i dont know if i’m the only one who did this but when i was like 14 i used to video myself when i was crying.
found those recently and want to kms
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70% of writing is just the voices™
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manifesting is so cute but can we at least acknowledge how much more efficient it is to be a manipulative bitch?
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the moon is mother nature’s himbo short king
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do u ever see something dumb as shit in one of those snapchat public stories things, and want to see if other people thought it was dumb as shit but you can’t because there are no comments
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my life could go one of two ways
either i end up a lesbian literature professor who writes about death
i’ll be a mother of two who drinks white wine and shops at trader joe’s
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when you put aside the logistics, i can solve any problem you throw at me.
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and if i breathe you, will it kill me? will you have me, or watch me fall?
if i fix you, will you hate me? would you fuck this, and let us fall?
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if elon musk makes people pay to subscribe to twitter or “x”, i’m scared the world will come back here and idk if we can handle 2013 again
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stop... me too
not me having a sequel/spin-off idea for my novel before writing the first draft
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daily struggle
Me: I’m going to spend the day writing!
*Gets coffee* 
ok gonna write now! wait 
*takes shower* 
all ready! well... hold on 
*cleans room* *spends hours on tiktok* *checks time* 
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an author’s search history
75% looking up synonyms 
10% making sure the fancy word you used means what you think it means
7% how to describe “______”
3% youtube
5% how long does it take for someone to bleed out from a dagger wound to the spleen
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