g0thxiao · 1 year
Can people who use she/her pronouns follow you? Many blogs that write for male readers don't like fems interacting with their content so just wanted to be sure :)) If you're not comfortable with it that's fine.
yes it's totally fine! just know that I dont write fem characters and most of time I write gender neutral :)
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g0thxiao · 1 year
Keisuke is my comfort character and I'm sleepy and in need of comfort.
The warm blanket wasn't heavy enough to erase the winter out of the room, but was enough to distract the confusion placed right inside your heart. Keisuke steps echoed through the hall, but moving felt like too much energy.
He knocked the door two times before entering, carefully putting his gloves and jacket in a chair. Keisuke's body couldn't cover the cold air that got under the blanket. The kisses on your neck said more than words ever could. "You can sleep now. I am with you ". His arm pushed you closer to him. 
The simple act wasn't enough to get rid of any feeling, but was more than enough to remember the one by your side when things get hard.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
there's a not-so-hidden place, a bit far from the city and close to the beach, where sakura blooms still can reach and the sound of the waves is strong enough to be heard. the smell of salt and flowers is interesting, calming and a reminder of the beauties the world had for you to find.
most of the days, whoever passed by the place, would be received with a view of two guys. one of them with white-red hair, beautiful clothes and with a sword by his side, a bright vision shining with pride. Kazuha showed this place for you a couple of days he leaved for the first time.
teary eyes and a shake voice, he told you he would be running away, far from inazuma. he didn't wanted to leave you behind, but also couldn't put you in risk of any harm. a long time after when he finally came back, this was the place he asked you to be his boyfriend. here, you two shared your first kiss.
now, looking at his asleep features while his head rested on your lap, was like he never leaved your side.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
scaramouche wasn't so quiet. in fact, most of the time he seemed to just not being able to stay still while visiting your house.
oh, dishes to do? not anymore! you're showering and is close to dinner time? expect an amazing table full of delicious food he just made for you. watching a movie with him and you said your back hurt? he will give you a message and ask you about your day.
he shows you his love and admiration in his little acts. just showing up on your door saying he was passing by and decided to say hi with a gift hiding beside him. A cute plant, a plushie, a new book, everything that reminds him of you or that he may think you'd like.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
dad!chifuyu who wants to surprise his little daughter with a kitty for her birthday
pet shop owner!keisuke who take care of the kitty and make her super cute for the cute guy that came to his shop
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g0thxiao · 3 years
content: bad grammar, rindou being a shitty version of myself, poorly written in a bad english because I'm bored and in language class
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rindou haitani, who fell in love with a boy but did not told him about;
rindou, not the Roppongi Rindou Haitani, but the boy who let you experiment his glasses looking at you wish admiration and pride;
rindou, who one day just can't stop himself from looking at your lips, red from the ice cream you seem to enjoy so bad. who almost choke when you chuckle and ask him if he want to kiss you that bad.
"what if I want to?" he almost froze when realised his own words. was he dumb? fuck. definitely.
he don't have time to think. in one second, your hand is grabbing his collar and pulling him closer, shiny eyes burning in expectation. "then do it."
kissing you was magic. he could taste the flavour of the ice cream just like you could taste the flavour of tea on his tongue. how your cheek felt so soft in contrast with his hard palms when cupping your face, how your free hand pulled one of his locks behind his ear. and when you gave him a little peck on his lips before coming back to walking and eating your ice cream, smiling? he couldn't find his breath.
he kept himself still, dumb face, fingers touching his lips still not believing he just kissed you, he wanted to scream out of happiness. he kissed you again later that day, and kissed you again and again way more times.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
just thinking about souya waking up early to do breakfast for his boyfriend, putting lots of effort in it and when he goes to wake his bf he gets so stunned and amazed with him that forgot the breakfast
he spent some more time looking until you wake up, and points the smell of burning food. he is so pouty and embarrassed for letting the food burn, and for you seeing him watching you sleep ♡
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g0thxiao · 3 years
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bajifuyu be like:
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g0thxiao · 3 years
since I didnt finished the fanfic yet, a bit of comfort after today's episode ! my bajifuyu playlist.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
a headcanon that wont stop popping on my mind is:
trans hakkai and mitsuya made a binder for him.
the boys would be so supportive it hurts :((
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g0thxiao · 3 years
bajifuyu fluff, no warnings!! just pure fluff, sorry if it's bad, constructive criticism and new ideas for plots are always open, english is not my first language so probably lots of grammatical errors.
Keisuke mumbled, crossing his arms in front of his body. The sunlight started disappearing on the room at the same time that Chifuyu eyes shinned in expectation while he finished another page of the manga he was reading. Keisuke mumbled louder this time, looking to his boyfriend without moving his head.  
“i didn't knew a romance manga could be better than being with your own boyfriend, Matsuno.”
The boy finally dispersed, trying to find keisuke gaze while leaving his book aside. Walking to the bed, Chifuyu smiled.
“Sorry, love.” he said, laying on top of keisuke, distributing his height between his knees and hands after letting a small peck in the boy´s forehead.  
With semi opened eyes, the long-haired boy almost smiled, hugging chifuyu and pulling him closer to his body, making the blond lose his equilibrium and fall. Both gasped and looking in each other eyes, bursted into laugh. They stayed this way until the sun completely disappeared, their breaths being the only sound on the place. Resting one hand in Chifuyu hair, Keisuke kissed the top of his head, the blond hair caressing his lips.
“I missed you.” Keisuke whispered.
“We saw every day this week.”
The blue-ish eyed smiled softly, grabbing keisuke shirt. He pulled away, looking the grey eyes from the boy who made him feel on heaven. A soft giggle escaped Baji lips.
With only the moonlight reflecting on his blonde hair, Chifuyu Matsuno looked like an angel. Keisuke was pretty sure that he was one. His lips merely parted, his curious yet caring eyes, the blush on his cheeks, how his hair fell around his face. Everything about Chifuyu looked unreal. Too perfect to be true. Yet, he was. And he was Keisuke boyfriend.  
Chifuyu stared the long-haired boy, Keisuke Baji was like a long ride late in the night. the wind against the face, hair messed up and the smell of gasoline and burned tire blowing any worries away. His everything. Chifuyu wanted to say. In none of the mangas and movies he saw before, he could imagine that he would like someone as much as he liked keisuke.  
Chifuyu touched his cheek, the cold ring was comforting. Keisuke closed his eyes, trying his best to memorize everything as much as possible.  
“i love you.” Keisuke opened his eyes.
“i said i love you.” Chifuyu was serious.
A big smiled took over Keisuke face.
“i love you more.”
The boys smiled even more, faces shinning due to happiness. Keisuke leaned on his elbows, mouth almost touching Chifuyu nose. Mixed breathes and lovely eyes. The long haired lowered his face, giving a small kiss on Chifuyu mouth.
“I. Love. You.” he said, giving small pecks on his boyfriend lips between each word.
It was easy to be around each other. No gang problems, no fights and hurts, no school. It was like only them existed. Just Chifuyu and Keisuke. Unfortunately, it wasn't true. And less than a second, Keisuke mother entered the room.
“Keisuke, dear, I- ah! I'm sorry guys-”
The younger Baji face his mom, completely red and with opened eyes. Chifuyu didn't looked much different from that, frozen in place before subtly pulling away from his boyfriend embrace. He could feel Keisuke and his mother gaze, until she closed the door again, leaving them alone. Shyly, Keisuke eyes looked for his.
“I'm sorry.” he mumbled. Chifuyu tried to hold his laugh and failed miserably, making an extremely red Keisuke throw himself on top of the boy, burying his face on the crook of his neck.
Resting a hand in his back and slightly caressing it, Chifuyu answered with a low tone “it's fine.”
They stayed this way for a couple more of time, maybe even more than an hour. Just enjoying the company. When Chifuyu got up to come back home, Keisuke groaned and hugged tightly his hands around his waist, not letting him go. The blond kept walking and when Keisuke realised, it was too late and he almost fell from the bed. He was horrified.
“Is that how you treated all of your boyfriends? Leaving them alone after almost making them feel and hurt themselves?”
Chifuyu rolled his eyes.
“You're the only boyfriend I ever had, Kei. And yiou know that.”
His expression changed. A grin that showed his fangs (and that made Chifuyu heart stop every time he saw it) adorned his face.
“What a pleasure.”
Chifuyu eyes rolled again. This time he could move normally. Keisuke got up of the bed and placed a soft his on his boyfriend cheek.  
Mrs Baji was in the kitchen, and happily waged her hands to the boys.
“Bye, Chifuyu, honey! Come visit us more. Next time you should stay for dinner.”
Quickly, Keisuke running with the shorter boy to away from her, not giving a chance to him to answer her.
“You're so rude, babe.”  Keisuke smiled to the pet name. Pulling him by the shirt, Chifuyu gave a last kiss before saying goodbye and coming back home.  
Keisuke couldn’t help to come back inside with a big silly smile on his lips, flushed cheeks and a stupid shine in his eyes that screamed I am in love. That was what he wanted to do. Scream to the world that he was in love. And his lover was Chifuyu Matsuno.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
I love bajifuyu.
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g0thxiao · 3 years
Albedo + coffee (?)
albedo and kissing and coffee cause I'm an addicted maybe
content: coffee, kisses, albedo being a simp over his boyfriend, honestly the gender is non specified, extreme bad writing, fuffly, much soft albedo
Albedo wasn't really a coffee person.
He preferred tea. The ones that are good to drink late at night, to warm up before bed, or early in the morning, with a book in your hands. Sweet enough to don't need sugar.
The first time the flavour of coffee tasted different, was when he kissed you after a couple days at Dragonspine. One of his hands cupping your cheek and the other peacefully resting on your waist, an affectionated touch that warmed both of you.
When his tongue touched your, he almost felt electricity running through his body. Was your vision electro? He couldn't tell anymore. The taste of coffee, in your lips, were one of the best that he ever felt.
He got concerned, too, about the amount of coffee you consumed. Ha, he definitely did. He didn't mind when you kissed him after a mug of your coffee, though. His kisses, always passionate and calm.
He started liking coffee because of you.
He didn't drink it, still. But from your lips, it still counted, right?
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g0thxiao · 3 years
info: fluffy, Xiao with a male reader
english is not my first language so sorry for the bad grammar!
I still could feel Xiao's eyes on me when I asked.
"Why are you looking like that?"
He don't even dare himself to blink. Looking fascinated to my face as I wiped my makeup off. Slowly, he walk to where I was sit on the bed, his eyes almost closing.
"Can I help you?" I slightly curved my mouth, giving him the remover and the towel.
Xiao touch like spring. Warm and comfort exhaling from his hands while he hold my face like paper. His eyes reflect the light of the fireflies outside the window. Unreal. Rubbing my cheeks with his fingers, he makes me stare at him. A soft kiss on my nose. Then another on the right cheek, then chin, left cheek, finally my mouth. It was quick, just enough for our lips to touch and feel the warmth of each others.
He keeps wiping my face and when I see I'm approaching my head closer to him. His touch turns even more delicate when he start taking off my eyeliner. I barely can feel his touch. Are you real? I want to ask. I love you.
"You're handsome, love. I can't believe you're my boyfriend. You're so perfect."
I smile with his words.
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