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I still love you Kfir.
I pray that HaShem will bring you home.
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Wait so there no official track 5. Interesting.
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The fact that I haven’t seen a single post about Holocaust Remembrance across any platforms, unless they’re being posted by Jews and/or people connected to survivors, but I’ve seen dozens and dozens of posts supporting h*mas, and dozens of posts vilifying Jewish people as a whole, is really telling me all I need to know about how people view Jews right now. But yeah, keep telling me how it’s all in the name of liberation and freedom and definitely not an excuse for people to be antisemitic at all…
THIS. every acknowledgment has come from jews and it’s really fucking telling, especially since the “punch nazis” leftists are silent. once again proving my point that they only hate nazis for what they do to every other minority. what happens to jews is just an unfortunate oopsy.
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why are non-swifties immediately saying “well at least she has the power to make a change on ai generated images” like what? why is that your first thought. at least it happened to a powerful person? hello? why did it have to happen at all? why aren’t you more angry? why can’t you look past your personal feelings for her for one minute and accept that this is actually VERY WRONG AND BAD without the expectation that she should be the one to speak up and invoke change like. leave her alone.
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not cluttering up the reblogs on that one post but people on tumblr/twitter are so fucking weird about post covid syndrome.
namely there seems to be an assumption that if you get long covid, it's because you are an able bodied person who just "wasn't careful enough" and "went back to normal" and "hates disabled people." lots of posts celebrating that the assumed able bodied long covid patient "knows what it's. like now" and "woman who voted for the leopards eating people's faces party now has the leopards eating her face"
i shouldn't have to tell people that i was already immunocompromised or that i caught covid from a family member who went to a party. i shouldn't have to have my own behavior interrogated for like. times i took off my mask to take a sip of water, or times i hugged a friend. for people to determine whether i deserved multisystem inflammatory syndrome, to suffer lifelong multisystem organ and nerve damage, to lose the ability to walk unaided, to lose the career i'd spent years training for, to be 27 and have no idea what my future is going to look like or even how long of a future i have given everything. and you know what? even if a person who believed the CDC when they said that covid was over experienced this? they'd still deserve access to medical care and disability supports.
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what's the most cancelable shit y'all do when ur not online
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"i hate that the current political climate makes me suspicious of Jews" my buddy in Charizard, YOU MADE THE CURRENT POLITICAL CLIMATE
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“Why are you talking about Jewish issues” because y’all decided you had issues with Jews. Next question.
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People saying that the hostages (HOSTAGES) were treated well because they were smiling when they were leaving their captors is insane.
It's like durring the holocaust when the nazis brought in people to record in the work camps and the jews were smiling in the videos because it was the first time they were properly being fed.
They are leaving captivity. Of course they are happy dumbasses.
I'm so done.
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You seem like a well-intentioned person, but you should know the oppression Israelis have inflicted on Palestinians is without parallel. It is not antisemitic to call this out and call for the liberation of Palestine, no matter how much Israel apologist claim it is.
Please watch this and learn all you can. Israel is commiting genocide in Gaza. It's a far right religious-supremacy government that does not view Palestinians as humans. https://www.tumblr.com/whenmagicfilledtheair/737892330994073600/there-is-an-occupation-an-oppression-and?source=share
No, it is not antisemitic to call out Israeli oppression and the treatment of Palestinians. I've never said it was. Since you've decided to share with me a blog post from someone who has been called out several times by Jewish bloggers for peddling in antisemitism and doubling down on it when being called out, I don't think you actually care about not being antisemitic. I think I will continue to listen to Jews on what constitutes antisemitism, random anon.
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It’s not even a matter of not seeing a war to think that Hamas is secular, democratic, and progressive, you just have to have deliberately ignored Palestinian politics completely
Listen, I’m all for a democratic Palestinian state existing peacefully next to Israel. I really hope this can happen for Palestinians. However, that’s just not what Hamas wants. People refuse to see that right now, the people in power in Palestine don’t want peace for their people; they want a war on the Jews. They want to kill Jews and Israelis and they aren’t shy about it, and they’re willing to let their population die if it means they can keep fighting and attacking Israel (and making money off the back of this conflict)
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All these stories I hear about people removing anything that even mentions Jewish people (not Israel, just Jews in general) from public view and citing the ongoing war as their reasoning behind it is very telling. The people doing this have wanted to do this for a while, they just needed a good enough excuse
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The "problem with asking pro Palestine people to not be antisemetic" is that you can substitue those two words to black and anti-white and see the ridiculous nature of the question. Black people have historically been brutalized, murdered, controlled and dehumanized by white people. Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered, brutalized, controlled and dehumanized by the IDF relentlessly. Israel's occupation of the Palestinians began over 75 years ago and they've killed and displaced more since oct 7 this year than the whole of the nakba after wwii... The Israeli government is bragging and rejoicing in the destruction as well as many people who live there and many in the USA. They're killing people with white flags waving and bombing all hospitals and ambulances and poisoning the water with salt and scorching the land with fire. They're using antisemitism to deflect from the war crimes they are committing. Just as racist whites use "reverse-racism" to deflect from their actually racist viewpoints. Such viewpoints that actively make life for black people more difficult and dangerous. Hope this helps.
you do know jews have historically been slaughtered, brutalized, controlled, and dehumanized right? for like. thousands of years? that of course does not excuse israel's actions against palestinians but they very much are oppressed all over the world. "reverse-racism" isn't real. antisemitism is. antisemitism, in any context, is unacceptable. racism, in any context, is unacceptable. genocide, in any context, is unacceptable. you can care about jews and care about palestinians at the same time. so again i ask, whats the problem asking pro-palestine activists to check their antisemitic biases?
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Tumblr Jewish culture in a post 10/07/23 world is having to search through a blog’s history to make sure they’re not Reblogging antisemitic propaganda or saying something incredibly offensive. It’s been absolutely exhausting for me to have to block several fandom blogs in the past week
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completely unverified online post from either someone with connections to terrorist organizations or a completely fabricated “news” social media account: palestinians are now being publicly hanged and dismembered by wild dogs for looking at israelis in the eyes
multiple verified news articles, personal testimonies, statements from doctors, private individuals, health care professionals, reporters, and crime scene investigators: israeli women, men, and children were raped before and after death, tortured and burned alive, decapitated, mutilated in the most horrific ways imaginable, dragged on the ground from the backs of trucks after death, forced to watch family members get raped and killed in front of them, and held kidnapped by the terrorist organization that committed those attacks. we have video evidence taken by the terrorists themselves of all of this and the videos are provided free online so you will believe us.
leftists: right-wing fascist colonial propaganda. you’re trying to trick the world into hating palestinians. your evil jew mind tricks won’t work on me!
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