gay-mai · 2 years
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Atla girls in shorts
There's a lot of empty space here and it bothers me alshsjksk
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gay-mai · 2 years
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Too lazy to actually color uuuhhh but modern zutara
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gay-mai · 3 years
when people criticize the amount of people who uncritically stan zuko in the fandom and choose not to focus on aang, we aren’t telling you who to like. We are criticizing the fandom of people who like zuko, for how zuko’s individual trauma is viewed as more important than the collective trauma of aang, the Water Tribes, and the rest of the atla-verse. We are calling out the colorism of zuko stans and how he is prioritized. (I don’t feel qualified to speak on that specifically, please check out the included link). We are annoyed at the misogyny that is often present, with female characters pushed aside to focus on zuko. We are calling out how the imperialism of Zuko’s arc and his unlearning of that isn’t addressed. We are wishing that you would stop attacking a twelve year old for being…twelve. God knows I don’t want to tell people how to fandom, but how you participate has actual consequences for your worldview. 
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gay-mai · 3 years
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Season 1 Episode 18
A summary
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gay-mai · 3 years
the characterisation of katara and aang's kids is real nasty
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gay-mai · 3 years
I am plagued again by thoughts of Jet recruiting Zuko to the heist in the ferry but Zuko fucking commits to being a random refugee that he pretends he isn't good at fighting but instead of being turned off by it Jet is like "I'll teach you! We need to stick together and help each other if we want to make it here." And Zuko is trapped because now he has sword fighting lessons with Jet but he's just as good and he can't handle this multiple levels of duplicity. Help.
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gay-mai · 3 years
Sokka: we all have our demons.
Sokka: *puts hand on Zuko’s head*
Sokka: this one is mine
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gay-mai · 3 years
if bryke can release multiple additional comics, have two novels written, join a project for a live action atla (and leave it too), and create an entire studio for avatar, they can tell us when the official birthdays of the characters are so i can have an official katara day. would it be that hard? 
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gay-mai · 3 years
Can I ask you why do you see Azula as someone who have BPD? Not to be rude or condescending, just really curious, and do you have any other headcanons about mental health of other chars?
hi nonnie!! first off don’t worry you don’t come of as rude nor condescending, i can understand your curiosity or even confusion why i headcanon azula as bordeline. as i’ve mentioned before, i have severe bpd myself so it might just be a case of me projecting onto a character that has been very important to me since i was a kid myself and helped me understanding own trauma. so with that being said i’m going to try sound as coherent as i can!!
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
i see her deep need for love and “be normal” tied to her abandonment issues. even though she talks about ursa in a bit cold manner, i think it’s just a defense mechanism, as if she was mad at herself she misses her mother. however, ursa leaving them and not having real bond together even during the time they were living together deeply traumatized azula. azula sees herself as this “monster” that needs to intimidate people into staying with her, because she doesn’t believe someone would actually love her for who she truly is. which is such a massive bpd thing i can’t even..... azula is constantly hiding behind her mask. i don’t perceive azula we see in tv show as her real self, rather something she was taught by her dad and something she had to learn in order to not be punished. she tries to force people to stay with her (mai, ty lee), manipulates situations so that people come back to her (zuko) and do anything for wrong people just to gain their love (ozai), or do bad stuff so she gets attention (ursa). i don’t see her as a bad person for this, rather mentally ill abused kid who tries to receive love through wrong way. i can’t really blame her for that, though.
Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships, often characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, also known as "splitting"
basically her whole relationship with zuko, mai, ty lee, ursa, ozai, etc. see how happy azula was when zuko came back home and the way how she jumped at him the second he left? yeah. also this “i don’t need you, go away!!” only to regret it seconds later.... her pushing people away so they don’t betray nor abandon her first.... psychotic episode tied to the fear of being betrayed, abandoned, triggered by the actions of her now ex friends and ESPECIALLY own father. i don’t see her final mental breakdown as result of just mai and ty lee simply turning against her. it’s a result of her longtime trauma and mental illness. i think the thing with mai and ty lee really did hurt her, just like zuko, but the final nail into her coffin was ozai leaving.
Markedly disturbed sense of identity and distorted self-image
again, azula we see isn’t neccessarily azula that she is. she came of to me as this confused child with no real sense of self and personality that was just created by her dad and grown men that has surrounded her since childhood, rather than her real self. she struggled with this a lot during her final mental breakdown and during beach episode. i perceive beach episode more as about a kid that wants to desperately fit in but has no idea how to exist in normal situations, not extremes like war, and doesn’t know who she is, so she just tries super hard and hurts herself during the process (kissing a boy that had no real interest in her).
Impulsive or reckless behaviors, Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions and rapidly shifting between different emotional states
azula is seen as cunning, manipulative, calculating and cold. and yes, she is... on the outside. however, i think azula is much more emotional in the inside, just hides it because that’s what she was taught since childhood. she never learned how to process emotions in a healthy way, so she just represses them until they violently explode. again, her final mental breakdown. she becomes very impulsive and reckless with her words and actions there, because it’s too much and ozai isn’t there to punish her for being “foolish”. also telling guards to throw mai and ty lee to jail after betraying her and attacking zuko. i do believe she blamed zuko for being “weak” and leaving her alone with their dad, basically.
Chronic feelings of emptiness
it was mentioned in books how often she feels empty and even depressed. many time she seems to be bored and empty compared to others which just deepens her feelings of being “different” and “broken”.
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
the same thing mentioned before. most of the time she knows how to control her anger, but it’s because she had to. when she doesn’t it becomes more apparent she struggles with severe anger issues.
Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
speaks for itself i think.
Her need for attention
again, she would burn rose bushes in order to get her mother’s attention, became an overachiever to win her dad’s affection, constantly needs to be the best (perfectionism tied to the need for attention), gets easily jealous (which fuels her anger and her otherwise hidden impulsivity), does things to point at herself (flirting with guy because he’s liked by other girls rather because of her genuine interest in him), etc etc.
Emotional dependence 
she’s very emotionally dependent on her father, becoming depressed when she doesn’t live up to his expectations and feeling elated when he praises her. being very uncritical of him because she loves her dad.
hope this helps and that i make a little bit of sense!!
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gay-mai · 3 years
do you ever think about how Sokka was the Leonardo da Vinci of the atla universe? Like 1) he invented submarines, 2) he invented hot air balloons, 3) he slept with men
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gay-mai · 3 years
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n i c e
hey let me tell you which a:tla character you remind me of
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gay-mai · 3 years
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@angryshortfirebender​ I had the audacity to draw one of your post (https://angryshortfirebender.tumblr.com/post/644656688583081984/rangi-staring-out-a-window-kyoshi-shes-so), hope you don’t mind. And if you don’t, maybe I’ll do it again 👀👀👀
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gay-mai · 3 years
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Me, my boyfriend and his ten tonne flying bison
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gay-mai · 3 years
I’m usually pretty weary of men writing sapphic relationship but I think f.c yee did a pretty good job of managing the dramatics and softness two teenage girls being in love.... with a pinch of horny. If avatar studio adapts kyoshi story or continues her story hope he’s involved
yeah I remember we were wary at first that a man was telling kyoshi’s story, but I think he did an amazing job!! he really captured her depth & interiority, as well as realistically portraying what it feels like to be a (marginalized) woman moving thru a patriarchal world. in my experience, it’s rare for men to empathetically portray women’s experiences well, but certainly not impossible.
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gay-mai · 3 years
Katara: have I ever told you that you cook well?
Sokka: aw, no you haven’t :)
Katara: so why do you keep cooking
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gay-mai · 3 years
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gay-mai · 3 years
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You are my today and all of my tomorrows❤️(句子来源网络)
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