fandom-loveletters · 8 months
I don't know if you're still active (I've been away on hiatus from Tumblr for a while) but I wanted to let you know that I came across a Sherlock letter request you did for me years ago and when I read it today I realized that even after all these years it was still relevant to my current situation and so that really made me smile and I just wanted to say thank you! Xx
Ehhh me too lol (being on hiatus that is)
But wow!! Gosh this means so much to me
The fact that even years later it can still affect you? And help in some way? Thank YOU!! That is probably the most meaningful thing someone can say about my writing
I’m glad you’re doing better than you were in school when you originally requested that letter! Cheers to even better years ahead!
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hey! I can't get the link to your Fandom list to load 😅
No Prob! Links are weird. Hopefully, this one works though: https://www.tumblr.com/fandom-loveletters/141315658475/fandoms-i-do-and-dont?source=share
Backup Link
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hi~ do you still write letters here?
Hmm... That's a bit of a loaded question (not on you though! You did not indeed load the question, it was I, but alas, it is loaded nonetheless). Anyway! Uhhh, well, short answer: Yes, but not very consistently?
Long Answer: Hello... I sincerely apologize for being gone for so long. Although I have a million excuses (a pandemic I was deemed "essential" for, finishing a bachelor's degree, and buying a whole entire house (yes, a real one, with my and my partner's own money--not a single cent from our parents)), I feel as though I still owe an apology, especially to those who requested before I went AWOL. Sorry! Your requested letters should be up now!
Now, will I continue to accept requests? Am I back? Can I be depended on to deliver personalized letters consistently? Welllll, yes, maybe, and probably not. Do feel free to request whenever you'd like (keep in mind that my available fandoms have shrunk considerably to alleviate the stress of writing for things I have fallen out of), but please don't hold your breath, you know? I have no idea when I might respond, but hopefully, it won't be too bad? I dunno, we'll see!
But yeah. Hello again to any of you still with me, and thank you so so much for sticking around!
~Admin out!
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
If someone were to request a letter from say, Eliot Spencer, would you be up to writing it?
Leverage is near and dear to my heart, so of course I'd be up to writing something! Now, whether you think I can do him justice is a different question altogether. I've written two letters for Eliot, here and here. Feel free to check them out and see for yourself! You can submit a request anytime, and I'll do my best!
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hi could I have a letter from Erik lensherr from x men because I need to remind him and hope he remembers that I miss him
(Hello, thank you for your patience!)
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My darling,
Thank you for your kind words. I always feel more alive when I hear from you. Your words brighten my life and your kind heart shows me there is still good in the world. And I hope you know that I feel the same. I cherish every moment I have with you and I miss you greatly when you are gone. When I see you again, I swear I’ll show you just how much you mean to me. Perhaps that meeting will remind you of my own feelings when I am gone. My love, I am forever grateful for your thoughts.
All yours,
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hey first off this is amazing what you do. So thank you! And mind if I request a love letter real sweet from Sam Winchester life has been real sucky as of late. And my name is Angelina❤❤❤
(Thank you! And I’m so sorry to be MIA for so long. I hope things have gotten easier for you, or will soon)
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How are you?
Heh, that question feels so normal… it’s almost strange to me. But never mind, I want to talk about you. I hope you’re doing well, and—maybe this is a little bit selfish, but—I hope you’re thinking about me… I know I’ve been thinking about you. I haven’t been able to stop, really. Gosh, Angelina, you just take my breath away. Every day I wake up and think about your smiling face, and every night I think about your beautiful eyes. It’s like, through all of this craziness, you’re somehow the most sane thing I’ve ever known. You keep me sane. Even when Dean is getting on my nerves…
Seriously, I don’t know where I’d be without you. Probably Hell… again. But no, I’ve got to keep reminding myself, I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m going to stay alive—for you. I hope you can do the same for me.
Alright, I’ve gotta go. There’s a, ritual, or something—I don’t even know anymore, but we’ve got work to do. I love you so much, Angelina. Take care for me, okay? Okay. Bye.
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Could I get a love letter from Leonard Snart? My name is Ratt, I use he/him pronouns, I don’t really have a preference when it comes to pet names except I don’t like babe/baby, as for a description of myself I’m a quick witted somewhat loud mouthed punk, and I would love a sweet romantic letter. Thank you!
(I apologize for the wait! Thank you for requesting, even if it was so long ago!)
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Daring! What a wonderful surprise! I love getting messages from you, no matter where I am or what I’m doing. Mick thinks it’s reckless of me to check in on you when we’re supposed to be laying low but- what can I say! I’m smitten…
Don’t worry about me though, I’ll be fine, of course. I always am. It’s not like these dolts ever have a chance of capturing a master criminal like me. But I know you can’t help but worry over me, Ratt—you’re sweet like that. It’s one of the reasons I’m so enamored by you. Sweet, caring, genuine—and fierce enough to tear down anyone who threatens what you love, just to top it all off. I don’t think I could find anyone more perfect.
Now, keep yourself safe for me, and I’ll be kissing you soon.
Much love,
Leonard Snart
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hi! My name´s Kat (short for Katharine) and I would like to request a love letter from the 10th Doctor. My pronouns are she/her. I would absolutely love a super fluffy confession style letter, it would make my day! A few pet names I like are ¨(my) love¨, ¨sweetheart¨ and ¨darling¨. Thanks in advance!! (also as a side-note I go by both Kat and Katharine, so you can use either.)
(Thank you for being so patient! I’m so sorry for the wait!)
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Dear Katherine,
I know I shouldn’t… but I absolutely have to get these feelings on paper—if only to save my chest from exploding into a supernova the next time I see you.
Your eyes draw me to you like gravity. I would drown myself in your voice if I didn’t caution my mind beforehand. And despite everything in the universe cursing me, I find only the greatest happiness in your presence. There are no other ways to describe just how you make me feel. Other than… I love you. I love you, darling. And even though it may be a risk, and even though you may not feel the same, or even see this letter—no. I trust that you’ll find this. You’re clever, Kat. And if you feel the same, you’ll find me again. I know you will.
Thank you, love. Thank you for entering my life and bringing me your most valuable presence.
With both my hearts,
The Doctor
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Could I request a romantic letter from the 11th Doctor? I just really need some fluffy 11 in my life. My name is grace I go by she/ her. Just some overall uplifting fluff since I have been kind of down lately and stressed. Thx
(I’m sorry, love! I hope things are better by now, or will get easier soon. You deserve it)
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Hello Grace!
Don’t tell me you’re feeling down! Or- wait- do tell me. Don’t not tell me, I’d hate to not know if you were feeling not great…! Oh, what am I doing? Not making sense is what it sounds like! Now, don’t worry about all that! Think of better things! Happier things!
Grace! Let’s go on an adventure, yeah? I’ll take you anywhere you want to go! Anywhen, too! Or perhaps you’d prefer to stay in the TARDIS for the night? Watch the stars pass by? We could even dance around the console! Nothing like “busting a move” to get your happy chemicals pumping! Yes, come on, let’s be silly! Be silly, Grace! Even just for a moment! Picture your most dreadful schoolteacher in a Snuggie!
Life is more fun when you’re silly every once and a while.
And with that, I hope I made you smile, Grace. I know your smile always brightens my day, so maybe it’ll brighten yours too. Please do me just one more favor… Remember that you’re lovely, and I am always cherishing you.
The Doctor
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
Hiiiiiii I was wondering if you could do a letter from the falcon. I just moved away from all my fam and friends and just need something warm and fuzzy. And motivation to keep going because tbh I feel like quitting and giving up. Idc really the pet name, maybe darlin or baby girl 😊 and she/her pronouns. Idk if this is even enough info but yeah thx
(You have my deepest apologies for taking so long to respond… and I do truly hope that things are better/getting better for you soon)
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Hey baby!
I was just thinking about you, and I thought I’d send you a little something your way. Listen, I know you’ve been feeling down lately, and I’m here to fix that!
Darlin, you’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met, and if anyone can handle a big life change—like, say, moving away from all of your friends and family—it’s you! I know it’s hard baby, but you can keep going. It’s gonna get easier for you soon, and I can’t wait to watch you shine.
Love you extra,
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fandom-loveletters · 1 year
It was my birthday on Tuesday, was wondering if I could maybe get a Loki letter? Thank you my love x - Olwyn
(Yoikes! Only about a million years too late! But gosh I hope you can still manage to enjoy this letter! I’m so sorry I’m teRRIBLE at responding to these in a timely manner)
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Olwyn, darling,
How is my love, today? I hope you’re doing well. I must say, I miss you terribly. I cannot wait to see you again, my dear. But nevertheless, in my absence, do remember me fondly. Hold my memory close to your heart as I hold yours close to mine. I absolutely cannot forget the shining beauty of your smile, the ever-present joy you bring to any room you enter, your magnificent dreams that you so passionately seek. I could hear you speak of your dreams endlessly, as I find myself falling more and more in love with you every time you look at me. I will never tire of you, my love. As I hope you’ll never tire of me. And I must thank you for how you have loved me, for I didn’t believe I’d find love like this. You are truly my everything, Olwyn. Always remember how much you mean to me.
Eternally Yours,
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fandom-loveletters · 3 years
Sam Wilson Headcanon:
Sam’s love language is Quality Time. He rushes to dates and wants to savor every moment. He makes sure you know that he’s there for you, he listens with undivided attention, and he shows up for every single important moment in your life. And he deeply appreciates it when you do the same.
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fandom-loveletters · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Headcanon:
He doesn’t care for chocolate. Not that he won’t take some or enjoy a dessert if it has chocolate, but he’s not particular in his opinions of chocolate and would prefer other flavors if possible.
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fandom-loveletters · 6 years
Hi! I was just wondering if you have any cuddling headcanons for (wait for it)... Bucky! (Cuz you've mentioned you like him)
I’ve rewritten a reply/intro to this about three times now and honestly??? I’ll just cut to the chase. And by chase I mean headcanons. In order to avoid me rambling about how much I love Bucky. Also, heads up, this is going to I guess be a sort of mix of 40s Bucky and Post-WS Bucky? Idk…
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-In the 1940s, Bucky was all about PDA, and he didn’t care how scandalous it might be for any older people around
-He didn’t care what they thought
-He was too busy kissing you, hugging you, holding your hand, or just holding you close to him in any way he could
-But finally being able to cuddle?
-Bucky had a way with cuddling, and he particularly liked being the big spoon
-He’d pull you closer and wrap his arms around your waist
-He’d love to entwine his legs with yours
-Almost try to meld you both into one person
-Bucky is usually warm, and absolutely perfect for winter cuddling
-And he’d love it if you took his hands and traced them with your fingers
-He also loves to kiss your hair
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-In the present day however… things got complicated for Bucky
-After breaking away from Hydra and realizing all he’d done, who he’d become, he became more apprehensive
-Scared really
-Scared to touch people
-Especially with his metal arm
-So it would take a long time of building trust and breaking down walls before Bucky would be ready for cuddling
-He’d be tentative, at first, but he’d be warm
-He would want to make you feel comfortable, and he’d keep shifting and changing positions every five minutes until you told him everything was fine and he could just relax
-But he would like having your head on his chest
-He would appreciate your arms around his waist, and being able to feel you like he feels his own heartbeat
-It helps him know that this is real
-But he’d still love to kiss your hair
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Bonus (but not really but tbh I don’t know what I’m saying anymore, I just felt the need to add this information for some reason…): The Winter Soldier, specifically, the man under Hydra control? I would say he is not… able, to cuddle. Not, like, unable, just. There’s nothing in his programming that would really allow for that. It would be a strange experience. Stiff and unnatural, if, you know, he doesn’t murder you…? 
Yeah. Okay, I’ll shut up now…
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fandom-loveletters · 6 years
Hi, I'm Bella. A while back (possibly a year ago) I requested a letter from Obi-Wan for encouragement after experiencing my first breakup. Things have been going well, but now my ex boyfriend is trying to get back together with me. I'm not sure if I should take him back and I could really use some advice. If you could, maybe another letter from Obi-Wan. Nicknames are sweetheart, and I'm still his padawan after Anakin was knighted.
(Gosh! I’m so sorry this took so long! I really really hope things are working out for you!)
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Dear Bella, 
I hear you’re having trouble again, with your ex-boyfriend… It saddens me to hear this Bella. You are such a shining light in this universe, I hate knowing that anything might darken that light in your eyes. 
But I understand this is a complicated issue for you. It involves past feelings and current thoughts, all of it combining to make you full of doubt. I’m terribly sorry, sweetheart. If you are still looking for advice, I understand many people may tell you to listen to your heart. But know that sometimes your heart’s judgement can be clouded by emotions that haven’t been properly dealt with. You’ll need to look into your mind to find truth and facts to support your decision. Try to find balance, Bella. Listen closely if something tells you a decision is not the right one. But consider everything carefully.
I know you can do this. And I know you will turn out alright. You’re strong, Bella. And your spirit is something that will carry you through the hardest decisions in life. I believe in you, my young padawan.
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fandom-loveletters · 6 years
hii so I don't know if youre still active { I hope you are} , I was hoping for a Loki letter {PLEASE TELL ME YOU DO MARVEL} of my oc Scarlett Stark and him having had a love/ hate relationship but he fell in love with her because she broke down all his walls and she assured him that she wants him, not Thor and like he is stunned that he is someone who is a piece of everything to someone, let alone her & like there couple relationship is one of being a fiery, passionate, protective, loving one?
(Admittedly not as active as I should be…. But yes! Of course I do Marvel! Marvel is everything!!)
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My dearest Scarlett, 
There are many things I wish to say, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the time nor the space to say them all. For there are years worth of instances I could bring up. Times you have stood by me, despite our differences. Times you and I have fought on any range of things, from small complaints to things that almost ended whatever we had been building. There were times I was sure you hated me, but somehow, that was not the case. Somehow, you came to love me instead. And there were so many countless times you stole my heart from my very chest, sometimes just with a smile, and I would have it no other way.
And I know, because you have told me so, that you will always love me, and only me. Even in my darkest moments, when I had every reason to doubt that fact, you were always there, reminding me. And I could never repay you for the joy you have brought my life. Because I love you, Scarlett, more than life itself. I will do anything and everything in my power to make you happy for the rest of time, and I will never, ever, let anyone hurt you. If harm comes to you, I will render their world to nothingness. You are too precious a jewel for me to ever let you be stolen from me. 
I love you dearly, Scarlett. That will never change.
Forever yours, Loki
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fandom-loveletters · 6 years
if it’s not too much to ask could i have a romantic 11th doctor? my name is connor and i go by he/him pronouns! if the letter can just be fluffy and like,, affirmations and stuff id love that!! some nicknames are pretty much anything that is super duper sweet like “sweetheart” “my love” “my sun” that sort of thing! thank you and take your time!
(Okay hmmm I know you said take your time but tbh there’s no excuse for how long I’ve been absent! So sorry about this! But I do hope you still enjoy your letter!)
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How is everything for you, my love? I hope you’re doing splendidly! I really can’t wait to see you, your smile absolutely lights up my life, Connor! That’s why humans call people they love the light of their life right? Well whoever came up with it was a genius! Because that’s exactly how I feel about you! 
And being apart from you isn’t nearly as fun as being with you. So I’m just writing to say I’ll be back soon! Some trouble on the outer edges of the 34th quadrant of the Contradictivous Galaxy is really taking longer to deal with than I thought… If only people here were a little more accommodating…!
But nevertheless, nothing will stop me from seeing you again, I promise. We’ve been apart too long, and I love you, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you. I really can’t. You’re my sun, and my world revolves around you… And I can never be too grateful for you being in my life, and always waiting for me. I know things can get crazy when you’re with me, but you’ve never wavered, and I absolutely love you for that!
I feel like I don’t tell you enough, Conner, but thank you for existing. And thank you for loving this mad man with a box. Nothing brings me greater joy…
Lots more love!
~The Doctor
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