geekybisexualwriter · 3 years
Ok I will try to explain better. You know when your blog page opens up there ships requests open. I would like to know what this is about what you plan to do?
Ohhhhhh I get it. basically you provide a description of yourself and a fandom and I ship you with a character from that fandom.
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geekybisexualwriter · 3 years
Sorry I wanted to know what ship orders are?? My English is horrible!😅
I still don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Could you send me the post where I talked about it?
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geekybisexualwriter · 3 years
I have a question what is order ships?? Thanks.
No idea what you’re talking about
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
I've been thinking about how the reader would end up with five. If they were dating before he left and the reader is heartbroken, when he comes back, the reader would be in their 20s and 5 would still look like a 13 year old, how would they date. Would they wait till he looks 18? Or would five age up instantly?
Are you talking about one of my fics or is this just in general?
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Trans!Luna HCs
(I know it’s been a month and I’m sorry. It’s been a very very hard month, trust me. I have some ideas, though, and I’ll open up fic requests soon, I promise. I love you all)
~ She’s always kind of known that she isn’t a boy
When she tells her mom her feelings when she was younger, her mom smiles and explains what trans means, and then starts to brew some hair-growing potion
Her dad accepts her and buys her multiple pride things and never treats her differently(except that he uses her correct pronouns)
~ Coming out
Ron is baffled, he’s never heard of such a thing before, and after some explanation, he accepts her 
Hermione is not surprised, and supports her no matter what
Harry knows what it’s like to be in a closet(literally and figuratively, he’s bi as fuck) and promises to kill anyone who misgenders her on purpose
Ginny does the same, and hugs her very tightly
Everyone else does not really care, although Zabini bullies her for it for a while, and then he is found in the Hospital Wing with two black eyes and a broken nose
~ Some of the more snooty Ravenclaws tell her that biologically, she’s a boy and Cho and Ginny yell at them
~ Speaking of which
~ After Cho finds out, she decides to ally as much as possible all the time
 This makes her lose her best friend, Marietta(although that’s when she realizes that she was kind of a jerk this whole time so she’s fine with it)
~ Honestly, Luna coming out would probably inspire a lot more students to come out as well. 
She’s the person most people come out to first
Luna supports you and is free to have a long, meaningful conversation even if you’ve never really met
~ Every pride month, I feel like she would make earrings(radish or otherwise) to every LGBTQ+ person in Hogwarts(and if you’re not out she’ll wait until you’re alone)
Anyways, feel free to add more :)
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Staring(Five Hargreeves x genderneutral!Reader)
Request: I’m new to asking for prompts so hopefully I did this right but can you do tua five x reader with prompt #9 from the fluff list But instead of I talk about you with friends it’s with the siblings…
Requester: anon
5 x reader:
Word count: 1183
(A/N: thanks for the request, anon!)
(A/N #2: This is slightly based off of the song A Guy I’d Kinda Be Into from the musical Be More Chill, which you should all listen to)
(A/N #3: Sorry it’s been so long! I’ve been so busy with school(Spanish is kicking my ass) and family stuff that I’ve barely had any time to write for pleasure)
Five sighs dreamily with burning cheeks, looking over at Y/N, who was reading a book in the other room and out of earshot. Allison chuckles behind him. “Again, Five?” 
He jumps a little, quickly straightening his posture and looking over at her with a slight glare. “What?”
“You staring at Y/N. It’s the third time this week I’ve caught you, you creep.” Allison smiles, filling up a teapot with water and placing it on the stove and getting out a mug that reads, ‘I’m the best sibling, deal with it’. 
“I am not staring at them. Why on earth would I be staring at them?” Already, Five’s gaze drifts back to Y/N, who giggles at something in their book.  “I mean, we’ve known each other since forever, why would I suddenly start having romantic feelings for them?”
“Well, maybe it’s not so sudden.” Allison frowns at the tea selection, two-thirds listening to Five and one-third picking out a tea. “Maybe you’ve had feelings for them for years and you’ve just now realized.”
“That’s doubtful. I know pretty much everything.” Five says proudly. “It’s like if all of us Hargreeves shared 10 brain cells, I’d have three at all times, you’d have two, and Ben would have two, and Vanya would have two. Luther, Diego, and Klaus would share one, although it’s mainly in Diego’s hands, and Klaus has it maybe once a year(I based this off of another post I saw weeks ago and added to it, credit goes to whoever originated it).”
Allison chuckles and picks out an Earl Gray tea bag. “Yeah, that math adds up, but you’re just trying to distract both of us from talking about Y/N, who you’re madly in love with. 
“I’m not ‘madly in love’ with them.” Five grumbles, knowing that he was lying. Unfortunately, so did Allison. “I mean, is it even worth it?”
“Absolutely! It’s never a bad idea to tell someone how you feel.” Alison puts the bag in the famous mug.
“Except if it completely ruins the dynamic that you’ve created with that person. Hypothetically, of course.”
“Of course.” Allison chuckles. “But I’m sure this person wouldn’t let that happen. I think that they care as much as you do about the hypothetical relationship you two have.”
“Maybe, but even this person couldn’t control feelings of discomfort.”
“Well, the person might be uncomfortable at first, but it wouldn’t last very long. And we’re forgetting the very strong possibility that the feelings could be reciprocated.” The teapot screams.
Klaus Hargreeves was not a simple guy. He, for one, hated to see two people who obviously were in love with each other pine hopelessly until they grew old and spent years denying their very obvious feelings for each other. 
So obviously, he had to get them together. 
He was on his way to do just that, eating a scone(cause why not) when Five walks up to him voluntarily(gasp). 
“You better not be thinking about telling Y/N that I like them because that is a LIE.” Five glares at him.
“Oh, of course, I wouldn’t tell them that you like them.” Klaus chuckles and starts walking again, twirling his magnificent boa around his fingers. 
Five breathes out a sigh of relief just as Klaus says, “I was going to tell them that you love them. Love you!”
Five’s eyes widen and he runs in front of him again. “No! You can’t do that!”
“Oh? And why not?” 
“Because then they will that the lie you are about to tell is the truth! And there’s no way I’m letting you do that!”
Klaus sighs. “You know as well as I do that it’s not a lie, brother. Now please move out of the way so I can tell our dear friend Y/N about how you feel.”
“No way! Not until you swear not to!” 
“I’m just doing your job, Fivie.” Klaus ruffles his hair affectionately and Five bats his hand away. “If you didn’t want me to do it, then you should have done it a long time ago. Also, it’s insane how oblivious you two are! I mean-” 
“I’ll do it soon, but I want it to come from me.” He blurts out, and both Klaus and Five were surprised that he had done that.
“Well, how soon is soon? Because all of us have been waiting for, well, ever!” Klaus waves his arms around and then pauses. “And, you know, if you do it in the next week, then I will win 40 dollars from our dear brother Diego.”
Five sighs. “I don’t know when. I definitely need to do it as soon as possible, before one of my idiot siblings does it for me.” He stares threateningly at him and Klaus chuckles.
“Fine, fine. But by the end of the week, ok?”
“No promises!” Five downs his coffee that he holds at all times and walks out.
A few weeks pass with Five being obvious as hell, Y/N being oblivious as hell, and the rest of the Hargreeves trying to get Five to confess and failing, only getting a ‘soon’, or a ‘shut up’, or even an ‘if you don’t leave right now I will kill you and I have seventy-nine ways to choose from’. 
Y/N looks up from their book to see Five staring at them. They chuckle. “What are you looking at, weirdo?”
Five blushes a bit. “I was looking at the painting behind you.”
Y/N turns around to see a blank wall. Well, it was patterned with seashells, but other than that, it was blank. “What painting?”
“Um, well, um,” Five continues stuttering, for once not having a plan on what to say at every moment.
Y/N looks at him, giggling softly. “Ok, what’s up Five? Something’s off.”
“It’s really nothing.” Five letting the lie roll easily off his tongue, regretting it immediately. 
“If it’s nothing, then why won’t you tell me?” 
“Because it’s not important, so what’s the point?”
“The point is that then I would not be worried about whatever this is,” Y/N says, looking him straight in the eye. “So tell me right now.”
“Fine,” Five sighs, shifting his gaze from them and then looking at them again. “I was staring at you.”
Y/N blushes dark red. “W-why?”
“Because I find you very attractive.”
Y/N’s eyes widen. “So, you are...”
“Attracted to you, yes. And emotionally attracted, too.”
“Oh,” Y/N blinks, unsure if this was a dream or some sort of prank, but it was a good opportunity to admit their feelings anyway. “Well, I’m emotionally attracted to you too.” 
“Aw, man!” Diego huffs from across the room, making them both jump. “I was about to do that for you, man. Now I’ll never get that twenty dollars from Luther.” He turns to leave and pauses. “Congratulations, I suppose.” He mutters and continues on his way.
Y/N and Five turn to each other, not saying anything for a second before bursting out laughing, and at that moment Five knew as long as Y/N was by his side, he would be okay. Most likely much more than that.
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
How the fuck does this have more than a thousand notes???
Also I’m working on a request, it’ll be published ASAP, and I’m very sorry it’s been so long(school has been kicking my ass, also mental state is awful rn, and I have fam stuff too)
Dating Five Headcanons
Y/S/N= your ship name
(this is aged up to when you’re like 17 btw):
You guys are the dream power couple
Even if you don’t have powers and/or aren’t a trained assassin, you’re pretty dangerous
Like you can pack a punch
If you guys are fighting people together, you will first punch/kick him and you’re good (bc 5 gave you lessons) and then 5 will finish them off
So many high fives
You guys make fun of people together
Like with you together, you guys are twice as powerful
5 is soooo clingy
Because apparently, after 60+ years of only having a mannequin, he needs some human contact
Only behind closed doors though or when he thinks that no one is watching
He has some cruel siblings(more on that later)
He loves hugging you from behind
Or having an arm around you while you read your separate books
Speaking of
Five looooves cuddling
He likes to be the big spoon but after a rough day he prefers to be the small spoon
He just likes having you close to him especially after nightmares
Then it reminds him that he’s not still in the apocalypse or with the commission
The Hargreeves get invested in your guys’ relationship
Klaus has a scrapbook of the two of you and whenever he looks at it he wipes fake(or sometimes real) tears
Allison is the biggest fan of you guys along with Klaus
They spend hours deciding on a ship name
Luther is happy for you guys, but he doesn’t really think about it all that much
Although if he catches you guys in a **compromising position** he refuses to look either of you in the eye for like a week
Diego makes fun of you guys constantly
Like if you guys are holding hands he’ll smirk
And if HE’S the one to catch you guys
Instead of avoiding you, he’d tell EVERYONE about it, laughing for a solid five minutes
Him and Klaus and Allison would dish on your guys’ shit
“Five had an arm around them the other day.”
*collectively gasps*
Like they literally have a club called, “(Y/S/N Protection Squad)
They meet on Tuesdays
Everyone’s gone at least once, but Klaus, Allison, and Ben are the only ones who go regularly
Vanya is beyond happy for you guys
She likes seeing 5 happy for once bc he helped her so much when she was younger
If you guys are having a fight, she’s the first one you go to because she has good advice and knows five well
She’s always willing to help because most of the time it’s because one or both of you are being idiots 
All in all, the rest of the Hargreeves love you and your relationship and have basically adopted you as another sibling
Your guys’ first kiss
You guys are laughing about something and when it dies down, you look at Five to find him looking rather intensely at you
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Instead of answering, he kisses you
When you break apart, you guys just grin at each other, unsure of what to say until Klaus starts clapping and cheering, holding a camera
That obviously attracted some attention and soon enough all of the siblings were there, grinning at you guys
Of course, during all that you and Five were blushing messes
And Diego did not cut either of you any slack
How 5 acts differently around you
“You all are horrible I hope you- oh hi Y/N”
He smiles a lot around you
You’re one of the only people who can actually make him laugh
Very protective of you
Before you got together, he would blush a lot around you
You would do the same
It drove the rest of them crazy
“Go away, Klaus. They don’t like me back.”
You have a similar convo with Allison
Anyway, both of you are oblivious until Allison and Klaus literally have to announce it. 
And then they will literally not stop making fun of you for it
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
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As promised, ship requests are now open from any of the fandoms in my fandom list!
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
“I’m Glad You Kidnapped Me” (Five Hargreeves x genderneutral!reader)
Request: Can you do a Five Hargreeves x reader where Y/N and Five are friends and he finds out that Y/N’s mom is Cha Cha and kidnaps Y/N while they have Klaus. Y/N and Five become close and Cha Cha finds Five and almost drowns him and as Y/N is giving him mouth to mouth, he wakes up and they kiss. Thx 
Requested by: anon
(A/N: That was an amazing idea, anon! I hope I do it justice.)
(A/N #2: I accidentally deleted a different request, and I don’t remember much of it, so sorry if that was yours!)
(A/N #3: Sorry this took so long! I just started remote learning, and it is much harder than I thought it would be, and I have some family stuff to deal with as well(not getting into it). I’ll be updating as often as I can.)
Word count: 1672
Warnings: mention of kidnapping, slight fluff, waterboarding
5 x reader:
Y/N sighs, staring out the window of the hotel room that they shared with Uncle Hazel and their mom. It was around midnight, and they were supposed to be sleeping so they could be on their A-game tomorrow to kill even more people. 
They hated it more than anything. They would do anything to be whisked away, to not have to deal with- 
And suddenly, they were knocked unconscious by a panting Five, standing over them with a baseball bat(idk how he got it). He picks them up and gets in a car that he stole, setting them down in the backseat with a smirk.
Y/N was sleeping soundly on the couch in the living room in the Academy when they wake up to yelling.
“What the hell, Five? You kidnapped a person!” A woman with long dark hair with blonde highlights glares at a boy who seemed to be around Y/N’s age.
“Yeah, that’s messed up man.” A man with short dark hair and piercing dark eyes shakes his head at a boy with a school uniform on.
“This can be used to our advantage! I now have a bargaining chip to use against Cha Cha!” The Boy (just accidentally did an homage to the comics. Nice.) says, tired of his siblings’ empathy.
“The ‘bargaining chip’ has a name and feelings, you know.” Y/N sits up and glares around at the group of adults and one boy, who all stare at them. “And one of the feelings that it’s feeling is anger.” 
“I don’t care about your feelings, but I do care about your name,” The Boy says, his patience clearly wearing thin(per usual). “What is it?”
“Like I’m telling you, you’re the person who kidnapped me,” Y/N says with a death glare at him. “I don’t trust you.”
The Boy growls but keeps his anger in check for a change. “Fine. I’ll tell you mine. I’m Five Hargreeves, and you are?”
“You’re Five Hargreeves? A boy?” Y/N chuckles. “Like I’m going to believe that. The real Five Hargreeves is like eighty.” 
“Fifty eight.” Five grumbles. 
“I really don’t care. Let me go.” 
“Not until your mom finds you. And then you can go back to her, but not until you give me information on what they’re going to do next.”
“Well, that sucks for you, because I’m not telling you anything,” Y/N says, a big smirk on her face. Of course, that feeling was only skin-deep, because she had no idea what they were going to do. They wouldn’t tell her anything, not that she was interested, although it would have been helpful right now.
“Oh, you will.” Five chuckles darkly. “Trust me.”
“I don’t.” Y/N snaps. 
Cha Cha wakes up at 5 am on the dot every morning, rising from her bed and looks to the place where she always first looked on a mission(which was pretty much constantly), her child’s bed, usually finding a sleeping Y/N, who would be normally snoring quietly. But this time, she found her worst nightmare.
Y/N was gone. 
Cha Cha’s eyes widen, and she runs from her bed to Y/N’s, tears running down her face. “No no no no no no…” she mutters to herself repeatedly. “HAZEL!” 
Hazel, the lazy one, slowly opened his eyes to look over at Cha Cha. “Hm?” he mumbles, barely registering anything, let alone tears. “What happ’n’d?” 
“They are nowhere to be found.” Cha Cha says quietly.
That sure woke him up. “Y/N?” 
Cha Cha nods, not having enough emotional energy to say a sarcastic remark about how obvious it was that it was Y/N. “And I think we know who it was.” She says, her voice filled to the brim with the perfect mix of anger and worry.
Five pours himself a cup of coffee, pleased with himself. “I should probably get them something to eat…” he mutters, going upstairs to some room that he had chosen for Y/N. And by chosen, he checked to make sure it didn’t belong to anyone else and shoved them in there. 
Y/N was sitting there, a million possibilities on how to escape flying through their head when they hear the door open and look up to see Five. “Oh. It’s you.”
Five rolls his eyes. “Yeah, no shit. I just came here to see what you are and aren’t allergic to.”
“Oh, so you won’t let me starve out! That’s a relief.”
“Yeah, so that you can live to give me information on your mom and her partner.”
“Oh, no way. Although, my opinion might be changed with my appetite…” 
Five studies their face for a moment and chuckles. “Absolutely not, you’ll just make me steal you stuff and then you’ll never tell me anything. Oldest trick in the book.”
Y/N sighs in fake defeat. “Aw, man! That was my entire plan, all foiled by you again, Hargreeves!” They laugh. 
Five laughs a bit too despite himself. “You’ll never defeat me, …?” He looks at them questioningly, realizing he still hadn’t gotten their name.
Y/N thinks for a moment. Well, they did like him, but not that much. Wait, did they just think that? “Robin.” They say, deciding that they would think about that more in-depth later(if your name is Robin, then just replace it with Casey). 
Five nods slowly. “You just gave me a fake name, didn’t you?” 
Y/N shakes their head. “Nope. Robin/Casey is my real name.”
“I don’t believe you, but that doesn’t matter right now. So, for real, what is it that you’re allergic to?”
Over the next few weeks, Y/N and Five became closer and closer. Unfortunately, so did Cha Cha and Hazel at finding out where Five Hargreeves was located.
Cha Cha smiles to herself in front of one of those big pinboards(like the one in the conspiracy theorist meme). “Finally…” she whispers. Hazel comes up next to her with a couple of cups of coffee. “Find ‘em?”
Cha Cha takes one of the cups and sips from it gleefully. “I sure did. Now let’s go kick some ass.”
Y/N grins, moving their scrabble piece to create the word ‘vivacious’ earning them twenty-one points and the game. “I win!”
Five glares at them. “You must have cheated somehow. I never lose.”
“Oh my gosh. You are SUCH a sore loser!” Y/N laughs harder shifting themselves into a better position on the living room floor. 
“I am not! I just don’t like losing!” He exclaims.
Y/N chuckles and starts to reset the pieces. “Another game?” 
Five was about to agree and vow to defeat them this time, but he was interrupted by a loud crash. 
“Y/N!” Cha Cha yells. “WE’RE HERE, HONEY!” she runs up to Y/N and gives her a quick hug and a kiss on the head. “Go to Hazel, he’s outside. I’ll deal with this… thing.” She looks over at Five in distaste and a deathly glare.
“No,” Y/N mutters, barely being heard as they glance at Five.
“What was that, sweetheart?”
“I said no,”(not relating to this whatsoever but if you’re a fan of Heathers the Musical, search up I Say No deleted song) Y/N says more clearly and meets her mothers’ eye line. “You are not going to kill him.”
“And why not, dearest?” Cha Cha mutters through gritted teeth.
“Because… of the Commissioner. She will ask questions about why he is dead, you know.” Y/N says, thankful they found another way other than admitting their feelings.
“So smart…” Cha Cha’s hand cups their cheek with a loving smile. “But quite frankly, I’d rather die than let you be trapped here.” Her hand drops down to the space where her gun was supposed to be. “Oh come on...” she mutters. “I forgot my own damn gun.”
Y/N’s eyes light up. Maybe then she wouldn’t kill Five! Best case scenario, Y/N leaves and Five’s okay. They’d rather stay here with him, but they’d take this over Five dying any day of the week.
Cha Cha’s eyes graze over the mansion. First thing you learn about as an assassin? Everything is a weapon. Her gaze captures the sink and her smirk starts to grow. Guess she would be doing this the old-fashioned way. 
With a smile, she grabs Five’s hair, thankful that he was a kid again and was easy to push around. And before either Five or Y/N could react, she drags him over to the sink and turns on the tap violently, sticking Five’s head under, waterboarding him. 
With wide eyes, Y/N rushes over to her mother and starts pulling Cha Cha’s arm yelling at her to stop. Five was turning blue and struggling to get out of her grasp. 
Finally, Cha Cha slips up and is pushed to the floor. She tries to get back up but is pushed down again by an angry Y/N. “Leave. Now.” Their voice shakes with anger. 
“Sk-” Cha Cha is cut off. 
“No. Leave right now.” 
Cha Cha sighs and gets up, walking out the door. “Come back to me when you’re ready to admit that Five Hargreeves is nothing but an assassin who kidnapped you!” She yells.
Y/N ignores her and gets to work, putting Five on the ground, giving him mouth to mouth and pumping his chest up and down.
“Come on…” she mutters, leaning down and doing it all over again.
Suddenly, Five starts coughing up water, the color slowly returning to his face. “Y-Y/N?”
Y/N nods, their eyes welling up with relief tears. “Yeah. It’s me.”
Five smiles and sits up slightly. “So, was that the only reason why you didn’t want me to die?”
They shake their head. “No… there was another reason.”
“Oh?” Five looks at them, not really believing that someone like them could love someone like him.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Y/N looks at him, smiling nervously.
“Well, I know I’m in love with you.” Five smiles back, leaning in to kiss them. 
Y/N grins and kisses him softly and then pulls away. “I’m so glad you kidnapped me.”
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Wow, almost at 100 followers!
I love you all very much and I appreciate it.
Once I do get 100 followers, I will try my shot at doing ship requests from any of the fandoms from my fandom list.
If I like or am good at doing them, I will keep doing them after.
Thanks for reading :)
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Stolen(Five Hargreeves x Genderneutral!Reader)
Requested by: sokkasdarling
(A/N: Sorry this took so long, hope you like it!)
Word Count: 912
5 x reader:
“That’s mine!” Five says, glaring at Y/N, who was smirking in response.
“Oh? Because I seem to be the one wearing it.” They grin, dusting off some dust from the sleeve of one of Five’s blazers.
“You stole it.”
“And along with it, your heart.” Y/N snickers.
“Y/N.” Five tries to stare them down, ignoring the heat in his cheeks and the more rapid thumping of his heart.
“Five.” Y/N replies, smiling innocently at him.
“Give it back.”
“Or what?”
“I don’t need to give you a reason, it’s my blazer, and I need it.”
“Oh come on, you have plenty of others.”
“They’re all dirty, and this was my last one.”
“Then, just wear one of the dirty ones.” Y/N shrugs nonchalantly.
Five gives them an incredulous look. “No! I’m not wearing dirty clothes, give it back!”
Y/N sighs and takes it off with a huff and hands it to him. “Party pooper,” they mutter on their way out.
Five rolls his eyes and smiles, putting it back on. 
And that was supposed to be the end of it. What was not supposed to happen was him waking up the next morning and going to his closet only to find a note: 
The blazer is in the rightful possession of someone who shall remain nameless.
That Person Who Shall Remain Nameless
Five sighs. “Y/N,” he mutters, staring at the word Love for too long. He shakes himself out of it and gets changed into the rest of his clothes, rushing downstairs to tell them off.
“Y/N!” he yells. He goes into the living room where Y/N was chatting with Ben and Klaus while wearing HIS BLAZER(*big gasp*). 
Y/N looks up with a grin. “Hey, Five. How’d you sleep?”
“Give it back!” 
“Give what back?”
“You know what.” He glares at her.
“Look, even if I did know, which I don’t, why would I give it back to you?”
“Because it’s mine, and I need it!” 
“Do you, though?” 
Y/N looks at him for a moment before sighing. “Fine. But just know that I will get my revenge.” They shrug it off and hand it to him, glaring before striding out. 
Five smiles serenely after them, barely noticing Klaus and Ben snickering.
“Someone’s in LOOOOOOOVE~” Klaus grins widely at him and laughs.
“Shut up!” Five snaps.
“You didn’t deny it…” Ben smiles at him. 
Five groans and starts to walk out. “I hate you both!”
“Love you too!” Klaus calls after him, grinning and exchanging a look with Ben.
This happened all week, with Y/N stealing his blazers and then feigning innocence until giving it up and/or making him chase them down. It was infuriating, but he had to admit(to only himself) that he was surprisingly having a fun time. And everyone else could tell. And they were making it super obvious that they knew, which he hated. 
“So, you and Y/N, huh?” 
“No, go away Luther.”
“When are you going to profess your undying love for each other again?”
“Never, because it doesn’t exist, Allison.”
“Uh-huh..” Allison walks off with a smirk
"Please confess your love tonight, I bet Diego a bunch of money, PLEASE"
"I would if it were real, but it's not, so no. Leave me alone, Klaus." 
Klaus sighs dramatically 
“So a little birdie told me that you are madly in love with-”
“The birdie is a liar, Diego.”
It was infuriating, and he wanted it to stop, mostly because he was tired of denying it. He knew he was lying when he said it, so the obvious next course of action would be to tell Y/N he liked them so that then they could turn him down and he could move on. The perfect plan to get rid of these stupid feelings.
Y/N was reading in their room, yawning a bit, snuggled up with Five’s blazer. They knew that Five would be here soon, taking it away, but for now, they were content, turning a page and being all nice and comforta-
“That’s mine.” Five appears in their doorway, staring daggers at her. 
Y/N looks up and feels their heart speed up. “Hey, Five. Want to go get a donut?”
“I want my blazer back.”
“Y/N.” Five sighs and looks into their eyes. Now would probably be the time when Y/N actually did take it off, but not this time.
“No. I like it.” They put their book down. “It’s nice and warm.” 'and smells like you' Y/N adds in their head.
“Yeah, and I need it. You have other jackets and other warm things.”
“I know, but I like this one.”
“Because I like stealing from you.”
“I really don’t care. Give it back.”
Y/N sets their book down and walks up to FIve. “Make me.” They were now nose-to-nose, and both of them were freaking out on the inside while remaining cool on the outside.
“Fuck it,” he mutters and grabs the collar of his blazer and kisses them, expecting them to pull away but they actually kiss back, smiling.
The click of a camera causes them to jump away from each other to look at Allison holding a camera and grinning at them. “Well, well, well… HEY BEN, YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS! ”
The rest of the Hargreeves clan crowds into Y/N's room, piling on to the embarrassment that FIve and Y/N were feeling, laughing at them and accepting and giving money.
Long story short, Allison, Klaus, and Ben spent that entire night planning your wedding, arguing about the color scheme and flowers while you and Five read and eat donuts until well after midnight.
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Prompt List
(I did not write these, so credit to the people who did. Feel free to request with these or do your own!)
1. “Why are your eyes so red?”
2. “Is that what you think of me?”
3. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough?”
4. “When did things fall apart?”
5. “Which part of me wasn’t enough?”
6. “How do you sleep at night?”
7. “Do you understand what you’ve done?”
8. “Can you really blame me?”
9. “How could you do this?”
10. “Are you leaving?”
11. “Are you satisfied now...?”
12. “I wish I never met you!”
13. “I’m sorry.”
14. “Get out.”
15. “Please. I need you.”
16. “I cheated on you.”
17. “Are you okay?”
18. “I’m not crying. I don’t cry.”
19. “Forget it.”
20. “Stop!”
21. “Answer me!”
22. “Prove it.”
23. “How much of that did you hear?”
24. “Why?”
25. “I miss you.”
26. “I loved you. I really did.”
27. “How can I trust you?”
28. “I trusted you!”
29. “I loved them more than anything in this world, and they’re dead because of me.”
30. “I’m trying, all the time, but it’s just too hard.”
31. “How could you do this to me? After everything we’ve been through?”
32. “Please, don’t leave me!”
33. “They’re all I have left.”
34. "Please, just don't do it."
35. "Why? Because I love you!"
36. "I'm leaving and once I walk out that door, you are never gonna see me again."
37. "Once, a long time ago, I thought I loved you."
38. "You lied. Just admit it."
39. "You know damn well why I flinch!"
40. "Please respond... please just. Please!"
41.  "You don't get another chance!"
42. "Let me enjoy this one last night."
43. "What happened to us?"
44. "Is that blood?"
45. "I can handle everyone else looking at me like that, but not you. Please don't look at me like that."
46. "Back off."
47. "Sorry I ruined your life. Maybe you shouldn't have married me."
48. "It's nothing against you...I just have to leave."
49. "That's the problem. I love you so much, I'd be willing to die for you."
50. "When I look at you, I see my world and that scares the sh*t out of me."
1. “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
2. “Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
3. “You look really cute in that sweater.”
4. “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
5. “God, you always make me blush so damn much.”
6. “Could you hold my hand?”
7. “Your lips are really warm.”
8. “No, mom, don’t tell them I said that about them!”
9. “My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
10. “Wow, I didn’t think you could make me smile this big.”
11. “You don’t need to leave so soon.”
12. “Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that.”
13. “You make me so happy.”
14. “Let’s share my coat since you’re so cold.”
15. “Would you mind if I kissed you?”
16. “Are you sugar personified or something?”
17. “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.”
18. “Yeah… Huh? Oh, sorry I was just thinking about my partner.”
19. “I’m so in love with them, I don’t know what do do.”
20. “I remember practicing how to ask you out to the mirror.”
21. “You look like you need a hug.”
22. “Well, if I tell you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.”
23. “Can we share the blanket?”
24. “I want to spend all my time with you.”
25. “You mean more than anything.”
26. “Keep it.”
27. “Time for a pillow fight.”
28. “Is that my shirt?”
29. “Move over.”
30. “Stop making me laugh!”
31. “I love you, but you need to shut up.”
32. “Gimme your hand.”
33. “Thanks for marrying me.”
34. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”
35. “I have never loved you as much as I do right now.”
36. “I wouldn’t wanna fight you. You’re pretty feisty.”
37. “They’re coming. Kiss me!”
38. “I want a baby.”
39. “Would you warm me up?”
40. “That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.”
41. “I’m screwed.”
42. “Sleep is for the weak.”
43. “You’re burning up.”
44. “Need a ride?”
45. “Your hands are so cold.”
46. “I could hug you all day.”
47. “Thanks for cheering me up.”
48. “Do I look okay?”
49. “Hold me just a little longer.”
50. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
1. “I'm invited? I thought you said holiday celebrations were a family only event."
“You are family.”
2. “That might be your dumbest idea yet”
 “So... We’re doing it?”
“Hell yeah we are” 
3. “This person is being a creep and won’t leave me alone. Will you pretend to be my overprotective older sibling for five minutes?”
4. "What are you doing this weekend?"
5. “That guy sounds like a piece of shit, want me to kill them for you?”
6.  "Your secret is safe with me"
Soulmate AUs:
1. The one where you can feel the other’s pain
2. The one where your chest glows when you meet them
3. The one where the first thing you say shows up on your wrist
4. The one where you’re colorblind until you meet them
5. The one where a red string connects you forever, but you only see it after you meet them
6. The one where a red string connects you forever, but you only see it after you fall in love with them
7. The one where you have a tattoo of something that represents your soulmate on your wrist
8. The one where you have your soulmate’s initials on your wrist
9. The one where you and your soulmate have matching tattoos
10. The one where you get to hang out with your soulmate in your dreams but you forget them until you get together
11. The one where your dreams consist of your soulmates memories
12. The one where whatever you draw on your hand your soulmate can see
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
His One And Only Weakness(Five Hargreeves x genderneutral!reader)
(A/N: Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support, it really means a lot to me. I love you all very much and I hope this imagine doesn’t disappoint any of you, I worked hard on it)
(A/N #2: The reader has aging powers, so you can speed up your age and slow it down, along with other peoples’. So they are 16 in this, along with Five)
Word Count: 1111
Warnings: kidnapping
Permanent: @five-scoffee @peepeeparkerr @linthebinbag
5 x reader: @sitherin-mxschief @paradox-psychosis
From the moment Y/N Y/L/N and Five Hargreeves met, they would butt heads almost constantly. Always in some sort of argument that, for the most part, wouldn’t even make sense. Or matter.
“Quit cutting in front of me!”
“I wasn’t! This is just how I’m standing!”
*arguing ensues*
But of course, this wasn’t how they actually felt about each other. They loved each other, as they had done for years when Y/N had been found in an orphanage when they were twelve and now lives in the Hargreeves household, still keeping their last name(Yep, they are not siblings. You can relax now). They loved each other when they argued and they saw the glimmer in each other’s eyes when they won. They loved each other when one of them had a bad dream and climb through the others’ window to distract themselves. They loved each other when they weren’t arguing, just laughing or reading.
They had always loved each other, and everyone knew and tried so very hard to get them together, always failing miserably.
 Unfortunately, this included the Handler, who, when she figured out Five’s one and only weakness, grinned and started a plan, enlisting the help of no one, not even her darling daughter. It would feel so much better if she was the only one to do this, to defeat him on her own. 
It would all be so worth it.
Y/N yawns and glances at the clock above their desk. ‘2:15 already, I should probably go to sleep… oh, just one more chapter.’ They reopen their book and continue reading becoming so immersed in the fictional world that they barely hear the window creak open in the real one. 
The Handler steps inside silently, holding a briefcase and looking around the room until her gaze lands on Y/N, who was turning a page when they look up to see The Handler standing in front of them, a smile on her features reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. “Hello, Y/N.”
Y/N stares at her for a moment in shock for a moment before standing up, glaring furiously at her. “Get out right now.”
“Oh, I was just on my way… just needed to grab something real quick.” her smile widens as she swings her briefcase by Y/N’s head, knocking them out instantly. She smirks over the body. “Step one completed.” The Handler picks Y/N up and opens the briefcase, They’re encased in a bright light, on their way to the commission.
A few minutes later, Five teleports to Y/N’s room, tears running down his face. The dream he had had been particularly awful, and the first thought he had when he woke up was to see Y/N, who would do what they always do when this happened; close their book and comfort him, wiping away his tears and telling stupid jokes until dawn.
But they weren’t here. The bathroom, Five decided. They’ll be back soon. And so he waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Until about half an hour passed, and he couldn’t ignore it anymore. They weren’t in The Umbrella Academy, they weren’t safe. Y/N was in trouble, and he knew whose fault it was, anger coursing through his veins. 
The fucking Handler.
A couple of hours later, when Y/N woke up, the first thing they see is The Handler smirking down at them. “Good morning.”
They try to move their arms angrily but to no avail. They were tied up, legs and arms strapped tightly to a wooden chair. 
“Oh, that won’t work, honey. Not to mention I made it so that you can’t use your powers here, no aging your limbs to slip out for you.” The Handler grins widely.
Y/N tries it anyway but sighs in defeat. “What do you want?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I want Five. He’ll be here soon enough, he really does care for you.”
Y/N rolls their eyes. “You’re joking, right? He hates me, has been ever since we met.”
“That’s where you’re wrong.” The Handler says knowingly. “He’ll be here soon enough, I know it.”
Meanwhile, Five was angrily pacing the living room, in front of him were the rest of his siblings on the couch.
“Maybe they took a sabbatical,” Klaus suggests. “Man, who could blame them? Sabbaticals are the best. Last time, I-”
“Y/N wouldn’t just take a sabbatical, Klaus. They would at least tell us.” Five snaps. “The Handler obviously kidnapped them to get to me.”
There was a deafening silence as the rest of them processed this.
“Ok then, let’s go get ready. I’ll get my knives.” Diego stands up.
“No. I’m going alone.” Five says
The rest of the room erupts.
“Are you insane you could get hurt-” (Allison)
“What are we to you, weak-”(Diego)
“There’s no way you’re going alone-” (Luther)
“They’re our friend too-” (Vanya)
“I’ve made my decision,” Five cuts them all off. “The Handler only wants me. We don’t need to risk more lives.”
The silence once again takes over the room. Although they didn’t want to, they had to admit it made sense. 
They all said their good-byes and good-lucks, and Five teleports to the Commission, looking around for Y/N. 
It took around twenty minutes, but he finally opened the right door to see Y/N tied up, an annoyed expression on their face, and The Handler smiling widely at him. “Well, it’s about time. I was almost going to get you myself.”
Y/N stares at him, surprised. Just seeing them like that made his blood boil, and he turns back to The Handler. “Hey, you can’t be an asshole to them, only I can!” He smirks and grabs a knife from his sock(courtesy of Diego Hargreeves) and tries to stab her but she moves out of the way.
“Did you really think that would be all it would take?” The Handler tsks. “You’ve gotten rusty, old man.”
One epic fighting scene later(look, I tried to write it. But I’m actual trash at writing these, trust me), and Five gets the upper hand and stabs The Handler in the heart. “Well, that’ll hold her for at least a little while.” He turns to Y/N and walks over, untying them.
Y/N stands up, smiling. “Thanks. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I did though.” Five smiles shyly at them. 
Y/N feels their face heat up, and they smile even wider. 
“Look, if me killing, at least for the moment, The Handler for you wasn’t enough to let you know how I feel, then-”
He was cut off by Y/N pulling him closer and kissing him. “It did, thank you.” they chuckle. “I like you too.”
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Ok, you guys clearly want the five imagine! I’ll go start on that as soon as possible.
It occurred to me that some of you might want to be on the taglist. Shoot me a dm if you want to be, and specify if you want to be on the permanent taglist or just 5 x reader.
Thanks for your support!
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