extremelysoapy · 11 months
Thoughts on Juno Steel and the Embrace of Ice:
Okay, I see people write fanfics where diamond is an abusive partner and treats Juno bad or anything among those lines, HOWEVER, and I will not repeat this Diamond is not a bad person.
She’s actually a really good person and was even the one to give their relationship another chance.
Let’s go over the facts: Juno couldn’t find evidence to support his claim that Diamond’s mom was Ms. Shot (however you spell it), Diamond WANTED and DID help how she could. Juno lost his only witness and was left with one letter that wasn’t good enough evidence. Behind everyone’s backs HE tampered with it so he could get Diamond’s mom arrested. Diamond was upset because of how it could effect her future career which is INCREDIBLY fair and is NOT selfish of her. She even said: “In a galaxy so huge, with so many people that hardly any one person means anything, why shouldn't I want to be remarkable? I don't think that's wrong.” SHE was even the one who offered to talk it out. And you know Juno’s reaction to that was: “If only I loved her the right way.”
Here’s however what he said: “Only way I'm coming in there is if I get to talk with your mother.”
“Juno. Do you really still think that's the right thing to do?”
“I don't know. But I know I can't do anything else.”
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
You come back to school with a glow-up. I come back to school with new obsessions and having joined new fandoms.
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
2.23 Juno Steel and the Monsters Reflection
“Life is like a road trip. Right? You just keep driving forward and sometimes the car stops for a minute so you can get out, look around, imagine staying there forever... and then someone says the car’s leaving, with or without you. And you’ll miss that place, sure. You might regret leaving. But if you want to keep seeing what’s ahead... you gotta get back in the car.
I’m sorry I’m not on the road with you anymore.”
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
You know what I think about a lot. What if Annie was still alive. What if she was the turning point that made Sasha turn against Juno. They’ve always had a rocky relationship, but just the hurt of her being gone changed her feelings about her friends. If Annie was still alive I bet that she could single handedly bring the Old Town trio back together.
(This also makes me want to see Sasha and Mick work together with the Aurinko family. Imagine the heist they could pull)
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
I had a revelation the other day. So we know that back when Slip and Nureyev had escaped Brahma, when they took the drugs that made Nureyev hallucinate his life with Slip. What if Nureyev is telling Juno not to follow him because he thinks that he’s just hallucinating him as well.
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
I was listening to a favorite Second Citadel episode and this is a quote that Sir Damien shared to Olala in 3.08
“Imagine that you are on a boat. You are lying down, and beneath its boards you can hear the waves hum, can feel their gentle touch. Dark thoughts surround your boat, like swarms of black fish. But you are in your boat, and they cannot harm you. These fish are your thoughts and your worries. Now and again you feel them bump up against the boat. Sometimes they are so close it feels as though they are knocking on your very skull, but can they hurt you? And if the fish can not hurt you in such a small ship, they must not be such terrible fish, yes?
Now your boat has vanished, and you are floating on the waves. Can thoughts bite you? Can they draw blood? Wound you? No. And so as each thought touches you, do not resist it. Do not grab the fish. You are floating, the waves are gentle, and they will protect you. When a bad thought touches you, that it all it has done: touch. Feel it. Then let it swim away.”
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
So we know that Lord Arum is great at making the tktktktktk sound so I wonder how he would do with the visco girl sksksk
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
You know, I’ve heard people talk about how being trans is a trend and people only do it for attention but there’s a lot more to it.
I’m gender-fluid and I’m so glad to have figured that out and have friends who support me but man it can be painful sometimes. I’m not feminine enough to be a girl and I’m not masculine enough to be a guy and I constantly wonder how many people I know will leave me or hate me because of this.
No one is be trans for attention, they just want to be themselves and be loved. Please consider the journey they’ve taken and all they’ve got left
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
Fuck it, I'm coining a new gender label.
Gendergroovy, basically just genderfluid but you just kinda go with whatever gender feels the grooviest. My gender isn't based on dysphoria (it is mainly, I am dysphoric), but rather what gender makes me feel like the motherfucking Dancing Queen. Whichever gender makes me feel like big bedazzled platforms and satin bellbottoms, or a big ass dress, man. Like I said, whatever feels the most groovy.
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
Something I realized as I was listening to the Penumbra podcast is that Juno and Nureyev’s relationship is much like Sir Angelo and Ale. (Spoilers for season 5 for both).
After Nureyev left Juno spent all his time worrying and looking just for in the end to have Nureyev tell him to stop looking. In Angelo’s case, he realized how much he liked Ale and spent all his time just being around him and looking for his affection just for Ale to change the subject.
Nureyev and Ale are so distracted trying to complete a goal of theirs (Nureyev’s being saving Slip and Ale’s being to kill the Kite) that they both don’t see what’s in front of them. It really hurts me
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extremelysoapy · 1 year
Is Strawberry Shortcake a cannibal? Think about it, if she eats fruit and is a fruit… or is she just dressed up like a fruit. It’s been to long since I’ve watched the show to know
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