wolfephoto · 2 months
Tiger at London zoo
Tiger at London zoo by John Wolfe Via Flickr: Regents Park ZSL
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bearzebaa · 8 months
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Asim - Oasis Guardian
first of hopefully many key art pieces i've got planned! REALLY happy with how this came out!!
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frowningfox · 2 months
Farris and Asim:
Stillness, Roots, and Hair!
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Both Sir Ferris Finnigan and Asim are very inventor-y sorts of people and are constantly either jotting down notes or tinkering/fidgeting with something they're making.
Asim has a bit of a chewing-on-things fidget fixation, which he's a bit embarrassed about if he catches himself doing it in front of people because it's considered "childish".
Sir Ferris Finnigan on the otherhand might seem a lot more fidgety than he actually is on the account of Sir Ferris Finnigan's Armor and Sir Ferris Finnigan's Body being at-odds with each other and not exactly having the same goals in life/death. It's fine though. The Sir Ferris Finnigan who is in control of the situation is the Sir Ferris Finnigan you would want in control of the situation.
Asim has several gestures he defaults to a lot, since when he was little, he spoke in a mix of underelven and undersign like many dairau do. It was mostly taught out of him at academy but he's been having more slip ups lately. He commonly uses the tap left pinky finger to lips and then move it outwards gesture, which is sign for "I'm telling the truth"/"you can trust me" and tapping his index finger next to his eye then holding it there as he taps his middle finger and thumb together once. Which is sign for closing one eye. He uses this to indicate he's winking... because uh. It's hard to wink with one eye.
I've not RP-ed it but I imagine he would make a sign of blessing at people too, he's started greeting people with the dairau phrase "Selgam" which is well... a greeting that means "blessings"/'bless you" etc. I think the gesture would be tapping your left pink between your collarbones and then drawing it downwards then outwards to point it at the person you're addressing.
As a treat he can have my tic where I hold down my ring finger with my thumb and then turn my hand twice shortly and quickly. Though he would hold down his pinky instead(elves only have four fingers, their ring finger/pinky finger is the same finger).
Sir Ferris Finnigan and gestures/tics.... if you can imagine a knight being chivalrous or posing for one of those dramatic murals, he does all of that. He is the most flamboyantly knightly guy out there. he does it all.
Clothing does effect both Asim and Sir Ferris Finnigan and how they hold themselves at rest.
Asim has had it drilled into him through religious military academy that he must "look the part" so when in his paladin gear, he is very formal and upright in his posture. He even holds back on emoting with his ears when in Paladin Mode and will hold them at the unnatural neutral "half mast" that elves are taught to hold in mortal led training regiments.
Sir Ferris Finnigan has equal but different struggles with clothing and posture. Sir Ferrris Finnigan's Armor keeps Sir Ferris Finnigan's Body upright and noble looking. Not in the same "yessir, at your service sir" officer type way Asim was trained in, but in a more extravagant NOBLE HERO posture
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
Sir Ferris Finnigan:
He is literally heavily almost directly inspired by the Tenniel illustration of the white knight from Through the Looking Glass(and picking and choosing traits from various adaptations)
So heavy on classical Knight In Shining Armor inspiration, but with the design changes required of "since most of these are live action, an actor actually has to be able to function in this".
Well, since he mostly wears his Paladinial gear currently, I'll explain that design instead of the more traditional cultural roots I want to bring into his design as he embraces his heritage more.
His vestments and armor are very... what if you took a typical DnD high fantasy paladin and toned it down so it was more grounded in reality, and then merged it with a 1800s pastor's cassock and wide brimmed hat
His helmet is a sallet because I just really like their silhouette but I took inspiration from russian and nordic helmet reconstructions and added a facial ventail/aventail to create a sort of veiled look to it. (also, that way even with the visor lifted, he would have a veil over his eye(s) to protect them from the sun)
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Sir Ferris Finnigan: Balding. Big Mustache. It means I like Alice in Wonderland. The white knight is a darling old man and I love him greatly and Sir Ferris Finnigan is an homage to him.
His hair is usually a mess. He has trouble brushing his own hair, it frustrates him. If his hair looks neat and tidy, it's because he conned a loved one into brushing it for him. He also wears a Makhiorya, an dairau beaded braid that symbolizes the connections and relationships they've forged through life. In-game, he has just started wearing it and so it only has a few beads on it (you must ask each person for a drop of their blood to use in a ritual, with no further explanation, to add their bead to your braid. it's a symbolic gesture of trust on both parts, though most dairau know why you are asking in the first place, hence it being more symbolic)
IN DEPICTIONS, I draw him with a few specific depictions of Makhiorya, mainly styles worn by or depicted on certain religious/holy figures, specifically deities, martyrs, saints, certain higher priests, and folk heroes.
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The braid starts at the temple, and is attached to the back of the ear by a special earring(this is means its beads will jingle as he emotes with his ears!), on the loop from the temple to the ear, there are three copper rings, symbolizing Brother Luck, Miss Fortune, and Mx. Blessings, the Three Twins, a trio of luck deities in the dairau pantheon. And four gold beads, represent the Child Emperor, Father Weaver, Mother Neverwas, and Grandfather Death. Their beads on the makhiorya represent an ascended status of the wearer, meaning that they have been accepted into the inner family of the pantheon.
The red beads on the other two loops of braid(it is a long braid, pinned up) symbolize connections/relationships like they normally do but the beads aren't typically arranged like this. Evenly spaced beads on a loop is shorthand for "idk how many beads this guy actually has, but I bet it fills his entire braid, but he always room for more*". It's a way to consistently depict a religious figure's braid without making a stance on the actual number you think they have.
The at the end of the braid, and therefore at the pinning point of the loops, is his ferryman's fare(for grandfather death to take him home to the feywild), a couple copper coins pinning the end of his braid together. in the hole of the coins is a red bead for himself. This is another "in depiction only" thing for drawing him, he lost his ferryman fare when he got in trouble at the religious military academy and they forcefully buzzcut his hair(very taboo in dairau culture, ESPECIALLY when the makhiorya is cut off as well). Hopefully he can find it again.
*it's customary to start another braid when you've filled one up, but that would be something noteworthy and you wouldn't just depict a religious figure with multiple just because you think he probably had more. It's something you would know for a fact, and if you didn't you'd just... use the "many but room for more' shorthand. Also, to make another, you would dedicate extra ferryman fare to a lost soul, or someone who's lost their fare and wear it at the end of the new braid. It might be interesting going forward to depict Asim with his main braid having no fare, but his other braids(if he ever gets that far) with lost soul fare. It would be very in line with his themes. But I would want him to make it to that point in game before depicting that... though it is tempting if I were to make a heavily dairau religion themed art piece of him.
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master-k0hga · 4 months
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| A S I M |
[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Looooook it's Asim I mentioned from another recently posted post... (If anybody actually looked at said post anyways...)
Anyways, this is the one who took in Caligo roughly after they escaped their former home.. Asim would then take care of them, tend to their wounds while also slowly and gradually intriducing them to the small survivor group.. Thus eventually adopting them officially, he and Caligo would spend time regularly since then til at one point Asim starts having feelings for them..
It seemed like fate had brought them together when Caligo would soon after return the feelings, they've been inseparable since... Even more when they eventually have a kid together after having the small group's traditional wedding ceremony (to which I would absolutely love to get into slightly further detail another time). Anyways, enough about their relationship, let's talk more about Asim as a character:
Asim's small tribe consists of beings with very similiar attributes to faes, they can be very benevolent, selfless and magical beings... Well, Asim is magical because his own people actually considered him a sort of "beacon of hope" to them, he will eventually take over the group when the elder passes on... But in the meantime, he is his best second in command and very trustworthy friend! His tribe mainly venture in these realms and take refuge in abandoned yet sturdy structures, sometimes in the gutters and sewers of towns and kingdoms, or even sneak themselves into small crevices or unused rooms/basements of people's homes! (Whether they are known to the home owners or not is another question of course) They scavenge, collect and pick up what they can eat or use as bedding or protection, that's why having someone who acknowledges and embraces their magical background, like Asim, is actually a blessing! He can cook with even just small fires, brew the most effective and soothing potions and other medicines while also giving his family the desires they yearn for; Nobody is ungrateful about it either, so it's a nice change of pace for once...
Of course they do have a set home somewhere but I'll get to that in a bit.
Name: Asim
Height: 8ft "6"
Species: Fae
The Fae civilization Asim is born into is not entirely like the Fae we are completely familiar with on Folklore, in fact they are a lot more similar to humans and other races from within the Promised Land! Dealing with daily struggles, surviving and living like everyone else; However the spiritual and deep connection to nature along with being able to listen and speak to it is also present.. They mostly use it to their advantage with defence, everyday appliances and tools and whatnot. Although of what Asim is part of is mainly morally good and keep to themselves to keep their own safe, they of course do have the few mischievous lot who tend to enjoy messing with outsiders or intruders in their small permanent/temporary safe havens.
In fact they do have their own haven! It's deep within a "mythical" forest within the strange lands full to the brim with lush forestation, beautiful natural lights and rich fruits and veg; Reasons why the majority of the Fae leave the forest and find other locations and places to hide/ survive and so forth because so it doesn't raise suspicion from evil leaders and others who will cause ill and harm upon the sacred forest, so the majority move and split into sectors around the lands to find homes in other ways. Asim's group being mostly finding refuge or hiding in places like old cabins, empty rooms of lone homes despite is people live in them still or not and so on.. The Fae has had historical issues with the Vermin and the Palace of Gold in the past due to previous leaders trying to either take over, steal all resources and such from within or enslaving the Fae for their capabilities of their "chosen ones" being able to use and manage magic.
Of course with that being in the past now and civilizations somewhat leaving them alone now, things have all quietened for generations... With the exception of the Lord of the Deceitful who, not only wishes to take over as King on the Golden Palace (the biggest and richest kingdom of the lands), but also to be able to claim powerful magics and abilities as much as possible so he can claim the Promised Land as his own... So in a sense, Asim being able to deal with and work very well with magic as the Fae's of this generations "chosen one" and potentially being the best and strongest one yet, he will nee to take major precautions so that never happens.
But beside that, he's a great cook, he's also very good at sculpting either with clay he collects himself or with perfect woodwork, and his voice is very soothing.. He would regularly use it for Caligo when he brought them to his group as they would deal with severe panic attacks from trauma.... It worked like a charm, safe to say that's one of the reasons why they ended up falling in love.
The features of Fae's are very interesting and kinda cute; Their eyes tend to vary with colours, of course mostly ranging with pastel colours while their pupils are purple. Asim is also blind in his left eye due to an infection that he never got to treating in time, he tends to cover that up because of his insecurity. Fae also have rather thick pink lashes, kinda like butterfly antennas, their eyes literally flutter and they do look beautiful. Another obvious feature is their pink tipped ears, also being very expressive them as they wiggle when happy or content and droop when upset.. The only thing that's unknown about this race is if they have wings or wing-like appendages at all, to which most rumours support that they do not but potentially glowing pink wing like markings on their backs, in fact pink glowing markings seem to almost cover their entire bodies as they also vary in shapes too.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Now I just need to focus on their kid, who it's obviously Karmen.. She's not entirely difficult herself seeing as the features of both Caligo and Asim will also be present on her, but obviously I'll be drawing her when she's 17 (just like her Yiga counterpart of course so no different there), Caligo of course having her rather young so yeah...
Trying to do math with age differences is annoying as fuck and honestly I don't understand how people can do this, making the information work without either getting confused or having to correct themselves/ be corrected when the math is wrong..
Oh well.. A lot of this probably doesn't make any sense anyways so who tf even reads this I guess....
. Asim, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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ego-osbourne · 2 years
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Ayo, more stuff from my Minecraft fics. Again, I plan to rewrite those.
The first three pics are ideas from my unreleased/unwritten third fic, and the last two pics are from the first fic, which was named Her World. Both plan to get renamed, too.
Please don’t go reading it, it’s very bad, but the rundown was sorcerers, illagers, and humans all lived side-by-side. Main character was Caroline, who was a sorcerer pretending to be a human to escape trouble in the cityscape she lived in. Through hat she meets a bunch of characters and one thing leads to another where they all escape the big bad: Abaddon. Then things happen after that, I forget.
The third fic, named His World, is a direct continuation of the the events of Her World, where Herobrine and Abaddon (now called Entity) have become immortal and things happen. I have an new actual story in in mind now but since this is old art, I’ll tell the old stories.
//no, guns don’t exist in His World
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nightwings-dumpy · 13 days
Seamus: Malina kissed me!
Perikles: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Seamus: It was unbelievable!
Perikles: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!
Asim: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Perikles, get the wine and unplug the phone. Seamus, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Seamus: Oh, it ended very well.
Perikles: Do not start without me! Do not start without me!
Asim: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing?
Seamus: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, and then we just sort of sunk into it.
Asim: Ohh... So, okay, were they holding you? Or were their hands on your back?
Seamus: First they started out on my waist and then they slid up and then they were in my hair.
Asim and Perikles: Ohhh.
Malina eating pizza in their house: And, uh, and then I kissed him.
Elena: Tongue?
Malina: Yeah.
Elena: Cool.
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fima11 · 3 months
Sea otter⁉️🦦
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Floyd was so right about him.
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cinemapremi · 5 months
Himanshi Khurana's Spiritual Journey Post Breakup: A Peek into Her New Chapter
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Himanshi Khurana, after her breakup with Asim Riaz, has started a meaningful journey to Char Dhams with her mom. Let's explore her spiritual side and how she's finding solace. “Acting Gone Wrong…’, Raveena Tandon Liked Criticism Post on Khushi Kapoor-Agastya Nanda! People Surprised Sheetal Thakur’s Baby Shower: A Joyful Celebration of New Beginnings
The Start of the Journey
Himanshi, along with her mother, has begun a soul-searching trip to Char Dhams. This journey is helping her discover peace and share her spiritual self. Moments at Jagannath Puri She's shared pictures from the Jagannath Puri temple in Odisha, showcasing its beauty and serenity. These moments offer a glimpse into her spiritual experience. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0wpOsXhv8A/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== Himanshi's Spiritual Side Inside the temple, Himanshi shared a view of the deity's idol, giving us a virtual tour. Fans love these pics, praising her for embracing spirituality.
Capturing Serenity
In the photos, Himanshi is seen with a tilak on her forehead, radiating grace and devotion. These images have gone viral, and people appreciate her tranquil appearance.
Social Media Buzz
Every picture shared during her spiritual journey became a sensation. Despite the admiration, there's also trolling, likely fueled by her recent breakup with Asim Riaz. Bigg Boss Connection https://www.instagram.com/p/C0i2kedJGKu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MjM0N2Q2NDBjYg== Known for their four-year relationship since Bigg Boss 13, the sudden breakup surprised fans. Himanshi and Asim cited differences in their religious beliefs as the reason. Revealing the Breakup Himanshi addressed the breakup, explaining it was influenced by their commitment to their respective religions. People had questions, especially about her awareness of Asim's Muslim background. Himanshi Khurana's Char Dham Yatra is a journey of self-discovery post-breakup. As she faces public scrutiny, her fans appreciate her resilience and grace in navigating life's challenges. How long were Asim Riaz and Himanshi Khurana together? They were a couple for four years. What led to their breakup? Their breakup was due to differences in their religious beliefs. How did people react to Himanshi's spiritual journey? Responses varied, with both support for her spiritual quest and criticism related to her breakup. Are there any upcoming projects for Himanshi Khurana? Currently, there are no official announcements about her future projects. How has the public responded to the breakup? Public reactions have been diverse, with a mix of support and scrutiny based on the disclosed reasons for the separation. Also Checkout. Read the full article
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broh3m3 · 3 months
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"I-It's a matter of life or death!"
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pawnyao · 5 months
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Always an angel never a God
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ryuichirou · 26 days
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wolfephoto · 2 months
Resting. Not sleeping.
Resting. Not sleeping. by John Wolfe Via Flickr: Tigers at London Zoo 2024
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fisheem4mmal · 1 month
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Happy 4th Anniversary Twisted Wonderland!
Thank you for 4 years of fun, I've played since it came out and I can't wait for what's in store for the future <3
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frowningfox · 2 months
asim and texture for the asks!
Thank you for the ask! Sorry it's taken so long to get to it, I've been writing mini essays for these asks during my work breaks. lol
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can’t wear or don’t like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Asim is a big fan of soft suede leathers and fur! He absolutely adores the texture of fur and he's very lucky to have furred friends who are happy to let him feel their fur a bit. He doesn't really have much furred clothes though, and not much leather either.
He hasn't worn much but his assigned paladin garb for years now. While it was assigned to him without much choice in the matter, he's grown accustom to it, and the familiarity is comforting, and its well worn state is soft and comforting in its own right.
He is very wary of wearing fine clothes, the few times he's had the chance. The textures are often uncomfortable and with his difficulties getting in and out of clothes would often mean mean cutting and using mending to get it on and off. He doesn't mind doing this with his everyday clothes, and he does it often - usually opting for cutting off buttons and mending them back in place once he's gotten it on or off, and making small slits in the sleeves to give him more room to maneuver getting in and out of it before again mending it back together. . . But he would feel very guilty and bad for doing that to finer clothing.
(he is both physically and developmentally disabled, as well as recently sustaining damage to his brain. all of this combined leads to many aspects of changing clothes being Hell. traditional dairau clothing is mostly wrapped cloth, which would be much easier for him. but he's not worn traditional dairau clothing since he was a child, before he was forced into paladin-training)
I've not had much chance to really explore his actual specific texture dislikes ... but I imagine he would have similar dislikes to me. Mainly fabrics that are clingy, stretchy, or both. And really stiff cloth. He probably wouldn't care for most new clothing, preferring well worn, secondhand stuff that's already been broken in.
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zariyen · 2 months
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illust for Maid in Wonderland! It's a free digital fanzine so please check it out if you're interested 🥰🥰🥰
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ego-osbourne · 2 years
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More Minecraft stuff
First pic are some concepts of how mobs would look in my fics. I’ve struggled with Endermen for SUCH a long time so that probably won’t be the final iteration. The creeper, however, I’m happy with. And the blaze is mostly fine, I just think some minor cleanup is in order.
Second pic is a concept that became canon for Avarel. Consider Avarel the main antagonist of the Her World revamp—a complete rewrite from Abaddon, with a new name and all! He’s going to be a leader of a group named the Aether Seekers—people who believe the Aether exists and the way to find it is through the Nether. Avarel’s group is rather cultish in comparison to other groups of Seekers, where he will willingly risk his life and the lives of others to find any way to create an Aether portal. The robes are blue (water) and gold (glowstone) to represent an Aether portal, and black (obsidian) and purple (swirly portal thing) to represent and Aether portal.
Last pic are updated references that currently apply to all of the new Her World Rewritten characters, but I can’t promise any will stay. I also can’t promise that all of these character will appear in the rewrite, these were just ideas for people that I had at the time.
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