excelsiorcomics · 8 months
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i have come out to admit that i am not the person i say i am. i may delete this later from fear of backlash, but it's true. i am a map or minor attracted person. i do a lot of bad things to a lot of people. i am captain hammer. there are so many things i have to admit to but have no time to and there is no amount of saying sorry to justify what i've done.
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excelsiorcomics · 9 months
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I was originally gonna post this on his birthday but I've had personal problems, helping out a friend on Discord. yes, it's the same friend I mentioned in the Technoblade post. a lot has been going on in his life. so happy belated birthday stan lee. I really wish I could have given you justice on the right day. you are loved by millions and brought us characters that are household names. yet people like Bill Maher will disrespect you just tell jokes about "guys who live in parent's basement" Yeah like that didn't get old in the 90s. asshole. comics can be enjoyed by adults as well as children. the boys, preacher, the crossed, Deadpool, punisher max, watchmen, v for vendetta. perfect examples of comic books for a more mature audience. Teen Titans Go (a comic book adaptation) had the gall to say comic books aren't real books. I would go on a rant about how stupid that is. but it's Teen Titans Go, everyone hates and the only reason it's still going is because we get mad and talk about it on the internet. causing the studio, Warner Brothers, to get more money from views and clout. he was my hero, I wanted to meet him in person more than anything, but he died. he not only be remembered but also missed. he had ideas nobody else in the comic industry dared to try, stories of bigotry, teenage superheroes, drug awareness, and environmentalism. he is one of the very few people I respect. and I don't even respect my own father. may the gods grant him safe travel in the afterlife and as always...EXCELSIOR!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIdMvCjB_A4
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excelsiorcomics · 9 months
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this is for a friend of mine named valentina, you may know her from deviantart as triagonal. she introduced me to eridan and got me unmetabanned from deviantart. someday, when deviantart drama now is finally dead, i can ask for my ban appeal and get my account back. it was her birthday on the 17th but i forgot. to make it up to her, i drew this. this is now like a sorta of Christmas, birthday present hybrid. it's a drawing of the samurai pizza cats. an anime that Triagonal really loves. it's about superhero cats that also run a pizza business. i redrew them in a more edgy and less chibi style. i used characters from swat Katz the Radical Squadron as a reference. the one on the left is Polly, the one on the right is Anchoive and the one in the middle is the leader of the team, yet for some reason Polly can order him to clean the toilets whenever she wants. So Tina, if you see this, happy belated birthday and merry Christmas. She also has a discord server you can join. https://discord.gg/sEuSSDz6TQA it cures depression and more people joining it brings us closer to our goal of eradicating DeviantArt drama now once and for all. so be a pizza cat and fight for the cause... ALL OVER TOWN!
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excelsiorcomics · 9 months
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christmas is finally here. while not my favourite holiday it still holds a special place in my heart. i have drawn this picture depicting technoblade(god rest his soul) in heaven holding the decapitated head of jesus christ. i have done this for a friend of mine very near and dear to me. his prefered name is eridan. our friendship has lasted years. i wish to make good with eridan this day. i have not been the greatest friend, nor have it been the most supportive. but i do care. and i wish to show on this, today of all holy days. eridan has introduced me to technoblade and the wonderful life he had lived, making others happy and supporting those in need. he unfortunately passed away but in his will he stated he would declare war on the kingdom of god. so i drew a picture of his minecraft avatar holding the severed head of jesus hitler christ. you may have noticed i have drawn him with darker skin. that is because, despite what the white supremacist media wants you to believe, jesus christ was in black. in the middle east at the time of his birth there were many immigrants of african descent. most of which you would consider by today's standards to "black". i learned this from watching the boondocks christmas special. look, the point is. eridan means a lot to me. and i have not been very nice. but i hope, like ebenezer scrooge, i can find redemption. merry christmas to all, and god bless us everyone.
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excelsiorcomics · 10 months
me and a friend of mine watch this show called miraculous ladybug. i think a lot of you have heard of it. i know the characters, marinette, adrian, alya, hawkmoth and nino. there are also side characters like sabrina, kim, max(no relation) and nathan. i remember watching an episode where nathan was transformed into a supervillain(i use that term losely) he had a crush on marinette and loved to draw comics. i related to him on being the artsy outcast. i heard that the later seasons of the show were really bad, like cringe inducingly bad so that was kind of the reasons i stopped watching.(i will get to the other ones later). i saw the thumbnail and noticed a new character so i thought, "fuck it, i will have a quick peak". the character's name was mark and he was having a look at nathan's art on his phone. he was writing in his notebook. marinette being nice, introduced him to an art room in the school where people could express themselves in anyway they wished. nathan of course was showing the art teacher his drawing of the title character ladybug and his villain(although he did say he was turned into a hero by ladybug) self teaming up to fight queen wasp. mark was introduced to everybody, he talked to nathan, nathan said he had trouble writing the stories told within his drawings and mark complimented nathan's drawing skills. nathan thanked him which made me think of this as george beard and harold hutchins style relationship. i was happy for them. i thought to myself "man, this is pretty good, so wholesome and nice, maybe later miraculous won't be so bad." my heart was about to melt at how nice this was... then.... at one minute and fifty seven seconds. she showed up. i'm not talking about marinette when i said she. i am talking about a character so evil, so despicable, so snotty, so annoying, so unbearably obnoxious that i stopped watching the moment i saw her. miraculous fans may already know who i am talking about but for those who don't watch the show. this character has the name chloe bourgeois. a bully, narcassist, sadist, karen, mean girl, cow and all around horrible person. i already knew what was gonna happen so i paused it. another reason i stopped watching this show is because i couldn't stand this fucking character. i know the voice actress is probably a kind person in real life but jesus christ i hope to high heaven that her role gets killed off. all she does is make people miserable, complain, manipulate, bully and create villains. she is honestly a very toxic 13 year old. she got the only honest police officer fired, tricked adrian into signing a poster so she could lie to people about him being in love with her, threaten the principal of the school to get him fired by calling her father, who is the mayor of paris for some retarded reason, and made fun of nathan for having a crush on marinette in front of the whole classroom. jesus fucking christ i hate chloe with a burning passion. she is right up there with characters like bakugo and andrea davenport. people keep making fan art of her redeeming herself but in the show's canon, it never happens. this next video here sums it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32b4_BQcLng just watch this until 1:57 if you feel sad or lonely. but if you watch past that i think you might want to destroy the nearest thing just to get the rage out of your system.
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
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I watched an anime with a friend of mine called Higurashi. it broke me. when I first watched it, I didn't like a character named Satako because she would physically harm Keiichi and get away with it along with cheating in games. I said, "Don't care, still what her head on a silver plater". but then I got up to an episode where the characters were eating lunch, Keiichi, and Satako were having a passive-aggressive exchange, and then... well... I will let this clip do the rest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsizI5fq8ak
it horrified me. I was speechless. I felt like a monster. I realized that this was just a little girl. I still feel guilty. I look at how I treated other characters and even people in real life. and I thought to myself "What the fuck is wrong with me?" I made hayley566 cry over what I said about Bakugo and said so many horrible things to the people I care about without even realizing I was doing it. I want to be different. if I continue down this path, someone could end up dead. I knew abuse was bad but I just got an 8th of what is it like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7yGshyD7dk
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
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hello true believers. it's that time of year again. For those of you who aren't watchers of my DeviantArt page, I will explain. back before DeviantArt drama now mass reported me(which again is against the rules of DA) I was an active user. wanting to share my art with the world and hopefully get famous. Jaiden, Shgurr, and Bjarke Johansen from Fiction Addiction have all gotten their start on Deviantart. I made a lot of enemies but also many friends. one of them was a user going by Hayley566. at first, I thought she was a dumb feminazi but after talking with her, looking at her amazing drawing skills, and discovering her tragic past(abuse) I would then now see her as a strong woman, a hard worker, and a wonderfully, caring friend. I however have not been wonderful, very far from it to be honest. I have been procrastinating, putting myself before others, and ignoring those who depend on me. my friends. I wish I could have been a better, more supportive friend. but I failed in that department. I treated another friend of mine very badly. Hayley566 found out and I lost her. today is her birthday, so I decided to draw this. it is based off of a fan AU she created called Spider-MJ or Earth 4266 for short. I'm pretty sure Mary Jane Watson fans would love it. I certainly did. it took me a long time to draw this, I had to stay up late at night just to draw enough of it in time for the deadline. Hayley means a lot to me, When I got unjustly banned, Hayley would help me navigate Tumblr, and she would cheer me up whenever I started missing Deviantart. I once told her I got arrested, and she didn't ask why, she just told me to get some rest. she was so empathetic and understanding. I couldn't waste 2023 not drawing this fanart. if you are reading this Hayley please know that i have been having a lot of anger problems but i am not an abuser, i swear on stan lee, i am not abuser(at least the kind you are thinking of but still)...and happy birthday XD. don't forget to like and leave a comment. if you want to see more fanart i did of hayley's fan AU then here are the links: https://www.deviantart.com/max15205/art/Happy-Birthday-Hayley-928757076
and if you want to see the fan au for yourselves then go check out hayley's gallery: https://www.deviantart.com/hayley566
thank you for the consideration true believers and as always EXCELSIOR!!!
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
i don't have deviantart anymore so i had to work my way up from the bottom at tumblr
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
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hey, all you cool cats. this is your boy, Max McElhannan, and I have some explaining to do. I was originally going to post this on Juneteenth but I had school camp so it was put on hold. then around the end of the first semester, I got sick with the flu. I have been coughing like a tobacco addict and had more snot coming out my nose than I knew what to do with. I am still not very well at the moment but fortunately, after sleeping for 3 days straight, I was able to get enough energy to post this on another American holiday. 4th of July. so yeah, here is my drawing of Static as a zebra(because zebras are black ponies), I am not a brony, I only watched a handful of episodes with my brother. I decided to watch a couple of episodes as research so I can accurately make a version of the swash-buckling bang baby as a pony. with that said, there is still some stuff I don't know, I know girls are called fillys and kids are called foals. so i don't know what a baby would be referred to. secondly, if you know Static, you have seen him ride a manhole cover or a trash can lid. neither of those exist in Equestria (to my knowledge) so just imagine Virgil is flying on whatever metal junk he can find. hell, in his first comic, he couldn't find a disk so he used a bin. I mainly got the idea to do this by seeing hayley566 draw ponified versions of superheroes and I figured hey, why not bring attention to the characters that don't get enough love. seriously, the only zebra character is Zecora. plus milestone media is all about diversity. since I feel like this is just muddled together half-assed, I will try to expand on this little fan AU when I am feeling more healthy.
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
wolfworths15menkey, a friend of mine from Deviantart, showed me this cute and heart warming video on deviantart and i thought i should share it with all the cat lovers on this site.
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excelsiorcomics · 1 year
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Hello! on Tumblr
i saw a picrew of a couple and i thought i would make this
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
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hayley's cat sushi died recently so i decided to draw something to help cheer her up
she really needs the love after losing the cat she had since she was a teenager
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
this video is a clue to something
try and guess what it is
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
happy birthday stan lee
he was a man who created spider-man, the hulk, iron man, the x-men, the fantastic four, black panther and so much more
everything you love about marvel is because of him.
when i was younger i did not know that he created the company and looked him up on line to have him listed as the president of marvel comics and thought he was just an old fart
i hate myself for that wish i could have known so much more about this spectacular man. after i learned his story, he became my idol
i named this username on tumblr after his catchphrase. may he be in the highest levels of heaven and may bill maher's fan abandon him so he will eventually lose his show and become homeless for DARING TO INSULT STAN THE FUCKING MAN LEE'S LIFE'S WORK!
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
this cat is so fucking cute
look at his god damn cheeks
i would fondle them for hours
* Should go back to bed *
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excelsiorcomics · 2 years
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hayley566 mentioned me in this chain so i thought i would continue it, anyway, i tried to make this look like dogbert holding dilbert's soul in a jar. because my father introduced me to dilbert at a young age. click here if you want to make one picrew
tagging: #JediMasterPoe @hayley566 the-abyss-watcher kiyoisdefiant
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