ginnselswritings · 2 years
What is happiness truly??
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
We live, we love, we lie, we die, we exist,we survive. But what's our real purpose?, Our aim?Our goal?? Our destination? The reason we exist? The reason we survive? The reason we try so hard to live when we don't even know why we are doing so in the first place??.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
“We are dying from overthinking. We are slowly killing ourselves by thinking about everything. Think. Think. Think. You can never trust the human mind anyway. It’s a death trap.”
— Anthony Hopkins
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Most of us who are invincible, who feel unseen, aren't actually not in the picture, it's just that the world chooses not to see us.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
So true.
“So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”
— Jorge Luis Borges
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Comparison would forever be the true thief of joy.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Let me burn away
In the flames of your love, our love
Maybe then I would find peace,
Calm the raging inferno in my soul,
Find balance between you and I.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
I had always been the villain in our love story, it just took you treating me like one to truly realize it.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
It's sad really how the things we don't put soo much effort into last the longest,
how the friends we don't really value are the ones that are with us through dark times,
how no matter how hard I tried, we were never meant to be in the first place,
our paths never meant to cross,
But no matter how little out time together was, how destructive and disastrous our relationship was, am still glad I met you, glad I got to bee with you , glad for what you made me feel,
And no matter what, even if it breaks me inside, even if it kills me, I know I will never stop loving you, waiting for you, even though I know you aren't coming back,even though I know you were never mine to love, be with, I will still wait for you, for the day we can be together again, in secret or in public, it doesn't matter, for as long as I have you.
am yours, to the ends of time, in this life or the next, you will forever have my heart, to do as you please with it .
Till we meet again, farewell my love.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Our words could have so much meaning and power, but only life is breed into them through actions and authority.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
No matter where you run to, no matter how far you go, no matter how much you try to hide it, the truth will always find a way to set itself free no matter how long it takes, so why bother?
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
It's relatively easy to tune out physical pain when you are emotionally stable or drained. Everything is just an indistinguishable blurb of nothing.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
I've come to understand something in life;
nothing will matter more to u than what you choose to value the most.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Not related to anything lol but like I prefer horror novels that focus on the plot which is mostly mystery filled instead of trying to scare the shit out of me which is pretty if you ask me. Anyone else like this?
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
For us to succeed in this unforgiving world, we must first learn to see failure as a stepping stone,not as defeat.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
There's still some form of good left in this void of a world, you just have to find it and when you do, never let it go.
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ginnselswritings · 3 years
Life is like jumping off a cliff without knowing what's at the bottom but believing that what ever it might be, you will survive and find your way through, and maybe in the process you might find a gem, something to share with the world, or your world.
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