doesittakeavillage · 2 years
Your body only works for you. Every cell in your body, completely dedicated, lovingly, to giving you what you need.
You are divine, your body worships you alone.
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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Cozy in bed knitting on a rainy day
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
And then you reach hyper hyper clarity where you are actually dissociating to the point that things seem TOO real and you suddenly feel like you don’t exist again.
A question for those who dissociate
Every once in a blue moon I have a moment where everything is clear and it’s absolutely beautiful. Colors are vibrant, and I know exactly where I am and who I am, and I can hear everything clearly.
For me this normally lasts about 5 to 20 minutes before the fog returns
Is this just how people normally see the world? Or is it some kind of hyper clarity?
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
Being a protector is hard
Hello! My name is Sophie and I wanted to tell all system protectors this...
Being a protector does not mean you have to be brave all the time.
Being a protector does not mean you can’t feel unsafe, have bad memories, flashbacks, or feel scared.
What you do for your system is essential, you are SO important
It can be so difficult being the protector in the system, you take on all the stuff we can’t, please know that you are appreciated, and that we do what we can to protect you as well. Take time for yourself, you deserve it. 
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
The main reason people ask about your trauma is they want to decide if it's bad enough to justify DID, and what people don't realize is we're already doing that enough. We are all constantly doubting ourselves, "It wasn't that bad." "It couldn't have been that bad." "Other people have had that happen to them and they don't have DID."
You are valid. Even if you don't know about your trauma, even if you are so detached from it that it doesn't seem bad to you, even if others tell you it's not valid. The fact of the matter is this
You have DID, so it was that bad. You have DID, so it is valid. It is okay, to not know, or to doubt yourself. It's okay to believe you have it, even if you aren't sure. Whatever happened to you was enough to cause DID. That is all there is to it.
It is not a competition, it is not a situation where you must prove yourself. Your experience is valid.
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
Growing up neglected can mean you don’t feel like you get to be picky about who gives you attention or what kind of attention you even get, you cling onto anyone who acknowledges your existence and it can end up so painful
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
In people with a dissociative disorder, certain parts are compelled to focus on the perception of danger. Living in trauma-time, these dissociative parts immediately perceive the present as being "just like" the past and "emergency" emotions such as fear, rage, or terror are immediately evoked, which compel impulsive decisions to engage in defensive behaviors (freeze, flight, fight, or collapse). When parts of you are triggered, more rational and grounded parts may be overwhelmed and unable to make effective decisions.
“Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation” by Suzette Boon
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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doesittakeavillage · 4 years
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Hahahahahaha.... *takes 10*
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