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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #8 Opening Capacity During Transitions  
I had spent the evening into the early morning preparing for Ritual on Hekatesia August 13th. I laid down on my couch, started to relax in my freshly cleaned space, and began to doze off. Suddenly I was woken by a loud noise. I saw that Melvin, my clumsy cat had leaped onto my altar and my Offering Chalice shattered. Startled, I had jumped up, cursing at Melvin. When I had went to clean up the mess, I noticed that the Offering Chalice had shattered standing in place.
Earlier that day, I was shopping when I felt Hekate guide me to purchase a large glass Chalice for Her. This one was much bigger. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to use it for, but I purchased it anyways.
The past few days prior, I had been thinking about situations and habits that I was outgrowing in my life. I had recently cut many cords and energies. I realized that some of things in my life weren't working for me anymore. I hadn't come to any solid conclusions, but the issues at hand kept popping up in my mind and I knew I'd need to take action.
After I was done cleaning up my altar, I sat to think. I kept the broken Chalice and put it on my altar. As I was looking at it, I remember what I had been thinking about the past few days. I remembered I needed to focus on opening my capacity for new things. I looked over at the broken Chalice. Then, I looked over at the new Chalice. The much larger and wider Chalice.
Then I realized Hekate was giving me a message.
In order to open your capacity, the old constructs must break.
Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we don't get the results we truly desire. We are left feeling stagnant, annoyed, frustrated and defeated. Maybe we begin to question our personal habits, the kinds of friends we have, or wonder why we continue to work at a job that we dislike. Why do we continue to repeat the same cycles over and over again without going anywhere? When this happens, this means we have reached our current capacity. We keep hitting a wall because we don't have enough room to grow.
Often times when we need to open our capacity, something will break in our Iives. This could come in the form of something like a car accident, the loss of a job, having to move, or some other incident that seems to uncomfortably push us out of our usual life. It's easy to get angry, and only focus on the onslaught of annoying things we suddenly have to deal with, putting a dent in our usual schedules and ways of life.
However, these mishaps or periods of pauses are actually blessings of liminal space. Liminal space can be intimidating because we aren't quite sure what's going to happen between now and then. These times are times of transition, when we find ourselves at The Cross Roads wondering what in the world are we doing here and why.? Where do we go? What do we do?
These are the perfect times to call upon Hekate; Goddess of The Cross Roads and Liminality. It's time to meditate on what's not working. If you already know what's not working, release your attachment to it, allow your old self and constructs to fall away. Often we have an idea in mind on how we will attain our goal. We are conditioned to believe that if we do A + B we get C. However, with that one said goal in mind, there are many ways. In order to see them, we must release our concepts of constructs.
Don't be afraid to say goodbye to parts of your life that aren't doing it for you anymore. If things feel like they are falling apart, sometimes this is Hekate giving you a Key to leave behind the crumbled construct and walk to The Gate to open a door to something better.
And sometimes, clumsy cats like Melvin make Chalices explode and you realize the bigger Chalice is actually a much better fit and holds a lot more. Sure, it was messy and annoying for a minute, but once the mess is cleared away, there was more room to pour a nice big serving of red wine.
You can stay confined believing in your constriction, or you can chose to stand right where you are, bursting open to Her Ways; trusting in your innate ability to open your capacity.
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Becoming Head back Laid out Opening myself to Her Opening myself to My Will Opening myself to Divine Beauty
Higher! Heavier! More...! Fuller and fuller The pressure Building Rise within me- Lust! Rise within me- Passion! Rise within me- True Love! True Will! Allow me To see Myself As I see Thee As I see Source As I see Spirit As I see God As I see The Mother As I see Creation As I see All. Rise within me! Become Me! Become!
Show me!
I declare My Devotion To My True Will Ankh! Become me! All Spheres- Ignite! All Paths- Catch Fire! Serpent- Become me! Emerge, Emerge! Higher, Higher! Flowering Tree- Blossom, Open! I Am My Will I Am Her She is Me I am Her Greatness Manifested
Outside of The Knowing; Many Faces flow through me Many Bodies flow through me Reserving space For My Great Manifestation
Open; In this moment My curiosity Sparks- “Is He to come to My Altar to bare witness? Is he to come to My Altar to Worship?” Yes! He catches, And in response Arrives full Arrives eager Ready at my feet “Witness Her!” I call out “Witness Me!” I call out “Worship here with me now!” I call out “Cherish this! Adorn this with your gaze! Behold such power! Behold such beauty! Do you see!? Do you see!?” He cried out as I changed Time After   Time Shifting Rising Falling Moving Soft Rigid Tense Smooth Fierce Balanced Overcome "The Moon! The Stars! She is lovely! She is Pure! She is Beauty! She is Love! The Serpents! The Seas! The Heavens! She is All! She is Complete! She is Forever! The Skies! The Earth! The Underworld! All that which is hidden- is now too see! This is Her! You are Her! She is You! So beautiful, so beautiful!” He went on, crying out Showering me Showering this moment to witness Her Many Adorations Many Hymns fell from his tongue Organic like rain Sweet Lush And soothing As he adored me As he lay at my feet Until every last Face Was out on display
The Union Was Created Yes. Desire will ignite ignite I burst With Divinity Pushed out To the surface
Below my skin Was Weakness Demons of no use Darkness without purpose Hate Fear Doubt Oh, how their claws dug into my insides! Clinging to my very being Burning, boiling From my deepest corners I fell into a Feverish state Tossing Turning Naked Red hot From one state Of thought From one state Of consciousness to another Realm to Realm World to World I fought violently... You will not take me!
I submerged myself in scalding water Lay my body out On the cool tiles Between moments of sight Between moments of Slashing between voids; Fighting! And through this He stayed present He stayed constant; My ignition here. He stayed to remind me And He stayed to ride me through Until She won. I won. With Lust. With Strength.
By: Erin Leigh Bonfire _______________________________________
The Death that was won through Lust and Strength of Will. December 2016
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It is time to reclaim the Sacred Power.
Women, take back your Power.
Men, acknowledge now this Divine that lies within —listen to the innate Wisdom of the Feminine that is All.
The time has come for us to listen closely to The Mother. From The Darkness of the Sacred Womb we came. Quiet, now... Do you hear?
Honor the power that lies within The Darkness of the Sacred Womb. She has been pushed aside; attempts made to silence Her, to snuff out Her Wisdom.
She Will not be silent. She Will return to her Power.
O, Hekate Guide Me To Your Mother I will not Ignore the Wisdom Strength And Truth The Dark within The part we refuse To acknowledge Because fear of the darkness is strong (The dark side of the moon) The true Moon Has no light Of its own Dark- Is the Moon's True color Dark- Is the Moon's Truth Dark- Are the Daughters Dark- Is Our Mother, Eternal wisdom. O, High Priestess! Keeper of mysteries Liberator! She sets me free From the bonds Created by man That manifest in our deep drives That threaten the systems Designed to contain them As Love and anger Refuse to fit Into social order Free from slavery! All are equal! Triple Complex Of the wild hunt Of the crossroads Hold the light Illuminate The Unconscious Anticipation! Fulfillment! Death! All In the beginning. All In the End.
By: Erin Leigh Bonfire
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Bonfire Serpent Star Death Rite By Erin Leigh Bonfire @e*". $555 plus shipping . . Repurposed canvas/Metallic Spray paint/Interior paint/Ritual/Magick/Gnosis . . Bonfire Serpent Star Death Rite is the frequency of a Hekatean Death Rite facilitating Death & Rebirth with the invocations of The Moon, Scorpio, Saturn, Hekate, Hermes, Geb, working through the Element of Earth and Epithet of Hekate Torch Bearer through The Underworld. . . . To purchase or for more information, PM me or call 323-301-9852
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ElementalMeditation By Erin Leigh Bonfire @e*”. $222 plus shipping . . Repurposed Metallic spray paint/interior paint/glossy sealant on dumpster canvas and wicker/to be first viewed outdoors in natural light. . . Composed with each Element, this meditation piece invokes the basis of ones Alchemical journey, serving as a reminder of the Magicians transmutation of Self into Gold. . . . For more information or to purchase, PM me or call 323-301-9852
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DarkFullVenusianMoonPortal with ActivatorWand By Erin Leigh Bonfire @e*”. $555.00 plus shipping . . Metallic spray paint/interior paint/clear gloss enamel/fresh white roses/fresh jasmine/Venus hoodoo powder/Pure Narcissus Oil/Bone from Magickal Death Forest outside of Stockholm Sweden/Wire/European Glass Beads/Chain link/Gnosis/Magick/Venus as The Morning Star/Hekate/on repurposed canvas. . . Veiled by The Dark Moon, you lie as the seedling in The Dark Womb of The Mother to emerge fourth into Her Full Orbed spendlor. Shadow to Illumination; self love and healing. This piece is meant to be oiled and activated often and has it’s own invocations. . . . Please PM me or call me for more information or to purchase 323-301-9852
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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #7 Spiritual & Ritual Fasting and Dieting
The concept of spiritual and ritual fasting and dieting has been around forever. Every culture, spiritual or religious practice has its own methods and paradigm.
This article isn't to tell you what is right or wrong, but simply to share my personal experience with both spiritual & ritual fasting and dieting.
Now, here, when I am talking about spiritual or ritual fasting, personally, I am not talking about these extreme things you hear where people go days or weeks without food or very little food and are roaming around in the desert or forest somewhere on some vision quest....
I am simply talking about refraining from food, or heavy food right before ritual, or right before you are going to visit an intense energy site, such as a Vortex in nature, or otherwise, or a place of high energy concentration like a church, a Lodge or a Temple.
If you are a sensitive, as in an empath, you may find that you may get irritable bowel syndrome, or feel sick to your stomach before, during or after encounters with high energy spiritual places, people, or activities such as ritual or spell work.
The reason for this, is that we perceive energy through our Aura, which is the EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) that surrounds our bodies, (and other living and non-living things have their own EMFs as well) and then, that is taken into our bodies directly via our chakras. When we eat heavy foods or a lot of food before encountering these high energy situations, our senses get turned on full alert, and our bodies begin to attempt to process these energies physically within us. Subconsciously, the body itself and the mind is working to make sense of these energies and how you feel them.
When the energy is trying to go down to your Sacral Chakra and Root Chakra, and at the same time go up (and also forward, backwards, and all around; the Chakras are not just points on the front and back of the body, but encompass all around to create the sphere around you known as your Aura,) if you have eaten a lot of food or heavy food, the energy will be attempting to pass through with ease, but physically, it will get tangled up a bit and blocked, as it has no where to go if your stomach and intestines are filled. So, the energy attempts to find the path of least resistence, which, unfortunately will be out one end or the other, or both. Or, in some cases, it won't find a path out and you will get constipated, or simply not feel well for a period of time.
When I became a Reiki Master, I learned from my Reiki Masters that when you are ascending, your diet preference might change. You might be feeling like you want to eat less, not eat meat, or will be disgusted or become sick when you eat fast food or processed foods. This is very common. You don't have to become vegan or strict with yourself. If you feel Spirit is telling you don't eat meat today, don't eat meat that day. I've been taught from my Reiki Masters and other teachers, that when you are ascending, the food you consume meshes in vibration with the new frequencies that are entering your body.
When you eat meat, especially from animals that are more conscious than others, like pigs or cows, for example, you absorb parts of their consciousness. Pigs and cows are intelligent and they know when they are about to die. This is why, very often, healers, when they ascend or are about to begin in training in higher workings, will naturally not want to eat meat or eat less of it; the body intuitively does not want to take on the trauma that is in the consciousness stored within the flesh of the slaughtered animal.
In Hekatean Magick, many famous real-life Devotees of Hekate throughout ancient history were vegetarian, and very vocal about it. In fact, all of them, at least that I have come across in ancient literature, actually were vegetarian. The reason for this is the belief in the transmigration of souls.
What I have found works best are the following options, and you can use them to cater to your own needs and lifestyle:
1.) No red meats or any meat, eat whole foods only 1-3 days before, during and after ritual workings.
2.) No meat the day of ritual workings, eat whole foods only and no meal before ritual working, only after.
3.) No limit on diet but eat only whole foods, no meal before ritual, only after.
4.) Eat whatever you want, no meal before ritual only after.
ALWAYS STAY HYDRATED! Spirit works through the water in our bodies as a literal conduit. Not only should you drink plenty of water for your health in general, but even more so in high energy situations. This will prevent you from feeling burnt out, or dried out as I call it.
Depending on my level of hunger, cravings for certain foods or my situation, I've experimented with all of the above. Sometimes, I have eaten heavy right before ritual, and honestly sometimes it's been fine, and other times I did not feel well, I've puked, had irritable bowel, or other times I've just felt "off" and not "in tune/blocked."
Again, this is simply my perspective, and what I have come to find through study. There are many others views and ways of going about this. Above all, trust your gut and listen to your body. If you're unsure, try different methods, and see what fits and helps and what doesn't. Or, if it doesn't apply to you, hey, toss it out the window!
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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #6 
Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #6
Consecrating using The Orphic Hymn to Hekate 
The Orphic Hymn to Hekate can be used to cleanse your ritual tools or any items you'd liked to be cleansed. This hymn asks Hekate to bless the incense. 
So, before ritual, gather your items you will be using, light your incense and recite this hymn from the heart, and your incense become a consecrated tool in which you can thus consecrate your other items prior to use. 
You can also recite this hymn anytime you light an incense for Her. Take note, that hymns can be recited anytime, but petitions, rites and spell work of Hekate is only to be done after sun down. Honoring Her, however with a traditional hymn, personal hymn, or tending to Her altar is appropriate for anytime, day or night. 
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Hekatean Magick Key of a The Day #5 Flowers of Hekate
The Orphic Hymn, names Hekate as "saffron-cloaked" in "a saffron veil."
Belladonna, datura, henbane, all have lovely flowers, and being poisonous, suit her well.
Garlic, which is also a traditional offering to Hekate will actually produce a flower if you let it go.
"Divination and Theurgy in Neoplatonism: Oracles of the Gods", states: 'In a further oracle, Hekate again issues instructions detailing the correct procedures for the consecration of her statue: wild rue, lizards, resin, myrrh and frankincense must be prepared and combined together ‘under the crescent moon’. 'Further more it states: 'Hecate then instructs the enquirer to adorn her temple with self-planted laurel...' We can see here that there is the mention of wild rue and laurel, note that laurel is specified to be self-planted.
Hekate, like a rose, is unfurling, and like Her fire, ever giving of life and beauty in many Ways. Roses are a perfectly suitable for Hekate. In the cosmological scheme, Hekate is described as being a "rose of fire" in some translations where she is being described as the "flower of fire" in Her role as The Cosmic Soul in The Chaldean Oracles. 

“…from there, a lightning-bolt, sweeping along, obscures the flower of fire as it leaps into the hollows of the worlds. For from there, all things begin to extend wonderful rays down below.” (Fragment 34)
Dandelion is Hekates' flower of strength. In one Greek Myth, Hekate had fed Thesesus the dandelion for 30 days, giving him strength to defeat the Minotaur in the Cretan Labyrinth –which led this Greek Hero to victory in an initiation and allowed him to tap into his full capacity.
Dandelion is packed full of nutrients. It is a rich in vitamins A, B complex, C, and D. It also has the minerals of potassium, zinc, and iron. Both dandelion leaves and roots can be used in many food, drinks, and for medical use.
The leaves and flowers can be harvested from spring to autumn. The best time to harvest the roots is in November, unless you live where it's snows, then they should  be gathered earlier before they begin to die and frost sets in. 
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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #4 Herbs of Hekate _____________________________________________________________
Prayer of Medea to Hecate "O night, faithful friend of mysteries; and you, golden stars and moon, who follow the fiery star of day; and you, Hecate, goddess with threefold head, you know my designs and come to strengthen my spells and magic arts; and you, earth, who offer your potent herbs to magic; and airs, winds, mountains, streams, and lakes, and all you woodland gods, and all you gods of the night: Be present now.” -Ovid, The Metamorphose
From Orphic Songs of the Argonauts “There was a grove in the innermost room of the enclosure,
Where lush green wood ascends with shadowy tips,
Laurel trees and cornelian cherry and slender planatos aloft.
There are also many herbs in this place, arching over the deep roots;
Klymenos, complete with the noble asfoldelos, and adiantos,
Aristeron, most tender of plants, and kypeiros with thyron,
Kyklaminos, like the violet, and erysimon, complete with hormion,
Stoichas, then paiona, surrounded by thickets of polyknemon.
Then polion, mandragoras also, and pale diktammon,
Krokos with sweet scent, and kardamom, next to kemos,
Smilax, dark poppy, and low chamamelon,
Panakes and alkeja, with karpason and akaoniton…
And many more poisonous rose up from the ground.”
Below is a list of both traditional and modern herbs of Hekate.
Traditional, as in referring to herbs listed in ancient text such as the PGM or Chaldean Oracles for rites or spells. There are many other herbs that have been adopted and used by practitioners over time with much success. I will be listing both here, in no particular order.
Herbs of Hekate: rosemary yew cedar frankincense cypress hazel black poplar willow garlic almonds lavender myrrh mugwort cardamom mint dandelion hellebore lesser celandine belladonna hemlock mandrake aconite opium poppy bay sesame sage hyssop ebony mullein rue verbena purple honeysuckle camomile henbane thornapple bittersweet deadly nightshade   wolfsbane foxglove 
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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day # 3 Traditional & Modern Day Offerings to Hekate
So far in this blog I have discussed some of the lesser known offerings to Hekate and her Offering Plate and Chalice. If you've been reading, you should know a bit by now how to care for your Offering Plate and Chalice and about some of "unwanted" offerings that can also be given to Hekate.
In this article I will discuss some of Hekates traditional offerings as well as some modern day offerings.
Traditionally every Dark Moon (the night before the New Moon) or on the New Moon, a meal is left for Hekate at The Crossroads. Depending on what you read, the day seems to differ whether it's The Dark or New Moon, but the idea is the same. Also, depending on what you are wanting to do magickally, you may want to look into which Moon is more appropriate for your workings. This Hekates' Meal or Hekates' Feast is called the Deipnon.
Traditional Offerings for The Deipnon: Raw fish Whole raw eggs Onions Garlic Breads Cakes Wine Olive oil Milk Spring Water
The above are traditional offerings that can be seen in ancient literature. From my workings with her I have discovered she likes a wide variety of offerings as well.
Other types of Offerings: Chocolates Tobacco Fresh herbs Fresh greens like spinach or sprouts Apples Berries Cookies Any breads or sweets that have a creamy or chocolate flavor
Hekate loves herbal incense blends as well and also has specific herbs that she prefers. You can also offer her incense and herbs, which I will write about in my next entry to be posted later on today, since I owe you all an extra Key of The Day since I didn't post yesterday! Stay tuned! Cheers!
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Hekate Offering Plate & Chalice
Aside from your altar set up, (which I will write more about tomorrow in my Hekatean Magick key of The Day) having an Offering Plate and Chalice is one of the most important aspects of Hekatean Magick. The reason for this, is that it not only represents your Personal Fila to The Goddess, but it helps create and strengthen it.
What is a Fila? Before we get into the aspect of the Personal Fila, let's talk about Fila.
Fila is a Latin word that is the plural form of filum; filum meaning thread. In the Greek language, "Fila me" means "Kiss me." But, this is not any kiss, but a deep and passionate kiss that is bursting fourth with love and connection. If you Google or YouTube the term "Fila Me" you will see many popular traditional Greek songs and modern pop songs alike where you can see how this term is meant to express deep emotion. Another interesting fact regarding the term comes from anatomy. There is a part of the body called The filum terminale ("terminal thread") which is a delicate strand of fibrous tissue which gives support to the spinal cord.
So, what is a Personal Fila? Your Personal Fila are the threads that connect you to Hekate. These threads are created by consistent practice and tending to the Offering Plate and Chalice. Like the passion expressed in Greek phrase "Fila me," these aren't just any connections, these are deeply rooted individual connections that come from The Heart. When we think about the filum terminale in the body, metaphorically speaking, your Fila is your support system, this is what will uphold the spine of your practice.
How do I tend to Hekates' Offering Plate and Chalice? First, you need a plate and a chalice. The Offering Plate can be any size and type and so can The Chalice. Plastic or disposable will do if that is all you have or can afford, but I would advise getting a ceramic plate and a glass cup or wine glass of sorts. The reason for the ceramic and glass is that is it easier to use for divination of the Offerings.
My plate, pictured here, I got at my local 99 Cents Only Store and I decorated it with 3 Crescent Moons and Hekates' name in Ancient Greek. The wine glass I actually found near a dumpster, but Hekate called to me to use it, so I did. (You can read more about using “unwanted” items in your Offerings in Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #1)
Once you dedicate your plate and chalice to Hekate, it is now Hers. You are not to use it to eat off of it or for any other purpose, nor is any other living being (if you leave it outside at a Crossroads, and wild animals get to it, this is okay.) However, otherwise, it is to remain on the altar space.
There should be one food offering and one beverage offering on the altar at all times. This is what helps create the Fila. Each day, you refill the water and check the state of the food which has been left. Food offerings can stay until they start to show first signs of deterioration, but water should be replaced daily. On New and Full Moons or Holidays; wine, olive oil, honey, or milk can be used as an offering and poured out onto the Earth. Then afterwards, the Chalice is replaced with water again.
Refilling the water daily will help with divination and guiding your Magick. Water is placed on the altar to help move the energy of Spirit down into manifestation. There are many type of water divination, and I encourage you to start with your intuition and track the patterns. Are there bubbles? Did any bugs go into the water? Did the water get mirky? Did the water evaporate quickly? How do you feel when you look at the water and its changes? Track these in a notebook; your personal Grimoire or Book of Shadows and you will begin to see what these changes mean to you. It will literally become a language between you and The Goddess.
Clean the chalice out with soap and water each time before refilling it, as you would any other drinking cup. When the food offerings begin to show first signs of deterioration, you can place them in a brown paper bag to throw away or, if possible bury them in the ground under a tree, or use them to fertilize your flower of vegetable garden. At my home, I have some plants in my front yard, so I simply smash up the offerings, add a bit of water, and place them underneath the plants so they can rot naturally into the soil.
Whatever Offering Plate or Chalice you decide to use, allow your intuition to guide you. Magick isn't a competition of who has the most fancy altar. This Magick is a journey creating your own Personal Fila. Your Personal Fila are your personal threads alone.
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May my heart be filled with the desire for understanding May my lips speak words of illuminated truths May my visions be filled with Divine Knowledge
-From the teachings of Covenant of Hekate 
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Hekatean Magick Key of The Day #1
The Lesser Known Offerings to Hekate
In this photo is a candle I dressed in olive oil and rosemary for Hekate. My son actually found this candle in this trash and gave it to me. It was hideous. It had a golf theme on it (No offense, of every sport, I probably dislike golf the most!) So, I decided to carve away the golf theme on the candle to expose a plain white candle. I dressed it and offered it in my cauldron.
Yep. I gave a trash candle to The Goddess.
Most often when we hear about offerings to the Goddesses and Gods we hear about the beautiful and tasty things they enjoy that deal with their specific correspondences like flowers, incense, fruits, breads, gem stones, oils, and the like.
But did you know that basically any offering is acceptable to the Goddess Hekate?
That old tee-shirt of yours that belonged to your ex? Give it to Hekate.
The dish that broke because you were a little drunk washing late night snack dishes? Sure, Hekate will take that too.
That last piece of pizza that you'd like to leave on Hekates offering plate because that's all that you have to give? Hekate will be more than happy to accept that last slice of Pizza Hut.
That Magickal gift item that your now frienemy got you that you realized is most likely hexed? Trust me, give it to Hekate. She will handle it.
In Ancient times, Hekate worshippers would leave many kinds of offerings at The Crossroads. Hekates Meal was on the New Moon every month, which is called the Deipnon and a Feast was left to serve Her and The Restless Dead. The lesser known kinds of offerings included things that were no longer needed or that were broken, or items that were thought be be cursed or bad luck.  Now, don't get me wrong, The Goddess of The Crossroads does in fact have many other traditional offerings and she also has preferences for certain Rites and Traditional Holidays, however, she doesn't turn Her nose up at other offerings and there is a reason for this. See, Hekate being a Limimal Goddess of The Crossroads is there with us during times of transition. She leads us, and takes us away from our old path and guides us onward to new territories. She helps us leave behind the old, used and discarded parts of ourselves, our lives and even our material things we don't need anymore. The cost or type of offering isn't important to this Goddess. What is important is the sincerity, intent and meaning we have for giving our offering.
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Welcome to my blog
This blogs focus will be on the Goddess Hekate, Hekatean Magick both ancient and modern, eclectic witchcraft, my personal Alchemical art & poetry and anything else occult or metaphysical related that is of interest to me or is part of my life that I'd like to share.
It's been a long time coming with this, but everything happens as it happens in its own time, and as clique as it may sound, it is true that the best time is now.
Many people from the Magick community and my peers have been asking me for awhile "When will you write a book?" or "Are you going to start a blog?"
Well, here is the blog!
As for the book, I figured this will be a good exercise to keep me actively writing while I continue the work of compiling for my book. Honestly, I hadn't even thought that I would be compiling my work into a book, but one day it just sort of happened. I had dragged out nearly two decades of my handwritten Grimoires and notes and I began to organize them and the typing began. Not long into it, I realized I had over 50 pages of great material and I was barely only skimming the surface of what I had to go through. Every time I think I'm breaking through to get closer to a publishing date, I end up opening more doors to other works, references or resources. So, I've began to let go of the idea for now for a publishing date and let the work do its work.
The process unfolding in itself is Magickal, it is its own journey and ritual. I feel comfortable and happy to allow it to continue to unfurl organically and it is helping me to learn and internalize the concept of trusting in the natural process for the long run.
Besides, I am in this for the long run, after all.
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