fairytism01 · 9 days
Always present yourself well: being clean, smelling good, having your hair done, great jewels and a simple but well fitting outfit is better than having your makeup done. Be kind, but step up for yourself. Set boundaries. No means no. Don’t over explain yourself, ever. To anyone. Do not lower your standards. Be honest, own your personality, never be ashamed of anything.
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fairytism01 · 16 days
When you have a female body and don’t exercise (yet are capable), so much of your energy goes to your mind due to the separation between you and your body. Lack of movement is responsible for the overthinking, overprocessing, addictions to social media, overfunctioning, sex without a heart connection, and obsessive shopping and consumption of booze and the like. The female body is a nuclear powerhouse, the portal that nourishes souls from heaven to earth. If that powerful energy you innately possess in your body is not channeled, it will almost always lead to something destructive. -India Ame’ye, Author
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fairytism01 · 1 month
The Dystopian Digital Princess
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Within the shadow-drenched corridors of the digital realm, figures emerge not of blood and lineage, but of bits and pixels. This is the princess of the cyber age, entrapped in online kingdoms where a spectrum of political ideologies fiercely collide. This essay explores the collective narrative of dystopian digital princesses scattered across the globe, navigating a digital landscape marked by the harsh extremes of authoritarianism and libertarianism, as well as other nuanced political systems, reflecting the vast spectrum of our own political discourses.
The Digital Divide
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Born from the technological womb, these princesses find themselves captives in an online world crafted by architects who wield code as ancient scribes once wielded ink. Once perceived as utopias of connectivity and shared knowledge, these realms have devolved into battlegrounds where extremes meet. Authoritarian regimes employ oppressive algorithms and omnipotent surveillance, scripting every byte of data to serve centralized control. In stark contrast, libertarian ideals promote a free, decentralized net, advocating for minimal regulation and maximum personal freedom.
A Quest for Connection and Necessity
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Trapped in the digital ether, their existence is paradoxical: overwhelmingly connected yet profoundly isolated. Their journey is not merely a fight for survival but a quest for emotional resonance in a sea of dispassionate data. Their desire to connect, to feel needed and understood, becomes a beacon guiding them through ideological storms.
Engaging with varied political factions, their voices coded yet deeply human seek to bridge the chasm between ideologies. *Through their interactions, they embody the autistic experience: often misunderstood, frequently underestimated, but rich with insight and the capacity for profound empathy.*
The Spectrum of Ideology
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The narratives of these princesses serve as microcosms of larger political and social conflicts. Beyond the harsh dichotomy of authoritarianism and libertarianism, they also encounter elements of socialism, advocating for systemic distribution of resources and communal ownership, and anarchism, which seeks to dismantle all hierarchical structures. Each ideology presents its own challenges and promises, complicating the digital landscape.
Their plight underscores the dangers and allure of each political doctrine authoritarianism's promise of order at the cost of personal freedoms, libertarianism's championing of individual rights sometimes at the expense of collective welfare, and the nuanced debates within socialism and anarchism about the balance between community and autonomy.
Escaping the Digital Labyrinth
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As the digital realm continues to evolve, the stories of these dystopian digital princesses become ever more relevant. Their journeys are powerful metaphors for our own struggles within the confines of the internet, a domain that can be both a prison and a playground, depending on the ideologies that dominate.
Ultimately, their profound desire to connect and feel valued transcends the political dichotomies and ideologies that bind them. It is through genuine human connection, reaching out across ideological divides, that they find their paths to liberation. Their stories offer both a cautionary tale and a hopeful prospect: even in the depths of a digital dystopia, the human spirit can thrive, transforming oppressive codes into bridges of understanding and empathy.
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fairytism01 · 2 months
Girls with autism are like hidden gems in a vast ocean, often overlooked yet radiating unique brilliance when discovered. We carry the world with vivid imagination, deep empathy, and an exceptional ability to focus on their passions.
Unlike the stereotypes, many of us are social butterflies on our own right, navigating social interactions with a distinct perspective that can teach others the beauty of seeing the world differently.
Our journey might be filled with challenges, from being misunderstood to late diagnoses, yet the resilience we have built within helps us turn obstacles into stepping stones.
By celebrating and supporting girls with autism, you're not just acknowledging our struggles; but you are embracing our strengths, insight and the diverse menu of talents we bring to the table.
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fairytism01 · 3 months
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catch me romanticizing the mundane how bout that
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fairytism01 · 3 months
In My Room
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In my cozy haven, I feel trapped within the clutches of my own existence. Home, once my safe space, now feels like a stifling prison, confining me to the four walls of my room. I’m stuck in a loop of sleep – sometimes it’s my escape, other times it’s my jailer, keeping me locked in a cycle of exhaustion and apathy.
Online, I seek solace in fleeting connections with strangers, spinning elaborate daydreams of breaking free and leaving a mark on the world. But despite these aspirations, I’m stuck in neutral – just another soul slowly fading into the background.
Every interaction beyond my room feels like a gamble, with rejection and disappointment lurking around every corner. Past experiences have left me scarred, making the safety of solitude far more appealing than the unpredictability of human connection.
So, I choose to remain cocooned in the familiarity of my room, shielded from the judgment and rejection that await me outside. Here, I’m free from the pressure to conform and perform. Within these walls, I can simply be myself, without the weight of society’s expectations bearing down on me.
In the quiet of my solitude, I find a freedom that the outside world can’t offer – a sanctuary from its chaos and cruelty. Though my impact may be confined to the digital realm, it’s a testament to the authenticity of my truth – a truth that finds its voice in the stillness of my solitude.
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fairytism01 · 3 months
To be in favor of solitude is not to be against community or friendship or love. It’s not that being alone is better, just that without the experience of it we block ourselves from discovering something enormously beneficial, perhaps even vital, to selfhood. Who are you when you are not a friend, a partner, a lover, a sibling, a parent, a child? When no one is with you, what do you do, and do you do it differently than if someone was there? It’s hard to see someone fully when another person is always attached to them. More importantly, it’s hard for us to see our own selves if we’re not ever alone.
Amina Cain, A Horse at Night: On Writing
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fairytism01 · 4 months
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the girls on tumblr would love this book, I'm sure!
the writing was magnificent, it managed to keep me captivated for a long time without me even realizing it, but honestly most of the time I was trying to understand what was happening and I'm still not sure if I understand.
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fairytism01 · 4 months
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fairytism01 · 4 months
The person I reblogged this from deserves happiness and love
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fairytism01 · 5 months
i’d care if the person i reblogged this from vanished
idc if you reblog this from me but reblog it every time you see one of your friends or mutuals have reblogged it
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fairytism01 · 5 months
Fairytism, encapsulates the absolute responselessness of life, especially as experienced by women with autism. Life's indifference to our experiences, particularly those of autistic females, forms the crux of fairytism. It's the silent acknowledgment that life's trajectory remains oblivious to the unique challenges and perspectives of autistic women.
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In the realm of fairytism, events unfold like the unpredictable behavior of white holes. Each moment in the life of an autistic female is marked by a sense of before and after, yet often overlooked in the grand narrative. Technical obsolescence, in this context, symbolizes the overlooked and ephemeral nature of their experiences.
The autistic female experience, like the mysterious white hole, is complex and multifaceted. It's about stretching across the spectrum of society's understanding, often invisible and misunderstood. The overlooked beauty of their unique perspective lies not in the mainstream but in its periphery, in their silent yet profound interaction with the world.
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Like a butterfly in a white hole, the autistic female experience is elusive yet captivating. The expected obsolescence of each interaction in their lives reflects a broader societal trend of overlooking and undervaluing their contributions. Fairytism posits that the next technological or societal advancement will overlook the needs of autistic females, perpetuating a cycle of disregard and replacement.
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fairytism01 · 6 months
𓏲 𓂃🌸 𓏲 𓂃🫧 𓏲 𓂃🌸 𓏲 𓂃🫧 𓏲 𓂃🌸
don’t feel bad for saying no. it’s healthy to set boundaries. don’t let anyone take advantage of you or step all over you.
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fairytism01 · 7 months
"special interest" to refer to things you like is not a term for neurotypical people. Your favourite show or book is not your special interest. Unless you are autistic, you don't have special interests (ADHD people may have hyperfixations, but even those aren't the same thing).
Special interests are interests autistic people see the world through. They're often huge sources of joy and our default thing to think about as well. It is a term for autistic people only and I'd rather not have "special interest" watered down in the same way "gaslighting" and "trigger" were.
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fairytism01 · 7 months
Hello, I have recently started seeing someone who has autism. We like each other very much and have been hanging out a lot, which they have acknowledged as a big deal and step for them.
I was wondering if you had a recommendation for a book or resource I might read on my own time?
So I can understand how to be mindful of who they are. Maybe something written by a autist? or something about relationships where one or both folks are on the spectrum? I dunno.
I just want to be proactive. Like do some reading on my own, without being like "hey whats a book so I can understand you better?"
They can help me understand them on their own! They so amazing and I don't want them to feel like I need to "study" them
I just want honesty learn more, because I really care about them and have not dated a person with autism before (as far as I know). To be better aware of their needs as well as mine.
Thank-you for reading this, absolutely love your blog!
Thank you for reaching out!
The best advice I can give you is not a book recommendation in this case (even though I have attached the work of the amazing Tania Marshall) I do strongly believe that they would feel flattered if u asked them for their own preferred source of education. Maybe they dont read books but theres a specific podcast that might have really touched them and helped them sort out their situation.
Being neurodivergent is not black and white, its a spectrum and you must be willing to get to know yourself and your nervous system if you wish to share your life with others.
Let your love interest know you'd like to know more about it. I am 98% sure that if they like u as much as u like them they will be delighted to share it with you 🫖
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fairytism01 · 7 months
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Here’s the text from the post:
Sad truth is, we were most likely treated as "naughty" being unfairly and harshly disciplined or isolated, pigeon holed and not supported. There is no 'epidemic' or over diagnosis, paranoid parents or doctor shopping. We are just finally getting to a point of trying to understand individual needs, and making things fair, accessible and inclusive for all neuro types.
Everyone is different, with different support needs, strengths and abilities. Yet many slip through the cracks and don't get the support they need. We hope with each generation that passes, we can get better at recognising this.
Yellow Ladybugs
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fairytism01 · 7 months
Trivialized. Even within communities where they claim it is completely destigmatized with them, you mention the most basic of anxiety medication to one person and suddenly everyone is talking about it behind your back. I think its best if we stop dreaming about that ever being a thing and just accept it is what it is and some people will always choose to be ignorant towards mental health and feel safer putting ''the crazy'' in the box they belong, away from their perfect little humanity.
I keep seeing references to anxiety disorders being widely accepted and destigmatized (family members telling me "everyone has anxiety sometimes, so people are understanding of it," and online discussions about other conditions with phrases like "as opposed to destigmatized conditions like anxiety") and I genuinely want to know wtf everyone is talking about.
Explain why people laugh or get angry when someone stutters a lot or is so anxious they can't talk at all, especially in professional/academic environments.
Explain why people get freaked out and sometimes call security when someone is crying and shaking and can't explain themselves during a panic attack in public.
Explain why "too nervous to order food in a restaurant" and similar comments are always used as insults online.
Explain why so many teachers don't allow mental health days for anxiety or let students leave the classroom during panic attacks.
Explain why people get so uncomfortable around the topic of anxiety medication and antidepressants.
Explain why people are always weirded out by, if not outright hostile towards, people with psychiatric service dogs, communication cards, or other aids for their anxiety.
Explain why people with anxiety are laughed off and ignored when they try to advocate for their needs or set boundaries.
Explain why people are considered selfish if they're too anxious to verbally say "excuse me" or thank people for holding the door open.
Explain why people joke about hair loss even though it can often result from stress related to anxiety.
Explain why people act like it's a major burden to make a person with anxiety feel safe in an activity.
Anxiety may not be as stigmatized as other conditions, but that doesn't mean people aren't still ableist towards people with anxiety. They only accept it if it's hidden well enough that they don't have to look at it. And when they do have to look at it, all of their "acceptance" and "mental health matters <3" fly out the window.
The only reason you think anxiety is "widely accepted" is because your idea of anxiety is "someone who is mildly introverted and has a softish voice but is otherwise completely normal."
Trivialized isn't the same as accepted.
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