The Hidden Feelings - NaruHina
Hello guys! I wrote this fanfic at 2am and it’s actually my first time writing a fanfic. So…umm… Please, don’t be too judgemental! I know that is not perfect and good enough but I’m still a beginner. I also want you to forgive me about my mistakes I know that my English is still not perfect but I’m working on it. Anyway, I hope you like it!
Two weeks have passed since Naruto become Hokage and I haven’t seen him at all. I miss him so much. I think about him every single minute and I want to see him so badly. Sakura and Ino told me that I have to confess my feelings to him but…I’m really scared. I’m scared from the answer. I’m in love with Naruto since I was a little girl but he always has eyes for Sakura. Well she’s now with Sasuke but what if he still has feelings for her? I can’t sleep at night because because of those questions. After 3 days is the party for his birthday and I’m a little bit nervous. Tomorrow I’m on shopping with Sakura. I hope I can find the perfect dress.
The next day at the mall
Sakura: So Hinata….what kind of a dress you want? Me: Hmm…I don’t know but I hope you’ll help me to choose the perfect one. Sakura: Sure! I’ll love to help you! But anyway let’s talk about boys… She grinned at me and winked. Me: Umm….what? Sakura: Ohh, come on! How long you think to hide your feelings from him? Me: As long as it’s possible! I’m not gonna confess my feelings to him! What if he reject me? I’ll be broken! Sakura: Pffft…. You’re such a dork! It’s more than obvious that he has feelings for you too. What does she mean by that? There’s no way for him to fall for me. He didn’t notice me for all those years so why would he notice me now? Me: Whatever…. Let’s just pick clothes for the party. Sakura: Are trying to avoid the topic? Аnd at that moment someone shouted: *SAKURA* OMG! That voice… We both turned around and in front of us was Naruto. What the heck?! Did Sakura invited him? Oh no! I whisper to her: Me: What Naruto is doing here? Did you invited him? Why did you do that? Sakura: Huh? What? No, of course not! It’s just coincidence. Me: Really? What should we do? I’m panicking! Sakura: Hey, relax! Just act cool and try to look more mysterious. Guys like mysterious girls. She smiled at me! So…I have to be cool and mysterious… Okay Hinata, you can do it! You are beautiful, smart and….and OMG He’s coming…. Relax! RELAX! Naruto: Hey girls! What’s up? Sakura: Hey! We’re on shopping! What about you? Naruto: Oh…well I have meeting with Sasuke here but he’s late as always! Sakura: What? With Sasuke? He’s coming? Aww…. I want to see him! I poked Saura in the ribs. Me: No you don’t… Remember, we are here for other things… Naruto looked at me and smiled. Oh no! I’m blushing! Naruto: So….umm…Hinata? Are you excited for the party? Crap I’m sweating! What did Sakura said? I have to be cool and mysterious, right? So I take a deep breath and: Me: Oh… Well, not really. I mean why I should be excited for something like that? I have a lot of other things in my mind… I try to answer as cool and mysterious I can but Sakura pokes me and start to laughing nervously. Sakura: Hahaha…Oh Hinata you’re such a sweetie! *I’m killing you if you say more* she whispered to me so Naruto can’t hear her. Naruto: Um…. OMG! What did I do? Why I’m so stupid! Sakura: We’re really excited for the party! Hinata can’t wait! Me: Huh? Sakura: She even  told me that she want to tell you something important at the party! Hahaha…. Me: What? I did? Naruto looked surprised at me and smiled. Naruto: Really? Oh boy! Now I can’t wait! He winked at me and Sakura took me by the hand. Sakura: Oh wow! Sorry Naruto but we have to go now. Say Sasuke “hi” from us. Naruto: Oh, yeah, sure! We wave to him and Sakura drag me to the bathroom. Sakura: Are you an idiot! I told you to be cool and mysterious not a total jerk! Me: I’m sorry! I was so nervous! I couldn’t help it! Sakura: Oh, well….now you should do your best at the party! Me: Huh? What? Wait, what should I do? Sakura: Confess! Me NO! No, no, no, no! Absolutely NOT! Sakura frowned. Sakura: Hinata….if you keep running away- Me: Yes, I know! We already had this conversation! Sakura: Then do something! Me: Ahh! Fine! I’ll try my best! She smiled widely. Sakura: You go girl! But you have to promise me that you’ll talk with him for your feelings! Me: What? But… Sakura: No buts! Pinky swear? Me: Fine! Pinky swear! Now that I promised to her….I gues I really have to confess my feelings… Ugh…
Three days later
Sakura and Ino come to my house to get ready for the party. Ino: Oh my God! Girls, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see Sai! Sakura: I know! Aww…my Sasuke will be gorgeous! I can’t wait to see him! Me: Ugh…slow down girls! You just talked with them on the phone! I frowned and both of them looked at me grinning ear to ear. Sakura: Ohhh Hinata! Ino: Ohhh did our sweet and shy, secretly naughty girl is jealous? Me: What? Naughty? Both: Hehehehehe…. Me: Stop laughing! It’s not funny! I’m super nervous! Ino: Oh it’s nothing new for you! You’re always nervous around Naruto. Didn’t you already get used to it? Me: Stop it Ino! I’m serious here! Sakura: Okay, okay! We’ll stop teasing you if you share with us your plan! Ino: Yup! We’ll stop! Me: Umm…what plan? Sakura: What do you mean “what plan”? Ino: How are you going to confess your feelings to Naruto? Me:Ummm….well…I’ll… Sakura: You have no idea what to do, right? Me: Yeah… Ino: Okay girls! Stop thinking too much! I’m sure that everything will come naturally so don’t overthinking it! Sakura: But if she doesn’t make a move then some other girl will steal him away from her! Me: What? Steal him away from me? Ino: Oh…you’re talking about the new girl, right? Sakura: Exactly! Me:Huh? Wait, what new girl? Ino: She is working for Tsunade as her second assistant and I’ll lie if I say she doesn’t have something for Naruto. Sakura: Yeah…I saw her yesterday to flirt with him and- Me: WHAT? She was flirting with my Naruto? Now I’m totally pissed of! I didn’t know that there’s a girl with a crush on Naruto. Anyway, there’s no time for me to be nervous. I have to act before the new girl (whoever is she) to steal him from me! Me: Girls, I’m totally ready to win his heart and I’m not going to lose from her! Ino: YEAH! Sakura: You go girl! Me: By the way….who is the new girl? Both of them looked at each other and Sakura smiles anxiously. Sakura: Well…you see… Ino: Hinata… I think it’ll be better to see her with your own eyes.. Okay…now I’m a little worried…
Two hours later we arrived to the hotel and we go to the restaurant where everyone already were there. Tenten: Girls, over here! Ino: Oh! Wow! Tenten you look gorgeous! Sakura: Yeah! You look like a princess! Me: Totally! Tenten: Aww, thanks girls! Same for you! But Hinata…..You look so sexy with this dress! I blushed automatically! Me: Ooh…ahh…thanks! Ino: Hehe…who can imagine that our shy Hinata is actually dirty girl? Sakura: Hehehe! Neji: Not me! The four of us turned around and see my cousin Neji with grumpy face. Neji: Hinata, what is this? This dress is a way too short and a way too skin tight! I’m not gonna allow you to walking around like that! Me: Uhh…. Ugh….he’s overprotective as always… Tenten: Ohh Neji I missed you so much! Neji: Huh? We just come together- Tenten: Yeah but I really….umm…I really need to drink something! Let’s go and take a drink! Tenten winked at me and dragged Neji alway. Me: Phew! That was close! Sakura: Yeah…, He really didn’t like how short is the dress… Ino: I think his reaction was actually cute! Sakura and I looked at Ino like we saw an alien. Ino: What? Sakura:….. Me:….. I turned around to see if Naruto is somewhere but I couldn’t see him anywhere. I guess he’s still not here… Ino: OMG! Hinata! That’s her! She’s here! Sakura: OMG! She has the same shoes as me! I can’t believe this! Me: Huh? Who? Where? Ino: The new girl with a crush on your future boyfriend! Sakura: She has the same shoes as me…. CRAP! Me: Huh? Wait….you’re not talking about the girl with the green hair, right? Both of them looked at me depressed. Me: What the…. No, it can’t be… She’s…..She’s… Sakura: Calm down Hinata! Me: She is PERFECT! I was shocked when I saw her! She is so beautiful… I can’t compare myself with her… Naruto: Hello ladies! Sasuke: Hi! I heard voices behind me and when I turned around to see who is it I saw there Naruto and Sasuke. Ino: Hey guys! You look good! Sakura: Sasuke! Aww you look amazing! Sasuke: Thanks! You…too… Me: Hi guys! At the moment I spoke Naruto looked at me and smiled brightly. Naruto: Wow! Hinata…umm… You look amazing! Me: Umm…oh…really? Naruto: Totally! *Naruto!!* We hear voice and turned around to see from who is it. Oh no….the green haired girl…she’s coming this way. Naruto: Oh! Hey Mia! So….her name is Mia, huh? Sakura poked me and Ino and then winked to us. Sakura: Girls…. Ino: This girl will ruin everything! Sakura: We have to separate her from Naruto! Ino: I’m on it! Sasuke: For what are you three whispering about? Me:!! Ino:Uhh… Sakura: Oh…umm…Sasuke I feel a little dizzy… Sasuke: What? Are you okay? Sakura: I need a fresh air… Sasuke: Okay! Take my hand! Let’s go to the balcony. Sasuke and Sakura disappeared and now I’m alone with Ino. Naruto turned to face me. Naruto: Hinata? Me: Y-Yes? Naruto: I want to introduce to you Mia. She’s working as second assistant for Tsunade and she’s super smart! Maybe she’s even smarter than Sakura… Ino: Wow….If Sakura hear you she’ll kill you… Great! He’s calling her smart! What’s next? Mia: Nice to meet you! Me and Ino: Nice to meet you too! Mia: So…you’re Hinata, huh? Ugh…she’s checking me out. Me: Um…yes. Did you hear about me? Mia: Yeah! Tsunade told me that you have special feelings for my Naruto! Is that true? Me: WHAT! Ino: What the heck…!? Naruto looked at me and blushed. Naruto: What are you talking about Mia? I’m not “yours”! We’re not dating! Mia: Still not! But I’ll change that! Me: Huh? Ino:Uhh… Naruto looked at me nervously. Naruto: Uhh…Hinata it’s not like that…I mean… Mia: Oh come on Naruto! You kissed me yesterday, didn’t you? Me:!! Ino:! Naruto: What? No! That was- Me: I need a fresh air! Please, excuse me! I started to leave. Naruto: Wait! Hinata! Naruto tries to follow me but Mia grabbed his arm. Ino: Uhh…We’ll be back! I feel like an idiot! What does she mean by that they were kissing? Ino: Hinata! Wait a minute! She grabbed my arm. Me: What? Ino: Where do you think you’re going? Me: I’m going home! Ino: What? But it’s Naruto’s birthday party! You can’t just leave like that? Me: Oh really? Just watch! I start to feel the tears in my eyes. I have the feeling that I’ll start crying any moment. Sakura: Hey! What’s up? Where’re Naruto and Mia? She asked looking at me worriedly. Ino: Oh…about that…umm…we just… Sasuke: Huh? Hinata? Are you crying? Me:!! Sakura and Ino looked at me. Me: No! It’s just…I just need to go home… Sakura and Sasuke: What? Ino: Umm…you see… Sasuke: Hey! Hinata? What happen? Sakura told me that you’ll confess your feelings to Naruto! What? Sakura why did you tell him…you dummy! I couldn’t stand this and I just walked away! Sakura: Hinata! Come back here right now! I take a taxi and went home! After I go inside my house I throw my bag to the floor and take of my high-heels. Tears were running down to my face since I left the restaurant. I can’t believe I thought that I have chance with him. I’m so stupid! Mia is beautiful and smart….why would he choose me when he can have someone like her? I sit down on the sofa and turned off my phone. I close my eyes and at this moment I heard the doorbell. Huh? Who could be on this time? Me: Yes? Who is it? *It’s me!* What? That voice… I immediately opened the door and Naruto was standing there. Me: Naruto….But…what are you doing here? Naruto: Why did you run away like that? Why did you leave me alone with Mia? Me:…. Naruto: Hinata…answer me? He raises his voice. Me:!! I didn’t expect him to follow me. Me: Umm…why don’t you come in? We go to the living room and he take my hand. Me: Why are you here? Why did you leave your party? Shit! He’s holding my hand! Naruto: Sasuke and others told me that you went home so…. Me: S-so? Oh God! I’m shaking! Relax Hinata! Naruto: So I decided to follow you because there’s no point for me to be there without you! Me: What…? Naruto: Hinata….about what Mia said back then to the party….It’s not true! Me:…. Naruto: Look….the truth is that she confess to me her feelings yesterday… Me: Oh? Naruto:….and I rejected her. Tsunade overheard our conversation and said to me in front of Mia “So you have feelings for Hinata?” Me: What? Naruto: So I guess Mia get jealous… Me:Oh…uh…I understand… Naruto squeezed my hand and looked into my eyes. Naruto: Hinata….I…I really have to tell you something! Me: Huh? Is he going to…Oh God! I feel dizzy! And I lost my consciousness.
Me: Mmm….what happen? Where am I? Naruto: Hey! Stay still! Me: Oh? Naruto: You lose consciousness so I take you to your room. I hope you don’t mind… When I looked around I saw Naruto sitting on the edge of my bed. Our eyes met and he looked away. OMG! What should I do! Awkward silence fell the room. I have to say something! Me: Umm…N-Naruto? Naruto: Yes? What is it? I have to tell him how I feel about him! Well…now or never! Me: Naruto….I have to tell you….something… Naruto: ?! Me: …uhh…s-s-since I was a little girl….I-I’ve always… Come on Hinata! You can do this! Oh damn it! I’m blushing again! Naruto: I know! He says with a gentle smile on his face. Me: What…. Oh God! I can’t believe to my ears! Naruto: Hinata…I wanted to tell you how I was feeling about you but I just…I was scared that you might reject me… Me: What? No way! I felt the same way! I was scared from the same thing! Naruto: Hinata… I love you! I need you in my life! Every time when I see you I just want to hug you and kiss you and I want to do so much other things to you… Me:!! Naruto: So…umm….do you love me too? Me: I…I…Naruto I love you! I want to be with you too! Naruto hugged me and whispered in my ear. Naruto: Hinata? Me: Yes? Naruto: Can I kiss you? Me: Wha? Don’t ask me like that! Naruto giggled. Naruto: Pfft! Your face is red! Me:!! Naruto: You’re so cute! So…can I kiss you? Ugh…stop asking dummy! I nodded shyly. Me:…yes… Naruto’s face comes closer and our lips touched. He kissed my gentle but then he kissed me more forceful and deep. I started to feel dizzy again. Naruto pushes me down and get on top of me. Naruto: Hinata…I love you! Me: Mmm…I love you too! We kissed over and over again! I love him so much! And now I know that he loves me too! From now on we’re a couple! I can’t wait to share my life with him!
(via little-black-fox-951)
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get-fit-95-blog-blog · 10 years
RIP diet
Me: Mom, I'm going on a diet tomorrow!
Mom: Okay sweety! Good luck!
Me: Thanks! ^.^
*The next day*
Me: I'm hooome!
Mom: Oh hey! How was at school today?
Me: Boring... I feel so tired!
Mom: Ohh! Don't worry and come to kitchen to see what mommy made to you.
Me: What.....?
Me: *Go to kitchen*
Mom: Surprise!
Me: Oh nooo! Mom!! Why did you do all my favorite food? Why mom? Why?
Mom: What? Aren't you happy?
Me: Mom...do you remember what I said yesterday?
Mom: Umm....?
Me: Today I'm on a diet! I'm on a diet mom! Why you always cook my favorite food when I can't eat? WHY?
Mom: Ohh stop complaining and go wash your hands! Hurry up before the food get cold!
Me: Mom, I won't talk to you anymore...
*20 minutes later*
Me: Phew! That was delicious!
Mom: I'm glad you liked it!
Me: OH NO! What did I done... Ohh noooo....my diet...
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