downtobones0 · 4 years
bro how do you guys post your body checks. idk if i ever could- but what if someone ik saw them and like figured out????
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downtobones0 · 4 years
Not your usual Ana tips
Read the post before you get pissed off at me.
• Stop standing up so fast. You know damn well that you get dizzy from that, so stand up slowly. If you still get dizzy or start to black out, sit back down and take deep breaths until you go back to normal, and then try to stand up slowly again.
• Don’t work out until you pass out or puke. Just walk. It burns a lot calories and it’s much easier to do. I do this instead of working out and I lose up to 3 lbs a day sometimes.
• Sleep (if you can). Your body is tired as fuck. You don’t eat very much and sleeping will help re-energize you.
I won’t tell you to eat. I know a stupid tumblr post won’t suddenly make your disorder go away. I just want you to try your best to stay safe. Believe it or not, I love you. We’re a big family and we would all feel like shit if you died because of this. If you ever get the urge to recover, take it and run.
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downtobones0 · 4 years
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downtobones0 · 4 years
sunday, november 15 food log:
- 2 slices of veggie pizza from u.s. pizza (540)
- vanilla frappuccino from starbucks (290)
total calories: 830
today was really hard. my calorie count is the highest it’s been in days and i wanna cry again. my mom picked me up from my friends house and her and her friends had already planned to go out to lunch. i didn’t know this , and the menu at the restaurant didn’t have calories on it. my mom got mad at me for being on my phone though , so i couldn’t check. i was so anxious the whole time and only ate 1/3 of my pizza. i was already nauseous to begin with , and this has just made it worse. i’ve been lightheaded and nauseous lately. at least i drank lots of water :)
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downtobones0 · 4 years
saturday, november 14 food log:
- a slice of cheese pizza from little ceaser’s (148)
- dr. pepper (150)
- funfetti cupcake (270)
total calories: 568
i was at my friends house again and her nieces birthday party was today. so i had to eat bc everyone was like “aren’t you gonna eat anything?”. overall not too bad but i was in sm pain from being so full.
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downtobones0 · 4 years
this is my ultimate goal
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downtobones0 · 4 years
friday november 13 food log:
- venti violet drink (110)
- two plain eggs waffles w syrup (195 + 52)
- one vanilla oreo (57)
total calories: 414
i went to my friend’s house today so it was easy to not eat for most of the day. she made me eat dinner though , which was the waffles. and she also made me eat the oreo. but my starbucks drink held me over most of the day :)
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downtobones0 · 4 years
obvious collarbones and prominent cheek bones are some of my biggest goals. i can’t even express how much i want them.
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downtobones0 · 4 years
anyone have any tips to get back into restricting? i’ve been doing so bad lately. please help me 😃👍🏻
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downtobones0 · 4 years
i haven’t been active much lately. i was doing so good. but i’ve been binging sm lately , i have no motivation , i’m so behind in school. my mom reminds of my shortcomings everyday. i haven’t cleaned my room or made my bed in almost three weeks. but at least i’ve been brushing my teeth and washing my face at least once a day. i don’t even remember to brush my hair most days. but when i finally find the strength to get out of bed for the first time i pee and then brush my teeth and wash my face. i know it’s not a lot , but it’s keeping me going. back to that skinny bitch grind doe. i can’t wait to shrink in my winter clothes and watch them become baggier and baggier
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downtobones0 · 4 years
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downtobones0 · 4 years
it’s so disappointing everytime i get one. but they’ve been getting shorter and shorter so progress :)
Maybe if I fucking starve more then my stupid period will fucking leave me aloNE
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downtobones0 · 4 years
i wanna be so skinny that i don’t hear the awful sound of my jeans rubbing together when i walk.
so skinny that my fat rolls don’t come out everytime i sit down.
so skinny that i won’t have to constantly suck in just to look a little less like a beach whale.
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downtobones0 · 4 years
my friend’s birthday dinner was today. ofc i went bc i usually never get invited and i couldn’t handle being in my house anymore. it took me hours to find an outfit that would be cute enough to fit in with all the pretty girls , but i would still feel comfortable in. and i tried to mentally prepare myself as much as possible , but it was so hard. i got a strawberry pecan salad , and it was honestly so bad. which was amazing bc it gave me an excuse to only each a little bit of it. i also ate a roll , one of my fear foods , bc my friend said i should at least have that since my salad was bad. but i got so full after that. i didn’t have room for the cheesecake everyone else had after. so when they offered me some , i said “no thanks. i’m too full”. and her mom said “is it just bc it’s something that actually has calories?” and then my friend who’s birthday it was said “and it’s something other than water”. i laughed along bc they didn’t seem too serious ab it , but it was so awkward. especially since i’m only friends w 2 out of the 7 girls there. but on a good note , they all pointed out how my skin is starting to clear up :)
sweet dreams , stay safe , and i love you <3
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downtobones0 · 4 years
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downtobones0 · 4 years
the fact that i’m not skinny is so rude like did me and god have some beef in my past life or some shit like he had no business doing me this dirty :/
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downtobones0 · 4 years
something is wrong. i’m so anxious all the time to the point where i’m in physical pain. i’m so nauseous and i can’t focus. everything hurts and i’m so drained. i can’t sleep and when i do fall asleep i wake up a lot throughout the night. my stomach hurts. and i have sm going on. but none of it feels real. it just feels like i’m floating all the time. i’m so numb. nothings working and i can’t tell anyone bc i look like i’ve been getting better. and i can’t handle disappointing anyone else. my heart is always racing and my head always hurts. i have no idea what’s going on.
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