e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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highway driving
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
Dating the Venus Signs ☆
* Also check your sun and moon signs!
ARIES: A relationship should be like playing with fire - fun, daring, and a little risky. They will provoke you with an outrageous idea then shut you up with a rough kiss because they just love joking with you like that. Wants nothing more than for you to become the best version of who you are so they’ll always actively support your endeavors. Open-minded but will always challenge your point of view to ensure that you are well-prepared for any situation. Being with them entails play fights, light-hearted debates, and lots of physical/sports activity.
TAURUS: Pride means nothing when they have you. Watch as they soften up over time, finally letting their walls down because they know you won’t ever take advantage of their kindness. They’ll bring you to their favorite places because you deserve to share these wonderful experiences with them. Open to meaningful conversations about values and beliefs because they stand strongly by theirs and will always support yours. Very protective of you and will stand up against anyone who tries to push you around. Being with them entails movie nights, shopping dates, and slow dancing.
GEMINI: Communication is the key to their heart because they want to know everything about you. They’ll whisper soft I love you’s while you’re sleeping and leave you with a forehead kiss before work. Your bad days instantly turn around because you can count on them to bring a fun and lively conversation to the table. There is no such thing as too much reassurance because they want to love and be loved through the promises of words. Being with them entails laughter, timeless jokes, and late night talks about most bizarre things.
CANCER: Watch as they melt into you when you tell them how much you love them. Love means coming together as one, and they can’t make that anymore obvious. Will make you breakfast in bed when you’re sick and give you the best massages. Sends good morning and good night texts because you’re the first and last thing on their mind every day. Vulnerability no longer scares them because they trust you to take care of their fragile heart. Being with them entails meeting their loved ones, showering together, and butterflies in your stomach.
LEO: Love is a stage. A relationship should be dramatic, passionate, and as obvious and apparent as possible. A BIG fan of PDA and always wants to be physically in contact with their lover. Has a “it’s us against the world” kind of approach. Will brag about you to all their friends so that everyone knows how amazing you are. Sings and dances to serenade you despite how silly they look because they just love putting a smile on your face. Being with them entails being spoiled rotten, elevated confidence, and endless compliments.
VIRGO: Words aren’t necessary, you’ll see and feel their love when they pick up your favorite coffee on the way home or cook you a meal after seeing how tired you are from a long day of work. They will make sure your comfort comes first, even if it makes taking on more responsibilities to lessen your load. Quality time with them doesn’t need to be much; they’re content with just hanging out a cozy cafe and catching glimpses of your face over their favorite book. Being with them entails falling asleep on their shoulder while watching your favorite shows, walks in the park, and making future plans together.
LIBRA: The courting won’t stop, even after you officially start dating. They will surprise you with secret handwritten notes tucked in the pocket of your coat, or unexpectedly show up on your doorstep with a bouquet of roses. Flirts with you because you’re still just as attractive and beautiful as the first day they met you. Sacrifices will be made as a way of showing you how much you mean to them. Being with them entails romantic date nights after work, small tokens of appreciation, and cuddles by the fire.
SCORPIO: Emotions and feelings are their power; once you’re theirs, they won’t hold back on telling you how much they care, want, love, and need you in their life. A possessive, intense kind of relationship that keeps the spark going even after the honeymoon stage is over. You won’t ever have to question whether they’re in love with you because you just know they are. Will let you borrow as many hoodies and shirts as possible because they love seeing you in them. Being with them entails hot make out sessions, security and protection, and a soulmate kind of love.
SAGITTARIUS: Their fun-loving personality is contagious; being as energetic as they are, it’s hard not to join in on their adventures. Love means having the door open but never wanting to leave. Trying new activities is their favorite past-time, and you’re their go-to person because there is no one else they would rather make memories with. In a room full of people, their eyes only search for you. Being with them entails going to music festivals, watching documentaries together, and a youthful, care-free relationship.
CAPRICORN: Working hard is their way of expressing how much your future together means to them. Long hours or overtime is a just temporary inconvenience because they know it’ll pay off when you two finally get to go on your dream vacation. Expect warm hugs and words of reassurance when you’re feeling insecure or afraid of just about anything. Call them in the middle of night for help and they will be there in a heartbeat. Being with them entails reliability, honesty, and a steadfast relationship for the long haul.
AQUARIUS: Independence is sexy. To them, love means two people coming together simply because they enjoy each other’s company. Alone time is necessary, but so is being with you. Despite their hectic schedule, they’ll always make time for your relationship. Always down to help you out because they hate seeing you struggle but also makes sure to teach you everything they know so that you can become stronger on your own. Being with them entails individual growth, knowledge, and a balanced relationship.
PISCES: Experiences are the best when they’re shared with a lover so count on them to invite you to everything they do. They express their love through their artwork; with you as their muse, they will dedicate many songs or poems to you. Great at comforting you when you’re sad and will always try to cheer you up with small treats or desserts. Scrap the luxury items, they’re all about the sentiment behind handmade gifts. Being with them entails ice cream dates, stargazing, and tons of kisses to show you they care.
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
I’ve gained a bunch of weight lately bc I’ve had no appetite unless I’m high then when I’m high I literally eat a bunchhh of shitty junk food sos.. I’m trying not to get triggered back into ED shit but it’s fucking challenging bc I just wanna lose this weight but I’m too damn lazy to go to the gym & everything is hard with my puppy.. but I feel like I’m just making excuses idkkkk. I hate body image issues & the fact that I constantly comfort eat & how I’m now addicted to sugar and caffeine and cigarttes again :(
I don’t know what to do about this but I feel disgusting. I’m gonna try gym & eating healthier/buying less sugar and shit foods starting today let’s see how it goes. I’m gonna update here just so I hold myself accountable/document.
Let’s see how this goes.
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
i love vibing w someone who’s just as goofy as i am ughhh my heart
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
. . . .
I love getting high and taking deep
breaths echos around my lungs
Welcome home —
I feel like I can be inside my body
for the first time in a while
— I forget to drink enough watertake my vitaminsgo to the dentistrenew my contact prescriptionsleepeateat veggiesgo to the gymtake a personal dayeat a chocolate bar take a bubble bathcall your best friendlet it go pleaserelax your shouldersunclench your jaw thank you —
You’re welcome, I’ll do better.
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
This is dope as FUUUCKKK
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
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e-quilibriumm ¡ 6 years
If I had to marry 1 sign out of each element it’d be: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. What about you guys?
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