cullensart · 9 months
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I finally figured out a design for my backup/secondary character for this campaign. This is Koko, a human divine soul sorcerer/celestial warlock. I don't want to give too much of her backstory away, but she's a Riedran refugee who now sails the high seas.
And she has a bit of a...thing...going with my fiend warlock, Sav.
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thuranni · 2 years
i just need one good commission so i can buy chronicles of eberron now
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sunevial · 1 year
Talvakri's Guide to Adar
Explore and defend the Land of Earth-Sky!
Far from the Five Nations and the dragonmarked houses of Khorvaire lies the continent of Sarlona, home to rich psionic traditions and the Unity of Riedra. It is also home to Adar, the Refuge, home of the kalashtar and one the last bastions standing against the tyranny brought by the Dreaming Dark.
Though first introduced in the 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and expanded upon in Secrets of Sarlona, Adar as a nation has not been revisited since. Talvakri's Guide to Adar both expands on existing lore and introduces new elements to the country, painting a rich and vibrant picture of its people, traditions, and current struggles. A millennia of warfare has changed the fabric of the nation, and it needs heroes now more than ever to break the never-ending siege and free Sarlona from its ongoing nightmare.
Written by gold-best-selling author Megan Caldwell with platinum-best-selling author and designer Anthony Turco, Talvakri's Guide to Adar has options for DMs and players looking to tell and explore Sarlonan stories and characters including:
67 pages detailing Adar's people, cultures, religions, major cities, and adventuring sites.
2 maps produced by Vani Srinivasan
9 original player ancestries
2 original lineages in the style of Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft
7 new subclasses
7 new feats
80 pages worth of statblocks
New equipment, tools, magic items, and more!
Do you have what it takes to adventure in the nation once called the Land of Earth-Sky? Talvakri's Guide to Adar and its many mountains await!
Hi so I wrote a giant tome for the Eberron campaign setting and you should check it out. It has sad gays and explicitly queer characters and diversity in skin tones
And also it's basically a campaign setting for under $25 bucks
And also I lost my sanity in making it
You should buy it, it's great
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444namesplus · 9 months
a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
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dragon-above · 4 years
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It’s finally time to reveal a project I’ve been working on at varying speeds for two years now...
Escape from Riedra
This module is the first Sarlona adventure EVER published for Eberron! Your players will have the joys of exfiltrating a political asset, outwitting an insidious surveillance state, and battling psionic foes. And as an added bonus, the main story is all about getting a WLW couple the happy ending they deserve! Take a look here - the free previews are extensive! https://www.dmsguild.com/product/330694/Escape-from-Riedra-An-Across-Eberron-Adventure
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cepheidelta · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #6-7 - Riedra
Bug type seemed a natural fit for Riedra, with its psychic hive mind (of sorts) and rigid caste system. The evolved form, Altaspired, is a portmanteau of the words “Inspired” and “il altas”, the Riedran name for the quori nightmare spirits that rule the place. Altaspired itself is based on a tsucora quori combined with the hanbalani altas, giant egg-shaped monoliths that support Riedra’s continent-wide psychic network.
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lavakri · 5 years
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dmsden · 2 years
A Few Thoughts on the Dreaming Dark
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week’s Question from a Denizen comes to us from trippingpossum. They ask, “ Would you be willing to expound upon the topic of Riedra, and the dreaming dark from Eberron?”
I have to be honest, TP...I love Eberron, but the Dreaming Dark/Riedra is a topic I don’t hold any great expertise over. I will, however, try to point you in the right direction.
I can’t think of any greater source of information than Keith Baker, who created Eberron in the first place. He wrote a trilogy of novels called The Dreaming Dark - The City of Towers,  The Shattered Land, and The Gates of Night. I haven’t read them, but I’ve heard good things. I would imagine they have a lot of information about Baker’s ideas about the Dreaming Dark.
For those not aware, the Dreaming Dark refers to a conspiracy in the world for Eberron between the Quori (evil beings from the dream-realm of Dal Quor), their Inspired minions (specially-bred humans who merge with a Quori to become a soul-hybrid of both), and shadows (unwitting mortals turned by psionic control, usually via the Mindseed ability). They serve the Darkness that Dreams (presumably a very powerful Quori, or perhaps all of Dal Quor) and seek to stop the change of the ages, as the next age is supposed to see the end of the Quori.
I like the idea of the organization for several reasons. First, its motives are strange, and they’d allow me as a DM to come up with any number of reasons why they were involved in whatever adventure I was running. If they’re after an artifact, I could motivate the PCs to try and destroy it. If they’re enacting a ritual, the PCs could be coaxed to disrupt it. Has someone been kidnapped, and you need their motive? Maybe that person is presaged to have children that help bring the turn of the age about. Their motives can be strange but understandable.
Second, I love groups with onion-like layers. The PCs could just be dealing with completely mortal agents at first...people who end up baffled as to why they were acting the way they were once they’re free of control. Then the next layer could involve political intrigue, since the Inspired tend to be potent players in the empire of Riedra. In general, the activities of the Dreaming Dark are kept away from the rulers of Riedra for plausible deniability, but there could be tenuous threads. This may not enough to get nations to act, necessarily, but enough to let PCs know how high the stakes go. Finally, the climax of the campaign could bring them directly into conflict with the quori themselves, either physically summoned, or by the PCs going to Dal Quor. Either way, sounds like an epic finish!
I also like secret organizations in general, especially when the members don’t necessarily know they’re members. In the classic Ultima VII: The Black Gate, there’s an organization called The Fellowship. At its lower levels, the people in it are just helping their friends and neighbors and getting some help in return when they need it. As you travel deeper into the group, however, you discover the more horrific goals that’re being empowered through the lower level actions. I used this as a model for the group in my campaign called Those Who Answer. At its lowest levels, it was a very good group of people helping those in need. But ultimately, being part of the group tethered everyone involved to the Five Who Call, a powerful group who ultimately used the gathered power to wake the Tarrasque.
I’m sorry this wasn’t more specific, tp, but I hope it gave you at least a bit of an idea how to use the Dreaming Dark in your own campaign. Until next time, keep them dice a-rollin’.
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sylaera · 5 years
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Not what you’d think, and if I’m being honest, it might’ve been a nightmare.
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crewofthegoldrush · 2 years
I've decided my endeavor to write a story that isn't finished is gonna be told in 3 parts instead of 2, which works since I love grouping things into 3s for some reason now (perhaps my brain has been ruined by trilogies). so fg2 is gonna be an interlude style - possibly 9 chapter - follow up to "season 1", and then fg3 will probably skip ahead to the Riedra arc, I've always predicted the bulk of Montbrey's romance & story would be the looming threat of Aubrey's country - but I'm so far head of myself I really can't do anything but guess. if I can get that one to be 21 chapters too I'm gonna call that a triumph
so while it'll take another year or two or three to get there, for now if i stick to this I think fg2 will likely come out next year and yall get to read them smooch
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viterwrites · 4 years
The Lion, The Witch And The Audacity Of This Bitch
Whumptober Day 3: My Way Or The Highway. The story is set in Eberron, where the character in question is a Lv6 Echo Knight, a fire genasi with an aberrant dragonmark.
So the dove’s finally found its falcon. I’d say it’s a pleasure, Nightborne, but we both know it ain’t.”
It was then that he forced his eyes open, to find himself in a stone-laid room, looking older than, perhaps, even Blackstone. Trying to move his arms only resulted in a firmer grip as Alev glanced to the sides to see a couple of gnolls holding his arms down. And scowling at him, the expression looking far more terrifying that it should have by all expectations. Gnolls.
He didn’t pay much attention to the meduza in front, which seemed to anger him and fast. “Pay fucking attention, you useless aberrant,” the meduza said as the gnoll’s arm forcefully turned Alev’s head towards him. “Or believe me, we have ways to make you do that.”
The look he shot back was, at best, skeptical. “Oh, are you not entertained? Well, perhaps we can arrange a thing or two in the arena, I’m sure you’d make excellent food—”
“Enough. We’re losing focus.”
This time the voice didn’t have a specific direction: wasn’t hard to surmise it was magical in nature. The medusa immediately straightened out and, scraping his teeth out of anger, continued.
“Tarkanan does not meddle with Daask. Yet you have the sheer gall to attack our warehouses and mess up a month’s worth of preparation. Did you really think you could get away with that?”
“Well, yes, I did,” he thought, but remained silent. 
“In any case, congrats. You are now our property, and oh trust me soon you’ll be off on your way to Riedra, or Xen’drik, or worse. Before that though, who set this up. Don’t try to tell me it was your idea to get involved with us, knowing full-well it won’t end up well for you. I’m waiting.”
Silence followed. Then a yawn. 
“I. Am. Fucking. Waiting,” the medusa fumed with anger, as Alev quietly chuckled. “You dare fuck up my work, destroy my one opportunity and now-” he was cut short as the voice left him and only air left his lungs, producing no sound. The same moment, he felt the grip on his arms vanish. 
To be thrown to the ground with a force he had never bore before. It was not unlike the weight of a mountain on his shoulders and back. But he couldn’t fall. Instead, he bent over on his knees—another invisible wall preventing further descent to the floor—growling in pain. Until his voice also went out. With any faint power to resist that he had left. 
“You shall either comply or spend the rest of your life like this,” the voice seemed to speak right inside his head, although the others also reacted to it. “You, aberrant, have committed a grave crime against Daask and Droaam; and we do not take lightly to that. And if you’re wondering, I can make it worse,” for a moment, he felt the pressure spike, screaming out with no sound. Had he been able to make any, his vocal cords would have snapped in an instant.
The force lifted, if just a bit.
“Now. Speak,” the word rang out in his head, echoing, and he knew he couldn’t keep silent or give a half-truth. Through his teeth, struggling to move the tongue, he creaked:
“M-e. Tar-kanan was-n’ in-volv-d,” right after, he felt a pike sink into his chest. A projection. But feeling as real as ever. Luckily, he’d hurt worse before, or he would die from shock.
That seemed to draw a chuckle out of the voice in his head.
“My. And are you certain it was you? So far I’ve only been told that Tarkanan had nothing to do with this, which I am not surprised by; those lowly thieves can’t do anything. So who was behind it all?”
Oddly, he felt the weight lift just a bit.
“Al-v Naght-brne.”
The grasp released as he fell on all fours, strugglingto breathe. The same voice spoke up again, though this time.. somewhat softer. Almost amused.
“You understand that I cannot let this go. But, perhaps, we can agree on a way that you can repay your debt in full. Consider this, Brun, we can have a successful partnership.. or you and your… isn’t he also a genasi? You will both go straight to Dolurrh. So, unless you wish for a slow and painful death… Besides, this could be fruitful for the both of us, don’t you think?” with a titter, the voice faded not to return again.
He stood up to notice a gun was pointed at him, as the medusa, looking desperate as ever, struggled to keep it straight.
“Psh. Not even a challenge.” 
The echo copying his movement, they changed around a number of times, as the ‘gunner’ panicked more and more until a shot was made. And one of the Alevs faded.
“Wrong guess. And terrible aim,” those words were the last he heard before the once-tied Nightborne put the lights out. And fled without much interference, back out in Dura in just half an hour.
The proposition was curious indeed. And, perhaps, much better than what not only Tarkanan, but all of Sharn could offer to one like him. 
There was only one problem.
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sageadvicednd · 4 years
What is the overall fashion in Sarlona like?
What is the overall fashion in Sarlona like?
What is the overall fashion in Sarlona like? I had seen the map and it looked like it was mainly sandy/earthy so I wanted to base it off Greece/Egypt but wanted another opinion before i describe an NPC Riedra is home to a wide range of environments and multiple distinct cultures—Adar, the Syrkarn, Riedra. The 3.5 book Secrets of Sarlona is available on the DM's Guild if you want deeper details;…
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thuranni · 1 year
latest oc thoughts: sapphire dragon in riedra who has never been to argonnessen, member of the storm guardians who believes they’re the last True children of siberys and that argonnessen has fallen morally. obsessive compulsive disordered. truly fucking bizarre individual with offputting tastes and mannerisms. eddie burback ‘stache and a manbun. his name is merry short for miirmaugh and i love him
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sunevial · 3 years
peeva on a chase through an active construction site in the Cogs. yes, i was not kidding
In the grand scheme of everything she had left behind, the Cogs was not technically the worst place Peeva had ever been. It was far from pleasant, hot and stuffy and all too cramped, filled with people the city would rather forget existed, but it was part of her new home all the same. Better in some aspects than living in Riedra, where Inspired Lords controlled the movements of everyone who lived and breathed.
That being said.
That being said.
Reidran building techniques and codes would've been appreciated right about now. Because, in any place of repute, she should not have even been able to get onto such rickety scaffolding.
"They're getting away!" Kai shouted, sending Rook flying after a half-elven thief weaving through the building's shell. The bird spun in a spiral, keeping on his quarry and giving Peeva a clear line of sight through the ropes and splintering wood.
Hand over hand, Peeva climbed up a ladder and made a dash to the inside of this tower, still being repaired after a reported terrorist attack on the city. Tapping on her gauntlets, she sent a bolt of energy flying, aiming for the thief's legs to hopefully slow them down. Another shot rang out from outside the shell, loud in the way only Chib's strange wands worked.
"Both missed!" he called from above. She nodded and continued up the ladders, hearing a scuffle from above and the cold clanking of Ghoul's armor. A tussle, one where he was trying to keep the rogue from getting away. Almost certainly with Basgrac's help, if he had gotten there in time.
"Well you're a slippery bastard," Ghoul said from above. His head appeared over the pit as he looked down to her. "Is Kai down there?"
As if on cue, the elf appeared on the other side of the floor, looking up as well. "Down here, big guy."
"Peeva, can you catch him?"
A beat. "What????"
"Yes or no, can you catch an entire person."
She stammered, weighing her options. Theoretically, if she activated her powers with enough reaction time, she and the thief wouldn't get flattened by him falling several stories straight down. If that failed, her armor might be strong enough.
That was a lot of mights and probablys. But, then again, no one here was particularly concerned with either.
"Get ready to tie 'im up, Kai!"
With a shout and several grunts from above, she watched Ghoul push the half-elf from an upper balcony, sending him into freefall. She counted, waited, the psionic energy flowing at her fingertips and her eyes all but glowing. And at the last possible second, she sent out the telekenetic power—Feather Fall, they called it here—keeping him from meeting a quite gristly end on the rubble below.
She let out a long sigh of relief.
Thankfully, Kai had a faster reaction than the slowly falling thief, and she was able to successfully bind him up in a manner of seconds. The boys followed in short order, meeting them on the reasonably sturdy floor.
"Alright, I'd say we got..." Basgrac did some quick math on his fingers before giving up. "Well the Watch won't give a rat's arse, but someone probably will sooner or later."
"Assuming the floor doesn't give way before then," Chib muttered, turning to the wide-eyed half-elf looking up at the very colorful group before him. "So, if I were you, I'd start talking now."
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enddaysengine · 7 years
Kineticists on Eberron
The Tashana Tundra was a bitter plain of ice, but neither combatant paid their frigid surroundings any mind.
“Fiend,” screamed Ganmelesh’s shifter foe as he launched a bolt of shadow at her, “we will not allow you to corrupt Sarlona’s light any further!”
Ganmelesh could hear her Quori spirit chuckling through his bond to her soul as she dodged the blast. Melesh was usually stern in the face of battle, but Ganmelesh knew he appreciated the irony of her facing an Edgewalker. Sworn to protect Riedra from extraplanar threats when the most significant danger was the leaders who created that dystopian nation. Gan almost pitied him.
“Is that why you are fighting me with darkness?” she retorted, launching her own telekinetic assault.
“Do not think you can shake my resolve with semantic arguments terrorist,” shot back the shifter. “Darkness is not the same as evil. Not that you would know.”
Ganmelesh paused for a moment, rooting herself to the ground to gather energy.
“It is the same in your case, but you've been so entrapped by the darkness that you mistake it for light. The shadows have bound you to themselves, stopping you from flourishing the way you are meant to.”
If the shifter was disturbed by her words, he didn't show it. A different tactic was needed. Gan shifted the focus of the energies gathering around her, changing from telekinesis to pyrokinesis. Words may not shake her opponent, but the sudden whirlwind of flame around her did.
“That's the thing,” declared Ganmelesh. “The chains the nightmares have cast around you are so tight that your ideology has become rigid. You lack the two things  you need to win this fight: creativity and flexibility.”
I’m not just going to talk about Avatar: The Last Airbender. I’m not just going to talk about Avatar The Last Airbender. I’m not just going to talk about Avatar: The Last Airbender…
… Damnit.  
Okay, I will talk about things other than Avatar, but I almost feel like I don't need to write anything for this class. Avatar and The Legend of Korea have already shown exactly how this class' abilities can be applied to industry and technology on Eberron in far more detail than I can hope to accomplish on Tumblr. Of course, that makes sense since the kineticist largely (but not wholly, hi telekinesis!) exists as a means to introduce benders into Pathfinder and if Eberron were to be republished today, I have zero doubt that the Avatarverse would be at the top of its list of influences. The reason is pretty simple. One of the central conceits of Avatar and Eberron is that magic is reliable enough to take over modern science's role in relation to technology. They even have similar levels of technology to boot, with The Last Airbender being a bit behind Eberron and the Legend of Korra being a bit ahead. Seriously people, if you want to see how House Cannith would make use of geokineticists, how hydrokineticist would fit into the Shadow Marches, or how pyrokineticists would function in a monastery of Onatar, watch Avatar.
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All of that assumes that kineticists are common enough to warrent building technology around. That is a fairly significant departure from the canon setting, but playing with this change could be fun. If you do, you should note that the nature of kineticist and benders are different. Benders other than the Avatar are only capable of utilizing one element, although they can learn techniques from others to alter their skills. Kineticists can use up to three elements, so you aren't likely to end up with a scenario like Avatar, where almost all kineticists of one particular element are lost, even if you tie a specific element to each of the Five Nations.
Now, there are other tons of other sources of you can draw on for kineticist inspiration. Elemental powers have been mainstays of comics books and science fiction since their respective instructions. Naruto is another decent source to draw inspiration from since each of the hidden villages’ tactics and technologies are shaped by the dominant elemental powers of their ninja clans. Don't forget that kineticist can also have telekinesis powers either, which means that the Jedi and the Sith work just as well as a reference as any fantasy universe.
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One final point of worth is that the kineticist is very closely tied to the planes of the universe. Fernia, Lammania, and Risia would be the most obvious connections,  but any plane could conceivably work if you can find a creative reason for the link. While the three previously mentioned planes most closely embody the elements, different layers of each plane are capable of having elemental aspects, thus making them fair game.
Most people assume that warforged kineticists must be geokineticists, due to the stone and metal used in the living constructs’  construction. What they are forgetting is the livewood that animates each constructs’ body.  As a result, the warforged are very closely tied to the wood element, and at least one ‘forged kineticist named Splinter is trying to use their powers to bring life back to the Mournlands.
House Lyrandar is well-known for producing kineticists of water and air who bear the mark of storm. Lycra of Korth, however, has developed the ability to wield fire instead. She is currently unmarked, but there is rampant speculation that when a dragonmark appears,  it will be an aberrant mark. Could the rumours be true?
Droaam may have the medusas of Cazhaak Draal as their expert stonemasons, but Darguun refuses to be outcompeted. The Zuuhk clan of goblins produce more geokineticists per capita than any other population on Eberron. Their eusocial bond remains strong, allowing them to coordinate their efforts with incredible precision. The few Dhakaani who are active in Darguun don't trust the Zuuhk and believes the entire clan has been infiltrated by the daelkyr Orlassk, the Lord of Stone.
Note: Want more plothooks based around classes? Go see @dailycharacteroption!
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dragon-above · 6 years
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Monastic Tradition: Way of Dreams
Punch people in the emotions to make them feel sad, happy, loved or lost.  The mechanics here are based on allowing you to apply debuffs with your attacks. Throw in a few quori-themed dream abilities and you’re away! It’s been pointed out to me that with a friendly DM, you could even treat this subclass as allowing you to never physically strike a person at all - just play with that dreamstuff for non-lethal takedowns! GM Binder Link for a PDF
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