hadilsblog Β· 7 days
You : Hey, why did the chicken cross the road?
Barou : To get to the other side of the road?
You: You are supposed to say, β€œI don’t know, why.”
Barou : Ahhh, well.. Why did she block the road?
You: To reach the stupid's house
Barou: Well..?
Bachira: Hey Barou, knock, knock
Barou: No
bachira: You're supposed to say "Who's there?"
Barou: Let's quickly finish this shit , who's there?
Bachira: the chicken
Barou: you two pieces of sh-
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hadilsblog Β· 16 days
My exams start tomorrow
I'm feeling nervous
I feel like thereis a black hole in my stomach instead of butterflies πŸ§ŽπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’”
Despite this, I am very excited to finish this school year πŸ₯°
I also plan to buy ice cream for my friends πŸŽ€
I don't really know how many there will be, but I bet it's more than 20 girls
But they deserve this and thanks to them I had a wonderful year πŸ§ŽπŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ’
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hadilsblog Β· 22 days
I don't really know how to say it butIs there is any way to block tags?
So that the content related to it does not appear to me
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hadilsblog Β· 29 days
There are about two weeks left until school ends πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή
Omg I really miss summer
This is the worst school year I have ever had
I will be in my final year of high school next year πŸ₯²
The problem is that I am the only one in the final year
This is terrifying
What are you planning to do in the summer?
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hadilsblog Β· 3 months
Slam Ω‡Ψ―ΩŠΩ„ i have a request πŸ₯Ί
Can you write a story about the Miya twins having a baby brother ( age 5) and them taking care of him
I'm really sorry for not responding, I've
been very busy with exams, projects and preparing for Ramadan 😭😭
I apologize for any spelling mistake
Warning: nothing
Miya twin take care of their younger sister
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"Take care of your little sister until I return." That was the message written on the note stuck on the fridge.
Atsumu complained as he showed the note to his twin who was cooking breakfast. "She's sleeping now, so let's not wake her to avoid any mess," he suggested.
"Is that the smell of fried eggs?" the younger one interrupted, taking a seat at the dining table where a plate of fried eggs and toast was waiting for her. "Thank you, Osamu," she said, wiping the sleep from her eyes before digging in.
"You've burnt the eggs, Osamu," she said with annoyance, lifting the egg with her fork. "it made with love, not skill."
"It's my turn to watch TV!" the younger one shouted, trying to grab the remote from her brother's hand.
"You watched your dumb show yesterday!" he raised his hand to prevent her from reaching it, only to have her grab his hair and pull it down. "Don't you dare say Tom and Jerry are dumb!" In the midst of their battle, the gray-haired one was enjoying popcorn while watching them.
Quietly, she sat on her brother's back, watching her favorite show after winning the battle.
The show was interrupted by a knock on the door, prompting the siblings to look at each other in surprise. Osamu got up to see who it was.
"It's Mom," he whispered in horror, making the others tremble in fear as they looked at the messy house.
The knocking grew louder, and they began to clean the house in a rush. Atsumu swept the floor, Osamu dusted the surfaces, and the youngest one put things back in their places.
The door suddenly burst open, revealing the angry mother. The siblings swallowed hard as they watched their mother advance towards them.
The youngest heard crying and opened her eyes to see her mother holding the twins by their ears, scolding them for the mess in the house.
"Why aren't you punishing her for this mess?" the siblings grumbled at their mother's favoritism towards their younger sister.
"She's just a child, you fools!"
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hadilsblog Β· 4 months
Cooking with Luffy πŸ€πŸ»πŸ’—
I apologize if there are a mistakes , as I said, English is not my first language 😭
Warnings: nothing
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"Mommmm, I'm hungry!!!" Luffy sighed in frustration.
You chuckled slightly as you handed him a cookbook you recently bought.
"How about we cook something of your choice?" you said, smiling as you handed him the book.
He jumped with joy, picking out what he wanted, his eyes landing on a dish.
"Mom, what do you think about this?!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, pointing to a dish consisting of meat, rice, and eggs.
"Oh, that's called JΕ«don. It takes about twenty minutes to cook," you replied, smiling.
"Let's make it then!" he shouted excitedly, pulling you into the kitchen.
"First, I need to put the rice on the pot-" You were interrupted as you found the rice container in front of you.
You patted Luffy's head, then started putting the rice on steam to proceed to the next step.
"Alright, next, we need beef, and we have to cut it into slices," you said calmly as you took out the knife from the drawer.
"Here's the beef, go ahead and wash and cut it into slices," he handed it to you.
"Now, we also need white onions and cut them into small slices."
"Let me do this!!!" he shouted eagerly as he cleaned and started cutting them, tears forming in his eyes.
"Luffy, are you crying over an onion?" you asked dramatically.
"No, I'm not like that, I'm a man!" he said as he continued to hold back his tears, showing you the plate of onions he cut.
"Well done, very good!" you said as you patted his head.
"Now, do we have soy sauce? All I see is dust," as Luffy ran to the fridge and returned before you could blink.
"Yes, we do!" he said enthusiastically as he handed you the sauce.
"We won't use mirin in this dish, so we'll put in sugar syrup, honey, rice vinegar, and water," you explained as Luffy put the ingredients in a bowl and mixed them.
"We also need brown sugar."
"We have itttt!"
"And we also need pickled ginger."
"Is this enough?" Luffy innocently wondered, his eyes sparkling (I want to eat him already).
"Yes, it's enough. Now let's start. Get the frying pan ready," you said.
"Got it."
You placed the pan on the stove and started frying the chopped white onions.
"Look, Luffy, watch us first fry the onions until they become soft like this," you said calmly after noticing the smoothness of the onions, Luffy watched with interest.
"Now, we'll add the beef we cut earlier with the pickled ginger," you said with a smile as Luffy handed you the plate of beef and ginger for you to put in the pan.
"Look, Luffy, isn't the color of the beef beautiful?" you said excitedly as Luffy stared at the meat as if it were his salvation, muttering the word "meat" as he reached his hand towards it, only for you to gently slap it away, making him withdraw his hand.
"Careful not to touch hot things, Luffy!"
"Now we add the sauce we mixed earlier and wait for about three minutes until it thickens," you explained calmly as you added the rice.
Luffy brought two plates to put the rice on.
"Luffy, please turn off the stove," you asked calmly as you set the table.
"Got it!" he shouted enthusiastically as he looked at you with warmth.
"Now let's put the sauce on top of the rice. Do you want to do this?"
"Yes!!!" he placed the sauce gently, shaping it into a smiling face on his plate and a heart on yours, making you laugh a little and pat his head.
"I feel like we forgot something," you said, putting your hands under your chin to think about what you forgot, Luffy ran to get the book and placed it in front of your face.
"We forgot the boiled eggs!" he said, pointing to the picture of the dish with his finger.
"Oh, you're right." You quickly boiled the eggs and placed them on the plate, starting to eat.
"Delicious!!!" Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he tasted his food.
You smiled back.
This is what food looks like 😭-
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hadilsblog Β· 4 months
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"I plan to waste my time writing here (:
And everything I write will be entirely Platonic (I don't feel comfortable writing romantic stories or anything else).
But if you have requests, I'll be more than happy to fulfill them (: !!
Some information about me:
My name is Hadeel.
I love drawing, reading, writing, history... etc.
English is not my first language (I'm Arabic btw , no hate please :)
Also, I may share some interesting information about Arab history that I know πŸ’˜
The anime I will write about:
One piece
Dr, stone
Blue lock
There is more but I don't have time to write 🫢🏻🀍
I don't really know how to use Tumblr so if you have any tips that would be great 😭
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