tiger-manya · 2 months
Finished Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire recently, and now I really need an Eberron crpg in that style.
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444namesplus · 9 months
a adar adderport aelyndar aerenal ahdryatmin ak an and aqat arcanix ardev ardhmen areksul argarak argonnessen argonth arolangard aruldusk arythawn ash ashtakala askelios athandra atoll atur aundair avaroth aventus b baran barra barrel barren bastion bay below bitter black blackbriar blackcaps blackwood blade blades blood bluespine bluevine boneyard borunan brek breland brey bright broken brom bull by byeshk c cairdal castle category cauldrons caves cazhaak cerulean chance chasm citadel city clanhold corvagura cove crag cragwar crescent crimson crossing crown crying cyre d dagger dannel danthaven dar darguun dark daskaran dawn dead deathsgate deep deepdark delethorn demesne demon desert desolate desolation deth dhak dhakaani dhavin dol dollen dolurrh dor dowron draaka draal dragon dragonreach dragonroost dragonwood dread dreadhold drik droaam drum durat duskwing duskwood dvaarnava e eastwood eberron eldeen empire endworld erlaskar esk eston everice eyes eyrie f face faded fairhaven fairhold fangs farlnen festering field fields fire first fist five flamekeep flint forest fort frostfell g galethspyre galifar games ganitari gap garay gate gatherhold gathering ghalt ghoza glass gloaming glowing glyphstone goradra gorge gorgonhorn gray graywall great greenheart greenland greentarn grimwall gulch gundrak h haka halkhad hall harbor harrowcrowns harrowgard harvest hatheril havrakhad haztaratain highwater hills hilt hoarfrost holds hollow holt howling hydra i ice icehorn icemaw inner ironroot irontown island isle j jarp jern jhegesh jin jungle k ka kalazart kanatash karnel karrlakton karrnath karrnwood karthoon kasshta keep keeper kenn kennrun ker kerkulin keth khashana khorvaire khyber king kingdom knowledge korranberg korrandar korth korthos korunda krag kraken krona l lair lakashtari lake lakeside lanamelk lanharath larunor last lathleer lessyk lhaz lhazaar lidless light liugwen location locations loom loran lorn lost lyrenton m making maleer malharath malshashar mar maradal marches marguul marketplace marquan marsh mel menechtarun merylsward metrol mevakri minharath mirrors mist mistmarsh monastery moonshadow moonwatch mordai morningcrest mountains mournland mror mun n nail narath natek nathyrr nations nevitash new newthrone nightbit nightwood norinath novakri nowhere o obsidian of olath on onatar orcbone orgalos orioth orthoss oskilor otharaunt overlord p pain panitari parmelk pass passage paw peak peaks peninsula pillars pit plains plateau port post pra pride principalities pylas q qalatesh qat quesk questor r rage rath ravar reaches realm red regalport region rekkenmark rellekor rest reven rhashan rhenshia rhonewatch rhukaan riedra ring ringbriar river rock rotting ruins ruukosi s sarlona saval scions sea seaside seawall senne sentinel seren seven shadow shadukar shae shalquar sharavacion shargon sharn shavalant shield shining siber siberys sigilstar silver sinara siyar skyfall smuggler sorashana sorrowdusk sorrows sound springs starilaskur starpeak sterngate stone stonespur stormhome stormhorn stormreach storms straits sun sunscale sword swoz sylbaran syrkarn t taer tal talaear talenta tamor tanar tangleroot tansend tantamar tapestry tarandro tariston tarn tashalatora tashana teeth tellyn tempest teryk thakakhad thakashtai thaliost tharkgun thatari the thinharath thousand thrane three threnal thronehold thunder thunderwall thurimbar til titan tol tooth tor torch torvhak totens tower traelyn trag traglorn trebaz trolanport tronish tundra turakbar twilight type tzanthus ul underdark v valaestas vale valenar valiant valiron valley valshar varna vast vathirond vedykar venomous verge vigilant vom vralkek vulyar vurgenslye w ward warden wastes water whisper white windshire wolf woodhelm wroat wrogar wyr wyrmwatch wyvernskull x xandrar xen xephanan xirek y yrlag z zantashk zarash zi zilargo zilspar znir zolanberg zombie
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eldritch-baby · 10 months
The Treaty of Thronehold
The treaty officially ended the Last War. The treaty recognized the following nations as sovereign states: Aundair, Breland, Darguun, the Eldeen Reaches, Karrnath, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, Q'barra, the Talenta Plains, Thrane, Valenar, and Zilargo. These nations abide by a common set of laws and maintain diplomatic relations. The Demon Wastes and Shadow Marches regions have no unified government. Droaam has declared itself a nation but has yet to be recognized by the treaty nations.
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babybluesquid · 1 year
Session 7, Bring On the Burning!
Our Players this Week:
Hog 112, they/them, Weapon Thaumaturge, skirmisher warforged, the leader of the inquisitives agency and founding member, tends toward practicality and following a command structure.
Vestige, they/them, Bones Oracle, warforged placed into a human body, a healer and the agency’s fleshborn face, remains on the periphery with an individualistic streak.
Strategy, it/its, Empiricist Investigator, officer warforged, an old model who’s seen much action and uses the tactics they learned back during the war now under Sharn.
Mage, they/them, Universalist Wizard, living wand warforged, a young forged who was built after the Mourning, looking to find their place in the world.
Presently, there’s another knock at the agency door. Being bothered by the second intrusion, Vestige answers it. Standing there is some changeling in natural form, wearing a suit and bowler hat with a pin of the Sharn Inquisitive in it. The fellow’s also holding a notebook. Great, a reporter. They introduce themselves as Vil and ask to interview Hog 112, who approaches when named. They reply that they’re rather busy, being on a case right now. The reporter presses, asking for another time. Hog says how bout never, and Vestige closes the door on them. Bit concerned, Strategy points out it’s ill advised to antagonize the press if they wanna get more contacts. Begrudgingly, the door’s opened and Hog tells Vil to come back tonight, and if they’re out on a case they can interview Ventra instead.
The reporter successfully being shooed away, the inquisitives set out into the city to inspect this arson from the mysterious tip. On the way, Hog remarks, “I never thought I’d see the press at our door. How do you talk to them?” Vestige replies, “you tell them what happened but not what you don’t want em to know.” They sigh, ���I’d rather them not know anything.” Mage pipes up, introducing themselves and asking for the sleuths’ names in turn. With that, Hog gives them a stern warning, “out there, follow our lead. We’ve got enough of troublemakers.” Mage nods, “I’m not really the lone wolf type.” “Good,” Vestige says bitterly, “cause one of our inquisitives has up and vanished.”
With that, the inquisitives reach the burned out tenements. There’s three of those husks, with some goblin folk milling about the street and chatting. One bugbear with singed fur sits and reads a newspaper, the headline “SLICK STRIKES AGAIN!” The dar regard the sleuths with no small measure of suspicion, they’re forged type and not welcomed in this neighborhood. One hobgoblin man takes the lead on approaching. He’s wearing an overcoat with the clear impression of a weapon underneath. The way he carries himself suggests a higher class, perhaps he’s fallen on hard times, and his battle scars suggest he knows how to use that axe he’s hiding. His voice is even, but stern, “forged. What do you do here?”
Hog replies with their own question, “are you the big man around here?” “Yes, they call me chib in these parts.” “We’re here to ask about this fire.” “Any who are you and this group?” The chib asks incredulously. “We;re the only inquisitives in the Cogs,” Hog explains, “we make it our business to look into anything that threatens the people down here.” He narrows his eyes, “what’s your game here, forged? We have no sovers for inqusitives.” “My game is I know who brought down this building here, and I’m looking to turn em inside out.”
The chib’s face brightens, “ah, enemies! Good motive. Three came, set fires, there were strange screams, some are missing, bodies not found.” Hog considers that, “what’d they look like?” “Dark clothing. Got good look at one. Human, wild eyes.” Mage jumps in, “how wild were the eyes?” “More wild than tiger,” he says, then stops, realizing, “I am rude. Introductions. I am Daarim. Used to be lord in Darguun, but no longer.” “How much do you rule now?” Hog asks. “Just run down waste in Cogs. Come, you wish to inspect the ruin.” Daarim leads the part to the burned out buildings.
As he said, there’s no trace of bodies to be found. The fire’d spread quickly. Daarim reveals that of the tenants, five are missing, the survivors are in various states of injury, but the ones lucid enough to speak don’t wanna share their testimony. The whole situation shook them up good. Hog tells him to bring one who’ll talk with the importance of the situation pressed.
Mage releases their spell slime to take a look around the ruins. It returns with a small obsidian stone. They determine it has some abjuration to it. Hog thinks it looks like the one found in the artificer’s workshop, but Strategy notes a curious lack of whispering coming from it. The spell slime goes back out and returns with two more stones. Neither whisper. The three do have some arcane runes roughly hewn into their surface, a mix of familiar and alien symbology. Curious. Vestige suggests these were the source of the fire, three magical obsidian crystals, three burned out buildings, and three arsonists.
Strategy’s not convinced, the stones seem too low grade to house elementals, but goes to inspect. Hog notices some ash has been taken from the site after the fire, reminiscent of the ashes the burned man used in their black magics. Strategy, meanwhile, notes that the ash round where the stones were found is finer, suggesting a sudden burst of magical flame.
Daarim returns with the witness. They’re a goblin fellow with some nasty fresh burns bandaged up as best as someone could manage. They’re forthcoming, sharing that they’d lived in the middle tenement, up on the second floor. When the fire started in the night, they lept through the window to the next building over, then ran downstairs. The first started there at the entrance, but they ran though the the street. There’d been a bright flash and a scream of three or more voices when the fire began. There was a dark figure there, who ran away. When the flame touched them, they saw visions of a burning field, sounds of roaring and gasping. It wasn’t real, but it was before their eyes and felt hot on their face. They think maybe the figure briefly returned, but their vision was clouded by false sights. In the chaos, their mother went missing, and she has not been found since. Hog thanks the goblin, then sends them off.
Reflecting on the testimony, Hog remarks it sounds like the goblin saw the fires of Khyber. Vestige adds it may have something to do with this King of All Burning. Hog agrees, could be the prison of the Flame that Whispers and Screams, but they’ve got a second theory, see, “the demons of madness have always been trying to bring Khyber to our Eberron. Perhaps in our past or our future, they succeed, and that’s what the goblin saw.” Mage suggests that the missing were transported to this demiplane or other time, but Vestige isn’t too sure. In their mind, it’s more likely that they were burned to nothing by the center of the flames, with the vision as a charm to draw them in. Hog wonders about the three arsonists this time. Has old Jack-in-Irons gotten himself some new accomplices?
Strategy calls the others over. It’s located a set of footprints, boots. They don’t quite match the feet of Jack-in-Irons, but they’ve got a curious walking pattern compared to the rest of the tracks in the area. They leave, then return, real deliberate-like, then leave again in another direction. The sleuths follow the tracks and find they lead to Kalastan. There, it nearly loses the trail in the jumble of foot traffic, but determines the likeliest destination. Fallen.
Course, it’s a bad idea to enter Fallen unawares, without a guide to the place, so the inquisitives opt to follow up on Mage’s lead before trying anything unwise. They lead the party up to Everbright, and as always the district is bustling with magic and light and sound. The place is a stone apartment, good and intact on the outside, but a mere burned out shell on the inside. Hog asks about this missing friend, and Mage provides a description. Harold’s short, few inches shorter than Vestige, but human, and a research partner who specialized in conjuration. The guy wasn’t part of anything untoward, no secret societies of gangs or anything of that nature. The only odd thing about the guy was he’d cast protective wards on himself and proceed to drink scalding tea right from the pot as some sorta party trick. In the meanwhile, Strategy inspects the ruin. There’s no obsidian stone here, but there is a telltale circle of melted and cracked masonry on the floor. Unfortunately, someone’s been through and cleaned the place up a bit. Site’s cold.
Still, the rocks the party does have are a crucial lead. Strategy thinks its contact in the Blackened Book, Warin Town, might know something. She’s a gnomish lady, been in the watch for fifty years. If anyone’s seen something similar, it’s probably her. The party rushes up to Daggerwatch, well aware that they’ve got only a day before the upcoming arson in the tip comes to pass. Laying out the information to her, she confirms an obsidian stone was recovered from the Everbright scene by the Blackened Book. They’re analyzing it, but can’t be sure how it works exactly. Strategy suggests the fire where Tristano d’Cannith went missing and the warehouse fire were connected. Warin says there were no stones there, but the distinctive burned out circles were found at the scenes.
Hog shows her the tip about the next attack. She regards it with suspicion, not knowing the symbol it’s stamped with. She says this sort of tip comes up from time to time though, and probably originated with a rival criminal group who’s not taking kindly to the random arsons lately. Rather than engage directly, criminals sometimes sic the inquisitives and the watch on each other. It also could be a fake, meant to lure the party into a trap. She recommends caution in responding. Hog says they have to look into things, even if it is a trap. Blackbones is their territory, the place they’re protecting, can Warin provide any help to catch the arsonist once and for all?
Warin Town regrettably informs them that she can’t help. The Blackened Book is tied up as it is, investigating illegal magical equipment smuggling. The Medanis are allegedly closer to solving the arson case, though they aren’t playing nice with the watch on this one. Medanis want the glory, might not give the HF&A much either. The alternative is talking directly to Warin’s boss, Sarmin, Commander of the Blackened Book. They’re busy, and don’t enjoy interruptions to their schedule, but with some luck the sleuths might be able to impress the importance of the case upon them and garner some of watch resources. Hog agrees to try.
The party catches them right out of a meeting. They’re an elf, fashion several decades out of date with a long coat with full sleeves and a wide brim hat affixed with pins. Sarmin narrows their eyes at the approach, but asks who the party is. Hog hands over the business card and introduces the sleuths, saying they’re on the Tristano case and they’ve got a tip. When they see the paper, they skim it hurriedly and gives a quick response. They can have a magewright and two guards to intercept this lead. Nobody else is available, the department is much too busy, they can go to Halt. They scrawl a note and hands it to Hog, who thanks them as they’re shooed off.
After doing some wandering about the office, Hog find’s Halt’s office. The door’s bigger than the others, and upon entering it’s clear why. Halt’s a towering warforged juggernaut, working at a pristinely organized desk on some paperwork. Looking up at Hog, he recognizes them from the papers as the werewolf killer, and retrieves a copy of the HF&A business card, matching name of Hog 112 to faceplate. Baffled that they’re already known, Hog hands him the note from Sarmin, explaining that the party is a group of sleuths investigating the arsonist who kidnapped Tristano d’Cannith. Vestige interjects to say the arsonist is Tristano d’Cannith. Halt shrugs, stands, and retrieves his sword and wand, remarking that it’s his day off, not anymore.
Halt gathers up two others, Ironskull, a small forged scout with a long knife, and Fredrick, a young dwarf with a shine in his eyes and spear on his back. The two of them are ex-soldiers, but barely, only seeing the end of the war. Halt remarks that Ironskull’s skilled, but Fredrick’s not the strongest. In response to the ribbing, the man says he found that hurtful the first few times, but now he just trains harder. Hog asks if any of the lot have been to Fallen. Ironskull has, but isn’t eager to go back on accounts of the ghosts. Hog’s incredulous, but Ironskull points out they can’t exactly stab a ghost. Whatever. Hog tells Vestige to catch the guardsmen up on the case details. They do, ensuring to spread their theory that Jack-in-Irons is Tristano, which is met with understandable skepticism. It’s a helluva longshot.
The day’s spent as so is everyone’s energy, so the party returns to the safety of the agency to plan and rest. When Vestige sleeps, they dream. They see Clever, running with a shadow in pursuit. The figure is tall and lanky, with shadowy claws. A single spot of light shines from the thing’s back. Disembodied, Vestige only watches as it reaches her and engulfs her in darkness. They wake up. Vestige goes to find Hog and delivers a report on the vision.
They listen to the description, responding, “I’m not sure what we can do, though if it was in your dream we might be able to do something.” Vestige agrees, “I don’t know what we can do, though it seems to me she may be dead.” “Why do you figure?” “My magic comes from Dolurrh,” Vestige explains. “You saw a vision of Clever in Dolurrh?” “Maybe.” “Well, if she’s dead, there’s not much we can do about that. I’ll see if Samanta knows anything about her whereabouts. Did you make any plans?” “We’ll be investigating Fallen this morning, then intercept the arsonists in the afternoon.”
Linking up with the guards, the inquisitives head back up to Fallen. Hog tells them they look too much like cops, and Mage they look far too distinctive. The grumbling doesn’t accomplish much though. Entering Fallen, ruins of the Glass Tower and other buildings strewn about the streets, the few people about recede into shadows and around bends to avoid the large group of forged. The place is far too large to comb over, but a survey of entrances and exits could hopefully pick up the trail. The party splits in two to cover more ground: Hog, Mage, and Halt make up one group, while Vestige, Strategy, Ironskull, and Fredrick are the other. On the search, Vestige and Strategy locate the trail! It’s the same bootprints from the goblin tenements arson scene, and they lead deeper into Fallen.
The four regroup with Hog’s party and share the information. Hog thinks following the trail for a time would prove fruitful, but it’d be ill-advised to engage. Lying in ambush might be the best option. Vestige points out the arsonist may not use the same trail again, so Hog decides scouting is in order then. Strategy disagrees, they can come back to attack the hideout later, right now the party oughta intercept the planned crime in Blackbones. Hog though, still mistrusting the tip, wants to turn the tables on them. Vestige points out the arsonists may already be out in any case, the timeline’s not exactly rigid here. Either way, caution is the best policy. Hog believes they still have some time.
Daarim, he/him, a hobgoblin and a former Lord of Darguun, chib of the dar in the Cogs.
Warin Town, they/she, gnome who works for the Blackened Book. She’s got experience and some clout within the organization. Strategy’s contact.
Sarmin, they/them, elf Commander of the Blackened Book. They’re very busy.
Halt, he/they, warforged wandslinger and swordsman, captain of a squad within the Blackened Book.
Ironskull, they/them, warforged scout, works for the Blackened Book as a copper.
Fredrick, he/him, young dwarf, works for the Blackened Book as a rookie copper.
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cepheidelta · 4 years
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Eberron Pokemon #12-13 - Darguun & Dhakaan
In Eberron, the goblinoids are called dar in their own tongue. Thousands of years ago, Khorvaire was dominated by a goblinoid empire called Dhakaan. The Empire had exceptional smiths, called daashor, who have crafted our ancient Dhakaan pokemon a fine set of armour. Nowadays, goblinoids in Eberron are treated as something of an underclass, but recently they have risen up to claim a new nation for themselves: Darguun. One day, the leaders of that nation hope to reclaim something of their lost heritage. And that’s why we have this evolution line!
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indigobluealchemy · 5 years
Eberron cuisine by nation
Note: This is not canon. This is "In My Eberron" and evolves over time. Assumptions about Cuisine. They eat what they are able to find or grow or trade for. The Five Nations have domesticated meats and farmed vegetables and if not for the Last War, would eat well. The ring nations that used to be part of the five nations tend to have some farming. The outer nations tend to have game meats and wild vegetables, since their lifestyles do not lend themselves to growing crops.
Aundair. Known for their fine wines and ornate complex meals, of small portions, a wide variety of ingredients and sauces. They specialize in wine and soft cheese and bread. Harmless magic is usually part of the meal presentation. They map closest to French cuisine. 
Breland. They are the breadbasket of the continent, they grown most of the wheat and other grains eaten by the nations. They are known for their breads. Like the fashions, the meals tend to be functional more than flashy. A single plate or bowl for meat and farmed vegetables and always a variety of breads. Breland has a warm climate, so many of the food are served at room temperature. Their food maps similar Mediterranean cuisine spice profile.
Karrnath. Their harsh winters made the karrnathi cuisine a mix of heavy and filling food. They specialize in creative ways to preserve food to last the winters. But during the Last War, many starved.  Sausages, sauerkraut,and hard cheese making are considered an art form. Meals have little meats, lots of grains, beans and pasta and winter vegetables, like broccoli, cabbage, beets. Strong alcohol are a standard of Karrnath meals and it’s excellent. Karrnathi are renowned for being able to turn anything that doesn’t poison them into decent hard alcohol. They map closest to German and Northeastern European cuisine. 
Thrane. Because the region is home to several hot and or strong spices that only grow there, they cook very spiced cuisine profile. For example, they make roasted garlic into a full meal.  They do three course meals, salad, main dish and dessert. 
Cyre (The Mournland), was known for their candies and cakes and fusion dishes, mixing foods from everywhere else  They were know for adapting (or stealing) the recipes from everywhere else and combining them.. Like their deep fried candied crickets..
Darguun. What ever tropical food the slaves cook. things that can be prepared quickly and/or lend themselves well to traveling (almost like military rations) are probably commonplace ( I treat the globlinids like Babylon 5 Centari, they eat simple military ration type food, but they reminisce constantly about the glory days when they ruled the known world before the pink skins invaded and they could make recipes that used ingredients from all over the continent.)
The Demon Wastes. Known for their vermin meats cooked over fire. Rat on a stick is quite popular.
Droaam. The area has abundant fruit trees, It was Breland’s orchard district long ago.. Known for their fruit influenced meals. Apples, peaches, plums, pears trees grow especially well. They eat a lot of goat and sheep and pig and what that ghastly stuff is that is made from troll.  
The Eldeen Reaches. Known for their game dishes, with wild spices and local vegetables.
The Lhazaar Principalities. Known for their seafood and sea vegetables dishes.
The Mror Holds. Mushroom and fungus are most every dish. Centipede and giant worm make for good proteins.  
Q’barra. Simple meals made from mostly found vegetables and lots of raw and cooked insects and lizards. Cooked small mammals and fish.   Fresh fruits abound.
The Shadow Marches. Simple meals made from swamp creatures, swamp vegetables and hot spices to mask the taste of the swamp creatures. Their food is like a mix of Thai and Cajun cuisine. Thrane may be spicier, but shadow march food is HOT
Talenta Plains. They tend to be nomads, so their meals are made up of goat, dinosaur, bird, sheep and eggs. Veggies are found greens. 
Valenar - Very, very ornate meals for special occasions, military rations the rest of the time. 
Zilargo  Their meals feature whimsical and complex meals of eggs, bugs, grubs and meat from small animals tuber and imported grains. Fresh fruits are in every meal. 
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bizarrobrain · 6 years
"Ritus Tenebrae From the Abyss" by Darguun - From "Umbra Aeternus" (2017)
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forkwisse · 8 years
Me two months ago: Traditional DnD settings are just lacking in the complexity that makes a world feel lived in. I can't get into designing campaigns and characters for that. In the end I really can't muster the same investment for them as I can for urban fantasy or Exalted. I should probably just run a third Mage the Awakening campaign.
Me now: holding myself while gently crying onto the Eberron core rulebook. Has spent hours studying goblinoid culture. Understands the atrocities of Riedra as the tragic siren song of a doomed alien species that it truly is. Longs for the time when giants ruled Xen'drik. A framed portrait of Queen Dannel ir'Wynarn hangs above my bed.
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Top 10 immortal beings from other realms to summon at sleepovers:
Eliezer Yudkowsky (and possibly his brother)
Jaya the space jennit
Larrikin the dragon-bird of the Ainur
The Silmarillion characters (obviously)
Thing and his wife
Narglok the orc, and/or his son Gloin (Narglok the rat might count in this too since he's not a dog)
Kol, the human, and his wife
Eliran, and his wife
Ulamog and his giant mother (I love these two)
Nanna, Mother and child
Nyarlathotep, his wife, and his son
Inverno, and his wife and/or his father
Anarawnt, and her son, his wife, and her dog
Nanna, Mother and child, and their dog
Kruphix/Kruk, and his son, his wife, and her dog and/or dog of the house Muar
Dagon, and his father and/or his mother
Golbasaur of the Grey Havens, and all the hellish beings and places he visits
Lirah, the vampire, and her daughter Eliru
Taltoy, and her husband Thar
Azad, the elf, and his wife Auri
Tariq and Muawiyah, the human, and their son Muawiyah
Gandalf, and any of the dwarves he meets
Fingolfin, and Tior, the Noldor
Bargondar, and his wife Lady Niang
Kollas, the human, and his son Tarka
Darguun, and his daughter Elli
Mithrandir, and his daughters E Sheanna and Adara
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Steph's Quick-n-Dirty guide to the nations of Khorvaire
Aundair- Magic France- Fancy Cheese, Fancy Clothes, Fancy Spells
Breland- Fantasy Chicago circa 1900s- bustling, gleaming hub of industry, also festering cesspool of corruption and crime
Cyre- Fantasy Baghdad- The cradle of civilization, hub of art and culture, then it got blown up.
Darguun- Goblin Mezo-American AU where they kicked out the Human colonizers.
Demon Wastes - You know that abandoned Trump Casino in Jersey?? That, mixed with that one coal mine that is just forever on fire.
Droaam- Russia, but what if Putin was three Baba Yagas in a trench coat??
Eldeen Reaches- West Virginia as one giant Hippie Commune
Karrnath- Switzerland, now with Zombies!
Lhazaar Principalities- Pirates of the Holy Roman Empire
Mror Holds- Hey, here's a unique concept, dwarves as an allegory for capitalism and greed. Wow, very novel. Dig too deep and you'll get a Balro- er, daelkyr
Q'barra- There's dragonshards in them thar jungles
Shadow Marches- Is this not just Louisiana?
Talenta Plains- What happens when you watch the Hobbit and Jurassic Park at the same time
Thrane- Spanish Inquisition v2.0
Thronehold- Khorvaire's old Washington D.C.
Valenar- Elfy McElfertown
Zilargo- Gnome Mafia
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jellerek · 4 years
Week 1 - Sky pirates
Sent to a backwater town called Wyvernskull in Darguun on a mistaken rumor of an interesting scroll on goblin magical creations. No new spells available. Nothing truly worthwhile in the market. A waste of time.
Fortunately, an airship captain was willing to give a price break on a lift as he was testing a new model. Or a new engine? New something, I’m sure. No matter, I prepared feather fall for insurance. Aside from the captain and the two crew, the deck was crowded by a lady and her valet, an elf and a short elf(?), and one of House Cannith‘s metal wartoys. Quite a small airship, all told.
While returning to the library, we were attacked by another ship, most annoying yet somehow quite exhilarating to actually end up in a life or death situation. I proved my mettle by absolutely slaughtering a fellow with some sort of strange package—quite possibly a bomb—with a flurry of magic missiles to his face. Take that. Another fellow fell under a pair of fire bolts square to the chest. It was pleasant that my training paid off so well that I was quite unharmed from the combat.  Unfortunately, there was no good defense against the volleys from the other airship and I was tossed across the deck, knocking my breath out and leaving me slightly dizzy. Fires broke out and we were forced to abandon ship, my featherfall assisting some of the ship’s guest from the crash. Surprisingly, the warforged also seemed to know featherfall. Unexpected.
There was one of the goblin pirates who seemed to be searching for something on the ship—best not my backpack; ‘pon my word, I would not stand for it. Mayhaps he died in the crash, although some of the pirates were rescued? Too busy not falling at high speed to the ground and dying to be sure.
As darkness was falling, we decided to make camp. No coffee. Our impromptu party will need to trudge to the wreckage of the airship on the morrow to recover my backpack, and any other supplies that will assist our travels back to Korranberg.
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occultdigest · 5 years
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Some hobgoblin lasses since they’re fun
-Riila, a chief diplomatic strategist who revels in a good conference
-Khaar, a skilled artisan working on creating some of Darguun’s first artillery works
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sageadvicednd · 5 years
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Do Darguun or Dhaakani goblins and goblinoids have last names in Eberron? No. They may use descriptive titles —“Munta the Gray” or “Haruuc Shaarat’kor” (crimson blade). If not, they will usually state tribe or allegiance—“Munta of Gantii Vus,” or “Tuura Dhakaan”. — Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) January 11, 2020
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occidentalavian · 6 years
I’ve been reading the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron recently and I can’t help but think that Eberron is a much better setting for The Adventure Zone than Faerûn ever was.
The Relic Wars? The IPRE let loose the Grand Relics without knowing that Khorvaire was in the middle of The Last War, and the Relics caused the Mourning. Then Lucretia saw what happened and made everyone forget what caused it, leading to the Treaty of Thronehold.
Bureau of Balance Moon Base? Way easier to hide among the twelve other moons of Eberron.
The Rockport Limited? It’s a lightning rail engineered by Hudson d’Orien (who’s a human here) with his dragonmark on his right hand.
Lucas Miller? Nah, he’s Lucas d’Canith, who’s secretly been making more warforged while trying to figure out how to put his mother’s soul inside of one.
Battlewagon racing in Goldcliff? The City of Sharn’s just revamped the Race of Eight Winds, and now you’ve got flying chariots! OR, put Goldcliff in the Blade Deserts, and let the raptor-riding halflings in on the action!
Refuge has a dragonshard mine instead of a diamond mine! Wonderland is in Xen’drik! Klarg is from Darguun!
Really the only thing that gets muddy are the planes and deities in TAZ, since Eberron’s deities aren’t proven to exist the way most other dnd deities are, and the planes of Eberron are different than most other dnd cosmologies (although they’re somewhat similar to Eberron’s).
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dragon-above · 6 years
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Daask & Droaam: Monstrous Races
Part 1: Harpy, Medusa and Troll
I can’t be alone in loving to play monstrous characters. Scratch that...I know I’m not alone, because the internet is full of stories of them. As campaign settings go, Eberron is particularly friendly to monstrous PCs, thanks to world elements like Dhakaan, Darguun, Droaam, Daask, and House Tharashk. What’s more, at least 3 of its unique player races address players’ love of playing “monstrous” creatures like golems, doppelgangers and lycanthropes. 
So I think it’s about time we got even more radical.
Link to GM Binder for a PDF
Leave a comment if you have an idea for what to add in Daask & Droaam part 2! I imagine I’ll give gnolls and ogres a go.
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wearebloodhunter · 6 years
Blood Hunters in Eberron: The Setting
Surprise! It’s here early!
I’ve never played a game set in Eberron, as I’ve only ever played 5E and outside of an Unearthed Arcana article there hasn’t been any material for that setting in this edition. That said, I really want to, especially now that Wayfinder’s Guide is out. 
So, this is actually going to be a two-parter. This post will deal with blood hunters within Khorvaire, the main continent on Eberron. In particular, I’ll talk about the Five Nations and that sort of thing. Part Two will deal with blood hunters and the races unique to Eberron. Without further ado, then...
Aundair: Blood hunters in Aundair are likely outcasts from society. I don’t mean that the people of Aundair necessarily look down on the blood magic that these warriors use. I mean, Aundair is a place of sophistication, a place where I would expect someone to turn people against me rather than where someone would just try to take my head off with an axe. Blood hunters are people who have to deal with the ugly parts of living in a magical world, and I sense that the people of Aundair would rather avoid such things. Blood hunters are thus necessary, but not exactly appreciated.
A blood hunter from Aundair will likely have some sort of magical ability, even if they’re not multiclassed and aren’t Order of the Profane Soul. They’ll also likely use a lot of magical items and weapons with the Finesse property; I could definitely see a lot of blood hunters from Aundair dual-wielding a rapier and a dagger.
Breland: Blood hunters in Breland may still be outcasts, but the Brelish will recognize that blood hunters get the job done. For a pragmatic people, that likely counts for a lot. Unfortunately, a blood hunter in Breland will likely spend a lot of time navigating the subterfuge and intrigue of the metropolis Sharn, where fey and fiends can wreak havoc by playing on emotions and guiding the actions of mortals. 
A blood hunter from Breland is likely Chaotic in alignment, reflecting the Brelish value for independence. They’ll also probably be practical as heck. Grab the best weapons and armor you can, whatever they may be, and get to work.
Cyrans: Cyre was destroyed in the Last War, and the Cyrans are now refugees in various other realms. Cyre is now the Mournland, a place full of ruins...which means monsters and treasure.
A Cyran blood hunter is familiar with loss; nobody survived the Last War without losing something. You also likely are very driven, with a specific goal relating to Cyre, your countrymen, or the Mourning.
Darguun: If you’re from Darguun, you’re likely a goblinoid, because that’s most of who lives there.
I don’t imagine a lot of blood hunters come from Darguun, but then again even goblinoids need to kill monsters. I’d recommend working with your DM to figure out your tribe and some more goblinoid culture so you have a better idea of how a blood hunter might fit into that.
The Demon Wastes: The Demon Wastes are, fittingly, plagued by fiends. This is an excellent place for blood hunters to come from. The Ghaash’kala orc tribes are sworn to contain the evils of the Demon Wastes, so that’s very fitting. A blood hunter from the Carrion Tribes is likely from the Order of the Profane Soul and has a Fiend patron, which opens a lot of RP opportunities.
Droaam: Just about everyone who lives in the rough lands of Droaam is a “monstrous” race, though that’s not something I would call a fair description. For certain, any Droaamite would be an outsider elsewhere in Khorvaire, and as it’s been generally established, blood hunters are outsiders.
Playing a Droaamite sounds really fun, just because it would mean getting to do something totally outside of the norm.
The Eldeen Reaches: If there’s somewhere other than the Demon Wastes that needs blood hunters, it’s probably the Eldeen Reaches. The area has plenty of fey influence, but there’s also several factions blood hunters would fit into. The Gatekeepers are probably the best fit, protecting nature from aberrations and fiends, but if you want to play the Ultimate Goth D&D Character, the Children of Winter are also an interesting choice.
Karrnath: If you’re a Karrn blood hunter, you are once again an outsider. Karrnath is full of undead raised by official necromancers, so Order of the Ghostslayer blood hunters might actually be rebels, objecting to this use of necromancy. You might also want to hunt the Nightwood and stop monsters and undead from reaching other regions. Regardless, you probably were a soldier before becoming a blood hunter.
This isn’t nearly all of the regions in Khorvaire, so this Part One is probably getting extended to a Part One-and-a-Half!
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