emralmaya · 20 days
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emralmaya · 20 days
One of the most annoying things about the Stanley cup trend is you know 5-8 years from now someone on social media will do a video essay about how "people only hated this cup because because girls like it/misogyny" and everyone's gonna uncritically nod their heads like sheep.
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emralmaya · 20 days
I just had to add, by only claiming rap to be "the black music" (and to assume Jayce was talking about rap and not hardcore scene when he described that music) as well as strawmanning the whole time, it's very clear who has an agenda here. Please get any level of comprehension skill, and the og post clearly mentioned it's not about rap to avoid this very situation where people might cherry pick their words.
Also, to be unable to recognize the black people created many different genre aside from rap is textbook racism. To discredit the genre because said genre has been acclimated into white culture is racist. To only acknowledge that the og post's preference only matters when talking about rap, and that it has some correlation with fact that it is a predominantly black genre, is racist.
Don't start an argument for argument's sake if you know that you won't listen and comprehend the other side, you're misleading people (not aimed at Jayce).
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Hey sex repulsed asexual community saying you don't listen to a genre of music black people invented because it's oversexualized is not ok. You're being super fucking racist. Please don't do this.
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emralmaya · 21 days
there’s an online mobilisation effort called “blockout 2024”, where people are en masse blocking influencers/celebrities who have been silent so far on palestine to make them lose followers and income. and it’s been making celebrities and streamers start posting links to gofundmes and the PCRF, which is great. But after 7 months of silence, I simply can’t look at many of these creators the same way, and the idea that these people with so much wealth and influence only started caring when something materially forced their hand and affected their social standing should disgust you too.
so accept the meager good these people are doing by posting links, but remind yourself that all of them could’ve been talking about palestine this whole time. sharing resources is truly the bare minimum. remind yourself that your faves aren’t exempt from the criticism attached to attending the met gala because they’re your faves. and never forget how many lives they could’ve saved if they spoke up sooner, and bothered to put any of their own money on the line.
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emralmaya · 21 days
I'm very curious to see how celebrity culture and idol culture will be perceived in the future considering that the past few years have been very eye opening. From the tone deaf responses to the pandemic and absolute silence for the BLM movement, overturning of Roe-v-Wade, and the multiple ongoing genocides in Palestine, Congo and several other places in combination with more access to information and a higher priority placed on global morality (as opposed to purely Christian values), I can't imagine viewing celebrities the same way again.
I used to participate quite heavily in idol and stan culture, marking them as part of my identities and the past few years have been eye opening (since the Burning Sun incident even). Times are changing, and I'm glad we can look with empathetic eyes to the world and easily see where money screams more importance than the life of actual people to these influencers, and I think we should continue to do that.
The blockout should not just be a punishment, but a resolve. These people don't learn, they're merely masquerading anew cause their old tactics don't work. We should continue to look still with critical eyes at them, even once this is these horrors are gone. We should remember that we had to beg for their voice, and it was only when their capital was in danger, they offered their bare minimum.
We cannot go back to forgiving and forgetting, no matter how much we'd adored them before this. If celebrities can only be fair weather friends, then maybe we needn't give them the pedestal they haven't earned.
All eyes on Rafah.
All eyes on Palestine.
there’s an online mobilisation effort called “blockout 2024”, where people are en masse blocking influencers/celebrities who have been silent so far on palestine to make them lose followers and income. and it’s been making celebrities and streamers start posting links to gofundmes and the PCRF, which is great. But after 7 months of silence, I simply can’t look at many of these creators the same way, and the idea that these people with so much wealth and influence only started caring when something materially forced their hand and affected their social standing should disgust you too.
so accept the meager good these people are doing by posting links, but remind yourself that all of them could’ve been talking about palestine this whole time. sharing resources is truly the bare minimum. remind yourself that your faves aren’t exempt from the criticism attached to attending the met gala because they’re your faves. and never forget how many lives they could’ve saved if they spoke up sooner, and bothered to put any of their own money on the line.
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emralmaya · 22 days
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emralmaya · 22 days
Here's a little question of the day:
I hear so many women talk about how men take up space in the sidewalk, unconsciously bumping into women on their sides while walking past because they don't even realise that they need to move aside to give more space.
How come no one talks about how white women do the same, but to POC? Not one of them have moved out of the way, and in instances I've forgotten to, I've received dirty looks. As a WOC intersectional feminist, it baffles me that no one talks about this (at least so far as i've seen). It's very interesting to see them move for men but not WOC, and I see so much discourse online about the way they feel that men take up so much space, so why do they do the same? What do y'all think?
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emralmaya · 22 days
I don’t think we’ve put it enough into perspective.
Rafah is 48 times smaller than Rhode Island. Israel is forcing millions of Gazans into Rafah and trapping them all to bomb them. Keep speaking, keep telling others, keep protesting, do not turn your back on them! It is imperative we keep it up!
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emralmaya · 22 days
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@emralmaya , knock knock.
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emralmaya · 22 days
olive who?
@emralmaya , knock knock.
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emralmaya · 22 days
who's there O.O?
@emralmaya , knock knock.
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emralmaya · 22 days
What are your favourite genres in fictional media?
it does differ depending on the medium; I tend to gravitate towards comedy and slice of life? when it comes to TV shows while when it comes to movies, games and novels, I lean towards more ambient and vibey stories!
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emralmaya · 22 days
✧ about me ✧
Hello! This is Maya! I'm a 21 year old writer from India (in England) and I'm currently doing a Master's in English Literature!
I love reading, writing, playing games and watching TV shows. I also love movies, though, I can be quite picky with the kind of movies that I like. I learned English through reading, so it definitely holds a soft spot for me. However, I love all kinds of story-telling media!
My favourite genre of fiction novels would ironically be Literary Fiction! I also like speculative fiction such as Sci-fi and Fantasy, as they can be powerful allegories to view our world through. Some of my favourite TV shows are Community, Bojack Horseman, Derry Girls and Fleabag! I love sit-coms, but the four I mentioned have the kind of writing I want to emulate onto my upcoming scripts. I usually play indie or story-based games that deal with puzzles and mysteries. Some of my favs are The Strange Men series by Uri and Little Nightmares! I also love a cozy comfy game like Stardew Valley!
When it comes to movies, I tend to gravitate towards more arthouse, all-vibes-no-plot kind of movies. I absolutely adore Wong Kar Wai and his cinematic universe so much!
I am very left-leaning and wish to interact with likeminded people. i like being challenged on my ideologies but not when it comes to the basic human rights of people.
I am pansexual and in probably the happiest and the healthiest relationship I've been in my whole life atm!
✧ dni ✧
-minors (anyone below 18) - (except my sis) -queerphobes -basic dni criteria (pedophiles, racists, misogynists, white supremacists, etc..) -zionists/neutralists -terfs -radical queers
✧ mobile navigation ✧
my posts - #emralmaya
my reblogs - #reblogged
ask me anything - #ama
Looking forward to putting forth things I create and to support other creators on here!
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emralmaya · 22 days
Thank you dear Eurovision audience. Not only a black ocean but also booing but what did the tv station do? Fake cheering....but at least we know how it really went down. I am so not watching btw
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emralmaya · 22 days
Just a reminder for people who may not know, in light of protestors at UCLA being shot in the face with rubber bullets— rubber bullets are not bullets made of rubber. They are metal bullets encased in rubber.
Despite being called “non-lethal” or sometimes “less lethal”, they are well known to cause death and permanent disability.
Here’s a photo showing their size— these are actual rubber bullets used during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.
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Do not let them downplay the severity of what they are subjecting this students to for standing against genocide. Stay safe and stay educated.
EDIT: Twitter banned @/nosferatusexgod, the student shot, whose tweet I linked to (as a primary source) at the top of the post. Screenshots of the tweet I originally linked to can be found here.
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emralmaya · 22 days
Going from “celebrations on the streets of Rafah as Hamas accepts ceasefire deal” to “Israel chooses to continue offensive in Rafah and is currently carrying out targeted attacks” within the span of an hour is the most viscerally heartbroken I’ve been throughout the past months
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emralmaya · 24 days
Warnings: Mentions of sex and rape, if that makes you uncomfortable, scroll, it doesn't go into detail, literally just the word sex is mentioned a lot, as well as one mention of sex toys as well as masturbation, mostly a rant tbh about what I saw in some ace tags.
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Ahem, making this clear cause apparently some people on here don't get it.
Aces can like and have sex, aces can dislike and not have sex.
"Why would you have sex if you don't feel sexual attraction?"
When we're talking about attraction, we're talking about the person/being/whatever it is, when we're talking about sex, we're talking about the action.
Do you think aces can't masturbate just because they're not attracted to people? What makes a sex toy different from a person doing it to you if you're focusing on the action and not the person?
I myself am a sex-repulsed strictly ace, I would never have sex, but it doesn't take more than 2 braincells to know that: liking an action ≠ liking the person in so and so way.
I like cake, but does that automatically mean I like the person who baked it? Hell, I won't even be thinking about them cause I'm focused on the damn cake.
"Why would you have sex if you're not attracted to them?"
I can like silk and not want silk worms, I can find silk to be absolutely beautiful, but silk worms can absolutely disgust me, it's that easy.
Now above we have been talking about strictly aces who enjoy sex, let's not forget acespec people exist too.
Y'all are forgetting demis/grays/other acespec people exist, they can very well enjoy the sex and the person, and that does not make them any less asexual.
When people say some aces can enjoy sex, that does not immediately invalidate aces who don't, unless they're out here specifically saying that ALL aces enjoy sex, you're not being erased or targeted (by these specific people), stop fighting the air.
I can understand it may lead to people saying, "oh but I've heard aces can enjoy sex too!"
Just reply with, "some of us do, and I'm not like them." ignore the person if they persist, and carry on with your day.
"You're supporting rape culture!"
I'm actually sick and tired of people infantilising aces, we (adult aces, reminder: minors cannot consent regardless of sexuality) can consent, we're not disabled from consenting just because we don't feel sexual attraction.
Stop promoting this weird culture of infantilising asexual people, treating us as though we don't know what we're doing, it's weird as fuck. I'm not saying aces cannot be coerced into sex (aka noncon aka rape), but that applies to everyone, not just aces, anyone and everyone can be coerced, but it's weird af to say ALL aces are being coerced into having sex.
That's all for me for now, for my beloved aces, do not venture into the #actually(insert aspec term here) it's just not worth it, these tags has always been used to harm aspecs, so be careful y'all.
(Edit: let's not forget the fact majority of aces don't like/have sex, it's bogus to say aces who don't have sex are a minority.)
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