their former human selves, rejoicing and celebrating life once more.
Though Adam is once again in human form, he is still widely thought of as intimidating. Spending so long virtually alone took its toll on him. A man of few words, he often prefers to listen and only speak when he feels he can contribute positively to a conversation. These traits have proven useful as he helps to lead the rebellion. Having learned from his father, he knows many beneficial battle strategies and is an expert swordsman. Often he can be found teaching the other men how to properly use the weapons available to them. His kind heart is often forgotten behind his quick temper, but thanks to Belle and his loyal servants he is making decent progress on reigning it in.
Adam’s kingdom was very lucky when it came to the Queen’s takeover. A neighboring land had sent word to the castle to warn them, though the letter was unsigned. The letter detailed what was happening across the map, and warned them not to try and fight but in stead to evacuate the kingdom. He took heed and quickly had the villages abandoned and sent to safer grounds while he and his best warriors defended the border as best they could. Once they knew they would lose too many men, Adam himself called the retreat to save as many lives as possible. Belle was waiting for him at a designated rally point, and they quickly fled to meet up with other members of the rebellion. Now he trains those who may not know how to fight, and does his best to lead where he can.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Eric Dryland | 21 | The Little Mermaid | Rebel | FC: Richard Madden | Open
While Eric was born royalty, the life that had been chosen for him never seemed to be the life he would have chosen for himself. As his father pushed for him to learn the ways of ruling a kingdom, his mind would wander and daydream of all the things he’d rather do. More often than not, Eric would create a fantasy in his mind where he was not a prince, but a sailor. More than anything, he wished he could sail for the rest of his life. Ever obedient though, he learned everything he needed to know in order to become the great king his father wished him to be. Sooner than he’d like, the time came. His father died, and Eric was forced to seek out a princess to marry so that he could become the king. Around that time, he met Ariel on the beach and instantly felt that she might be the one for him. After several days and a daring rescue, the two were married with the consent of King Tritan, Ariel’s father.
Eric has always been one for adventure. It never seemed right to him that people should remain in one place for their entire lives. He loved to roam about his kingdom and those neighboring it just to see what he could find. A kind-hearted man, he is willing to do anything for those dear to him. From his father he learned to be patient in all things, and from his mother he learned to think before he spoke. Wiser than many men his age, Eric was often sought out for his advice and counsel. He has always been a firm believer that music brings joy to the world, and generally has his lute on his person. A talented musician, he can often be heard accompanying Ariel’s singing on drums, guitar, lute, or harp. It doesn’t take much to make him smile, but bring upon his wrath and you will wish you had never been born. Luckily for those around him, making Eric angry is more difficult than most things accomplished in his kingdom.
When the Queen invaded his land, Eric fled with Ariel and their friends. He knew that he would be no good to his people if he were imprisoned or dead. It didn’t take long for them to locate the rebellion once everything had settled down. Now, his wisdom in leadership and battle has once again been put to good use. He has taken up the role of commander, leading the rebellion along with Beast, Phillip, and Hercules. Along with his new friends, he is determined to return the kingdoms back to the way they were before the Queen of Hearts began her reign. It seemed to him that if things didn’t return to normal soon, the damages the Queen had caused physically and mentally to the kingdom may be irreversible.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Cheshire “Chesh” DuChat | Alice in Wonderland | 22 | Indifferent | FC: Rupert Grint | Open
As a child, our darling Chesh was a bit of a handful. He formed his knack for climbing at a rather young age, breaking a few bones along the way. By the time he reached adolescence, he was basically an expert at parkour. When his parents died the year of his thirteenth birthday, Chesh took to spending most of his time in the forest. It didn’t take long for him to adjust to being on his own, and he found that he much preferred his own company than that of those around him. It wasn’t until he encountered a blonde-headed girl called Alice that he decided to create a friendship. While he may not have gone about it in what would normally be considered the proper way, it didn’t take long for the two to form a fondness for each other. It was Chesh who helped Alice escape the Queen’s clutches the first time, though he was unable to help when she came around again.
Never having felt the need to conform himself to other people’s opinions, Chesh is used to being teased and ridiculed. His bright red hair, freckled skin, and odd way of going about life are merely part of his charm. Often times, people will wonder what he may be going on about, but that’s generally due to the fact that he’s much too smart for those around him. Chesh has always been incredibly intelligent, and more often than not it has frustrated him that he couldn’t seem to find anyone with whom to hold a conversation. Until he met Dinah, his kind demeanor and goofy grin tended to frighten people rather than invite them in due to the large words that emitted from behind his teeth. Very few people who have encountered Chesh have stuck around long enough to get to know the kind-hearted soul behind the big words.
Chesh adjusted to life under the new tyrant rather quickly compared to most. Once Alice was taken into custody, he moved in with Dinah and they quickly began assimilating into the newly developing culture. While he knew it would be wise to pledge his loyalty to the Queen, he simply couldn’t bring himself to say the words. Fortunately, as with most people, he was able to employ his vast vocabulary and confuse the Queen long enough that she mistook his statement for loyalty. Now he does all he can to assist his friends with their endeavors without putting himself at risk. He really has no mind for the rebellion, and honestly believes that it will fail. For Chesh, life is for living and revolution is for dying. One way or the other, he will do whatever it takes to keep himself and his friends alive.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Ariel Waters | 18 | The Little Mermaid | Rebel | FC: Sophie Turner | Open
A free spirit, Ariel has always marched to the beat of her own drum. Even though her father was the king and she a princess, she never felt as if she belonged in her own skin. She was constantly disobeying her father in favor of learning more about his kingdom and the one that neighbored it. Although her father forbade her from crossing the border, she would often sneak out to absorb the culture of the neighboring kingdom. On one such adventure she happened upon the most handsome man she had ever seen, and ran away to be with him. Having never spoken to an attractive male before, it took her three days to gather the courage to speak to him. After a tousle with a woman her father had exiled, Ariel begged her father to give his consent so that she could stay with Eric. He agreed and they were wed, uniting the kingdoms.
Ariel never quite learned to find a place in the world and stick with it. She can often be found wandering through the land without any shoes on her feet. While not necessarily the brightest in her family, she has always been able to figure her way out of trouble once she’s gotten herself into a mess. Her sharp tongue and honest disposition are more often than not the cause of her troubles. Punishments rarely lasted very long for her, especially since her mind was quick to stray. Often she failed to remember that she was in trouble at all. In fact, it’s generally difficult to keep her mind on one thing at the time, it’s generally difficult to hold Ariel’s attention for more than a few moments before she’s darted off in a completely different direction. Though she has always been a bit scatterbrained, her heart is in the right place and she has no problem going out of her way to help a friend.
When the Queen took over Atlantica, Ariel’s world was flipped upside-down. Her once lavish lifestyle was stolen from her, and she was forced into the streets with her prince. Never having lived in any situation but the splendor of a palace, she did not take well to her new surroundings. Even with the help of her friends and loyal subjects, she had trouble adjusting. She began to draw into herself, becoming paranoid and short-tempered. More than once she has been startled by a passing shadow or the sound of a rat scurrying along the rocks in the street. It’s obvious to those around her that she makes an effort to remain her kind-hearted, full of life self, but some days it seems too much effort simply to wake up in the morning. Now, every day is a struggle to remain positive, but it’s a struggle she’s determined to win in order to win back her kingdom.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Abigail “Abu” Martin | 18 | Aladdin | Rebel | FC: Troian Bellisario | Open
Growing up in the streets of the desert land known as Agrabah, Abu was never the easiest of people to get along with. Abandoned as an infant, she was practically raised by a boy named Aladdin who was in a similar situation. Together they learned the ways of the world from the gutters, doing whatever it took to survive. More than once she nearly lost a hand for stealing, seeing as that was the only way for her to eat. A life on the streets was never easy, and often she would have to use her fists to remedy situations that her smooth talking couldn’t handle. Quick on her feet, Abu easily learned when to fight and when to flee. After the Queen of Hearts took over the land, it was obvious that she needed to flee in order to fight.
With a background such as Abu’s it’s easy to assume that she’d be a bit wild. Any such assumptions would only be partially correct. She has her moments of complete serenity, but more often than not she’s simply a fun-loving girl who would do anything for her closest friends. Whether she was on the streets thinking of clever ways to steal some food or running from the soldiers, she always made it out in one piece and with a triumphant grin on her face. Her demeanor didn’t change much once the queen took over, she was used to dealing with the rougher side of life. In fact, while the card soldiers were patrolling her city, Abu found that it was quite enjoyable to mock and confuse them. After all, if they were going to be stuck under hostile rule, they might as well enjoy it!
Life didn’t change much for Abu when the Queen took over. She had already been accustomed to living on the streets and fighting back when needed. While she and Aladdin had moved into the palace with Jasmine and the Sultan, her hardened ways were hard to shake. Now that she has been forced back into the streets, her former lifestyle became useful. It was generally easy for her to remain unnoticed when she wished to be, so she took upon the role of spy for the rebellion. Every few days she would sneak into the Queen’s palace to rummage for food and eavesdrop to see what information she could acquire on her plans. More often than not she was able to gather more food than information, but that was never a problem when the majority of the kingdom had fallen into poverty and starvation. Nevertheless, her role among the rebels was an important one and she would do her best to uphold her title.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Alice Allgood | 19 | Alice in Wonderland | Rebel | FC: Evana Lynch | Open
Originally from parts unknown, Alice made quite the ruckus when she arrived in Underland. It took her all of a single day to cement her position on the Queen of Hearts’ bad side. Some say that the Queen is merely jealous of Alice’s beauty and kindness. While the world may never know for certain why the tyrant despises the girl, it can be said for sure that her hatred began the dark times that were to come for the rest of the land. When the Queen began moving through the lands with her card warriors, Alice was the first to be captured and thrown into the dungeons. While most prisoners were executed, the Queen felt that Alice would be better suited as a living prize.
Tough but kind, Alice has always been a friend to all people. When others were in need, she was always the first one to offer a helping hand. It became second nature for her to check in with those around her. Her caring and generous disposition often cause others to believe she may be weak, but that has never been the case. One of the first to step forth in the great battle of Underland, Alice herself defeated the Queen of Hearts’ mighty beast, the Jabberwocky. Now that she has been through multiple wars, her kindness has not waned but her heart is sore. With a hardened exterior, she continues on in the hopes of defeating the Queen once again and returning the world to the beautiful place it once was.
Alice was always an adventurous sort. For years she would wander the forests and mountains of Underland, learning their every secret. Now that she is a prisoner in the dungeons of the Queen’s favorite castle she has put her skills to the test. It was quickly learned that there is always a route of escape from any place in any time. Now that Alice has learned the routine of the guards, and the paths to escape, she leaves whenever she pleases and returns only to make sure that she isn’t caught. While she once lived with her friend Dinah, her only roommates now are the rats and the cockroaches that inhabit her cell. The food she is provided will never fill her stomach, and is very likely poisoned. Luckily for her, Dinah tends to bring her scraps from her own kitchen.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Rapunzel Baker | 20 | Tangled | Indifferent | FC: Candice Accola | Open
Kidnapped from her royal parents while still an infant, Rapunzel knew only her life in the tower until her eighteenth birthday. It was then that she learned that her life-long friend, Pascal, was not her big brother as she had previously believed. This was discovered when she found out that both of her parents were alive and looking for her. Growing up, she had always depended on Pascal to protect her, and later to teach her how to take care of herself. When the charismatic Flynn Rider appeared Rapunzel jumped at the chance to explore the outside world. They journeyed from her tower and into the kingdom, and she began to learn how to survive on the outside along the way. Once she found her parents and learned the truth about the woman she had once called “mother” her life was turned up-side-down. Relocating from tower to castle was just the beginning. Her men were assimilated into her new life as princess, which made the transition easier, but she felt as if she would never truly be a part of the world around her. The mass amounts of sudden changes in her life felt as if they would crush her, and she quickly formed an anxiety disorder. Only the constant supervision of her parents and close friends kept her safe. Those around her could only hope and pray that one day Rapunzel might regain some sanity.
Growing up, Rapunzel was rather naïve and happy-go-lucky. She always had a positive attitude, and believed the best in everything. Once she discovered the truth her world seemed to go topsy turvy and her mental state went with it. She hoped that moving in with her parents and assuming her “proper” life would help stabilize her, but unfortunately that was not to be. The sudden influx of crowds and responsibility were such a contrast to her life beforehand that her anxiety actually increased and it became more difficult for her to resist her depression and anxiety. While she is now more withdrawn and rarely smiles, every so often a glimpse of the old Rapunzel can be seen glowing through. Unfortunately, most of the time she hides behind a thick layer of snark and sarcasm in an effort to keep others at arm’s length.
Rapunzel would not have survived the attack if Flynn and Pascal had not been with her; in fact, they had to forcibly remove her from the path of the card warriors. Once they had escaped, Rapunzel fell deeper into herself as she became increasingly detached from the world around her. It was all her friends could do to make her eat and keep her alive. Her anxiety flared, causing her formerly perky personality to turn sour. She has found her sarcasm a useful defense mechanism in the wild lands formerly belonging to her parents. While her friends and family still love her, it has become increasingly difficult for them to be around her for long periods of time. Even her guardian, Pascal, has begun switching shifts with others as they keep watch over her. No longer is she able to have a moment alone due to her loved ones fearing for her safety.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Pascal Holban | 25 | Tangled | Rebel | FC: Jensen Ackles | Taken
Pascal was five years old when he was told that he would be moving to a tower to keep the little girl company. When he got there, he found out that the “little girl” was no more than a babe-in-arms who needed more diaper changes than friends. He did what he could for the baby, morphing from her caretaker to her best friend as they grew up – but that protectiveness never went away. Pascal has almost forgotten that he is not actually Rapunzel’s big brother – there is nothing he wouldn’t do for her. When Flynn Rider showed up and Rapunzel begged to be taken away, Pascal insisted on joining them – there was no way he was going to trust this stranger who had broken into their tower.
Pascal is and has always been very protective of Rapunzel. This bled over into the rest of his life – he will always be the one to stand up for the little people, the one who will not let tyranny go unchecked. However, because he and Rapunzel did not have the most cheerful of childhoods, he has learned how to bring joy and humor into situations where there may not naturally be any. This has made him somewhat of a goofball – and not necessarily when it is entirely appropriate. This sometimes gets him into uncomfortable situations, which he usually (unfortunately) gets out of in the most awkward way possible.
When Rapunzel found her parents, Pascal had been set up very nicely in the Coronan palace. He had an entire wing adjacent to Rapunzel’s, and the ability to come and go as he pleased. He still had the instinct to stay close to Rapunzel though, and when the Queen attacked he was able to lead Rapunzel and Flynn quickly and safely through the secret passages out of the castle while the guards were occupied with the card warriors. Since they have been in exile, Pascal has hardened – he is the one responsible for keeping Rapunzel safe. The witty banter, though still present, has become rare - he mostly uses it to cheer Rapunzel up in the hard times. He is still basically himself, but he is more the shell of who he once was – he is now the seasoned bodyguard instead of the goofy big brother.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Dinah Flowers | 21 | Alice in Wonderland | Indifferent | FC: Emma Watson | Taken
While Dinah is from Underland, where the Queen of Hearts began her reign, life was not always as difficult in the kingdom for her as it had recently become. Before everything changed she would often wander in the meadows to sing with the flowers, or pester some of the inhabitants that perhaps weren’t all right in the head. The kingdom was once a beautiful place where she could look around and sigh with joy in her heart. Dinah had made friends with the White Queen, and so was free to do as she wished in the kingdom. But once the Queen of hearts came to power, Dinah was forced to grovel and beg for her life. Being the clever little thing that she is, however, she was quick enough to convince the new Queen that she’d changed allegiances and assumed a place among the Queen of Hearts’ court.
Dinah has always been very lighthearted. It takes a lot to get under her skin, and even when she’s angry she’s usually able to keep her head. With a soul as kind and gentle as hers, she’s always been easy to get along with. As a child her parents would tell her that people were cruel and selfish, and there was nothing she could do about it. To her, this meant that she simply needed to roll with the punches and not let anything get to her. Now, she tends to live her life as she pleases, and generally she prefers to do so with a soft smile on her face. More than once people have noticed a gleam in her eye which convinces many that she knows something the rest of us don’t. While she’d be happy to talk to anyone all day long, not everyone is certain that her head was screwed on quite right. Many are careful not to cross her though for not only is she on good terms with the Queen, but her sarcastic attitude and clever remarks can often be seen as cruelty. More often than not, she merely finds these conditions and entertaining way to pass the time.
Surprisingly enough, Dinah wasn’t really affected by the Queen’s new rule. Having kept herself mostly anonymous before everything turned upside-down, it wasn’t difficult for her to remain invisible afterwards. She still resides in the same house, though with some minor changes. Her best friend, Alice, is no longer living with her and she has acquired a new roommate, Chesh. Now that she’s a part of the Queen’s court she has been awarded immunity and a royal pardon for her “former” ties to the traitorous Alice Allgood. With immunity, Dinah is free to roam as she wishes. The flowers in her favorite fields have all either died or have no more cause to sing, but she still visits them and brings them water. Often she takes her extra food to her friends in hiding, hoping dearly that they harbor no resentments against her for her new position.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
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Megara “Meg” Floros | 23 | Hercules | Indifferent | Kat Dennings | Taken
Meg was Hades’ right hand girl for longer than she cares to think about. Basically she sold her soul to save her boyfriend’s life, only to have him thank her by running off with some floozie to Thebes. Thanks to this asshole she drew into herself and began to shut people out. She began to believe that if she trusted anyone, she would get hurt. Meg was through letting others hurt her. The only people she did anything for were herself and Hades, and Hades was only permitted her obedience until their deal was finished. When “Wonder-boy” showed up she began to break down her cynical walls, even laying down her life once more. And for once, the guy actually followed through for her, saving her soul from the Underworld and fulfilling her debt to Hades.
Despite Hercules being able to break down some of her walls, Meg is still just as cynical and sarcastic as ever. It takes more than a fancy title to gain Meg’s trust. Her only priorities are keeping herself safe, and making sure Hercules doesn’t wander off. If she chooses to give anyone else the time of day, they should be prepared for cutting remarks that will only get worse the more she knows about them. Her personality doesn’t earn her many friends, but she’s never been too keen on being popular. If someone can’t handle her blunt and sassy attitude, she really doesn’t want anything to do with them. If she does end up opening up to anyone, she is completely loyal, and thus, becomes so much colder when she is betrayed.
Meg and Hercules had begun to tenuously live together when the cards attacked. As soon as she was in danger her instincts kicked in. Running off on her own, she knew Wonder-boy would be able to take care of himself. When the cards finally caught up to her, it didn’t take long to realize that her time with Hades could actually come in handy. Word had reached Wonderland about the god’s right hand girl, but not much. She managed to manipulate the cards into letting her go before they took her to the Queen. Quickly disappearing into the town, Meg found refuge with a kindly innkeeper. Now she does odd jobs around the city. She’s whatever people need her to be, as long as they pay up.
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
Ladies and gents, we now have a lovely lady making graphics for us! You know what that means. *drumroll* BIOS WILL BE POSTED SOON! That’s right lovelies, Disney Revolution will be up and running within the next week!
Many thanks to Christen, who will be our new graphics admin. She is wonderful and we love her.
Bios will be going up very soon, so keep an eye out for your favorite characters! Thank you to all of you lovelies for being amazing!
-Admin D
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
Hey everyone! We're a new roleplay that is currently unable to open due to the fact that we have no graphics. We have a growing stash of bios in our drafts that are lacking in pictures. If you would be interested in doing graphics for us we would LOVE YOU FOREVER! Basically, we just need someone to do pretty things and nothing else. You could have any character of your choosing, and you wouldn't have to write any bios or do anything other than make our stuff pretty!
Application for graphics admin is as follows:
Activity level
Experience (please include an example of a graphic you've created)
Are you interested in playing one of our characters? If so, which one?
How might we best contact you? (facebook, skype, email, etc.)
Any questions you may have for us!
Thanks! Love you all!
-Admin D
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disneyrevolution-rp · 12 years
Writing Bios
Hello all! Admin Missi here to tell you that WE ARE WRITING BIOS! By clicking here you can see which ones we've already written, and by reading below you can find out which ones are next. If you would like to request a specific bio to be written before the others please let us know! We are very excited to have this roleplay up and running very soon (we can't set a specific date yet since we still have no graphics admin). While we have some bios written, they are not posted yet.
If you would like to be our graphics admin, PLEASE send us an ask! We'll let you know what we're looking for and have you send us a sample of your work. We'd love to talk to you!
Any questions, comments, concerns, feedback, or anything else is welcome! Thank you for being wonderful!
-Admin D
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